December 1861

1 December 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 1st Dec. 1861. Attended prayer meeting this morning, this being our monthly fast day. Attended meetings in the afternoon & evening & spoke in both meetings; in the evening meeting I spoke upon the first principles & had considerable liberty.

2 December 1861 • Monday

Monday, 2nd. Went out with Elizabeth. Sister McManus came in afternoon & stopped until after tea. Received papers from the Valley, but no letters.

3 December 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 3rd. Wrote an article for the Star entitled “The Next year’s volumes of Star & Journal

4 December 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 4th. Wrote part of an article for the editorial columns, but did not finish it as it could not go in the Star this week.

5 and 6 December 1861 • Thursday and Friday

Thursday & Friday, 5th & 6th. Variously engaged.

7 December 1861 • Saturday

Saturday 7th. Receiving a letter from Bro. J. D. T. Mc.Allister informing me of his intention to leave the States for England about the beginning of the present month. Bro. Brigham had written to him by Dr. Bernhisel giving him the privelege of returning home or of coming to England & reporting himself to the Presidency here for service. He had chosen the latter course. I was pleased to receive this news as we are short of help in the ministry, & Bro. Mc.Allister is a trustworthy, faithful, experienced man. I wrote a letter to Pres’t Young giving him the news & the items of business connected with the work.

There has been a great excitement throughout England since the 28th Nov. in Consequence of it becoming known at that time that an American (Federal) sloop-of-war, the San Jacinto, Commanded by Commodore Wilkes had stopped the Trent, a British mail steam packet, sailing between Havana, Cuba and St. Thomas, West Indies, while off the Bahamas and the first lieutenant (Fairfax) had, with a number of men boarded her & taken from among her passengers, (despite their own protests & the protests & remonstrances of Capt. Moir & the British Mail Agent, Capt. Williams, R. N.) Messrs Mason & Slidell formerly U. S. Senators, one from the State of Virginia & the other from Louisiana, but now reputed ambassadors from the South to Gt. Britain & France. The English think (this being the opinion of the law advisers of the Crown) that the Captain was guilty of a breach of international law, and that their flag has been insulted by the act, as they say he had no right to take passengers as he did from under the protection of the British flag; but that if, upon search, he found on board any “Contraband of war,” he should have taken the vessel in port and submitted the case to a Court of Admiralty. A Cabinet Council was held, & a special messenger sent by the steamer which sailed on the 30th Nov. with despatches to Lord Lyons, British Minister at Washington. It is currently reported that the British Govt have demanded reparation & that nothing but the restitution of the two men will satisfy them. The stock market is much affected by the prospect of hostilities. Preparations are being actively made for war by this government, & large quantities of troops & munitions of war are being sent by powerful & swift steamers under convoy to Canada. My prayer & constant desire is that nothing will be permitted to interfere with the emigration of the Saints, & I feel that the Lord will overrule every event among the nations for the benefit of his people & work.

8 December 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 8. 1861. Met with the Saints afternoon & evening, & spoke at both meetings, enjoyed myself much. A wet disagreeable day.

9 December 1861 • Monday

Monday, 9th. Wrote to Bro’s Lyman & Rich. Commenced an article entitled “Missouri as it was & as it is.”

10 December 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday 10th. Finished the above article. This is the anniversary of my wedding day. Seven years ago to day Elizabeth Hoagland & I were married by President Young.

11 December 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 11th. Finished an article commenced last week entitled “Disappointed Hopes of the Enemies of Truth.” Received letters from Bro’s Van der Woude & Schettler, missionaries from the Valley to Holland, dated at Amsterdam. Bro. Vander Woude seems to be disappointed. Every letter that he has written of late appears gloomy & discouraging. Bro. Schettler writes in a livelier spirit. They are out of money, having spent £5 I sent them the beginning of last month

15 December 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 12th. Variously engaged.

13 December 1861 • Friday

Friday, 13th. Received a long letter from Pres’t Young & a letter from my wife Sarah Jane & one from Grandmother Goodfellow. They report themselves & the children well. The President’s letter contains cheering news relative to the peace & prosperity of zion. Respecting Bro’s Lyman & Rich, he says,˗ “Please inform Bro’s Amasa & Charles C. that they are at full liberty to return home next season, & that from their faithful labors on their mission I doubt not they can answer a good conscience in so doing.”

14 December 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 14th. Commenced an editorial headed “Retrospect of the Year.”

15 December 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 15th. Attended meetings in afternoon & evening. We have only two meetings in the day on Sunday in L’pool excepting upon the first Sunday in the month when there is an additional meeting held for the Priesthood. I enjoyed both meetings very much. In the evening I spoke from the prophecies in the Book of Mormon respecting coming events also from Joseph’s prophecy in relation to the troubles in America & among all nations. Had good liberty.

16 December 1861 • Monday

Monday, 16th. Reading most of the day.

17 December 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 17th. Variously engaged. Bro. Kay arrived from Manchester

18 December 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 18th. Finished editorial on “Retrospect of the Year,” & wrote to Bro. Van Cott and Mr Evan Christian, Lewage, I. of Man. Bro. Sloan retd today from the I. of Man where he has been preaching for some two weeks with pretty good success; he obtained for me while there some particulars from the records respecting my genealogy, which I appreciate highly.

19 December 1861 • Thursday

Thurs-day, 19th. Commenced an editorial entitled “New Year’s Salutation.”

20 December 1861 • Friday

Friday, 20th. Variously engaged.

21 December 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 21st. Wrote several letters, one of them to Bro. Bull in relation to coming down to L’pool to work in the Office. When I deemed it advisable to purchase a machine, type &c. to do our own publishing I hired a man by the name of Bell to work the machine. He has had the reputation of being a good workman; but he has not given me satisfaction, for it has taken nearly or quite as long for him to do the presswork of the papers on the machine as it would an ordinary machine pressman on a hand press. A few weeks ago I came to the determination to put somebody else at the machine; but Bell refused to teach any person or afford them any assistance, unless he could be paid for so doing. He asked a gratuity of £5 in addition to his regular wages, or 35/- per week for one year; I thought this charge exorbitant, because in removing him from the machine I had not the slightest intention of supplanting him but fully intended to give him work while we had it, & besides, much of the knowledge he now possessed—of the working of this machine has been obtained by experimenting upon this one which I purchased. I made up my mind, after hearing what he asked, that I would not give him any such sum; but thought I would let the matter pass for the present until I could see Bro’s Lyman & Rich & talk to them about taking Bro. Bull from the Ministry for a few weeks for the purpose of teaching Bro’s Ross or Mc. Allister the business of press work. Last Saturday Mr. Bell sent me a note in which he gave me two weeks’ notice of his intention to leave. He had been treated, he said, by Bro. Whittall and myself in a kind manner, & with this he was well satisfied; but he did not like the work. I immediately wrote to Bro. Bull relative to his coming to the Office to work & he expressed himself as being quite willing. Wrote during afternoon to Pres’t Young. Twelve months today we landed at Southampton from New York.

22 December 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 22nd. (Dec.) Started at 8. o’clock this morning in company with Bro. Kay to visit the branches of the Church at Upholland & Wigan. Walked during the day about ten miles and preached at both places. Eat breakfast and dinner at Bro. Swift’s and tea at Bro. Baldwin’s. Returned by rail from Wigan & reached home at 11 p.m.

23 December 1861 • Monday

Monday, 23rd. Bro. Rich arrived in the forenoon from Nottingham & Bro. Lyman from London in the afternoon; both in good spirits & well.

24 December 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 24th. Finished my editorial article entitled “New Year’s Salutation.” Bro. Peacock arrd from Scotland. While Bro’s Lyman, Rich & myself were out this evening a quilt that my wife spread on the floor for the baby to play on, by some means caught fire; my wife was down stairs at the time. When she retd she found the room full of smoke & the quilt consumed to a cinder & a large hole burnt in the carpet, & the washboard & the bottom of the sides of the book shelves within an inch of the books charred. When we retd & I saw the burned place I was surprised that it was not worse, that the wood work & carpet had not burned more than they had, & that the books had not caught fire. I felt to thank the Lord for the deliverance which I knew came from him.

25 December 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 25th. Christmas day. I had invited the brethren in the Office to dine with us to-day it having been customary on past Christmas days to make a present to the hands who worked on the Star & Journal. The dinner was excellent & appeared to be enjoyed by all. There were 19 who sat down. Prests Lyman & Rich, Elders Kay & Sloan & his wife & wife’s sister. Elder Peacock, Bro. & Sis. Whittall, Bro. & Sis. Ajax, Bro’s Perkes[,] Graham, Mc. Allister, Ross, Fuller, Priestley & myself and wife; the two boys <Eph. Mc.Millan & S. Carlisle,> sat down afterwards. In the evening we all attended a tea party held in our usual place of meeting. It passed off quietly and in good style, & the entertainments afterwards were highly amusing and interesting. Bro’s J. C. Graham & N. H. Perkes gave us a very excellent specimen of their dramatic powers; there were several others of the brethren from the office who took parts and did very creditably.

26 December 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 26th. Bro. Bull arrived today.

27 December 1861 • Friday

Friday, 27th. Variously engaged. In the evening Miss Robinson, from Douglas, Isle of Man, a sister to sister Helena Richards, wife of S. W. Richards, called in company with Sister Mary Spencer. She appears to be a fine, smart girl.

28 December 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 28th. Received a telegram this afternoon from Bro. J. D. T. Mc Allister, Glasgow, informing me that he had just arrived there from New York & he would be in Liverpool about midnight. This intelligence was very pleasing, as we had been somewhat anxious about him, he having advised me of his intention to leave New York the first week in December. He arrived in good health and spirits. His voyage had been a stormy one, & at one time threatened to be disastrous. They had made preparations to take to their boats, thinking that the vessel – United Kingdom – had sprung a leak. It proved to be the [blank] that had burst and which flooded the vessel.

Wrote a letter to Bro. Elias Smith. Bro’s Lyman, Rich, Kay & myself & Elizabeth went up to Sister Spencer’s to tea. Spent a very pleasant evening.

29 December 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 29th. Bro. Bull’s health is very poor. Went to afternoon & evenings meetings. Bro’s Mac Allister & Rich spoke in Afternoon, & Bro. Lyman in evening; his discourse was very eloquent.

30 December 1861 • Monday

Monday, <Dec.> 30th., <1861> Busy at the Office. Bro. Bull is still quite bad.

[The following notes, primarily genealogical, are from the back of the daybook labeled “Ms d 5504 fd 1 v. 1” which goes from 12 July 1861 to 17 November 1861.]

Quirk Tom Harry’s at Glencadle His Sister, Bella Quirk, G-Father Quayle’s cousin Anna her sister

Mrs John Lace used to attend Mrs. Bacon, 80 years of age, recognized Aunt Leonora’s portrait immediately

Wm Kidd 27 ft

Georges’ Hill


To go to Merthyr will be by the Newport, Abergavenny & Hereford Railway and from Pontipool Road you will come by way of Coumlin Bridge.

Evan <T Maria> Christian, Esq

Lewaige or Lewaigne son of [shorthand] Wm John & Christian

John <born Jan. 19/1691 Old style> Cannan of Cooilshellagh who departed this life Octr 21, 1773 Aged 82 years [shorthand]

Also Wm Cannan, his son who departed this life Novr 3[,] 1807. Aged 81 years

Born <son of John and Anne> Cristened Oct 4/1726


John Son of John Cannon & Anne Smith Oct. Feb. 4th, 1728–9, Cooilshellagh

Chas son of do April 11th/1731 Coolʺ

Anne daug Aug 15/1733

Isabel ʺ Aug. 31/1735

Hugh ʺ Dec. 9/1737


Thos ʺ Nov. 11/1739

Hugh ʺ July 23/42


Margaret ʺ Oct. 2/1745

Wm Son of John Corjeage & Christian Cannan April 16/1752

Chas son of do Dec 8/1754

Margt daugtr do May 27/56

Chas Son Apl 16/1759

Ann Daugr Nov. 8/1761

John Son of John Cannon & Isabel Creer Sept 2/1764

Catherine dagh of Corjearge Jan 27/1765

Isabel daug of do. Oct 4/1767

Wm Cannan son of John & Isabel Creer, Mar. 15/1767

Mariad Cannan buried Dec. 12/1619

do. buried April 13/1622

Jane Daught Matths Crow &Cath, Cannon June 22/1771

John Son of do Nov. 28/1773

Jane Daugr of Wm Cannan & Cath Quayle, July 5/1801

John Son of Wm Cannan & Cath. Quayle Feb 9/1806


Wm Cannan & Katherine Quayle July 3/1660

Wm Cannan & Eleanor Llon or Lewin Sept 30/1660

Wm Cannan and Mally Quayle, Jany 27/1673–4

Wm Canna[n] & Isabella Cowley Oct 29/1694

do & Grace Corlett June 30/1733


Wm Cannan (Eary) Augt 16, 1692

do son of Wm & Jan Patterson Aug 25/1704

Wm do M <(Hary)> Mar. 13/1715

John do Airey Nov. 10/1723

Christian do Jany 31/1724


Isabel alias Cowley Novr 22/1732

Grace ʺ Corlett Jan 13/1735

Wm ʺ Feb. 17/1739

Anne ʺ daughter of John

Deceased April 3/1743


Henry Kelly of Church Town & Isabel Cannon of Cooilshellagh both of K’K Michael Married 2nd Dec 1758

Jon Cannan

Farmer (Witness)

John Cannon of Cooilshellagh, Batchelor & Jane Kelly, spinster, both of this parish, Married 9th of Aug/1776

His sister Catherine married Matts Crow, 29 Sept. 1770

John Cannan & Margaret Quayle both of Kirk Michal Oct. 18/1788

John Mylchreest & Jane Cannan Aug 4/1789. John Cannan Farmer Witness

Thos Cannell & Christian Cannon 14 Decr/1790

Wm Cannon & Elinor Corjeay Nov. 5, 1793

Wm Cannan & Catherine Quayle Aug 4/1798


John Cannan, Cooilshellagh Dec 18/1756 buried

do do do

Oct. 21/1773

Ann do April 28/1789

Isabel ʺ ʺ 24/1793

John son of Wm Augt. 1st/1804

John Do Oct. 16/1814

Wm do Nov. 3/1807

Here lieth Hugh Cannon who departed this life Feb 7 5, 1801 in the 60th year of his age

Captn George Cannon who deptd July 19th 1811 Aged 45

Leonora Cannon alias Callister wife of Captn Geo. who died June 30 1823 aged 48 years. Also Thos who died Dec. 10 following aged 19 years

Ellinor Callister daughter of Sillvester Callstr who dijd July 12 1760

Leonora Munn alias Callister wife of Angus Munn who died Dec 2, 1808, 75 year of her age[.] Also Leonora Munn daughter of the above, died Aug 22 1858 in the 92 year of her age

Anne Quayle alias Quillian died Jany 31st 1774 Aged 37[;] also Saml Quayle, her son, who died Octr 21st 1788 Aged 23[.] Also John Quayle, Mason who died on the 6th of May 1831 Aged 60


Ellinor Quayle born Augt 14th 1771

Chas. Quayle, born Jan. 22, 1796

Ann do Augt 26, 1798

Margaret do Oct. 19 1800

Catherine do May 8 1803

Samuel do Apl 16 1805

John do Mar. 26 1808

Amelia & Mary ʺ Sept. 5 1809

Joseph ʺ Jan 14 1813

Henry ʺ April 13 1815

Chas & Esther <Killey> Quayle the latter born Jan 1/1796

Chas Quayle Feb. 8, 1823

Wm ʺ Sept 22, 1826

died Feb 1827

Wm ʺ Mar. 26, 1828

died Jan. 1834

Ann Jane Dec 6, 1831

Ellinor Mar. 18, 1834

Chas <Quayle> & Ann Williams his wife who was born May 28/1827

Chas Henry born Sept 23/1854

Esther Jane ʺ Dec. 31/1858

Died Mar. 17/1861

Wm Joseph ʺ Nov. 9/1860

John Callister and Leonora Radcliff Father & Mother of My Great Grandfather David. This Davids wife was Abigail Mylchreest, who was the mother of Pheobe wife afterwards of Syl Jamie Cain and my Grandmother the wife of Capt. Geo. Cannan. She afterwards married Thomas Garratt and had two daughters by him “Betty” and “Nanny.” The former married Thos Kaighen and had by him Thos, Betsey, (the wife of [blank]) and <Philip and> David. “Nanny” Garratt married Corkhill and went to Ireland. My other Great Grandfather, that is the Father of my Grandmother Ellinor Quayle, (also a son of John Callister & Leonora Radcliff and brother of <the father of> my other Grandmother’s Grandmother Leonora Cannon’s <Father>) was named Sylvester and had for a wife Ellinor Quay Cowell, the only daughter of James, of Balaquane <whose wife was sent to be a Cooper>. He had by her [blank]

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December 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024