May 1884

1 May 1884 • Thursday

Thursday May 1st 1884. Cold and showery. Drove to Cedar City. Took dinner at Bro Lunt’s. Set apart his Counsellors, Bros Francis Webster and R. W. Heybourne. Bros E. Snow & M. Thatcher were appointed a sub-comtee to examine the surrounding coal mines and find out, if possible, the best coal with which to manufacture iron. We were furnished with teams to put on our carriage to take us to Bro. David Wards at Rush Lake. Bro. Berry’s team was put on my carriage. The road part of the way very rough. Some of Company stopped at Johnsons Fort. Prest. Taylor, my brother Angus and myself drove to Bro. Wards at Rush Lake.

2 May 1884 • Friday

Friday May 2, 1884. Hospitably entertained by Bro. Ward and family. Arose at daylight. We were ready to start at 5.45 A.M, but waited about half an hour for the brethren to come up from Johnsons Fort. The road was very bad for a few miles, and then for a number of miles was tolerably good. For six miles in ascending, crossing and descending the divide the road was very bad. After emerging from the cañon the road was good to a short distance from Milford. We stopped about two hours at Minersville. A horse belonging to my brother Angus was taken very sickness. We had him led to Milford. Put our horses and carriages on the cars. Bro. John Sharp had two cars sent down, in which we were furnished with meals and berths for sleeping.

3 May 1884 • Saturday

Saturday May 3, 1884. Breakfasted on cars. Arrived in City about 10 a.m. Took my wife Sarah Jane to Dr Jos. Richard’s who examined her arm. The wrist was in place, but one of the bones was broken. I found my family in health, excepting Preston’s broken arm which had been injured but was improving. Returned to the office and was very busy examining my correspondence. Went in company with Prests. Taylor and Woodruff to Z.C.M.I. to select a stair carpet, and a carpet for the Celestial room of the Temple at Logan. At the request of Prest. Taylor I went to the Assembly Hall, where the Stake Quarterly Conference was being held, and spoke strongly upon the subject of lynching. Hopt, the murderer of the young man Turner of Provo, and who had had two trials before the present, was still unconvicted and in some quarters there was strong talk about lynching him. It was to check this disposition, and to warn the Saints against joining in any such action, that I spoke. In the evening attended the conference, and among other speakers, occupied twenty minutes. It stormed very heavily upon me and my son David who drove my team down home after the evening meeting. I awakened Angus and Hugh to put my team up, and it stormed so fearfully that I pitied them

4 May 1884 • Sunday

Sunday May 4, 1884. Attended Stake Conference meeting at New Tabernacle at 10, a.m, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Bros Woodruff, Day & Eddington addressed the Saints, followed by Prest. Taylor. In the afternoon Prest. Taylor addressed the Assemblage. His discourse and the presentation of the stake authorities occupied the afternoon. In the evening I spoke with considerable freedom for an hour and seventeen minutes to the people who listened very attentively. I drove home after meeting.

5 May 1884 • Monday

Monday, May 5, 1884. Brought my wife Sarah Jane to town to have her arm examined. Busy at the office. In the afternoon met with the Officers of the Sunday School Union, and at 7.30 met at the Assembly Hall it being the regular monthly meeting of the Sunday School superintendents and teachers. The Assembly Hall being too small to accommodate the audience we adjourned to the new Tabernacle which was well filled below with many hundreds in the gallery. We had a very interesting meeting. This is the last meeting Bro. George Goddard, Asst Gen. Supt, will attend before his departure on his mission to Europe. My children were up to assist in the singing & I rode home with them.

6 May 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 6, 1884. At the Office. Dictated Topics &c for the Juvenile. My brother Angus accompanied me home.

7 May 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 7, 1884. Not well this morning. At the Office. At 2 oclock met with Council at Endowment House. In evening had an interview, in company with Bishop R. T. Burton, with Judge Hunter & Mr Gilbertson to talk over the Toponce & Kerr property on the Malad, which they wished to sell, and for which Judge Hunter was to get a commission if he sold it. The improvements were valued at $206,000. They asked $300,000 for the place, and the payment by the purchaser of $85,000 still due on the land to the Central Pacific R. R. Co. of whom the land was purch[as]ed. Stayed in the City.

8 May 1884 • Thursday

Thursday, May 8th 1884. Prest. Taylor and myself accompanied by Bros. Nuttall and Reynolds spent the day at the Endowment House listening to the administration of the Endowments and the instructions of the brethren. Prest. Joseph F. Smith was in charge of the House. Afterwards spent some time in conversation in the Sealing room respecting ordinances and the dedication of the Logan Temple. The weather is very warm.

9 May 1884 • Friday

Friday May 9, 1884. Drove today to the paper mill in company with Prest. Taylor, Bro F. D. Richards, my brother Angus, T. E. Taylor, Henry Grow & Don Carlos Young & Chas John Lambert. I took with me my wife Martha & our youngest baby Radcliffe. The ride was fatiguing because of the roughness of the roads. We had a very pleasant trip and found the mill in very good condition.

Bro Jos. F. Smith and my son Abraham with each a wife left to attend the Bear Lake conference this morning.

10 May 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, May 10th 1884. In consequence of the warm weather the water has risen very rapidly for the past days, and there is a large lake in front of my place, which this morning has been encroaching upon my grounds and threatening my house. I called upon Bishops Hardy & Burton and told them my position — that my time and attention were fully occupied in preparing for the dedication of Logan Temple, and I could not look after my own affairs without neglecting duties of great importance. I wanted to find some men to whom I could give a mission to look after my place during these days and while I should be gone to Logan. Bro. Jesse W. Fox was present and he suggested Bro. Frank Turnbow as a suitable man. Bros Burton, Fox & Sheets drove down to the place to look at the water and my suggestions as to the best method of preventing destruction, and I am told that they have arranged for a number of teams to go to work (though it is Sunday) to save the property.

At 11 a.m. I attended meeting, with Prest. Taylor, of the Directors of Z.C.M.I.

In the afternoon Prest. Taylor and myself had an interview with Sister Horne and Emiline B. Wells respecting the Deseret Hospital.

We also had an interview with Bros. John Sharp and F. S. Richards respecting the employment of counsel to defend our brethren who are assailed for polygamy. The case of Rudger Clawson was now pending. After considerable conversation it was decided to employ Bennet, Harkness & Kilpatrick to attend to these cases, and also to defend our lands against the attempt to steal them from the Church, and other business for the sum of $5000 per annum. I have been busy preparing lists of names to invite to the dedication of Logan Temple, and this afternoon sent lengthy telegrams to Prests of Cache, Bear Lake, and Box Elder Stakes which form that Temple District informing them that they were at liberty to invite all the leading members of the Priesthood and the Presidency of the Relief Societies, Young Mens, Young Ladies, Primary Associations and Sunday Schools. I also telegraphed inviting the Presidency of the Stakes with a wife each to attend if convenient to them the dedication of the Temple.

11 May 1884 • Sunday

Sunday, May 11, 1884. Some 22 men were at work this morning with some 6 or 7 teams in front of my place endeavoring to dam the water, but their labor seemed to have little effect by one oclock when I left, the difficulty being the want of material suitable out of which to make a levee. I had some conversation with Bro. Turnbow, and he promised to do what he could in watching the place. My family made dinner for the men and invited them all to partake. Attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Bro. C. W. Stayner and Orson F. Whitney spoke. I afterwards attended meeting. I afterwards attended meeting with my brother Angus at the 16th Ward and spoke to the people. Called at Theo. McKeans and had a short interview with his mother whom I had known in New Jersey many years ago. She is 78 years of age. I remained in town all night.

12 May 1884 • Monday

Monday May 12, 1884. I forgot to mention yesterday that we met in the Endowment House and Prest. Taylor read to me in the sealing room his dedication prayer which he had prepared. Some items were suggested which he added to it and this morning he read it to me again. We then went to Bro. Dinwoodey’s and Z.C.M.I. to select sofas for the temple, but we could not find anything to suit us. One and a half dozen chairs were bought at Bro. Dinwoodey’s and he made a present of another half dozen for the temple.

At 2 p.m. I met with the Board of Regents and had a long meeting. Attended to business connected with the University. Afterwards busy sending invitations and replying to telegrams respecting the temple.

Wrote a letter to Bro Hart respecting the case of Bro. Marshall of Tokerville, asking him to do what he could towards procuring him a free passage to Liverpool.

13 May 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 13, 1884. It was with the utmost difficulty I succeeded in getting to my house last night. My nephew Lewis M. Cannon drove me in a one horse buggy, and we had great difficulty, in consequence of the high water, to reach my gates. He had to get out and strip his clothes off to wade in one place so as to get through. The water had risen so much in the past 30 hours that I was seriously concerned for the safety of my family, especially in view of the fact that I had been informed of just as I left the city that the River Jordan had risen 5 inches yesterday. I feared we might be cut off from the possibility of getting backward or forward through the water making the road impassible. I found all my family at the farm house waiting anxiously my arrival. They were surprised at my getting through by the road which I traveled for they had been informed by the men that it was impassible. I did not sleep so soundly as usual and was up in the night looking at the Water; but it turned cooler and I felt less disturbed. Before going to bed I wrote a letter to my brother Angus which kept him awake all night as he was apprehensive for our safety. He came down this morning and we examined the River which I found not so bad as I had been led to expect, though it was very high, and I concluded to not move my family this morning. My brother David and his daughter Amanda arrived from the south today. When I came up to town I met them and then he came to the office with me. Angus, he and myself dined with Prest. Taylor. At 3 oclock met with the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I. By vote they remitted the interest on the Logan Temple account amounting to about $25,00[0] in consideration of the large amount of patronage they had received from that quarter amounting to between $75000 and $100,000.

Busy during the afternoon arranging for invitations for the temple. Preparing to go north in the morning. This evening found the water still rising. I arranged with Bro. Jesse W. Fox to have my family moved out if there was any risk of the water rising a few inches more. Bro. Frank Turnbow also promised to be as watchful as possible.

14 May 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 14, 1884. My wife Eliza accompanied me to Logan. There was a company of nearly forty on the train. My two brothers Angus and David were of the party. We arrived at Logan at 12.45 noon and Bro W. B. Preston took myself and wife to his house and we were treated by himself and wife most hospitably. Spent the afternoon with Prest. Taylor and many of the brethren and sisters of our company in the Temple. In the evening met at Bro. Moses Thatchers, where Prest. Taylor is stopping, with the Apostles and leading men of this place to talk over the financial condition of the Temple.

15 May 1884 • Thursday

Thursday May 15, 1884. Spent the day with Prest. Taylor at Bro. Thatchers and in the evening held meeting again about finances of Temple. Busy also distributing tickets of invitation for Dedication Services of the Temple and arranging for deacons &c. Pres. Jos. F. Smith and many others came up today.

16 May 1884 • Friday

Friday May 16, 1884. Met at Tabernacle at 10.30 a.m. Prest. Preston reported the condition of the Stake. He was followed by Prest. A. O. Smoot, of Utah County Stake, and he by Bro. Lorenzo Snow and D. H. Wells. In the afternoon myself <and Prest Taylor occupied the time.> In the evening the First Presidency set apart C. O. Card to preside over the Cache Valley Stake of Zion and M. W. Merrill and Orson Smith to be his counselors. Prest. Taylor was mouth with the first I with Bro. Merrill, & Bro. Smith with Bro. Orson Smith.

17 May 1884 • Saturday

Saturday May 17th 1884. At 1/2 past 9 oclock repaired to the Temple to see that every arrangement for the Dedication was complete. I superintended the seating of the officers, Prest. Taylor having desired that I would, with Bro. Jos. F. Smith to assist me, attend to this. In the upper Melchisedek Stand besides the First Presidency — John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith — Bro. Wilford Woodruff sat at my right hand and Bro. Lorenzo Snow at Bro. Jos. F Smiths left. In the next lower stand where the Presidency of the Stake of Zion sit, there were C. O. Card, M. W. Merrill and Orson Smith, of this Stake, and Wm Budge, Prest. of Bear Lake Stake and his Counselor, George Osmond, and Oliver G. Snow, Prest. of Box Elder Stake. In the next lower stand the Presidents of the High Priests Quorum sat — Bro. Roskelly, Prest. of the High Priests in this stake

President Taylor read the prayer, which was quite lengthy. It was excellent. He then requested me to speak, which I did for about 20 minutes. Bros Joseph F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow also spoke. I never saw a congregation more orderly or who paid closer attention. They came in orderly and without noise and listened attentively. The choir sang three hymns prepared expressly for this occasion (two written by Henry W. Naisbitt and one by James A. Leishman) and also an anthem <composed by Evan Stephens>. The choir was midway of the grand hall and on the north side. The congregation was then led through the principal rooms of the Temple by Prest. Taylor, his counselors and the Twelve. At 2.30 we met with the Saints in conference in the Tabernacle. The room was crowded and many could not get in. The meeting was addressed by Bros. Jacob Gates, F. D. Richards, Erastus Snow and President Joseph F. Smith. Each spoke briefly. The Grantsville and Logan bands came round to Bishop Preston’s where I was stopping and serenaded me, for which I expressed to them my thanks.

18 May 1884 • Sunday

Sunday May 18th 1884. Went to the Temple early to see that every arrangement was properly made for the seating of the people and at ½ past 10 oclock services again commenced by the choir singing the same hymn that was sung yesterday. At Prest. Taylor’s request I offered the Dedicatory prayer reading from his Ms. The congregation was new and was very orderly. The assemblage was addressed by Apostle Erastus Snow and F. D. Richards. After the close of the services the congregation was led through the Temple as yesterday excepting that the President and his counselors and the Twelve all walked together ahead of the congregation. There was one feature that I have omitted to mention that was very interesting in yesterday’s proceedings. After the addresses the congregation was asked by Prest. Taylor to stand upon their feet and join with him in crying “hosanna! hosanna! hosanna! to God and the Lamb for ever and ever and ever, Amen and amen,” which they did with a loud voice. The same was done today, and also the congregation joined in singing “The Spirit of God like a fire is burning.” The benediction was pronounced by Patriarch Z. Coltrin. At the same time that this meeting was held in the temple, Prest. Woodruff, assisted by some brethren, held meeting in the Tabernacle. I understand it was very spirited, and that he conducted it as a testimony meeting, ten of the Apostles and Elders bearing testimony in a spirited manner. Bro. Teasdale spoke ten minutes, A. Carrington, twelve, Wm Jennings, ten, Moses Thatcher, nine, Wm Paxman, nine, J D T. McAlister, ten, C. W. Penrose, thirteen, Angus M. Cannon, nine, W. H. Wright, five, and Bro. Woodruff, ten minutes.

At 2.30 we met with the Saints in the Tabernacle. Sacrament was administered and Prest. Taylor addressed the meeting for one hour and thirty six minutes in a very interesting manner.

In the evening the Mutual Improvement Association met in the Basement of the Tabernacle. I attended and listened with pleasure to the remarks which were made, and occupied about seven minutes at the close.

19 May 1884 • Monday

Monday May 19, 1884. The High Council having been chosen a number of them were set apart, and it was arranged that they should take their places on the stand designed for them in the Temple so as to set an example, and acting upon the instructions of Prest. Taylor I arranged them accordingly — Six of them on each side of the Melchisdek stand in the second space from the top. The proceedings at the Temple were similar to the preceding day’s, the choir singing the same hymns and Prest. Joseph F. Smith offering the Dedicatory prayer. The Assembly was addressed by Apostles Albert Carrington, George Teasdale, and Daniel H. Wells; also Jacob Gates of the Seven Presidents of the Seventies, Presiding Bishop Wm Preston (who spoke from his own stand) and Elder Milo Andrus. The meeting was very interesting. Hosanna was again shouted by the whole congregation and the benediction was pronounced by Bishop Henry Lunt.

Meeting was held this afternoon at the residence of Bro. Moses Thatcher when the method of conducting services in the temple was dwelt upon. Prest. Taylor was most emphatic in his statements as to his wishes — which he testified he knew to be of God — respecting the workers in the temple; that the people should have the opportunity of volunteering to work, and that we must not have expenses incurred by hiring a large corps of paid people. Some few it might be necessary to pay; but he wished the work to be done by volunteers, men and women who would esteem it a blessing and a privilege to have the opportunity of laboring in the temple of the Lord, and these might be changed from time to time as circumstances might require. He spoke with more emphasis upon this, because it had been mentioned several times and for a long period, and he felt that the Twelve had not attended to it as it should have been.

A meeting of the Seventies was held this evening.

20 May 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 20 1884. [blank]

21 May 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 21, 1884. Repaired to the temple this morning and spent the entire day there. Busy helping the company through and at the suggestion of Prest. Taylor did the sealing for the dead. I started away from the house this morning very sick. My labor in the temple diverted my attention from it, and I felt better at night than I did in the morning. In the evening attended a wedding feast at the house of Bro. Robt. Campbell. Two of Prest. Taylor’s sons, Ebenezer & Frank, were married today in the temple. One of them married Bro. Robt. Campbell’s sister, and the wedding feast was held at their house. I was accompanied by my wife. Prest. Taylor and his wives were there, as also Bro. Joseph F. Smith, Bro Woodruff and my brother, Angus, and Bro. L. John Nuttall. We spent a very enjoyable evening. The subject of adoption came up today, and I was led to speak with great plainness upon it to Prest. Taylor, Erastus Snow and other of the brethren. The spirit rested upon me. It seemed clear to me, I said, that honorable parents in this church who had lived up to the light which they had could not be deprived of their children because all their children had not been born in the covenant. Their not being born in the covenant was not the fault of the parents, for there was no authority on the earth to marry them for time and all eternity. The natural right still existed; and it seemed to me that the proper course in the case of a man like Prest. Taylor would be for him to be sealed to his parents and make good for eternity that which already existed for time. I could not see how this could be otherwise, for his mother was as honorable a woman as probably any woman could be with her knowledge, and his father was a faithful man. Then this being done I expressed the belief that the Lord would reveal an ordinance by which they could be sealed to him and he be sealed to the Prophet Joseph and thus the connection be made. This doctrine of adoption I feel to speak upon whenever it shall be brought up with some plainness, for the reason, as it has been taught it seems to me that it is likely to lead to clannishness and to a division of the people into tribes, which I do not believe any principle of the gospel of Jesus ever will do if rightly understood and taught. But if we are to build up kingdoms for ourselves from among the Latter-day Saints, such is the selfishness of human nature that it will be difficult to keep disunion and the tribal feeling out. I saw fruits resulting from this which gave me pain at the time <we were on the road and after we came to this valley.> I saw good men influenced in a way that convinces me that good <men> now if permitted to do the same things would give pain to every lover of the union of the saints. Better for us all to be content, it seems to me, with the posterity which God has given to us of our own loins than that any disunion should arise among us in building up families from the people at large, or to use the phraseology that was used in former days “building up kingdoms”.

On Wednesday morning after we reached the temple Prest. Taylor called his counselors and the Twelve together and told them that it was his mind that brother M. W. Merrill should be the President of the temple. After explaining it, we all voted for it, and Bro. Merrill was set apart by us, Prest. Taylor being mouth, and Bro. Roskelly was set apart as Recorder of the temple, myself being mouth. I was greatly pleased at the appointment of Bro. Merrill. Prest. Taylor on Tuesday morning sent for me and told me that the spirit manifested to him that Bro. Merrill was the man for this position and asked my views, and afterwards those of Bro. Joseph F. Smith. We both acquiesced in the appointment and felt to sustain it very heartily, for Bro. Merrill is a man for whom I entertain a very high regard. His family relations are said to be most exemplary, his family being a pattern of union

22 May 1884 • Thursday

Thursday, May 22, 1884. Spent the forenoon in the Temple in company with Prest. Taylor. Had interesting conversation concerning adoption. It was his intention to have attended to some ordinances, but concluded to postpone for the present. At 1.35 we left Logan for home and reached the City at 7.15. I cannot express my thankfulness for the kindness which we have received from the Saints in Logan. Bishop Preston had invited me to his house, and he and his family have done all in their power to make myself and wife comfortable and to feel at ease. They are noble, kind-hearted and exceedingly hospitable people. I pray God to bless them as I do all the Saints for their kindness and hospitality to us. I had the pleasure (on Wednesday) of arranging for Bro. Preston and his wives and Bro. Card and his wife to receive their [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] in the Temple, the first ordinance of the kind which will be performed in that sacred building Prest. Taylor himself being the first also to have the sealing ordinance performed, a dead sister being sealed to him. I had the privilege and honor of being the first to perform the sealing ceremony in that holy building. — I found Abraham waiting for me with my buggy at the station, and upon reaching home found all well and happy to see us. My wife Sarah Jane’s arm is improving, but still gives her pain. The water is threatening, not so much in front as in the rear, from the river. The river is higher than it was when I left home.

23 May 1884 • Friday

Friday May 23 1884. Busy dictating to Bro. John Irvine my Journal and articles for the Juvenile Instructor and attending to other business in the office, though I feel wretchedly today from my cold.

24 May 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, May 24, 1884. I remained in town last night feeling very unwell. This morning I am somewhat better. Busy at the office. Engaged part of the time in preparing a letter for the people of Orderville in response to enquiries which have been made of us <while at Tokerville> by Bro. Chainberlain and Bro. Robertson who had been anxious to lay the affairs of that place before us, and had accompanied us from St. George to Tokerville so as to have the necessary leisure to do so.

A Mr Paxton called today and I was introduced to him by Prest. Taylor. He is one of the proprietors of the Manhattan Silver Mine, near Austin, Nevada, the affairs of which company and the proposition for the sale of the mine had been brought before Prest. Taylor some time ago through a Mr. Goodrich who had remained here some weeks. They are very anxious to sell this property. They represent it as being most eligible and that its purchase by us would be a great advantage.

25 May 1884 • Sunday

Sunday, May 25, 1884. My son Abraham drove down this morning and we had a long conversation about our affairs. He asked my counsel as to what he should do in view of his brother John Q. coming home. He knew that John Q. would like to go into the Juvenile Office, and he was better fitted for it than him, and that he ought to arrange for employment for himself in some other direction. I told him that I should suppose that the Juvenile might furnish employment for them both if the business were properly managed. He said it would part of the time, but not the entire season. If he were good at canvassing he could find employment, he said, but he seemed to have no gift in that direction. I told him that it would depend greatly upon John Q’s health as to what we would do; we had better adjourn the further consideration of it until he returned. I remarked to him, however, that with his priesthood — as one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventies — it would not be wise for him to tie himself up too closely, because I felt that his ministry might require his absence on missions, and he should be a minute man, ready to go whenever called upon

attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 oclock, and at the request of Prest. Taylor addressed the Congregation for sixty five minutes and enjoyed my own remarks though they were somewhat desultory. I did not speak upon what had been running in my mind before I rose. It is my aim to follow the lead of the spirit when I arise, as I have proved by experience that pre-arranged discourses are not pleasing to the Lord.

At the Endowment House, but was in such a condition <of> perspiration from speaking that I did not clothe.

26 May 1884 • Monday

Monday May 26, 1884. Brought my wife Sarah Jane to town to have her arm examined by Dr J. S. Richards. She has been suffering considerable pain with it. He says that the ligaments have been ruptured, and there is considerable inflammation. He suggested that her arm be rubbed as much as possible. I felt after listening to his talk that the best thing to do for it was to have it anointed and administered frequently, as he is evidently at fault as to the character of the injury, not being able to tell from the external appearance what the derangement is. — Prest. Taylor and myself had an interview with Mr Paxton. We had also some conversation with Bro. F. S. Richards respecting his fees as Attorney for the Church. Had an interview also with Bro. Robertson who has <been> connected with the Iron Works, but has been discharged by Bishop Taylor. Had some conversation also with Bishop Taylor. Listened to a report which Bro. Jennings from the Sub. Comtee who have been examining the coal, also a report of the analysis of the coal by Prof. Kingsbury.

The rain poured down in torrents this afternoon. I drove home in the midst of it

27 May 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 27, 1884. The River Jordan is now filling its banks and almost running over. It has risen six inches in the last 24 hours, and my home is in considerable danger. I had a conversation with Bro. Fox on the subject this morning. He promised to go down and look at it.

Had interview with Bro. Thos Taylor about the Iron Works. He feels that unless we push matters he wants to draw up out as he cannot afford to have his means locked up in the property without we manufacture iron. Had some conversation with Bishop Preston about new Fitting Stores. They are very much needed for the benefit of all concerned. Addressed a letter to Messrs G B. Wallace, George Nebeker, and Abraham Coon and sent a copy to each of them informing them of the damage that is likely to be done to my place by the obstruction which they had placed in the River Jordan near my home in the shape of a dam and also a canal leading thereform [therefrom] which they had dug, and to which they had paid no attention during this high water. I informed them that I should hold them responsible for damage that should be done through this dam and canal. At one oclock myself and wife Sarah Jane attended a dinner party at the Gardo House which was given by Prest. Taylor and his wife Maggie in honor of the marriage of their two sons, E. Y. Taylor, and Frank Y. Taylor. They were married in the Logan Temple last Wednesday. A large number of guests, probably not far from 100, were present. The dinner was a very elaborate one, and all appeared to enjoy it.

28 May 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 28, 1884. The river <bed> is brimful of water having risen four inches during the past night. On my arrival in the City this morning I addressed letters to the Mayor and City Council, and to Judge Smith and the County Court upon the subject, calling their attention to the danger and asking for immediate action. A special meeting was held by them this evening and these letters were read and a comtee was appointed to look after the water and do everything possible to prevent damage. I had promised Dr Park to attend class exercise at the University in my capacity as Chancellor, and had got into my buggy for the purpose of going to the University, when Prest. Taylor came and requested me to stop so as to take part in an interview between himself and Judge Hunter and Bishop Burton concerning the Toponce and Kerr land which was offered for sale with the improvements and stock upon it. Half or three quarters of an hour was spent in conversation upon this subject.

At 2 p.m. we met in the Endowment House according to our custom. A letter which I had written to the people at Orderville, to be signed by the First Presidency, was read, and the subject was discussed.

I drove down in company with Abraham last evening to see the water intending to return and stay in town all night, which I did.

Bro. F. S. Richards has been quite desirous that I should suggest to him who he should take as partner in legal business. He has been anxious to get my views upon this subject, as he thinks that a partner of the right kind would add greatly to his efficiency in the work he has to do for the Church. I told him that I thought it was for him to decide upon the propriety of having a partner, and also, if he thought it best, to select one himself. It was a matter that I did not think it wise to give an opinion upon. I saw that what he really wanted was to know how much he could depend upon as salary from the Church for his services, and I said to him I thought the best thing he could do was to state what amount he expected. He has had conversation with Prest. Taylor and myself upon this subject and expressed the feeling that he ought to have $3000. We suggested his receiving $1000 now, and that the thousand that is paid to Judge Williams, his former partner, should be paid to him, and another thousand to be raised from some other source, perhaps from the Territorial Central Comtees fund, or what is known as the Defence Fund.

29 May 1884 • Thursday

Thursday May 29, 1884. Corrected a discourse for the News. We had a meeting of the Iron Company this morning, and before adjourning Prest. Taylor and myself were called off to attend meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I. Afterwards Bro. Robertson who had been employed by Bishop Thomas Taylor as manager of the works, and who had been discharged by the latter, desired to bring his case before the Board of Directors as he had not been well treated by Bro. Taylor. Bishop Thos Taylor has not the happiest faculty in the world in getting along with men, and it was unpleasant to listen to this case.

Dictated a letter to Bro. John T. Caine, just having received one from him under date of the 24th inst., Dictated letter to my son Franklin at the same time.

30 May 1884 • Friday

Friday May 30th 1884. Came up to town this morning and brought my wife Sarah Jane to have her arm examined[.] I was kept in town longer than I expected, as it was my intention to return home early and spend the day with my family, but it was evening when I got back. Before I left town I was called upon by appointment by one of the employees of Z. C. M. I. who related to me many things connected with the Institution and felt certain that there was a design on the part of some of the leading men to cripple and destroy the Institution. He said that great dissatisfaction existed among the employees in consequence of the uncertainty that they felt respecting their tenure in the Institution. There was a disposition he said to discharge the good hands and employ cheap men in their place, and he gave several illustrations of this, notably the recent discharge of Mathoni Pratt. He wished his communication to me to be confidential so far as his name is concerned as he thought he would not be safe there if it was known that he had communicated anything of this character to any of the Directors.

31 May 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, May 31, 1884. Busy this morning reading proof of sermon. Had some conversation with Genl. Byron Pace respecting a mine which he is part owner in the South, and for the development of which he is very anxious to get aid. He is desirous to have the matter presented to Prest. Taylor, as he thinks it would be a misfortune to the South to have it pass into the hands of outsiders.

Busy during the afternoon examining correspondence.

The river Jordan is rising still and is higher than it has been. I cannot pass between the houses of my wife Martha and my wife Sarah Jane without wading. This is in consequence of soakage from the river.

I received a letter today from my son Abraham, (which he had written, he said, for the sake of accuracy) in which he asks me to release him from his engagement to farm the land, take care of my teams and stock, and arrangements which were entered into last fall. He has been at so much expense in hiring hands and feeding teams that he feels that he cannot bear it any longer, and offers to give me the entire crop and whatever share there may be due him of the cows and the horses if I will release him. The prospects are that everything we have will be drowned out.

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May 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024