August 1893

1 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 1, 1893.

We reached Salt Lake City this morning by 3 o’clock, but did not arise until 6 o’clock. I had telegraphed to Abraham to have Brother Wilcken and my sons meet me. They were there with teams, waiting for us. I was very glad to see them. The meeting with my daughter Mary Alice and Emily and Mary Alice’s husband was quite an affecting one. The news of the death of Lewmar had not moved me to tears, but in seeing their grief I could not restrain my tears. Sylvester was very much affected also. I called at all my houses and found the family all in good health.

At the office I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith and I was greatly pleased to see the improvement in President Woodruff’s health. He is not quite so strong, I think, as he was before his recent sickness, and his hearing is not so good; but otherwise he seemed very much himself.

Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon came in the office and I had conversation with them; Brother Heber J. Grant also.

I reported to the Presidency my trip and what I had done.

I heard this morning that my brother-in-law, John Hoagland, was dangerously sick, and I called at his residence as I went home and was much grieved to see his condition. His wife Adelia told me that the doctor said it was Bright’s disease. His legs are much swollen, and he is troubled with shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. At his request, I administered to him.

2 August 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 2, 1893.

I left home early this morning to keep an appointment for a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. at 8 o’clock at the office. We went over our situation, which, in some respects, is very gloomy. After the brethren had talked a good deal, however, I felt the spirit of saying to them that our present position was due to our willingness to step in the gap when the Church needed help and to carry off the load that rested upon the Church through the construction of the sugar factory; that if our obligations that we had assumed for the sugar factory were paid, or we were relieved from them, our position would be a very good one, and that the Church had promised to stand at the back of this, and also to assume these obligations. I said there was no measure that I had ever known of a temporal character that the will of the Lord had been more plainly manifest concerning than this; and though there had been faults in connection with it, still we did have a claim upon the Lord to aid us in carrying this, for we had done according to the promptings of His Holy Spirit.

We had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. at 3:15, and after that a joint meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank and the State Bank, in which the financial situation was fully discussed. Never before among us have financial affairs been in such a condition. Nothing can be sold, and everyone is more or less in debt. We understand that a great many men are out of employment. I find myself under the necessity of reducing my force of hands, as I cannot, from any income that I have, pay their wages; in fact, my sources of income are nearly all cut off. The Bullion-Beck mine, from which I have derived means, is closed. I rejoice, however, in the Lord; for when I think of the many things He has done for me, when I have been on missions and at other times, I know that He has the power to supply our wants and to open the way and relieve us from our difficulties, and I want to be a son of consolation to the brethren, to encourage and cheer them. I have seen times when I did not know where to get a meal of victuals, and He has furnished it; and He has enabled me to accomplish works that appeared impossible. I have proved this upon several missions, and it is a fruitful source of satisfaction and comfort to me now in thinking about these things[.]

3 August 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, August 3, 1893.

This is fast day. If I had thought of it in time I should have spent today with my family in fasting and prayer; but I made an appointment to do so on Saturday next.

I attended a meeting of the Deseret News Co. at 9 o’clock, in the office, and we transacted considerable business.

After which I had conversation with my sons Abraham and Hugh concerning my affairs. I find that I have means owing to me that I cannot get, and which I ought to have in order to meet debts that are incurred, such as wages, etc. I cry unto the Lord to help me accomplish that which I desire in righteousness, especially to meet my obligations.

We met with the Bishopric of the 18th Ward to consider the propriety of continuing their Church school, and it was decided that under the circumstances, unless the people were willing to pay the debts already incurred and to bear the expense of continuing the school, it would not be wise to continue it, but to use the district schools and to take pains in teaching the children so that no <any> bad effects that might follow attending the district schools would be corrected by the teaching the children would receive from their parents and others.

At 2 o’clock attended a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve in the Temple. Before proceeding to business we dressed for prayer. It fell to Brother Joseph F. Smith to make the opening prayer, and after he had concluded I suggested to President Woodruff that inasmuch as it was fast day and we were in a very difficult position, I thought it would be very appropriate for us to pray around, each one of those present, there being the First Presidency, Brothers Snow, Richards, Lyman, Smith, Grant and Cannon. The proposition struck them favorably. We sang two hymns, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us. I felt especially melted in my feelings and could not refrain from weeping while I was praying. Brother Grant offered his prayer inside the circle. After this we attended to business. I gave a report of my mission to London and the interviews that I had had with Lord Roseberry, Lord Rothschild and others. The situation of Cannon, Grant & Co. was then laid before the Council by Brother Grant, and it was decided that Cannon, Grant & Co’s notes should be taken up and the Trustee-in-Trust’s notes substituted therefor in Zion’s Savings Bank. This was done by the unanimous vote of the Council. This closed our business and we adjourned.

I attended a meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co., which occupied two hours.

In going home my buggy met with an accident in crossing the street near the postoffice which is all torn up, and while I was trying to make it safe to drive home my son William came along with his buggy and told me to get into it and he would take care of my buggy, which I did.

I felt very faint and hungry when I got home, as I had been fasting all day.

In company with my son-in-law, Lewis M. Cannon, I ordained my sons (my wife Carlie’s) Mark and Tracy as Deacons. They were going to attend the deacons’ meeting in the ward that evening, and they had been told if I desired it might be well for me to ordain them. I was mouth in the ordination.

4 August 1893 • Friday

Friday, August 4, 1893.

At 9 o’clock I came up to the office to attend a meeting which had been solicited by Brothers Rowe and Summerhays. I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the office[.] President Smith and myself met with Angus M. Cannon, Geo. M. Cannon, Jos. W. Summerhays and Wm. H. Rowe, and had conversation concerning a franchise which had been secured from the city and county by a man by the name of Jones for using electricity for lighting purposes. It was proposed to form a company and to use the waters of Big Cottonwood as a power. The brethren who were present this morning represent the old paper mill company, which under the Deseret News Co. has a large water power there. The design is to unite it with power that other parties have, and erect poles with wire on for the transmission of power. The scheme, as I heard it, I thought favorably of; in fact, I have not heard any proposition made for some time which seemed to me so feasible and so likely to result in good as this.

At 10 o’clock I met with the Brigham Young Trust Co., but after waiting for a long time for trustees to be present it was decided to adjourn until Tuesday next.

I dictated articles for the Juvenile Instructor to my son Hugh. After which I went to the Hot Springs with Brother C. H. Wilcken, and returned and met with Cannon, Grant & Co. and attended to various items of business.

I called on my way home, as I have done several evenings before, at my brother-in-law, John Hoagland’s.

I had a call this evening at my house from Brother Heber J. Grant, who came down with a proposition for the First Presidency to issue a circular calling upon the people to do what they could to sustain the banks and not get excited. After listening to his remarks, I said that I preferred myself hearing from the stand on Sunday what ought to be said on the subject. As for myself, I did not have the spirit of issuing such a circular. He said if I did not write it, it would not be written, because Presidents Woodruff and Smith would naturally depend upon me. He left with the understanding that if the spirit moved on Sunday to allude to the subject, it might be a good thing to speak to the people about.

5 August 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, August 5, 1893.

I had my family meet together this morning at 10 o’clock. We had not partaken of any food since last evening, and after reading a chapter in the Bible, according to custom, I prayed with the family, and then we sang, and I spoke for about 45 minutes upon the situation of affairs and why I had called them together. I was very much softened in my feelings, as they all were, and the Spirit of the Lord rested down upon me in speaking and upon them in listening. I spoke upon our duties and set forth the value of obedience, union and love. It was not their place to criticize me and set [sit] in judgment upon me, but to listen to my counsel; but I loved them all and would do everything in my power for their happiness and comfort. I wanted to treat them all alike as near as I could; but I gave some illustrations of how physically impossible it was for a man to do what he would like to do in his family, and therefore they should feel charitable toward him. I said I did to them and I wanted them to feel so to me. I told them that I knew the Lord was my friend. He had made promises to me concerning myself and my family, and I knew the man that was my friend the Lord would be his friend and would bless him. Those who would listen to my counsel would be blessed of the Lord, while those who fought me the Lord would fight them, and would curse them if they did not repent. At this point I was deeply affected. I had a good flow of the Spirit, confirming my words to them.

Brother Wilcken was present, and he spoke, also my son Hugh. William also made some remarks. I again offered prayer and laid before the Lord our condition and asked His help for the Church in its extremity and for myself in my strait. I then asked them all to speak if they wished. There not being a disposition to speak or pray, though we had some singing, I called upon each one present to express himself and herself upon what had been said, asking even the little children. All were united in their expressions that what had been said they knew was right and from the Lord, and that they would do all in their power to assist in carrying out my instructions. I dwelt upon economy and told them how I had been brought up myself, and how people in the old countries and in the New England States had to live. They had to be economical. But we had fallen into habits of carelessness in these matters, and children were permitted to do as they pleased, to eat what they pleased, and to any extent. I thought this was all wrong. It was hurtful to the children and would lead to the formation of bad habits; and then it was expensive. I wanted a change in this respect, and more economy exercised.

We then sang, and Lewis dismissed by prayer. It was a most delightful meeting, and we all felt to rejoice.

I afterwards drove to the city, taking in my buggy my wife Carlie, who wanted to come up. I spent some little time in the office, and dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

6 August 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, August 6, 1893.

A message came from Sister Adelia Hoagland, wife of Brother John Hoagland, requesting me to come over to their house. I thought at first that John might be dying, but he was about in the same condition he had been. She, however, had been told by parties that his recovery was hopeless, and that he ought to get his affairs into a condition to leave them, and she wished to submit the matter to me and have me talk with him if I felt like doing so. I had a good long talk with him on the subject, without telling him that I considered his condition dangerous, and urged him that it was a matter that every man ought to attend to, to have his affairs in shape. He desired his son John to come down, as he knew more about his business than anyone else. I telegraphed to him, at Pocatello.

I then called at Brother Geo. C. Reiser’s house, to see John J. Reiser and his wife, who have been here a number of days trying to see me, and of whom I only heard last night. I had quite a visit with them, and invited them to come down to my house and make us a visit, which they promised to do tomorrow morning.

I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Brother Heber J. Grant spoke for about 15 minutes, and I followed, occupying about an hour. I do not remember ever speaking to a large congregation about myself and family to the same extent as I did this afternoon; but the Spirit seemed to lead in that direction, and I felt very free. I think my remarks were interesting to a great many, as I afterwards saw a Mr. Richardson, who is president of a railway company, and he said he and his wife enjoyed the discourse very much.

7 August 1893 • Monday

Monday, August 7, 1893.

After reaching the office and seeing Presidents Woodruff and Smith, I sent a carriage around for Mr. Reiser and his wife, and they came, and I introduced them to Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Elders J. H. Smith and H. J Grant[.] Afterwards I took them down home and spent the day with them. In the evening my children played the mandolins and guitars for them, at which they were greatly pleased.

8 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 8, 1893.

I had a meeting at 9 O’clock this morning, and Mr. Reiser and wife preferred coming up with me; so we left home about 8:30. They said they had enjoyed their visit exceedingly—the most pleasant time they had had in all their visits the last three months. Sister Reiser said she thought that I had a beautiful place and a very lovely family. I attended a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. at 9 o’clock, and we did not get through until 1:30. I did not feel well in the meeting, and had to lie down two or three times. Attended to various matters of business.

Brother Heber J. Grant read a statement of the situation of Cannon, Grant & Co to Brothers Joseph F. Smith and John H. Smith, and in view of our financial strait it was very dark, and I felt oppressed by it; but I asked the Lord to lift the burden, and He did so. I am thankful to Him for this.

9 August 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 9, 1893.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. this morning, and Brothers Spencer Clawson and C. S. Burton of the State Bank were invited by Brother Joseph F. Smith to attend, and they spoke to us. Brother Clawson arose and commenced criticizing my views, did not agree with them at all, as I had expressed them at a former joint meeting of the two banks. He thought it was very well to trust in the Lord, but we ought to do some work; seeming to convey the idea that I was in for laying back and letting the Lord do everything and do nothing myself. Then he proceeded to criticize Geo. M. Cannon for the indifference he had shown about a proposition that had been made to solicit the depositors who were drawing the money out of the bank to let it remain. I interrupted him and asked him some questions, and I said to President Woodruff that I did not think it was an appropriate thing for Brother Clawson to com[e] here and deliver a lecture to the directors of the bank concerning their duty and what they should do and what they should not do. I felt quite stirred up by his remarks. I thought they were impertinent, and I told him he did not understand what he was talking about; that Geo. M. Cannon had been instructed what to do and had been doing it, and what he did was in full accord with our views. As for myself, I had expressed my views that I would not expose the condition of our banks to Gentile bankers. This was the proposition that he had found fault with; he thought we ought to do it. I asked him how he would do this. Well, he would go to Dooly, at Wells, Fargo & Co’s. I told him that as the vice president of Zion’s Savings Bank I had had several communications with Mr. Dooly, knew exactly what Mr. Dooly would do, but I had not gone around talking about it; but I had told him and others that it was useless to go to Dooly. At the same time I had agreed to go down with Brother Grant, because he and John Henry Smith had heard me express myself as to the way Dooly should be talked to, and they both thought I ought to go, and I should have gone yesterday if I had not been sick.

Brother Spencer Clawson made a humble apology for any offensive remark he had made. I told him I had no feelings, but I did not think it was proper for him to talk in that way when he did not understand the situation. I then explained my position. I said that I had been working as hard as I could. Those who knew me knew I was a worker. I believed in work as much as any of them; but I believed in faith also. It would not do for me with my temperament to be worrying about money matters. I had asked the Lord to relieve me from worry and to help me bear my burden without being deprived of sleep at nights, and He had done so. I said the same God who sent manna down from heaven to feed the children of Israel and caused water to come forth from the smitten rock, still lived, and He was our friend and was just as able to save us as He ever was, and I did not believe in borrowing trouble. I could not say, however, that these banks would not fail; I did not pretend to give any such promise as that; but I do know that God is able to deliver us and will open our way from time to time, if we do what is required of us. He has done it in the past, and He will do it in the future. A motion was finally made that myself and Brother Heber J. Grant should go and see Mr. Dooly as we proposed doing.

At about 12 we went to Wells, Fargo & Co’s, and had a long conversation with Mr. Dooly about the situation of affairs. He told me he would give me a letter written as strong as the English language could frame it, if I wished to go to England, and he would get other letters for me showing the standing of the Church. He would give letters to go anywhere where money could be raised. But he spoke as though it was impossible for him, as the Cashier of Wells, Fargo & Co, to give us the help that we wanted. We had over an hour’s conversation with him, and he manifested a very kind, good spirit, though at heart he is credited with being a very strong and bitter Liberal.

At 3 o’clock the First Presidency paid a visit to the new building which has been erected on the Latter-day Saints College ground by the Literary & Scientific Association for university purposes. Dr. Talmage took us through the building and explained the uses of the various rooms, and also drew our attention to a great many of the chemicals that were on hand and the apparatus which had been furnished. The apparatus is exceedingly fine and very complete, and the chemicals are in great variety and abundance. It is a question at present whether in our straitened financial condition we shall open the university as contemplated. We were greatly pleased with the building and its contents. It seems admirably adapted for the purpose for which it was erected, though it is rather small for giving university courses.

10 August 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, August 10, 1893.

Brother Grant and myself made a report to Presidents Woodruff and Smith this morning of our visit to Mr. Dooly.

Brother James S. Brown and his son and Brother [blank] Sudbury came in this morning, having just returned from Tahiti. They reported the condition of the work there and the reasons why they had returned. Brother James S. Brown found the heat almost unbearable at his advanced years and deprived as he is of one of his legs. His son returned with him to take care of him, and Brother Sudbury returned on account of ill health.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Elders L. Snow, F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon met in the room of the First Presidency, and after singing I was called upon to open by prayer. We then sang again, and formed the circle, and Brother Merrill was mouth in the circle. After which, President Woodruff arose and spoke very encouragingly and full of the spirit of prophesy concerning our situation, urging us not to be discouraged, not to give way to any feelings of despondency; the Lord would take care of and deliver us. I followed and spoke in the same strain; for I have had this spirit resting on me all the time. I felt greatly blessed in praying. President Snow and Elders Richards, J. H. Smith and Grant all spoke. There was a sweet and heavenly influence in our meeting; peace prevailed, and we rejoiced very much. We attended to a little business and then adjourned.

11 August 1893 • Friday

Friday, August 11, 1893.

First Presidency at the office. We had a long conversation over our affairs.

I wrote a letter to Mr. Dooly, according to his request, and submitted it to the Presidency. They approved of it, and I took it down to him; but he suggested that I should write it with greater fullness.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of the Church Board of Education, at which considerable business was done. It was decided that the Church was not in a position to extend aid to any of the Church schools, and that they be so notified; also that the proposed courses in the university which had been decided favorably upon be given up, in consequence of the want of funds. I had received a letter from Capt. Willard Young on this subject, and I telegraphed to him, informing him of this action.

Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself were taken to the Rio Grande Western depot to take the train for Saltair. When we reached there I found that there was no place for President Woodruff to ride only in the open cars. I went upstairs to Mr. Welby, Supt. of the R.G.W., and asked him if he could not let me have a car. I felt that as president of the railroad running to Saltair, and Brother Smith vice president, President Woodruff should have some privileges. Mr. Welby with great promptitude answered, certainly, and ordered the train stopped until a car could be put on, in which we, with our families, rode to Saltair and back again at night, which added very much to the comfort of the trip.

There was a programme of exercises which had been prepared by the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Associations. President Woodruff was down for an address, also Governor West, and there were recitations and singing. The audience probably numbered nearly 3000. After the exercises, we were invited to partake of a meal by the young ladies; after which the evening was spent by the young people in dancing. We remained till ten o’clock.

12 August 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, August 12, 1893.

Presidency at the office.

This has been one of the most fatiguing days that I have spent for a long time. I ate my breakfast very early in the morning, and rather a light one, and drove to the city, reaching there before 3 o’clock. There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co, in which considerable business was done. I am pained to find that so few of the brethren have secured their notes which they have given for stock in that company, and some of them now announce that they cannot give security. There are four of us—President Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, T. G. Webber and myself—of whom the first three have paid up, and I have paid more than any of them, and have given security for the balance, amounting to one hundred thousand dollars. I have raked and scraped everything I had and used some of my family’s means to do this, and it looks now, from the report, as though I might be a heavy loser, having such a large holding, especially if these brethren who have given their notes are not able to meet their proportion of the loss, if there should be any.

At 11 o’clock a committee which had been chosen to arrange for the Tabernacle choir going to Chicago, met with the First Presidency, and Bishop Clawson and H. G. Whitney, who have just returned from the East, made their report. After listening to them, I made a motion that the brethren meet with the Tabernacle choir, learn from them what they could do towards paying some proportion of the expense themselves, and upon learning that, if there was sufficient to pay 20% or 25% of the cost of the transportation, that then the committee write to the railroad people and learn if by paying them a certain percentage down, say 20% or 25%, they would take a note for the balance, payable four months from date.

It seemed to me, after hearing the report, that the project was feasible if the railroad would give a one cent a mile rate and would take a note for part of the pay.

At 1 o’clock we had a meeting of the Presidents of Stakes and some of their Counselors. Salt Lake, Utah, Juab, Sanpete, Wasatch, Summit, Morgan, Tooele, Davis, Weber, Box Elder and Cache were represented. President Woodruff opened and laid before them the situation of affairs, and President Smith, Brother Grant and myself followed. A motion was made and carried to the effect that all present would do all in their power to secure aid from the people to relieve the First Presidency in carrying the indebtedness which rested upon them. The plan suggested was to collect all the tithing possible, and to secure loans, and where there was no money perhaps there might be some other property that would answer for security. I suggested that at any rate if the people would come forward and say that they would sustain the Presidency of the Church that would have a great moral effect in strengthening our hands.

At 4 o’clock we had another meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co., and a committee was appointed, consisting of Jos. F. Smith, T. G. Webber and A. H. Cannon, to have interviews with the brethren who had given their notes and see what security they had to give on them.

I drove home, took a swim in the river, and had something to eat; but I had been thoroughly exhausted with the labors of the day.

13 August 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, August 13, 1893.

Attended meeting in the Tabernacle, called upon Brother John Morgan to speak, and he delivered an excellent discourse.

I called on John Hoagland as I drove home and found him still very low.

We had a violent storm about 5 o’clock in the afternoon; the rain descended for a few minutes in torrents.

14 August 1893 • Monday

Monday, August 14, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co.

I wrote a new letter to Mr. Dooly, in which I gave him a statement of where the money ($439,500) that had been paid to the Receiver had been placed by him, also a description of our real estate and of the solvency of the Church. I took the letter down to him, and he seemed quite pleased with it, and said that while we must not bank too much upon his being able to obtain a loan for us he would do what he could. He said affairs in New York were worse than they are here, and San Francisco was in a dreadful condition financially.

In the afternoon I attended a lawn fete, which was given by the Woman’s Suffrage clubs at Sister Dye’s gardens—a very beautiful spot in the 20th ward. Among other, I gave an address, having been advertised to do so. My wife Carlie was there and we rode home together. Our little boy Georgius is suffering from teething and diarrhoea and has lost a great deal of flesh.

15 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 15, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

I spent some hours at the bank, arranging my affairs there and changing securities on my notes that they held.

I then went to the Temple and there were some persons adopted in my family—Agnes Robertson, and her deceased daughters, Agnes and Jane Ritchie, and her son, [blank] Ritchie.

I attended a meeting of Z.C.M.I., and afterwards a Sugar Co. meeting.

16 August 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 16, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

I had sent for Bishop Whitney, as I wished to have some conversation with him. In a communication which he sent to me concerning the History of Utah, he expressed himself as being of the opinion that I did not have that confidence in him that I had in some of my brethren, and that he would like me to have in him, and I wished to see him and remove any impression of that kind from his mind, and learn if I could what there was that had given occasion for such a feeling. I assured him emphatically that I had no feelings against him whatever. I esteemed and respected him, and there was nothing in my mind at all unfavorable to him. I said I knew his disposition and peculiarities, but certainly had no feeling but one of regard for him. After conversing with him some time he said that I had one time told him that I had heard of his giving some counsel contrary to that of the First Presidency, and that I had been misinformed, and he did not know but if a statement of that kind had been made to me and I lent credence to it, maybe I had heard something else. I told him, no; that it was my practice, if I had heard anything, to go directly to the man, if it was of any importance, to tell him what I had heard, and I had done so in that case that he referred to, though the entire transaction had slipped from my memory. He left apparently quite well satisfied in his feelings.

Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co.

In company with President Smith, I attended a meeting in the Assembly Hall. The Presidency of the Stake had called the Bishops and their Counselors together for the purpose of laying before them the condition of the Church in financial matters, so that they might understand what is required, and that if possible they might obtain aid from the saints, either in the shape of unpaid tithing, unpaid donations to the Temple, or advanced tithing and further donations to the Temple, or the loan of money, or securities that would be sufficient to obtain money. I opened the subject and explained our position, after which President Smith spoke in the same strain, and a motion was presented by the Presidency of the Stake, which was seconded and sustained by all present, pledging themselves to do what they could to carry out the request that had been made.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co, at which considerable business was done.

17 August 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, August 17, 1893.

The First Presidency at the office.

A divorce case of Brother Harvey H. Cluff came up, which had been decided by the Presidency of the Utah Stake, and we decided that as they had submitted the case to the High Council of Utah Stake, that this was not proper under the circumstances, and that the minutes should be withdrawn, as Brother Cluff was willing to comply with the decision, and he ought to have been notified before any action had been taken by the High Council looking to the sustaining of the decision of the Presidency of the Stake.

Brother [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], of Provo, desired to see me, Brother Lyman communicating his wishes. He is in transgression. A young woman that he wanted to marry, but was prevented from marrying by the issuance of the Manifesto, he has become too intimate with, and she is now pregnant. We gave him counsel what to do. He expressed himself willing to make any confession that was required and to do anything, to any extent, for he truly repented of what he had done.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of the Council of the Apostles, and several matters were attended to besides prayer, which was offered by Brother John W. Taylor, and Brother Brigham Young was mouth in the circle.

In the evening I had a meeting with my family and laid before them a little of my financial situation, and told them that I had been forced to the conclusion, owing to my financial straits, to stop the dining room and the employment of the help needed there, and for each branch of my family to do their own cooking and supply themselves, excepting flour and vegetables. Ye Sing, who has been my cook, had left to go where he could get larger wages, and I almost thought it was providential, because I had been very reluctant in my feelings to do anything towards breaking up our present arrangement. I had regretted it exceedingly, for several reasons, but particularly because of the work that it imposed upon them, which I had been desirous to save them from and also the loss of the opportunity of meeting together morning and evening and having family prayers. It would be a great deprivation to me at least. Another change that I proposed was that my sons Reed, Joseph, Sylvester and Willard do not go to school this coming fall and winter, but that they take hold of my work on my places and perform it, and this would save the wages of George Sharp, and also the wages of the gardener and the man in charge of the Westover farm. I talked for some time on the situation, and there was a very good spirit manifested, and all acquiesced in the conclusion, and all felt to do what they could to save expense.

After this meeting, I went over to my wife Carlie’s. A number of invitations had been sent out to friends for the purpose of giving a reception to her son Willard Croxall, who has just returned from the East. The evening was spent very pleasantly. A large number were present, and all expressed themselves as delighted with the visit.

18 August 1893 • Friday

Friday, August 18, 1893.

This morning I spent some time in arranging my family affairs, in view of the proposed changes.

The First Presidency at the office.

I attended a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. to take into consideration the payment of the $50,000 due to Wells, Fargo & Co. The brethren voted that I should be a committee to wait upon the bankers and see what could be done, and if necessary go to San Francisco and see Wells, Fargo & Co’s people there.

In the afternoon I went to the Lake, in company with Brother Brigham Young and his wife and my wife Carlie, and for the first time in years I bathed in the lake, which I enjoyed very much.

19 August 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, August 19, 1893.

I spent the early part of the forenoon at the office, busy with various matters. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were present.

A little after 11 o’clock I went down and had an interview with Mr. McCornick concerning the $40,000 he has in his hands belonging to the Brigham Young Trust Co, but which is not due from him, he having borrowed it until December. My object in seeing him was to learn if he could not possibly pay us that amount now, so that we could devide it between our two banks—the Stake Bank and Zion’s Savings Bank; but he declared that he could not do it. I then went to Wells, Fargo & Co. and had a lengthy interview with Mr. Dooly, for the purpose of learning whether he would accept a commission to secure for us a loan of $50,000. with which to pay Wells, Fargo next Thursday. He said he could not leave his business; but even if he could, he could not borrow it, no matter what the commission might be. I then asked him if he could give a letter to myself or someone else to go to San Francisco and try what could be done. He said it would be useless to attempt any such thing. We talked over affairs for some time, and he insisted that the $50,000 must be paid on that day.

I called a number of the members of the banks and B.Y.Trust Co. together and we talked informally over the matter. The brethren thought I had better write a letter to Mr. Homer S. King, the Manager of Wells, Fargo & Co, San Francisco, and describe our position. I dictated this letter and it was sent off.

20 August 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, August 20, 1893.

I attended meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. The congregation was addressed for half an hour by Dr. Baldwin, of the University of Texas, who discoursed on Truth. He was followed by Dr. James E. Talmage, who delivered quite an eloquent discourse.

Myself and wife Carlie and son Sylvester took dinner with Abraham and his wife Mima [Mina], who is a daughter of my wife’s.

21 August 1893 • Monday

Monday, August 21, 1893.

I came up to the office this morning. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not there.

Attended to some business, and then drove out to East Mill Creek, taking my daughter Mary Alice in my buggy, to attend the funeral of Brother William Butterworth, the father of Sister Davey, who lived for eight or nine years with my family. He is a man very highly respected, and his death is somewhat sudden, due to cholera morbus. The meeting house was filled, and I found President Woodruff and his family there, his son Asahel having married a daughter of Brother Butterworth’s. President Woodruff and my brother Angus spoke, and I followed. Bishop John Neff, in a very few words, bore a most excellent testimony concerning the deceased.

President Woodruff returned with me to the city in my buggy, my daughter taking his place in his buggy to go to the graveyard.

We had a long and interesting conversation this afternoon with a gentleman by the name of Boyle, who was a partner of Chief Justice Fuller, and another gentleman by the name of Ryan, and Dr. Groves of the Keeley Institute. In the conversation we explained the situation of affairs here and the events of the past after the raid was commenced.

22 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 22, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

A meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. was held at 10 o’clock, in which the situation of affairs was discussed, and it was decided to notify the banks that we would have to appeal to them to pay their certificates of deposit in our favor, on the 24th, as we had on that day to meet a note of $50,000 at Wells, Fargo & Co. It was also decided that the auditing committee examine the affairs of the company to see whether our expenditures are greater than our income. In company with the Secretary, R. W. Young, and N. W. Clayton, I waited upon the cashier[s] of the banks and informed them of the action of the company, and it was decided that a joint meeting of the directors of both banks be called to meet today at the President’s Office at 3:30.

The First Presidency decided yesterday that we would avail ourselves of the opportunity of going to the World’s Fair in a special car which had been proffered for our use by the Pullman Company, and that we should go in company with the choir on Tuesday, the 29th. I have no inclination to go to the World’s Fair, because I cannot afford the expense; but President Woodruff told me that he would not go unless I went, and he proposed to take three of his family with him, and urged me to take some of mine. Bishop Clawson came in to know positively how many of us were going, and President Woodruff asked me. I said it would depend on two things—the amount it would cost and the room. If I had to pay for any expenses I could not take anyone but myself. Well, he said, if he and his wife and Brother Andrew Smith (whom I suggested he ought to take so as to wait upon him in case he was sick) were paid for, he would pay for his two daughters. Then I said, if that is the case, I shall go alone. After some conversation, however, President Jos. F. Smith made a motion that our expenses be paid. This was after Brother Clawson had said so many things in favor of our going and taking some one with us. I remarked that I did not like to go down there at the expense of anybody; but if the others took some of their families and I was requested to do so, I should avail myself of the opportunity.

A committee of brethren from the Deseret Savings Bank, consisting of John R. Winder, James Sharp, W. W. Riter and John C. Cutler, called to see us in regard to the savings banks in the city uniting to only pay a certain proportion of funds out to the depositors when called upon for them. They reasoned upon the condition of affairs, the poor prospects there were of relief from any quarter, and thought this was a step that was absolutely needed. They said a great deal upon the subject. I sat and listened, asking only one or two questions.

At 3:30 we had a joint meeting of the State Bank and Zion’s Savings Bank, for the purpose of considering the situation, in view of the necessity of the Brigham Young Trust Co. doing something about the note for $50,000 which is due to Wells, Fargo & Co., and after considerable discussion, I moved that Spencer Clawson, H. M. Wells and T. G. Webber wait upon Mr. McCornick and endeavor to obtain from him $25,000. It was thought that if a payment of this kind with the interest could be made upon Wells, Fargo & Co’s note, it might be acceptable and prevent a lawsuit.

After we got through with this business, the State Bank people withdrew, and Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. took into consideration the proposal made by the Deseret Savings Bank. I expressed myself with some plainness upon the subject. I thought it was very unadvi[s]able for us to take any step of this kind. Our position was a unique one in some respects. We had the support of the entire people and their confidence, and I did not feel myself that it was wise for us to enter into entangling alliances with other institutions and commit ourselves to their policy. There was a distinction in the minds of the people, and I thought we ought to preserve it. I felt that Zion’s Savings Bank was one of the strongest institutions on the continent; not so much in the amount of money it held as in the confidence the people held in it and the moral support which they rendered it.

President Woodruff also expressed himself quite emphatically, and my brother Angus. A motion was made and carried that the Deseret Savings Bank be notified that after due consideration of their proposition our Board had decided that it was unadvisable for us to join in any such movement.

I invited my daughters Rosannah and Emily to go with me to Chicago, and as I had the privilege of taking three, I concluded to invite my daughter Mary Alice, who is married. Her health is so poor since the loss of her child that I thought it would do her good. They were all greatly delighted at the opportunity of going.

23 August 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 23, 1893.

The First Presidency at the office.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor to my son Hugh, and my journal to Brother Winter.

The First Presidency had a long conversation with Elders Brigham Young and A. H. Cannon over L. G. Hardy’s affairs, the subject having been referred to them and Brother John Henry Smith as a committee.

We signed a lot of notes today, amounting to $235,000, in favor of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co., the same number of notes having been signed in favor of the Trustee-in-Trust by the Utah Sugar Co.

The committee that had been appointed to wait upon Mr. McCornick yesterday reported that he utterly refused to do anything to help them. He would not allow a dollar of his money to go into Dooley’s bank if he could help it. I feel quite dissatisfied with his action; it is not friendly at all, in that he has $50,000 of the Church money in his hands and $40,000 belonging to Brigham Young Trust Co., and yet he is willing to let our banks go to ruin rather than to do anything to avert the disaster.

I have been desirous to arrange matters so that I could see my children more frequently than I would if I were to confine my eating to one of my houses, and therefore suggested to my wife Sarah Jane that as her son Angus and his wife were living at their house they could invite me to eat with them, and by that means I would see her and the children. I suggested the same to my wife Eliza, whose son William and wife live close beside her; but my wife Martha’s married daughter lives some distance, and such an arrangement was not practicable in her case. However, my daughter Hester arranged for me to dine with them this afternoon and had set the dining table in the house. I said that I did not think it wise for me to eat in there; therefore, the table was moved outside under the shade of some trees. My wife thought I was unnecessarily careful, and said Miss Lottie Reese (who was stopping with them and who had come on from Iowa City, her mother being a Mormon) wondered at this proceeding. I explained to them that I had paid a costly price for my liberty and it was very precious to me, and I did not think that it would be right for me to place myself in a position where I could be attacked. We have been warned that there is a disposition exhibiting itself in several quarters to attack some of the leading men and to make examples of them. U.S. Attorney Judd has been known to make some remarks of this character; and as I have been cautious heretofore I still felt that I ought to be. I would not knowingly trespass in any way on the rights of my family, or treat them coldly; but I could show them all necessary attentions excepting eating and sleeping with them.

24 August 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, August 24, 1893.

The First Presidency at the office.

We had a meeting with Bishop O. F. Whitney and my son Abraham H. Cannon in relation to the continuing of the History which Bishop Whitney is writing. He has written a little over a third of the third volume; but the publishing company is entirely out of means and cannot collect any, and they have been unable to pay him for his work and are compelled to suspend the further publication of the work for the present until times get easier. The question before us was whether Bishop Whitney should continue his work and finish the volume, or whether the whole business should be stopped. President Smith has seemed to be possessed of the idea that there was some attempt being made by some one—I suppose Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co.—to saddle the Church with some expense and to endeavor to place responsibility upon the Church for the work. In previous conversations Abraham has said that he did not bring this matter up with any intention of placing any pecuniary responsibility upon the Church, but for the purpose of getting counsel. President Smith was very emphatic in his expression that the Church had nothing to do with this work, and seemed to convey the idea that it had been entered upon by the publishing company perhaps, or Williams who had organized the arrangement, to make a profitable thing out of it. I assured him that I would not have allowed my name to have been connected with such an affair for anything that could have been offered. I would as soon have touched anything filthy as to have had anything to do with that, if I had not supposed it was for the interest of the Church and the wish also of the First Presidency that the work should be continued. Abraham also repeated that it was not to obtain any pecuniary help that this matter was brought up. I have felt hurt in my feelings at the previous meetings upon this subject because of expressions that President Smith has made. We had rather sharp words upon the subject in this interview, for which I was very sorry, because it is the first time that ever anything occurred between us of an unpleasant nature; but his expressions were so strong and emphatic that I felt that it would not be right to allow them to pass unchallenged. I said that the Church undoubtedly, through its First Presidency, had sanctioned this work and lent it its countenance and moral support. After a little further conversation President Smith saw that he had hurt my feelings and apologized fuly [fully] for any expression that he had made that was wrong, and said he saw the thing in a different light; that he had been suspicious that there was an attempt to saddle the Church with the responsibility of this work. We assured him that there was no disposition of this kind, but that it would be improper to say that the Church was not under obligations to render its moral support, because not a step had been taken without the sanction of the Church. I was very much grieved over this conversation; but after President Smith’s apology I felt all right and assured him that I had not a shadow of feeling. I regretted exceedingly that such a thing had occurred. I thought of all men in the world we should be united. He said I was his senior and he ought to have respected me. I told him I hoped he would forgive me for any hasty expressions I had used. While this conversation was painful, I think on the whole that it is better it occurred, because I am sure it removed misapprehension which seemed to rest in President Smith’s work concerning the attitude of the Church to this work.

Dr. Phillips, whom we had thought of employing as a professor of physics in the Church University, called to see me in relation to the subject. In consequence of our financial troubles, we have been compelled to relinquish the idea of having University courses carried on this coming school year. This threw Dr. Phillips out of employment, and since he has been advised of that he has secured a position as Principal of the Weber Stake Academy at Ogden, but they can only pay him a very small amount for his services. He would like to have a fixed place so that he could become settled with his family and not be moving from place to place as he had had to do for the past few years.

At 2 o’clock I went to the meeting of the Council at the Temple. There were present, besides the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, J. H. Smith, A. H. Cannon. The three latter reported in the affairs of L. G. Hardy. I explained to the Council concerning the situation of affairs as I had learned them in connection with the U.S. District Attorney, the Marshal and his deputies. There seems to be considerable activity just now among these officers in connection with what is called unlawful cohabitation. Judge Judd has expressed his determination to push all cases that he can find evidence against. President Woodruff, after hearing what I had to say, was very emphatic in his counsel to the brethren, and through them to the people, that they must endeavor to avoid everything that would furnish a pretext for arrest; in other words, that men must be very circumspect in relation to their plural families and not expose themselves to attack.

25 August 1893 • Friday

Friday, August 25, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

We had a meeting with Bishop O. F. Whitney and A. H. Cannon, in continuation of our meeting yesterday. After considerable conversation, a motion was made that Bishop Whitney be allowed $2700 for the completing of the third volume, and that he have the assistance, to a certain extent, of Brother Andrew Jenson in furnishing data.

The First Presidency had some conversation with President Lorenzo Snow respecting Temple ordinances. A practice has gained ground in some of the Temples of not permitting any one to act as proxy in the sealing ordinance or in adoptions who had not been sealed or adopted himself or herself. After reviewing the whole subject, President Woodruff decided, and we all acquiesced in the decision, that a person who had had his or her endowments could officiate in all the ordinances excepting the [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] even though they had not been sealed or adopted themselves before.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of Z.C.M.I. and the afairs of the company were taken into consideration. This institution has always been reckoned the staunchest and most responsible of any of our institutions, but it has been greatly pinched by the present stringency in money matters. A comparison between the trade of June this year and June last year, and of July, shows a steady falling off.

26 August 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, August 26, 1893.

President Woodruff was not at the office this morning.

Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. Afterwards met with Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. and listened to a statement of its affairs. At 3 o’clock had another meeting of the Deseret News.

I called upon my sister Mary Alice, who is very sick with pleurisy. She was in a better condition than she had been. I had a very delightful conversation with her.

27 August 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, August 27, 1893.

Brother Wilcken proposed to take Aunt Carlie and myself down to Draper, where he was going to keep an appointment as one of the home missionaries. I have not been in Draper since we were there on the “underground” and I had been asked repeatedly to go there, so I thought this a good opportunity. We drove to Riverton on the west side of the river and had excellent road, then crossed over to Draper. We stopped at Brother Henry Day’s, this being the house where President Taylor and myself and guards had lived for two months. Brother Day was absent in the city, but Sister Day and the children were very glad to see us and gave us dinner. We walked to the meeting house. Brother Wilcken and Brother Tovey, home missionaries, spoke for about quarter of an hour each, and I followed, occupying about 45 minutes. There was a very sweet spirit in the meeting, and we all felt edified and blessed by the remarks that were made. Brother Day returned soon after the meeting, after which we returned to the city. We had my sons Clawson and Wilford with us.

28 August 1893 • Monday

Monday, August 28, 1893.

First Presidency at the office.

We had a meeting of the Deseret News Co., closing up the business with the Deseret Publishing Co.

After this meeting Brother Clawson took the Presidency down to see the car “Pickwick” which had been gratuitously tendered for our use by the Pullman Company. It is well fitted up. We also examined the cars that had been sent to convey the choir.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of the Board of the Church University, at which it was decided to reconsider the previous action of the Board concerning the establishing of four University courses this ensuing season, which would cost about $17,000, and in place thereof it was decided to go to about $5000 expense in delivering scientific lectures &c., and letting the Latter-day Saints College have the use of the University building on certain terms.

I was busy after this in arranging my affairs preparatory to departure for Chicago.

29 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 29, 1893.

I was busy today packing. I bade the folks good bye and came to the office. Met with the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank.

We went to the train and shortly after 3 o’clock the train started. There was an immense crowd of people at the depot to see the choir off. The train consisted of eleven cars, all sleepers but one. Our car was very comfortable. We dined at 7 o’clock. When we reached Evanston this evening we were serenaded.

30 August 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 30, 1893.

I did not pass a good night, and I did not feel well this morning.. We reached Denver about 2:45 p.m. Brother Nephi W. Clayton engaged a coach and four and took the First Presidency and a few of the party out riding.

The choir gave a concert this evening in Trinity Church, which was crowded with a very fashionable audience. Numbers were turned away. The choir was given a grand reception and there was much enthusiasm.

We left Denver at midnight.

31 August 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, August 31, 1893.

Hot and dusty.

While riding from the concert last night on the car, Sister Nellie Druce Pugsley informed me she had a baby two months old with her which had not been blessed. Would I bless it tomorrow? I promised we would. So today Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself blessed it, I being mouth. Brother Evan Stephens joined with us. We gave the baby its mother’s name. I felt to bless the mother and her sister, Mrs. Winegar, and to say encouraging things to them.

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August 1893, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024