January 1866

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1866

1 January

“God had chosen” Orson Hyde, “and it was not for man to oppose and fight him.”

10–20 January

On 19 January wrote “a Memorial to Congress to repeal the Anti-Polygamy act”

23 December

Brigham Young’s counsel in respect to “our dealings with the Merchants”

1 January 1866 • Monday1

Monday, January 1st, 1866. The Twelve Apostles, or that portion of them which were in town—Orson Hyde, John Taylor, W. Woodruff, G. A. Smith, A. M. Lyman, E. T. Benson, C. C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards and myself—met at the Historian’s office at 10 A.M., and at 30 minutes past 10 proceeded in a body to President B. Young’s Office to pay our respects to him at this the commencement of another year. He blessed us all. We then proceeded to <President> Heber C. Kimball’s and Daniel H. Wells, who also were much gratified to see us, and also blessed us. The interview with Bro. Heber was particularly interesting. I have rarely, if ever, seen him to better advantage than he appeared this morning. He told <prophesied to> President Orson Hyde that though men had tried to ride him in the past, that whoever should do so should be rode until his back would be as sore as ever his (Bro. H’s) had been—that God had chosen him and it was not for man to oppose and fight him; for he that did so, would find that he was butting against a rock. He said that what he now said applied to all of us the same as to Brother Hyde. He spoke words of comfort to Bro’s. F. D. Richards and Amasa M. Lyman. The spirit of prophesy rested powerfully upon him, and I think all felt much softened (I was quite melted) by what he said. We called upon Gov. Durkee, Mayor Smoot and the Sisters Orson Pratt and then repaired to Elder John Taylor’s where we all took dinner together. Altogether this was as pleasant, if not the most pleasant, day that I have spent since I have returned home.

2 January 1866 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 2/66. At Office and Legislative Council.

3 January 1866 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 3rd, do. do.

4 January 1866 • Thursday

Thursday, Jan. 4/65 [66]. At the Legislative Council and at the Office.

5 January 1866 • Friday

Friday, 5/65 [66]. do. do. do.

6 January 1866 • Saturday

Saturday, 6/65 [66] At the Endowment House. Brother Kimball sealed 2 couple, Bro. Woodruff 10 and I 1 couple. At the Office.

7 January 1866 • Sunday

Sunday, 7/65 [66]. Attended meetings at the Tabernacle. Bro. L. H. Harrington spoke in the morning and Bro. Orson Hyde in the afternoon. Attended Quorum meeting: Bro’s. Hyde, Taylor, Woodruff, Smith, C. C. Rich, L. Snow, E. Snow, Jos. F Smith and myself were present. After which, upon invitation of Pres. B. Young, I went over to his house to attend the funeral of his wife, Ellen Rockwood Young, who died yesterday. Bro’s. Geo. A Smith, Woodruff and Rich also went along. Bro. Joseph Young, Son, spoke and Bro. Brigham followed. We all repaired to the grave and were there blessed and dismissed by President Young.

8 January 1866 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 8/65 [66]. Attended the Dedication Meeting of the New City Hall. The First Presidency and Twelve and the Members of both Branches of the Legislature, and the Governor and Secretary of the Territory and the Mayor and City Council and some few others invited to be present, were there. After calling the roll of the City council, and we then had a song from Bro. Wm Willes. I was called upon to offer the Dedicatory prayer, which I did, though somewhat nervous from my inexperience in the enumerating the technicalities of building and the phrases used. But I did the best that I could. After the prayer we had another song, then remarks from <Mayor Smoot>[,] Governor Durkee, Geo. A. Smith, John Taylor, President Young and President Kimball,

In evening with my wives Elizabeth and Sarah Jane[.] I attended a Banquet at the City Hall. The City Council furnished sleighs to carry us there and back. The building has an elegant exterior and the rooms up stairs were beautifully finished and made the best suite of rooms for a Ball that I have seen in the Territory. The banquet was very fine, and with the dancing and opportunities for conversing with friends were much enjoyed.

9 January 1866 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. [Jan.] 9/65 [66]. At Office and Legislative Council. Attended the funeral of Sister L. H. Gibson, the wife of Elder Wm Gibson, now on a Mission to Great Britain, and the principal actress among our performers at the Theatre. She has been living at Bro. Brigham Young’s since Bro. Gibson’s departure for Europe. By request of Bro. Young I spoke and was followed by Bro’s. Joseph Young, Sen., D. H. Wells and himself. We all followed her body to the grave.

10–20 January 1866 • Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday, Jan 10/65 [66]. The Juvenile Instructor, a child’s paper, which myself, Bro. Wm H Shearman and E. L. Sloan have commenced publishing, my name being attached as Editor, was issued to-day for the first time. At the Office and the Legislative Council.

From this time until the Legislature adjourned I was busy at the Office and in the Council. The last of the Session was a very arduous for me. A School bill, which was passed by the House, came up to the Council and was so very badly worded and compiled that it was referred to the Committee of Education; Bro. Lorenzo Snow was Chairman and himself and I worked at it until we completely remodelled it. The last evening of the Session a Memorial to Congress to repeal the Anti-Polygamy act was suggested, and the subject was referred to the Committee on Memorials and I was appointed to act with the Committee, which I did and wrote the Memorial which passed unanimously both branches that evening. About Midnight Jan. 19 – Friday –the Secretary furnished <us> while in Joint Session with some crackers[,] cheese and oysters, and brandy and wine to those who would drink. We did not adjourn until after 5 A.M. of Saturday, Jan. 20th, 1866, tired out.

Sunday, Jan. 21st

Saturday afternoon I had a party at my house at which the first Presidency and Twelve were present: Presidents B. Young, H. C. Kimball, D. H. Wells and all of the Twelve except Bro. O. Pratt, and his wife was there; Bro’s. Joseph A. and John W. Young were there and also Brigham Jr’s wife.

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January 1866, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1866/01-1866


  1. [1]The 1866 entries come from daybook v. 8.