September 1881

1 September 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Sep. 1st, 1881 We held meeting this morning at ten o’clock. The first business was to re-organize this ward, which has been under the presidency of a high priest for sometime, the Bishop and Counsellors having been suspended in consequence of their having gone to law and the whole of the ward against some of the brethren of Juab, before Gentile courts, and that to [too], in direct opposition to counsel[.] We decided to re-instate Bishop Price and appoint George Gurley, who had been acting as president since the suspension of the Bishop and counselors, as first counselor, and Bro. Oklebury his second counselor. The re-organization seemed to please the people. We set the counselors apart at the close of the meeting. Bro. Smoot made the opening remarks; he was followed by Prest Taylor, myself, Bros Lyman and John Henry Smith, who had joined us here last night, and Bros Reynolds and Woodruff. The meeting was lengthy, but the people did not seem weary. After dinner the company returned to Payson. We put up at Sister Jane Simons. In the evening there was a Young Peoples Meeting, over which Bro Woodruff presided. After speaking himself, he called upon me and Bros Lyman and J. H. Smith to speak. The meeting was spirited and quite interesting.

2 September 1881 • Friday

Friday, Sep. 2nd, 1881 Arose early to get to the train which left for the city about six o’clock. My son Angus drove us down in the carriage, and will, in company with Bro. Green, drive home today[.] My wife Martha and her children joined us at Provo. On reaching the point near the street which leads to my place, the conductor stopped the train and let us off[.] My son David was there with buggy to convey us home. Sister Woodruff also got off here, and we carried her home, and then reached home ourselves all well. My health today, though, is not good, having to lie down a while in the middle of the day, after which I arose and went to town. Attended to some business, but had to remain in town all night

3 September 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Sep. 3rd, 1881 Having sent my buggy back with my wife Martha, whom I brought to town, I had to ride down with my brother-in-law, John Hoagland in his wagon. A dispatch has come from the Hon. W. M. Springer, of Illinois, informing me that he would be here tonight. I sent a message to Bro. N. Groesbeck, who was an old resident of the same town from which Mr. Springer comes, asking him and his son, if they would take him in hand, meet him at the train with a carriage and show him attentions this evening and tomorrow, as I had to go to Grantsville this evening to attend a jubilee of the Sunday School tomorrow.

The Hon T. C. Pound of Wisconsin gave a letter of introduction to two gentlemen, whom he wished me to show attention. One was the Hon. Mr. Haden, the other Mr. Noble.

I found Bro. F. M. Lyman and wife and Bro. Geo Goddard and Wm. Willis on the train. Had a pleasant trip to Lake Point, where we were met by carriages. Bro. Lyman kindly invited me to ride with him in his buggy, and to remain with him over night. We found his mother at his house, the widow of Amasa Lyman, whose feelings are softened since the death of her husband, and who, I believe, partakes of the sacrament with the Saints.

4 September 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Sep 4th, 1881 Had a delightful night’s rest, for which the little sleep of the past two nights prepared me. I drove to Grantsville in the Buggy with Bro. Lyman this morning, and met with the children in the meetinghouse. The exercises were very gratifying, and showed great efficiency on the part of the pupils. I was called upon to make some remarks, which I did for about twenty minutes. Took dinner with Bishop Edward Hunter, the bishop of this place. I had known him and his wife in early days in the Fort. He then resided with his uncle, the presiding bishop. He did not fill that position at that time. I was taken to see several artesian wells here. The water is soft and sweet, and there is quite a good flow from several of them, but especially from one bored upon the premises of Bro. Sevier. This well is not very deep, not more than 100 feet, and a good-sized stream flows from it. The afternoon exercises were somewhat similar to the forenoon, and Bros Goddard and Willis made some remarks, and I followed, speaking upon the Word of Wisdom, impressing upon the Saints, a good many of whom were present, the importance of teaching their children to observe it, especially in view of the spread of disease and calamity among the nations of the earth, in which we are sharing. Bro. Lyman drove me to Lake Point in his buggy, going that much out of his way, as his own home is as near as that, and he had to travel 14 miles after leaving me. Bro and Sis Southworth who keep the hotel here, invited Bros. Goddard Willis, H. J. Grant and myself to eat. When I offered to pay, they would take nothing for it. Returned to the city and remained there all night

5 September 1881 • Monday

Monday, Sep 5th, 1881 I sent down for my buggy. Have felt very unwell all day, in consequence I could not attend the meeting of the Sunday School Union in the evening of the Superintendents, etc. as I intended. But I met with the Sunday School Union at half-past one at Prest Taylor’s office. Attended to various matters of business; among other things explained to them the position of the Juvenile Office, that whatever profits were accruing in that business had gone in the business to increase its capacity, and that I had not drawn a dollar from the office for two years at least, and had never derived any profit from the concern. I made this explanation in consequence of something that had been said at a previous meeting at which I was not present. Probably the remark was caused by an idea that the Juvenile was making money by its alliance with the Sunday School Union, when the facts are that the Juvenile Instructor has done more for the Sunday School Union and for Sunday Schools than the Union for it.

6 September 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sep, 6th, 1881 My health is somewhat improved this morning. A meeting was held yesterday by the directors of Zion’s Savings Bank Company. Some communications from Bro. E. H. Pierce of Brigham City, respecting the selling of liquor at the Brigham City Co-operative store, which were addressed to Prest Jos. F. Smith, were read in the office to Prest Taylor and myself. It was decided to telegraph Bro. Snow to come down to the meeting of the council tomorrow, that he might know the contents. I suffered this morning from a severe attack of colic.

7 September 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sep 7th, 1881 I met Bro. Woodruff before I reached the office this morning, who informed me of the death of David John Taylor, a son of Prest Taylor, the news of which had just been received from New York, where he was when he died. He had gone through the Gardo House with me and selected the style of furniture, carpets, etc., for the furnishing of the house, he being in that department at Z.C.M.I. In consequence of this, it had been decided to send him to New York to make the purchases, and he was on this business when he was taken with the fever, from which he died last evening. Until last night no one had heard of his being sick, and though he had written to his brother-in-law Alonzo Hyde, that he was suffering from a bad headache, the news was entirely unexpected, causing everyone to be shocked who knew him[.] He was a very estimable young man, and I thought him very manly and promising. His mother’s name is Jane Ballantyne Taylor; he married a daughter of Bro. John Clark, by whom he has two living children. Instructions were sent respecting the body, that it should be shipped home, and Bro. R. S. Watson, Supt of the Logan Branch Co-op, was requested to return with it.

At two o’clock we met in council and attended to various matters of business. I brought up my wife Elizabeth to town with me this morning, and took dinner and supper with her at her sister’s, and drove home in the evening

8 September 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Sep. 8th, 1881 Called upon Sec’y Thomas, he having desired me to do so, and met there the Hon. Mr. Shallingburg, M.C. from Pennsylvania, he having arrived last night. Sec’y Thomas was very anxious to get reports of the income and expenditures of the Church for certain purposes; and he has spoken to me several times upon this subject. I told him that personally I had no objections of any thing of this kind being reported, for we had nothing to conceal, but that our people were jealous and suspicious of attempts to pry into such matters because of the known hostilities against us, that already a law was on the statue books threatening to confiscate all real-estate over $ 50,000 in amount, and it was well-known that this law was framed to reach our cause. But as an individual I was only one, and whatever my private feelings might be, I would be powerless to do anything to meet his wishes in this matter unless it met the approval of Prest Taylor[.] Four days ago, when this matter came up before Prest Taylor and Bro. Jos. F. and Bro Penrose, Editor of the Deseret News, he having been sent for, I stated my feelings briefly on this subject to Prest Taylor, expressing the opinion that it would be better for us to make out those reports ourselves than to let Thomas obtain them as he was doing, partly correct and partly incorrect; that if we made them out we could see that they were made out properly, but that refusing to furnish them aroused suspicion, and would be liable to make the government, and those who knew that feeling think that we had something to conceal; whereas the facts are we read once a year at least, and oftener at the local conferences, the expenditures upon Temples, the means of which are derived from the tithing. After expressing these views, which I thought it my duty to do, I said that I left everything to him (Prest Taylor) that it was he who had to decide upon this matter, and whatever he said would be right with me.

The next day after this conversation, Prest Taylor addressed me the following letter:

Prest Geo. Q. Cannon,

Dear Brother:

My feelings are still very doubtful about that affair of Thomas’[.] I cannot divert myself of the feeling that a trap is being prepared to for us to go into, and I hope you will be very particular about what is said on that subject. I certainly would not give him any information in relation to the Assembly Hall and Tithing, or anything else that I could reasonably avoid.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

(signed) John Taylor.

P.S. Please communicate these ideas to the bishops Bros. L. J. Nuttall, C. W. Penrose and Geo. Goddard

Attended the funeral of Sister Riter, wife of Bro. W. W. Riter, with both of whom I was well acquainted. He had requested me to be present at the funeral. The services commenced at 2 o’clock. My brother Angus spoke first, and I spoke, and Bro. Burton made some closing remarks. I sympathized very deeply with him, because of his peculiar organization. He is a man who is un-manned by grief, and has not strength, apparently, to bear up under a shock of this kind. He was devoutly attached to his wife, who was a most excellent lady, and had waited upon her night and day up to her death. He was very much prostrated. While everybody else around him was in tears, his eyes were entirely dry; he gave way to no emotion. That is a kind of grief that I dread to see. At his request and the request of the family I sat in the carriage with him and his mother and his two children. I propped him up with pillows; and as his hands and feet were cold, I wrapped a quilt around his knees and feet and rubbed his hands until they got warm. This was on the way to the grave. Directly afterwards I was taken with a pain in my bowels which was very severe. It passed off for a while, and then re-commenced, but became so severe that I grew deathly sick. I thought, however, it would leave me and therefore gave no expression, but I felt as though I would be compelled to stop the carriage and get out and lie down on the ground. The pain became so great that I scarcely knew what to do. Up to this time neither Bro. Riter nor his mother had noticed me. She was sitting opposite me, and on looking at my face, saw that I was sick and asked me. I then told her. The procession was stopped and a number gathered around, and some proposed that I go into a house near by. But I suggested that if I could be taken back to the office I would prefer it. Bro. Nelson Empy drove up and left his wife in my place in the carriage, and then took me in the buggy to the office. When I started I was scarcely able to sit up the pain was so dreadful. My appearance frightened everybody I was so pale. Riding in the face of the wind helped me, and when I got to the office I felt a little better, but still I alarmed Bros. Jos. F. Smith and Nuttall and Bp Sheets, who were in the office at the time, by my appearance. I was administered to twice. Bro. F. D. Richards, having heard of my sickness, came in. Sister Harriet Cook Young, a wife of Prest Young, made me some composition tea. After a while I felt able to start home. Bro. Hyram Clawson, Bro. Burton and others, who were in the procession, came in to inquire about my health. Bro. Clawson kindly exchanged his phaeton for my buggy because if its being more comfortable to ride in.

9 September 1881 • Friday

Friday, Sep. 9th, 1881 I tossed in bed about two hours last night, thinking about Thomas’ course. A letter which I had received from Bro. Canute Peterson informed me that he had used my name in obtaining all the particulars concerning the use of the tithing in the Sanpete Stake, and free will offerings for the temple, which, Bro. Peterson said, he was reluctant to give him but for the assurance that he gave him that it would be agreeable to me to do so. I felt that I was liable to be put in a false position unless I did something about it. So when I came to the office this morning I told Prest Taylor and Bro. Jos. F. Smith that I wanted to get the brethren together to make some explanation in regard to this matter. Prest Taylor appointed three o’clock, and I notified Bros. F. D. Richards, Woodruff, and D. H Wells, and on their coming together I laid before the council the action that I had taken in this matter, and told them that Thomas had advised me that he had obtained full reports from Sanpete, Beaver and Parowan, with the exception of one bishop’s ward in the last named stake. And I thought it right to explain all that I had done in this matter, so that it might be all clearly understood by the brethren that no undue share of blame should be attached to me, he having used my name to obtain this information. The brethren expressed themselves as averse to opening up everything to an espionage of this kind, thinking that it might be used improperly against us. I remarked that my object in this matter was to relieve Prest Taylor from the responsibility of refusing the information. As it was, he stood in the gap, and would be accused, if nothing were done by us, of being the person who refused the information which the census called for. I also thought that some method should be adopted to meet the present exigency. After some conversation, Prest Taylor decided, and it was voted affirmatively by the brethren present, that the subject be left with myself and Bro. Nuttall, and that we arrange the reports and collate everything necessary to furnish the secretary the information desired. After this council I felt greatly relieved, having felt prior to it that there was danger of my being put in a false position and my motives being misinterpreted. My only wish in the matter has been to prevent, if possible, unnecessary friction; and at the same time control it so that whatever appeard we should understand and control.

10 September 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Sep. 10th, 1881 Reached the city this morning about ten minutes to eight o’clock to meet an appointment with Prest Taylor at eight o’clock, he having expressed a wish that I should accompany him to the proposed site of the proposed paper-mill to designate the exact spot where it should be erected. I rode with him in his carriage. He was accompanied by his wife Mary Ann as far as his sister Elizabeth’s—Sister Boyes. Prest Jos. F. Smith, my brother Angus, T. E. Taylor, C. J. Lambert and Henry Groo were of the party. We decided upon the location; also the First Presidency voted that Bro. Groo be the architect of the building, and be responsible for its construction, and for the water-power, etc., and that T. E. Taylor be the superintendent to make contract and to pay for it and everything connected with the building; and that Chas. J. Lambert, as the paper maker, should be consulted respecting the arrangement of the mill, for convenience and efficiency. Bro. Groo had prepared an excellent lunch which we enjoyed, as we were hungry. We reached the city on our return about half-past four o’clock. I drove home afterwards.

11 September 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Sep. 11th, 1881 My health is not good this morning, but I attended meeting in the afternoon. Elders T. B Lewis and C. W. Penrose occupied the time. After meeting I met with Senator T. W. Ferry, of Michigan and his aunt; also Mr. Lord, who is an official reporter of the House of Representatives, and his wife. I furnished Senator Ferry and his aunt a pass over our railroad to Ogden, as I had done Mr. Lord before he left Washington.

Prest Taylor desired me to write the obituary of his son, David John Taylor, whose corpse is expected here on Tuesday evening next. We met in council, attended to prayer, but no business

12 September 1881 • Monday

Monday, Sep. 12th, 1881 My health is not very good this morning. I do not feel myself. I drove to the city and attended to business in the office, and dined with Prest Taylor at his wife Sophia’s[.] It is the anniversary of my wife Sarah Jane’s birth. She is forty two years of age today.

13 September 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sep. 13th, 1881 Attended to various matters of business in the office today.

Bros. Alonzo E. Hyde and Richard J. Taylor arrived this evening from Ogden with the body of David John Taylor. They met Derr, who had charge of the corpse, a few miles this side of Omaha. A number of the brothers and brothers-in-law and fellow employees of Z.C.M.I. with the Supt. and Sec. Bros Jennings and Webber, were on the platform on the arrival of the train, and accompanied the remains to the late residence of the deceased. It was decided to send Bro. O. K. Whitney to England with the expectation that he should write for the “Star”, after he shall have had some months experience in the missionary field, to take the place of Elder C. W. Stayner. Bro. Stayner has been professing to receive revelations in which the intimation is conveyed though not expressly stated, that he is the great prophet to whom reference had been made in the revelations. He claims that a prophet will be raised up who will be of the seed of the Savior and of Ephriam, having the blood of Ephriam and of Joseph intermingled in his veins; and that he himself is the personage referred to by Isaiah and by Moses and by Joseph where he speaks of one “mighty and strong”. And he states that the Church will receive his mission, and Prest Taylor and Bro. Pratt especially. I gather the idea that he wishes them to be his counselors. He is very anxious to know how the presidency of the Church feel in regard to his revelations. This I gather from a letter that his brother Arthur has received from him, and in this letter he conveys the idea that before he can go ahead exercising his gifts he must be recognized by the First Presidency. There is evidently a trick of the devil to lead this soul astray. He has been very self-righteous for sometime, I understand, and has been seeking earnestly for more power; and he is, it is stated, very ambitious, and the adversary has taken advantage of him. He will not stop where he is if he retains this spirit. Today we may be willing to have the First Presidency decide upon these pretensions, but if they fail to go according to the revelations which he has received, of course it will seem like a natural consequence for him to proclaim his revelations as of greater importance and more binding than the action or decisions of the First Presidency, and as a result of their non action it will be easy for him to conclude that they are in transgression.

14 September 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sep. 14th, 1881 Bros. F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith and Prest Jos. F. Smith were at the office this morning. Bro. Horton D. Haight, of Farmington, who has been appointed Bishop of Cassia Ward—a new settlement which has been made in Idaho in the Snake River country, came to the office to be set apart as bishop of that ward. As Prest Taylor was not in, I suggested that we defer doing anything in this matter until we could learn his mind about it; and we could then attend to it if necessary, without him after the funeral of his son.

At 12 o’clock I repaired to the 14th Ward Assembly Hall, to attend the funeral ceremonies of Bro. David J. Taylor, deceased; it was filled with the relatives and friends of the deceased[.] The body was not in fit condition to be taken into the house, it was therefore placed on the porch outside. The choir sang beautifully, and the meeting was addressed in brief by Bishop Thomas Taylor of the 14th Ward and Prests J. F. Smith, W. Woodruff and myself. The meeting was an interesting one.

A long procession of carriages accompanied the remains to the grave. There were no ceremonies at the grave; but on behalf of Prest Taylor, I thanked those present for their kind consideration and the sympathy they had shown to the mourners on this occasion[.] After the coffin was lowered in the grave, the widow of the deceased retired to her carriage. Her grief was very great, and her expressions caused the tears to come into many a strong man’s eyes. Prest Taylor thought at first to stop until the grave was filled up, but I induced him, as he was feeble, to go into his carriage, telling him that I would stop and see that the grave was filled up and properly arranged. All withdrew excepting myself and my brother Angus, and two or three of Prest Taylor’s sons.

Bros. Lyman, John H. Smith and I laid our hands upon Bro. Horton D Haight and ordained him a high priest and bishop; I was mouth. I then gave him such instructions as the Spirit suggested respecting his new duties.

I took dinner with my wife Elizabeth, at her sister’s, she having come up to attend the funeral.

15 September 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Sep. 15th, 1881 At the office. At 11 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. At two o’clock went to Hon W. H. Hooper’s to attend the funeral ceremonies of his mother-in-law, Sister Sidney A. Knolton. Prest Jos. F. Smith had been requested to speak; but as he did not occupy all the time, I was requested to make a few remarks, which I did. Bro. Wells also spoke. Sister Knolton was eighty-four years of age. Dictated editorial for the Juvenile.

16 September 1881 • Friday

Friday, Sep. 16th, 1881 Met with the stockholders of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co, held at the Bank, for the election of officers. I was elected chairman of the meeting in the absence of Prest Taylor.

The committee appointed by the Twelve to examine into the condition of the Historian’s Office, as to the method of keeping the records, read a report of their investigation as far as they had gone; Bros. O. Pratt and W. Woodruff, also being present. The method of keeping historical items I do not think is as good as might be; and I expressed myself with some freedom and plainness upon this subject. A great deal of the work which is being done I consider valueless for practical purposes. The rule is to select such items as may be deemed of value hereafter for historical purposes from the various periodicals, copying them into books. And this is all that is being done towards preparing current history. I would prefer the clippings themselves to the manuscript copy. Besides the copy is never compared with the original; there may be numberless errors in the copy of which none know. My opinion is, there should be a compilation of history, and everything done that can be towards preparing all documents that are necessary to make a perfect history whenever it shall be necessary to write it.

Monsieur Philibert Fermoz, Prelate de la Maison du Pope, called in company with Father Scanlan.

I was much grieved this afternoon by a communication being read to me by Bro. F. M. Lyman respecting the feelings of Heber J. Grant Prest of the Tooele Stake, towards me. Bro. Lyman stopped with him last night, and the conversation turned to the case of Margaret Young, widow of Jos. A. Young. Bro. Grant manifested a good deal of feeling, in fact Bro. Lyman told me that he evinced what he considered a bad spirit in making accusations against me, because of my conduct in regard to her in connection with the estate of Prest B. Young. Bro. Lyman said he felt it his duty to let me know; also that he might know my side of the story. For this I expressed myself quite grateful to him

I felt particularly hurt because I had exposed myself to attack for the course I had taken in regard to Bro. H. J. Grant and his brothers in settling a claim which they had against the estate, which I might easily have declined to have anything to do, and defended myself for so acting, because of the age of the transaction. But I took upon myself great risk to do what I thought was equitable to save feelings, even though one of the executors, Bro. A. Carrington, was adverse to our doing it. This matter of Sister Margaret Young’s is one in which I feel so innocent of any wrong or intention to do wrong that I am quite willing to submit the case to any number of brethren, leaving it to their decision, and would willingly do anything that they would say ought to be done in the premises.

Because of a remark that Prest Young had made concerning her—though her name was not mentioned in the will as one of the legatees—we took it upon ourselves, as executors, to allow her the same amount per month as each of the wives. When her husband’s children came to settle, they refused to sign our releases until she either gave up this monthly allowance or her share in her husband’s (their father’s) estate, she being his second wife; they arguing that she could not be entitled to both. When this was brought to our attention, we submitted it to her through our agent — I did not see her personally — and told her the position of affairs. And I think that we suggested that it would be better for her to elect to have $50 per month, as it would be more remunerative to her than the small amount coming to her from her husband’s estate; and that if she gave up one, that would be the part to yield. This is my recollection of it. I would have counseled my own sister in the same way. If she had not elected to do one of these two things, we would be compelled, in order to get these releases signed, to have stopped her allowance, for under the circumstances we could not afford to take the risk of leaving our releases unsigned by those parties. She elected to give up the two or three thousand dollars in property that was coming to her from her husband’s estate, and we continued to pay her $50 per month until the estate was taken our [out] of our hands and placed in the hands of receivers. These receivers refused to give her this allowance[.] After the estate was returned to our hands we were told, that if we continued to pay Margaret Young this monthly allowance we would be sued. In the meantime while I was absent, an effort was made to have some of the heirs make up the amount from their income, and Bro. Wm. A. Rossiter, who was our agent in collecting rents and doing other business, informed me that she refused to accept anything in this form[.] I again have made efforts since to have some arrangement made that would be satisfactory to all parties, by which she could get her regular allowance; but have failed in my attempts. It was an unfortunate thing for her; but I have hoped that if we could hold on for a while in making no talk about this matter, that we might see our way clear to give her this allowance after a little. She is receiving now support from Bro. Willard Young, who has given her what has been needed with pleasure, as he has informed me. But she feels that she is an object of charity while in this position, and has made some stir about it. This is all that Bro. Grant has cause to speak against me. And in this I have only been one out of three; but it seems I am visited with his displeasure, and so much so that he has told one party that he could not take any pleasure in hearing me speak. I think his conduct in this savors of ingratitude in view of the risks I have taken for himself and brothers in view of all the circumstances. And I have thought that unless Bro. Grant did something about this matter, I shall bring the case before the travelling High Council, the Twelve Apostles; for I will not submit to a president of a Stake talking about me as I hear he has been doing. Bro. Lyman intended to see him on this subject, and have a conversation with him.

17 September 1881 • Friday

Friday, Sep. 17th, 1881 At the office. Elders Charles Andrews, Samuel Jackson and James Jenkins, Jr., of Nephi were set apart today for missions to the Southern States. I helped to set them apart.

Bro. Heber J. Grant called on me at the office this afternoon and requested the opportunity of conversing with me. We had a very free conversation respecting the matters referred to by me two days ago. I expressed my feelings to him that I felt very much hurt; and I called Brother Wm A. Rossiter in who, in the presence of Bro. Grant, related the conversation that had taken place between himself and the executors and Sister Margaret Young, widow of the late Margaret Jos. A. Young[.] His conversation of what the executors had done, so completely exonerated me that I think Bro. Grant, if he had any doubts respecting my course, must have had them removed, as Bro. Rossiter told him that it was Bro. Carrington, not me who had talked more particularly with him and directed what to say to Sister Young; and that he had brought no such message to us as Bro. Grant had understood he was entrusted with[.] We had quite a lengthy conversation and a very good spirit. Brother Grant felt, I think, that he had, and expressed himself to the effect, that he was glad I had explained matters; and he acknowledged that he was not warranted in indulging in such language, but that he had spoken to no one but Bro. Lyman and his mother on the subject.

18 September 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Sep. 18th, 1881 Bro. Orson Pratt was at meeting this afternoon and expressed a wish to me, Prest Taylor not being present, if it would not interfere with any arrangements, he would like to speak sometime during the meeting to the congregation for few minutes[.] I was much pleased to have him do so, and thought he had better make such remarks at the opening of the meeting, as he may choose to occupy as much time as he pleased. His particular reasons, I think, for making remarks today was that tomorrow will be the anniversary of his 70th birthday, and of his baptism in the Church, 51 years ago. He spoke louder than I expected he could have done, and was listened to for about fifteen minutes with wrapped attention. I spoke about forty minutes afterwards.

After the meeting Bro. John Henry Smith, D. H. Wells, and John Smith and Bro. L. John Nuttall met at the Endowment House and prayed, but did not clothe ourselves in our robes.

19 September 1881 • Monday

Monday, Sep. 19th, 1881 Was at the office. Had some conversation with Bro. P. F. Goss, who was going to start tomorrow morning in company with Bro J. J. Walser, of Payson, to Switzerland, respecting my son Abram, who is laboring in that mission.

Bro. Henry Dean, his wife and three children, who came in from the Sandwich Islands last Friday, called at the office, and we had an interesting conversation with them about the islands

20 September 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sep. 20th, 1881 The news reached the city last night of the death of Prest James A. Garfield, at Long Branch, at 35 minutes past 10 o’clock. I received the news at my home before starting up; also saw by the paper the mayor had issued a proclamation requesting the suspension of all business and the closing of all stores. I drove up to the city and found everything very quiet. Houses and stores were draped with mourning, and the streets appeared, excepting the sight of the people upon them, as though it were Sunday[.] At 11 o’clock the president and directors of the Utah Iron Man. Co met at the President’s office, and at their request I stayed to the meeting, being a stockholder[.] While engaged in the meeting, had a call from Gov Pacheco, who was a Member of Congress from California; he was accompanied by two friends. He was going away this afternoon, and as I was busy he excused himself, and I sent him afterwards a pass for himself and one friend who was going to accompany him from Salt Lake City to Ogden, to which he replied in a very courteous terms. I called upon my two daughters in law this afternoon, Anne Wells Cannon and Sarah Jenkins Cannon. Wrote to my sons John Q. and Abram today.

21 September 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sep. 21st, 1881 At the office. My brother Angus, T. E. Taylor and Henry Groo were in the office today, and conversation was had respecting the new paper mill which it is proposed to erect. I had some conversation with Mr. Brice, a Member of Parliament from England.

I received a communication from Robt. J. Stevens, clerk of the Committee on appropriations of the House, who was a son of Hon Isaac Stevens, formerly delegate from Washington Territory, a man of some eminence, and son-in-law to Sir Edward Baker who was killed during the war, in which he requested me to furnish him and his family passes over the line from Ogden to Salt Lake and return. He stated in his letter that he had conversed with ex-sargeant senator Sargeant, whom I have every reason to remember very kindly for the interest he has always taken in seeing that we had fair play, and who urged him to be sure and come to Salt Lake City with his party. He also said that he spoke very kindly of myself and denounced the outrage perpetrated upon me by Gov. Murray. I wrote Mr. Stevens in reply and sent him passes. Met this afternoon with the council at the Endowment House.

22 September 1881 • Thursday

Thursday Sep. 22nd, 1881 At the office. At two o’clock this afternoon Prest Taylor, myself, Prest J. F. Smith, Prest Woodruff, and Apostles L. Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and D H. Wells met in the room of the Twelve at the Council House and listened to the reading of a very elaborate work upon the atonement written by Prest Taylor. Bro: Geo. Reynolds did the reading and before we dismissed, the propriety of addressing a letter to Gov Murray tendering to him the use of the large Tabernacle was talked over, and it was finally decided that Prest Taylor write the Governor to this effect. He requested me to write it, which I did at that time, submitting it to him and to the council; it met with the approval of all.

23 September 1881 • Friday

Friday Sep. 23rd 1881 Again met at the Endowment House to listen to the reading of the work on the Atonement at 10 o’clock and also at two.

After the council, some of us came to the office, and a very interesting conversation occurred between prest Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, F D. Richards and J H. Smith and myself, respecting the position that the counselors of Prest Taylor would occupy in the event of his demise. It seems that some of the brethren had the idea that we would become counselors to the Twelve, in the same manner that Bros Wells and John W. Young did after the death of Prest Young. I expressed my feelings, in which all present seemed to concur, that we should fall back into our place in the quorum. I said that, for instance, the Prest of the Twelve should step forward and become the Prest Of the Church, he would probably select out of the quorum of the Twelve his counselors; that if he only selected one counselor, out of the quorum it would leave two vacancies, that is the vacancy caused by the removal of himself and the one counselor whom he may choose, and in that event we would take our places in that quorum of the Twelve. But that if he should select both counselors outside of the quorum of the Twelve, I could not conceive of how we should lose our places as Apostles, for we had been members of that quorum, and being placed in the First presidency ought not to deprive us of our rights that we already had held. Upon these points I cautioned the younger brethren, who seemed to be most anxious to have some decision upon it, telling them that it was not wise to set stakes nor to get our feelings too much wrought up as to how things should be. I had learned by experience that the Lord did not counsel with men as to the management of His Church, or as to who should preside. I firmly believe that the Prophet Joseph designed his brother Hyrum to succeed him, as Prest of the Church, in the event of anything happening to himself. But it was not to be; and it has been said, although I do not know how much foundation in fact there is for it, that Prest Young desired his son, John W. to qualify himself and so live that he should be counted worthy to succeed him as Prest of the Church. I cannot speak of this with certainty, for I do not know. The President never intimated any such <design> to me at any time, though I know he loved his son very much; and no doubt would have been delighted to have had John W. so live that the Lord would consider him worthy to hold that position. But whatever his feelings may have been upon that subject, the Lord ordered it otherwise. The lord will choose his own man, and men, and we cannot arrange things for Him

24 September 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Sep. 24th, 1881 Wrote to John Q. and Abram today; the former at Liverpool, the latter at Berne, Switzerland. Again met in council and concluded the reading of the manuscript. At its conclusion, I moved that we approve and accept of it.

Prest Taylor has displayed a vast amount of research on this work; and it will do a great deal of good in calling the attention of the people, who may have the privilege to read it, to many important doctrines. He does not feel to publish it at present, but when he does publish it he may have only a limited number of copies issued. Elder [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], from [town and county name redacted] Co, called in the office this afternoon, and presented to us the minutes of a trial before the Bishop of his ward, which had been had upon the case of himself. The case stands thus: It seems that he had taken a second wife; and after marriage some suspicion was aroused concerning their having had intercourse with each other before marriage, which each of them solemnly denied, calling upon God to witness that they had told the truth. Afterwards they had a quarrel, and his wife then preferred a charge against her husband of having committed adultery. He then acknowledged that they had had intercourse before marriage. This was his second offense of that kind. He would have been cut off from the Church, but he requested the Bishop and council to suspend sentence until he could come and see Prest Taylor. He attempted by reference to the revelation on celestial marriage--wherein it is said that if a man espouse ten virgins, he could do no wrong with them--to justify his conduct[.] But he was shown that this had no allusion to a case like his; that he had committed adultery twice, and that the Book of Covenants was imperative upon this matter; and therefore he must be cut off from the Church and lose his Priesthood. I was moved with exceeding pity for the man, for he seemed crushed. But the Word of the Lord is so plain respecting this crime that we had no latitude. He left the office as a man might do who was going to be executed, head bowed, and round shoulders, as if he were eighty years of age. His case was referred back to his Bishop and Council to take such action as they believed proper in the premises.

Took dinner with my wife Elizabeth. Afterwards accompanied Prest Taylor and Bros. Jos F. And J. H. Smith to the Fair of the Primary Association, held in the Social Hall, in which was displayed work of various kinds performed by children under 13 years of age. A juvenile band played a number of popular airs. After our return, Prest Smith, Bro. John Henry and myself set apart Sister R. B. Pratt, I being mouth, to go to the states to complete her studies at New York, she having had a very excellent offer from a prominent occulist in the east to go to the hospital there, offering her every facility to enable her to master more perfectly that branch of her profession.

The public were notified this afternoon that a meeting would be held in the large Tabernacle on Monday for memorial services on the occasion of Prest Garfield’s funeral. I received a despatch yesterday morning from the clerk Hon Geo. A. Adams and Sergeant-at[-]Arms Hon J. G. Thompson, of the House of Representatives, requesting me to attend t[h]e funeral ceremonies at Washington on Friday, and at Cleveland on next Monday at 2 P.M. The short notice precluded the possibility of my reaching there, and so I telegraphed them.

Attended the theater this afternoon with my wife and her sister, and we witnessed the opera “The Royal Middy”, by the Melville Company

25 September 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Sep. 25th, 1881 Prest Taylor and I attended the Tabernacle services at 2 p.m[.] Bros. Woodruff and O. F. Whitney spoke[.] Afterwards we met with the brethren in the Endowment House, and prayed in our every day clothing.

26 September 1881 • Monday

Monday, Sep. 26th, 1881 I did not come up town today until it was time to attend services in the Tabernacle. The stand and other pa[r]ts of the building were draped in black. A very large congregation attended. Elder F. M. Lyman spoke for twenty minutes; Elder a Minor for 30 minutes, and I spoke about 20 minutes. A full report of the proceedings of this meeting was published in the News the next day. Elder Penrose made the opening prayer, and Elder Nicholson pronounced the benediction. The singing by the choir was very fine.

27 September 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sep. 27th, 1881 At the office. Had a very interesting interview with Bro. Andrew Jenson, who had just returned from the Scandinavian Mission. His report of the mission was a good one. He also referred to the “Bikuben,” a Scandinavian paper published in this city. He answered some inquiries somewhat reluctantly, conveying the idea that it was a paper very badly edited; in fact as a piece of literary work, not fit to be seen by anyone outside of our Church

28 September 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday. Sep. 28th, 1881 Bro. Preston, from Cache Valley, is down, and Prest Taylor had some conversation with him in regard to the poor of that Stake; also concerning Temple matters. He and I dined with Prest Taylor. In the afternoon Prest Taylor and I went through the Gardo House and examined the repairs. At two o’clock we met as usual in the Endowment House. While here we learned that Dr. John M. Benedict Bernhisel had died. He had represented Utah in Congress for ten years. He died at 10:30 this morning. He is upwards of eighty-two years of age. He leaves his family in very poor circumstances, having lost considerable means in mining operations. His death was very peaceful

29 September 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Sep. 29th, 1881 At the office. At 11 o’clock Prest Taylor and I attended a meeting of the directors of Z.C.M.I. The semi-annual reports of the condition of the institution are very satisfactory. It was decided to declare a four per cent dividend on the stock.

A full report was made this afternoon by the committee who had been appointed to investigate the condition of the Historians Office. A number of recommendations were made, which in the main I thought were excellent. I have taken considerable interest in this subject, and have expressed myself freely to the brethren who have had this matter in hand; for I esteem it a subject of great importance to us, that our records should be kept in the most approved manner. They (the committee) have talked very freely with me upon the subject. My experience as a printer, publisher and writer, being of some value in such matters.

We heard that Bro. Orson Pratt’s health was much worse. Prest Taylor, myself, Bros. Jos. F., W. Woodruff. F. D. Richards and John Henry Smith went to his residence; we found him quite low, but cheerful and full of hope and sanguine that he would be out again. Prest Taylor, in consequence of his health, did not administer to him, but requested us to do so, and asked me to be mouth. While I felt to bless Bro. Pratt, and to rebuke the disease, I did not feel to resist the will of the Lord in relation to him, and so expressed myself while our hands were on his head. We sealed upon him all the blessings that he had ever received, and sealed him up to eternal life. I did do not like to exercise faith to have men live, if it be the Lord’s will to have them go hence. Have seen instances where we have been so determined to keep men here that we have apparently been the means of prolonging their lives and keeping them here when it was almost apparent that it was the will of God that they should go hence.

30 September 1881 • Friday

Friday, Sep. 30th, 1881 My son Sylvester had a very bad night last night. He had three spasms during the night. He is in a very high fever this morning. Under his jaws is very much swelled. His mother’s health is so poor that I felt that I must get her some help. I therefore came up town and succeeded in finding Sister Shipley and getting her to go down for a few hours. In the evening I took down my wife’s sister. I came back to town at one o’clock and attended the funeral services of Bro. Bernhisel[.] Myself and Bro W. H. Hooper and Prest Taylor occupied the time.

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September 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024