February 1875

1 February 1875 • Monday

Mon. Jan. Feb. 1. Today I wrote some letters to friends went up and mailed them; Lou. was fearful bad with Newralgia and I was not much better; Annie went to the Association [p. 130] {p. 132}

2 February 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. <Feb. 2> I went up to see sister Eliza afterwards to the other house, saw my husband and shook hands with him;

Em. & Annie went to the Theatre to see The Unequal Match Retta [Henrietta] Richards was married to day to Phil Margretts [Philip H. Margetts]

3 February 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Feb. 3. Called on Mrs. Goddard, went to the Theatre in the evening saw Love’s Sacrifice– Em. went to the Association at Mamie Janes [Mary Ann Jones],

4 February 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. <Feb 4> Went to Fast Meeting had a good time, Sister Grant[,] Goddard and Lydia Ann came over to lunch with me went back to the Teachers’ Meeting at which I presided for the first [p. 131] {p. 133} time in my life; got on excellently well– went to the Theatre in the evening saw Romeo & Juliet,

5 February 1875 • Friday

Friday Feb. 5. 1875

This is the anniversary of Mr. [Newel K.] Whitney’s birthday he would have been eighty years old, in the evening I went to see the Unequal Match, enjoyed As You Like It. I enjoyed it very much indeed,

6 February 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 6. This is little Newill [Newel M. Whitney]’s birthday he would be twenty eight how strange it seems to me, how many things have transpired since that time; I went to the fourteenth ward meeting and afterwards to a meeting of ladies at the Exponent Office to talk over the expediency of organizing a publishing Committee [p. 132] {p. 134} then called on Miss Ida Cook came home and found Mellie here waiting for me Will & Mell Em & Annie all went to the Theatre.

7 February 1875 • Sunday

Sun Feb. 7. Went to meeting in the afternoon heard Br. Woodruff– preach, went up to Lydia Ann’s in the evening; Harry Emory was here and a crowd of young boys and girls

8 February 1875 • Monday

Mon. Feb. 8. I was busy writing all day long, it was a lovely day out but rather cold went to the Theatre in the evening Em. went with Harry Emory we expected to see Willie Gill play The Gilded Age but were disappointed an injunction had been served on the managers [p. 133] {p. 135} as well as himself; by Raymond he claiming the exclusive right to the play; My sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] came to see me.

9 February 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Feb. 9. Another delightful day; writing all day long, Louie sick again with Neuralgia; but she went to the Theatre with David Hilstead [L. David Hillstead]; Mr. [George R.] Hewlings called on me today and I felt disgusted with him.

10 February 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Feb. 10. Gracie Groo’s is nine today, early before I could get started out Eunice Billings Warner [Snow] Bradley came from Provo she had her daughter Lydia [Snow] and son Titus Orson [Snow] with her they spent the day mother came up about noon, and afterwards Sister Goddard sister Brooks, Orson, &c. Em. went to the Association with Ort & Rul. Annie and Louie went to a surprise party with Tom Dawson and [p. 134] {p. 136} Dav. Hilstead, Orson [K. Whitney] and Eunice staid up talking until midnight.

11 February 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Feb. 11.

Belle came down with both children and went to Mellie’s I was busy making Lou’s dress all day nearly, went to Lile’s about four o’clock, Em made me a present of a pair of eyeglasses; all gold rims with pebble glass, such beauties price fifteen dollars; it was very kind of her, she is very good in that respect; indeed no girl could honor her mother more than she does; I spent the evening at Lile’s; heard particular news of a friend.

12 February 1875 • Friday

Friday Feb. 12.

1This has been a busy day indeed, preparing for the ball Annie goes with David Miner [p. 135] {p. 137} and Lou. with Tom Dawson Em with Harry Emory to the Club Party; Orson and Eunice to the Theatre with my tickets I was alone all the evening writing reading and thinking; Orson and Eunice sat up until after twelve talking indeed later even for all the girls came home and retired for the night and they were still talking over old times; Eunice said to me when she came to bed that she had freed her mind of a burden which had rested upon it for years:

13 February 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 13 Joshua is forty to day we are all invited up to Belle’s Lydia Ann & Susan went up with me; we had a pleasant visit came home about eight; passed by the other house and staid a short time, but did not see [p. 136] {p. 138} my husband, much as I wished for it; Lou. went with Leo2 in the buggy to the Springs today and this evening she has gone to the Theatre with him;

14 February 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Feb. 14. St. Valentine’s day; and a most lovely day indeed it is; just thirty years ago since I went into a family and took upon me the covenant of celestial marriage3 how many peculiar changes I have seen during that time but never for one moment doubted the truth of the doctrine I had espoused; I went to meeting heard <Br.> Carrington preach, and then to dinner with Lydia Ann & Susan, shook hands with my husband, went in the evening to the 14th. ward to hear Orson Pratt. Emma had the [p. 137] {p. 139} parlor full of young people;

15 February 1875 • Monday

Mon. Feb. 15. This is a lovely Morn. just like spring for all the world Inez came to lunch, Zina came and spent the evening; Annie went to Br. Mazer [Karl G. Maeser]’s lecture; Mary Jane called and said she was going to get ready to go away soon.

16 February 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Feb. 16. I made several calls, went up to the other house; Mellie bought her a new dress today; we were alone in the evening;

17 February 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Feb. 17. Mrs. Jane [Cusson] Birkbeck arrived from Cedar City– Sister Grant called Sister Barney, Em. went to the association at Alibo [Alice] Youngs Charlotte Cobb [Godbe] was there, I met Lou. [Louis E.] Granger on the [p. 138] {p. 140} street saw Belle and she told me Dot [S. Isabel Sears] had put two buttons up her nostrils, one of them she had succeeded in getting out the other one she had not; in the evening I went up to my sister Lucy’s staid until nine coming home called in at Sister Barney’s, <Belle took a buff tarleton down to Mell to make>

18 February 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Feb. 18.

Before I was up Sister Birkbeck came up to my room, I got up and wrote a letter for her; Sister [Elvira S.] Barney came in we all went out together; I went up to Mr. Hall’s got mother took her to meeting called at the other house; we had a splendid meeting; afterwards went round to look after the poor; up to Helen [Mar Kimball Whitney] and Ria [Maria Whitney Hall]’s called at Lile’s was introduced [p. 139] {p. 141} to Mr. Fields came home; called up at Elvira’s then after coming home was writing very late. Lou. went to the 14th. Ward with David Hilstead.

19 February 1875 • Friday

Friday Feb. 19.4

Went out with Belle in the buggy called at Mellie’s went up to sister Lucy’s on the streetcars, Lou. Granger called on me for the first time; called on Ria; went to Mell’s to dinner Mary Jane and Mr. [Isaac] Groo, were there; Lile came I came up in town with her went down to Mary Ann Case’s and from there to my sister’s[;] Eber came home with me Em. took tea up at Belle’s with Mr. Norton Mr. Fields etc. went to a party in the court-house with Harry Emery; The Pres.t. [Brigham Young] returned from St. George [p. 140] {p. 142}

20 February 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 20. Janie [Birkbeck] came before I was up and told me the babe was very sick indeed she seemed to feel very miserable, Belle came and said Mary Ann [Needham Sears] had a son5 born this morn. had a good time; I was not able to attend the 14th. Ward meeting as Jane was very ill and I would not leave her;

21 February 1875 • Sunday

Sun. Feb. 21. Jane was here and I could not get out to meeting went in the evening however and took her with me Bishop [Edwin D.] Woolley was preaching about tongues dreams etc. we went up to the other house from meeting but came home almost directly found my husband here, we had a very pleasant time staid with me very late. [p. 141] {p. 143}

22 February 1875 • Monday

Mon. Feb. 22. Washington’s birthday, ball in the theatre Belle Em & Annie all went mother came today from Ria’s I went to the Good Templar’s’6

23 February 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Feb. 23. Mellie was taken very sick yesterday, Janie started was here there was a snow storm, Lou. and Emmie went to hear the bell-ringers

24 February 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Feb. 24. Mr. Hendrie, birthday thirty-one Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horn[e] invited me to come to their society and to dinner, I went down to see Mellie Will came home with me Mitchell7 arrived. [p. 142] {p. 144}

25 February 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. <Feb. 25> Em. was taken very sick in school had to be brought home, Mother went down to Mary Jane’s today– Em. was very bad all night no chance to sleep at all, Sister Lucy came to go to the theatre,

26 February 1875 • Friday

Friday Feb. 26. I have had so many callers today been so busy was very tired Aunt Zina came in and brought her work Katie was real sick here; [p. 143] {p. 145}

22 February 1875 • Monday8

Mon Feb. 22. Washington’s birthday every body observing it, Em. & Annie went to the ball in the Theatre also Belle. Mellie has taken very ill indeed called Dr. Lindsay [Edward Lindsly] in the night; I went to the Good Templar’s Hall, was much surprised seemed like masonry;; mother came in the afternoon.

23 February 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. Feb. 23. Was busy writing had ever so many callers was not well mother was here, had a pleasant time in the evening with Joshua; Janie <Birkbeck> started home to Cedar City with her adopted daughter

24 February 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. Feb. 24. This is my dearest friend’s birthday, one almost as dear as if he were my own son he is thirty-one today, but he is far from here, I composed some verses for the occasion suitable [p. 144] {p. 146}9 for Em. to send to him; in the evening Em. did not go to the association it met at Kit [Lucretia Heywood]’s; Joshua was here again went down to see Mellie had a splendid time. Andria left <to-day> <Lucy came down and went to the theatre–>

25 February 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. Feb. 25, Em. was taken very sick indeed brought home from school, had fainted away twice, was very much concerned about her was up all night mother went home with Joshua, in the afternoon yesterday Judge MacKean [James B. McKean] decided Prest. Young should pay 500 dollars per’ month to Ann Eliza [Webb Young] also lawyer’s fees.10

26 February 1875 • Friday

Friday <26.> Em. was a little better Inez [D. Earl] came and staid all the afternoon, Kate and May were both here, several other callers Lydia Ann Margaret P. [Pierce Young] Zina Sister Goddard, [p. 145] {p. 147}

27 February 1875 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 27. We were very busy Em. was better Mrs. [Mary A. E. Dyas] Watmough– called, several others. took up so much time, in the evening I went to hear the bell-ringers Annie went with me; we were well pleased, saw lots of old friends.

28 February 1875 • Sunday

Sun Feb. 28. Em. went down to Mellie’s a little while, An. & Lou. went to meeting I went in the evening, lots of young company here; Emeline [Free] Young is very sick indeed; [p. 146] {p. 148}

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February 1875, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1875/1875-02


  1. [1]text: This inscribed date appears on the same line as the end of the previous entry, 11 February, possibly because the previous phrase was written after the date entry.

  2. [2]Perhaps Leo Herbert Clawson.

  3. [3]Despite alternate dates given for this marriage, EBW confirmed 14 February 1845 as the day she was sealed to Newel K. Whitney, contradicting several other later sources. (Family history information, in front matter of EBW, Diary, volume 1 [1844–1846]; for examples of sources with contradictory dates, see “Records of Early Church Families,” 66; Gates, Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, 47; and Madsen, In Their Own Words, 44; see also Madsen, Intimate History, 56–58, for the courtship letters and description of her marriage to Whitney on 14 Feb. 1845.)

  4. [4]text: This inscribed date appears on the same line as the end of the previous entry, 18 February.

  5. [5]John Septimus Sears.

  6. [6]Good Templars was one of the many fraternal societies in Salt Lake City. Lodge No. 3, Independent Order of Good Templars advertised meeting every Monday evening at 7 p.m. in their lodge opposite Clift House. (See Advertisement, Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 27 Aug. 1875, 3.)

  7. [7]Thirteenth Ward missionary couple, Frederick A. and Margaret Thompson Mitchell, just returned from their mission to the Hawaiian Islands, where son Herman Frank was born in October 1874. (Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men, 1041; see also EBW, Diary, 22 Apr. 1875, footnote.)

  8. [8]text: EBW apparently recorded a second entry for several dates from 22 February to 26 February.

  9. [9]text: Page break occurs between “suit” and “able”.

  10. [10]For other references to Brigham Young and the law, see EBW, Diary, 12 Oct. 1874 and 11 Mar. 1875.