November 1902

1 November 1902 • Saturday

All day I have been running about trying to accomplish something but really doing very little‒ and the club is to meet here tonight‒ and some preparation must be made‒ finally we had all in order and guests began to arrive, Mrs. McVicker came today and had a talk with me about California and corresponding with the Tribune while away. The U.W.P.C. was fairly well attended and exercises were good. Mrs. Alder the retiring President elaborately dressed gave quite a good talk on art and recitations were rendered by Miss Fox and Miss Young‒ two musical pieces on the mandolin by Prof. C. [Cornelius] D. Schettler and a book Tennyson’s Poems was presented by the Club members, to Mrs. Alder‒ refreshments were served‒ Mrs. Elmer Jones was the Gentile guest. [p. 337] {p. 209}

2 November 1902 • Sunday

<Belle’s birthday‒ went there to dinner turkey & mince pie‒> Went to the Temple meeting this morning‒ President J. R. Winder presided. singing “Let us pray gladly pray” prayer by Dr. S. B. Young. sung “There is Sunshine in my soul today.[”] Prest. Winder read a chapter from the Bible in regard to hypocritical fasting the speakers were besides Prest. Winder who made some remarks on what he read, Margie [Margaret Miles] Sharp, Mary F. Kelly George Gibbs, Br. [Duncan M.] McAllister, Sister Maeser Annie T. Hyde Sarah Eddington, Zina Wilson, Br. Kelsch who told of the conversion of another Japanese, educated in his own language and in English. Dr. S. B. Young who spoke beautifully & read a poem “The Master’s Coming Today” Hyrum Smith Apostle‒ Sister [blank] then sang [“]Who are these arrayed in white” Wm. Foster spoke of the old Choir and mentioned singing there with me. Br. A. Miner a Sister [blank] Pres. A. M. Cannon Lizzie Decker. L. L. G. Richards. sung Our God we raise to thee‒ [p. 338] {p. 210} <benediction Patriarch John Smith.>

3 November 1902 • Monday

Went up early to the office and tried to get work done Sister Smith came to see me also Alice Merrill Horne about the Art Institute and her connection with it, I went with Margaret Caine to lunch and had a talk about the coming election with a half dozen people. Ort. came in and read proof of the article he had written for me in the Juvenile,1 then I read it after him and stayed at evening finishing the mailing until I was almost too weary for words to express [p. 339] {p. 211}

4 November 1902 • Tuesday

Election day went early to vote and called upon Sister Horne and had a little talk with her over affairs. The election seems to be going on quietly and no friction worth mentioning, all comparatively serene‒ as the day wore on there was rather more excitement and yet the success of either party not assured [p. 340] {p. 212}

5 November 1902 • Wednesday

This morning news of the victory of the Republican party and great joy of the victors those who were elected, only one Democrat‒ Mr. Simon Bamberger for the State Senate, also W. N. Williams from our County‒ Bishop O. F. Whitney one of my dearest friends was not elected‒ of course he is a Democrat also Rulon S. Wells nominated for the Senate lost though he had a large number of votes‒ there is no demonstration but there is a deep sense of appreciation of the right kind of government. [p. 341] {p. 213}

29 November 1902 • Saturday

<at Sep’s wedding dinner> Septimus W. Sears and Isabel M. Sep. Jr. and Gertrude Trindle Sears, Bishop Nelson Empey and wife Emma‒ C. F. W. Buchholz and wife and Marian & Lucile, Brenton and myself, 12 in all 13 when baby Herman came. we had first soup‒ turkey potatoes corn salad and jelly, olives, bread and butter, tea and coffee‒ then <also celery> pickled peaches and mince pie and cheese & wedding cake‒ heavy with fruit. U.W.P.C. met first meeting in the new club year – lecture literary criticism by Mrs. Little [p. 365] {p. 214}

30 November 1902 • Sunday

I Stayed in bed until noon in fact ate my dinner though I was reading and writing and thinking for I had determined to try for the “News Xmas prize[”] and necessarily one must think. About 2. p.m. I went across to Belle’s and found the wedding preparations going on‒ the bride was dressing the dinner was cooking and the dining table was being decorated. Belle informed me <the ceremony was> to be there <at 4. &> on time. I was as were the rest of the family, but Bishop Empey who was to perform the ceremony was late‒ we grew very nervous at last‒ it was 1/2 past five when the Bishop arrived. He came in smiling his wife with him. Possibly it was six p.m. when they were united. And soon after we all sat down to supper‒ a happy party [p. 366] {p. 215}

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November 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Whitney, “Some of Our Poets,” 691–698.