February 1908

1 February 1908 • Saturday

Went to the President’s office, saw Arthur Winter talked with him a few minutes and also Apostle Rudger [J.] Clawson about reports. Annie came up and we went to Co-op bought gloves and then made ready to go to Cavendish birthday dinner, Louise and Richard [D. Andrew] were on the car. going down to dinner, Isabel Whitney Sears had been in to see me through the day. and Collier Robinson [Robison] of Fillmore and Junius brought me a bottle of wine, I gave Cavendish a box of candy and 3 dollars in money to buy books for the high school We had a pleasant evening and I remained for the night. I had a talk with John Q. and read or finished reading [“]a Spinner in the Sun” by Myrtle Reed a very peculiar story. The change from the condition of John Q. to the present is very great and we have great reason to be very thankful to the Lord for the restoration and actual benefit1 {p. 65}

2 February 1908 • Sunday

Rose in good time this morning had not slept much, and dressed for temple Annie made me tea and John Q. had a bite we left on the Nine car I was very cold when I reached the Temple sat between Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Sister Rhoda [Taylor] Lyman. I would have liked to speak but was anxious to hear the Twelve. Pres. J. R. Winder presided, John Smith Patriarch Rudger Clawson Heber J. Grant Geo. A. Smith and Anthony Ivins were there Br. Jos. [W.] McMurrin prayed, Speakers were Br. Winder R. Clawson A. Ivins H. J. Grant Geo. A. Smith Br. Bowman Br. [John T.] McDonald Br. Anderson Sister Rose [Rosetta Wallace] Bennett Susa Y. Gates, Mary A. [Burnham] Freeze, Dr. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts and others; it was a fine spirit. Br. [George] Romney dismissed I went to J. [Joseph] S. Wells had some lunch, and visited with Martha Wells and the family came home at seven P.M. Clarissa Williams invited me to go to dinner so did Lydia Ann Wells. {p. 66}

3 February 1908 • Monday

Stayed until 11.30 for man to read the meter, he did not come Reached office at noon found Sister B. W. Smith waiting, we attended to important business and then she went to Bee Hive house and I to my work of answering letters and sending off mail. Wrote a long letter to Fannie [Frances Williams] Kimball in Thatcher Arizona etc. paid some bills, talked with Sister [Maria Banks] Francis and Br. J. [John] N. Pike about Liberty Stake R.S. It has been a gloomy day and rained all the afternoon. The papers are full of accidents and calamities local and at all points. The King of Portugal and Crown Prince have been assinated, and only a boy now for the throne. Letter from the Governor2 asking advice about delegate to International Congress of Mothers.3 Many letters today, went to Belle’s to dinner, raining very steadily. Came home in total darkness almost <rain could only feel my way from the car> {p. 67}

4 February 1908 • Tuesday

Waited late for workwoman, when I arrived found lots of mail, and soon Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came and we visited an hour or two then I walked with her to the Bee Hive House, she expressed the utmost affection for me that she never felt happy anywhere unless I was with her and much more. kissed me over the gateway when we parted, as she had often done before and begged me to go in with her. A newspaper came from London to me today, with my picture or imitation of me and a short sketch, not all correct, but all favorable, I have today commenced a series of articles about L.D.S. Women of the Past. beginning with Lucy [Mack] Smith.4 I feel it will be good and do good. I have seen Joseph [Wells] & Melvin [D. Wells] & Ruby [Naylor Morse] and Cathie [Catherine Wells] today. Annie spoke in the 4th.Ward R.S. this afternoon The January paper is just out so discouraging, home at 10 writing etc. {p. 68}

5 February 1908 • Wednesday

<A newspaper from London came with picture and notice of me– Mormon Leader–> This is the anniversary of the birthday of Bishop Newel K. Whitney he would have been 103 [113] years old today. It seems a century almost since his death. Mary Freeze came to see me this morning and we had quite a nice visit together, I am very fond of Mary and her mother5 was lovely to me in the days of Nauvoo [Illinois] when it was a treasure to have a true friend. Strange indeed Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze came to see me the same day two lovely women. I had a number of callers, and at 3.P.M. the Utah Council of Women met in the office and we did considerable business. Belle came in from the Pioneer Meeting in Memorial Hall. George Q. came too and stayed a short time. Altogether the day was very full. I have had no word from Mell and it worries me very much indeed. Emmeline has been in and Margaret came up to see me too. {p. 69}

6 February 1908 • Thursday

<Lydia [Dunford] Alder made me a long call last evening.> This morning I tried to finish my work of Personal Impressions of women celebrated in the Latter-day Saint Church in the past made myself late, when I reached the office Hattie B. [Bennion] Harker was there, today has been somewhat dismal in tone, attended to banking and paying bills, sent off draft to Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister, Detroit [Michigan] 25.00 for pamphlets of N.C.W.6 wrote letter to her, also to Mell’s daughter Daisie [Dunford Allen] about her mother. letter to Telephone Co. to Postmaster A. [Arthur] L. Thomas, I have worked incessantly today. Junius paid me a visit yesterday and we talked much of Sister Eliza R. Snow. I have seen Hannah Wells today she told me Martha is very sick. I want to see Amelia but cannot get time to go there. My work seems to be so constant letters to write copy to prepare mailing to do– visitors to see {p. 70}

7 February 1908 • Friday

Today had Sister Walden helping me– young Midgley came about telephones for the Relief Society and soon after Jethro [H.] Whitney from Park City and two daughters Olive [J. Olive Whitney] and Elizabeth [Whitney Gregg], very nice looking young women and pleased to see me, they went up to Belle’s to have lunch, they are going to Los Angelos [Los Angeles], leave tomorrow night, Jethro is the son of Ann Houston Whitney and was born in Winter Quarters [Nebraska] May 8. 1848, his mother died in Salt Lake City and was the first one buried in the Kimball & Whitney cemetery on the hill. Relief Society Board Meeting 13 members present, B. W. Smith E. B. Wells Susan [Noble] Grant P. P. Jennings, C. S. Thomas, J. L. Smith, J. P. M. Farnsworth. E. S. Richards R. N. Nibley, R. E. Little C. S. Williams, M. H. James, Annie W. Cannon 13, A harmonious meeting on the whole {p. 71}

8 February 1908 • Saturday

This morning my cold is very bad and I have had dreadful night, and feel wretched, I know how I must hurry to day to go down to Annie’s it is Emmeline [Cannon]’s birthday she will be 15 years old, a very tall slender beautiful girl, fair and has beautiful hair; After coming to the office I went over my mail and went to the bank and Book store, saw dozens of my friends Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber all in black looking very sorrowful.7 Emmeline and Katharine [Cannon] came up and we went out and bought her present and candy. Sister Walden is here and I am nearly talked to death “so to speak.” She knows about every body Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox came in and brought me carnations in remembrance of her mother’s birthday.8 Ruby came with baby and we came out to go to Cannon Farm, care [car] one hour because of delay, J. Q. Annie Daniel [H. Cannon] Em. Cavendish Katharine, Abram [Abraham H. Cannon] David [W. Cannon] Teddie [Theodore L. Cannon] Rich. Louise and me 12. we had a fine dinner and pleasant evening. {p. 72}

9 February 1908 • Sunday

Stayed in bed late, had my breakfast in Annie’s room and felt much better though I had passed a very bad night with choking, as I had the night before at home. John Q. was not well did not go to Sunday School children all went but baby,9 After John Q. & Annie went in the buggy to see Margaret, and Emily [Wells] Grant and Carol [Caroline Young Croxall] Canon who has a new baby named Ethelind [Ethelyn Cannon]. Annie talked with Emily about her ailment and that she had consulted Dr. Harimer and Anderson– also had taked with [Dr. Samuel H.] Pinkerton. It seems a very serious thing I have grave fears of the outcome.

Later about 6 p.m. I fainted in the kitchen and John Q. in trying to carry me to lay me down found I had fainted so as to be unconscious, however I was soon revived but {p. 73} in great distress John Q. Geo. Q. and Daniel all laid hands on me and John Q. anointed me and prayed for me, and I rallied. Annie stayed in the room with me all night.

10 February 1908 • Monday

After all the things that were done for me I had a fairly good night, and this Morning Monday Feb. 10– I could have got up and gone to the office but was not permitted to do it. However I stayed in bed all day and [unfinished entry] {p. 74}

11 February 1908 • Tuesday

I did not rise until late and then made ready to go to the office, all opposed me but I came up in the buggy with Daniel safe about 2.p.m. Julina L. Smith & Julia P. M. Farnsworth called almost as soon as I arrived and it was quite embarrassing to discuss the birthday with them– John Q. called and Cavendish came, Miss Barton and my own Belle and many telephone messages, and I wrote letters to Mrs. [Eliza Jones] Dixon President Nebo Stake and to Miss Inez Earl Snowflake Academy. Dr. Ellis R. Shipp & Miss Nellie Shipp both came. Emily Wells Grant went to the Hospital today, Edna [Wells Sloan] has gone with her. I came home about 8. in a wind and snow storm, Br. [Adolphus] Madsen of the Temple put me on the car and a young man came with me {p. 75} <to the door>

12 February 1908 • Wednesday

This morning felt very weak and wanted to rest but it seemed I must get up and after my morning devotions I found the sun obscured and a feeling such as one has when there is an eclipse it lasted perhaps half an hour and the day lightened up, all the while snow was falling, I went up nearly noon, and found office had not been opened; have had many callers Sisters Francis and [Mary Francis] Kelly– Page Belle Louise Emmeline Katharine, Junius John Q. Sister B. W. Smith who stayed awhile then I went with her to the Bee Hive to see the paintings of herself, Julina[,] Edna [Lambson Smith] Sarah [Ellen Richards Smith] Mary [Schwartz Smith] all the same in size and framed alike. Emily Grant is operated on and doing well so far. My letters today of no particular nature Lincoln’s birthday being celebrated everywhere {p. 76}

13 February 1908 • Thursday

Went up to the office and found Dot mailing afterwards Louise came and both girls worked and finished mailing, It was sort of a gala day in the office, like old times too June [Junius F. Wells] came and I had a letter from Los Angelos [Los Angeles] Mrs. Caroline M. Severance by Robert H. Wilson manager for Rev. Benjamin [F.] Mills & conversed with him on the topics Mills is to speak upon while here, and promised to see the Governor about introducing him Sunday evening at the Theatre. I did not go out for any supper but worked on and on, came home Nine and wrote to Mrs. [Mary Maughan] Howell in Washington and fixed certificates for proxy votes to the meeting of the George Washington {p. 77} <memorial meeting to be held> in Washington D.C. Feb. 19.

14 February 1908 • Friday

<had a better night> This morning called on Governor Cutler at his, office had a pleasant conversation, promised to do as I had suggested. Said he would be glad to take me to visit any of the state institutions, when he was going, I might also take a frind with me. Visit today from Mrs. [Julia] Anna Baker of Kansas City, Mo.10 and Miss Spirling [Juanita L. Sparling] her companion, Mrs. Baker has founded a home for mothers & children, very similar to Hull House in Chicago in plan etc. Got Geo. M. Cannon to witness my signature to certificates. Woman’s Coop met in my office at 3.p.m.was elected one of the Directors L. D. Alder visited me this evening came home late {p. 78}

15 February 1908 • Saturday

<wrote letter to Julia A. [Stringham] Woolley about Stake records.> This is Susan B. Anthony’s birthday, and it is being kept by suffragists all over the country. It is also the anniversary of Myra [Almira Young] Russell and there is to be a party to which I am invited. I scarcely feel equal to the exertion of going but must try not to give up. Nett [Annette Wells] Culmer has been in to see me and June, and Dr. Ellis R. Shipp who is a very true friend Alice Horne and some others, none of my own except John Q. The party was a particularly pleasant one, and I met two of the Burnham’s I knew in Nauvoo as little boys Luther [C. Burnham] and Wallace [Burnham], now old and grey, both staunch in the Church, they are half-brothers to Mira Russell and own brothers to Mary Freeze who is very dear to me. Sister [Mary Ann Huntley] Burnham the mother was one of my first acquaintances in Nauvoo. I came home before the party was over. felt very weary and exhausted. {p. 79}

16 February 1908 • Sunday

Did not get up this morning determined to stay in bed and rest, have been very weak and really ill all day. Read some wrote to my own girls Mell, Daisie & Verona [Dunford Betts]. Commenced a poem the words of the opening stanzas seemed to come to me voluntarily out of space. This has often been the way in which my poems have been revealed as it were, but nevertheless difficult to complete. Sister Buchanan my housekeeper went to the Tabernacle and heard the famous Rev. Benjamin Fay Mills, she reported him a very fine looking man but did not hear anything proclaimed that every good Latter day Saint did not know already. In the eve– I wrote to Ida Smoot Dusenberry in New York, and read in magazines after going to bed. The Reve B. F. Mills speaks in the theatre this evening. Introduced by the Governor of Utah {p. 80}

17 February 1908 • Monday

Went up late. I was not well and my left eye was painful however I managed to get there saw Rosalie Kimball Edwards had a little talk about the Kimballs, she needs uplifting. I have tried to do so much of that in my life for others. Ella W. [Wilcox] Hyde was at the office when I came, she wanted information about pioneers etc. Clarissa came later and made me quite a call and wanted me to explain the National Council of Women how it came to be organized and so forth. Kate [Howard] Brockbank came later she also wanted to get information; and <also> advice about her daughter Libbie [Elizabeth Brockbank]’s future career whether she should take Kindergarten course or Nurse course. I told her Libbie ought to choose herself. She stayed until late. Wrote letter to Sister Merkely [Phebe Hacking Merkley] Vernal, and formulated Circular Letter for Presidents of Stakes {p. 81}

18 February 1908 • Tuesday

All morning I have been ransacking drawers and closets for matter about the National Council of Women and finally found some old catechisms, and then went to the office Kate Wells was there and stayed some time talking with me over matters in the past, finally John Q. came and he wanted something on punctuality I promised to look up a book at home as I could find nothing in the office. A message from the Presidents office, requesting me to file the Provo letter I had promised to write with them for their benefit was sent by a messenger and meantime I was expecting Mrs Julia Anna Baker of Josephe’s Home in Kansas City, she came and we had a pleasant interview, meantime Junius came and helped out with the conversation. She seems to be already converted and I think honest and sincere {p. 82}

19 February 1908 • Wednesday

<Margaret Cannon came to see me today. wrote to Mrs. [May Wright] Sewall this evening.> Went off this morning in great pain with my eye, did not get to the office until noon Mrs. Baker sent me a box of lilies and an American beauty rose, with a note by a sweet young lady. June has been Sister Smith came from the Temple and stayed all the afternoon. Aunt Martha Wells is very sick so is Ruby, her mother Sister [Mary Ellen Rogers] Derr is with her also Annie[.] Susa came this morning (Mrs. Gates) and told me of some of her plans and also that there were pictures of us in the Intermountain Republican Sunday morning issue,11 I sent and got 5 copies gave one to Sister Smith, Called at the Presiding Bishop’s office and talked with them about the nurse class and the new building. Belle has been in twice and Sister Flora Bean [Horne] Celia [Hunt] Bean and Lois [illegible] [Hunt] West were all here to see me. Belle walked up with Sister Smith to the Bee Hive House wrote a letter to Mrs. Sewall tonight {p. 83}

20 February 1908 • Thursday

<A lot of mail today> I went up after doing a lot of telephoning. Ruby Cannon is very sick Dr. sent for again this morning, she is in great pain baby being weaned, he is very good. No news in particular, only just at the office when Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards] came and brought her book of poems for Mrs. Julia Anna Baker and telephoned her at the Wilson Hotel. Next came more visitors and I could not get on with my work. finally Emeline the type writer came and I was glad she could do the work needed, then Dr. Shipp and Sister B. W. Smith and finally I went with Sister B. W. Smith to the Bee Hive House and coming back met Br. Wilson and Mrs. Baker & Sister Farnsworth and Dr. Shipp and they held a conversation in my office. later came more Nett Culmer and several others and finally the letters and I went to the Bee Hive and Sister Smith signed them and I saw the President {p. 84} who was most gracious and agreeable with me wanted me to have supper,

21 February 1908 • Friday

Today is the meeting and I am ready that is the room the minutes &c. Sister Smith came early and others followed there were about the same number and at last one more making 14 in all. The meeting was at last resolved into a Committee except the President and Secretary who left the room, & the ladies conferred about a reception. After the meeting the Pioneer ball at the Lion House old-fashioned dances and costumes– I wore my gray silk so did Sister B. W. Smith I enjoyed most of the affair there were refreshments old-style dough nuts, gingerbread composition tea buttermilk and those things Jos. F. Smith was there & Geo. A. Smith. {p. 85}

22 February 1908 • Saturday

This morning I nearly had a fainting spell and chill no word from Mell or the girls as I had hoped. Letter from Lilian Hollister. The day was dull. The D.R. met, had the flag– and sentiments, visitors Mrs. B. W. Smith and Julia Anna Baker. A good paper by Julia F. [Farnsworth] Lund on Valley Forge, two members from Lehi Mrs. [Lydia Evans] Slade & Mrs. [Rachel Evans] Campbell. Afterwards I went out a few minutes and Sister Walden came, Sister C. B. telephoned my light was out and I could not get hold of any one so late to fix it Could not do anything had to burn candles; could not see by them. Ruby is better, Emily W. Grant has left the Hospital Martha Wells has been very sick I am very much annoyed about the light as I am not able to do any of my work {p. 86}

23 February 1908 • Sunday

Tried to rest today have done almost nothing at all, have not written letters or anything else except to look over old diaries and read passages that make one’s heart ache, I watched for Sep to come and fix my light, he came at last. and fixed it fine he took away his Mandolin and drawing board and some books & his T.12 Belle sent me mince pie, but I have no appetite and in fact such an inward fever. I had palpitation of the heart today terrible in fact the singing in my ears was almost unbearable so I have rested the best I could, ought to have done more but really could not. John Q. spoke in the Sunday School today on Punctuality. My light is all right to night but I am very miserable {p. 87}

24 February 1908 • Monday

<Julia [A. Farley] Mrs. Salisbury’s nurse died today at her home> I passed a restless night in fact very much depressed seemed faint and not able to breathe scarcely This morning feel very ill but must go to the office letters from Mell and Eva Fay very glad to get Mell’s letter notices in yesterday’s papers very satisfactory, have had many visitors, two lots of flowers, roses & carnations. Reaper’s club met[,] Sister B. W. Smith present also Mrs. Julia Anna Baker of Kansas heard of the death of Julia Mrs. Salisbury’s nurse for years. the home left in her charge I think Mrs. Jake Bamberger [Bertha Greenewald Bamberger] and Mrs. Sal Siegel [Rachel Ulman Siegel] called on me. I have had also Lucile Sears and Annie Cannon Emmeline and Louise I have a woman who has many complaints to make as soon as I reach home {p. 88}

25 February 1908 • Tuesday

Today I feel so very feeble I can scarcely get to the office and finding a letter for Sister B. W. Smith and many <ready> to be signed and send away of the Circular letters I set off to the Temple & then the Bee Hive, saw Pres. Smith who appeared very gracious & glad after sending off letters and doing various other things I dressed and went to Sister Maria Francis English Tea– There were there about 16 ladies Lydia Ann & Susan Wells were there and I think all the others were English, Sisters Jennings [Eunice Neslen] Foster [Margaret Thomas] Romney, [Eliza Miller] Daynes, M. W. [Margaret Whitehead] Young, Cornwell, Peirson, Morris[,] [Emma Howell] Jenson, two Sister Campbells and myself Sister Francis showed us rare old china and gems of value read to us about India where she had lived many years. It was her birthday– {p. 89}

26 February 1908 • Wednesday

This morning had hard work to get up, did not reach the office until noon, meantime Margaret had called and 3 other ladies, no elevator running. Dr. [Samuel H.] Allen came to see me about a poor sister who needs friends, and a helping hand. I am powerless to help any one even myself However I shall present her case to others. Am to be guest of honor at Col W. [Willard] Young’s today, ladies to meet me there are Mrs. R. [Richard] W. Young [Minerva Richards Young], H, [Horace] G. Whitney [Marion Beatie Whitney], R. [Rulon] S. Wells [Josephine Beatie Wells], G. [George] D. Pyper [Emmaretta Whitney Pyper] N. [Nephi] M. Morris [Harriet Young Morris], Arthur Shepherd [Hattie Jennings Shepherd], J. [John] Q. Cannon [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon], had a charming visit. Sent off more letters tonight Ruby is not so well Have not heard from Dot to-day. W. [Walter] J. Beatie [Phebe Young Beatie] I was given a bouquet of violets and wore them sat next Col Young at his right hand {p. 90}

27 February 1908 • Thursday

Went up late, Sister Smith came and we went over letter from new stake of Zion, and she dictated or suggested and I wrote but did not feel satisfied with the letter, sent off more circulars, etc. Letters & telegrams from my dear ones, many flowers & marks of deference & so forth also callers, Mrs. Baker came to make explanations about newspaper slanders, I had not believed them any way, and cannot accept such statements unless in some way accredited by proof.13 Letter from Mell with check & Verona also. {p. 91}

28 February 1908 • Friday

<Today went to Emily Grants saw bothe her and her mother> Pres. Lyman came and we talked about the new Stake of Zion being organized14 and all day there seemed more or less hurry and bustle, I tried hard to get messages off by telephone that were needed and finally Annie came and we had the carriage and called for Belle and went to the party, the wind blew furiously and we were honored by many things, A blue silk dress was presented to me the decorations were hearts and [blank] the ladies were very deferential and one could not help feeling their sincerity and fidelity, many tributes in poesy and sentiments from my own poems were given and refreshments were served music &c I went home with Annie we took Belle on our way, wind blew boisterously all night long slept with Margaret & Thodore {p. 92}

29 February 1908 • Saturday

Annie gave an extra breakfast for me. Louise came down and George Q. came up there were fourteen of us at table. Wind blew terribly during night and early morning, then snow fell and wind went down. Called to see Mamie,15 Ruby and baby Annie came up with me & we went off to Photo, gallery then to Bee Hive and back to Gallery with Sister Bathsheba & we sat together for a picture– then over to Lion House, reception began just upon two. Many callers, was presented with purse containing 54.50, Roses, Carnations, jonquils etc. and a variety of kinds music decorations, refreshments, about 600 people called.16 went home with Belle had fine dinner with her family. spent the evening Emeline came and brought presents from the family {p. 93}

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February 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1908/1908-02


  1. [1]John Q. Cannon left Salt Lake City for Alberta, Canada, in early 1905 under suspicion of improperly handling finances for the Louisiana Exposition Commission of Utah. By February 1908, he was reestablished with his family in Salt Lake City after working in the Canadian cattle industry and with a Nevada mining enterprise in 1905, 1906, and 1907. (“Cannon Has Skipped,” Ogden Standard, 18 Feb. 1905, [5]; “Three Apostles May Be Deposed,” Salt Lake Herald, 2 Apr. 1906, 10; “Personal Mention,” Salt Lake Mining Review, 15 July 1907, 30.)

  2. [2]John C. Cutler. (“Cutler, John Christopher,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 3:360–362.)

  3. [3]Governor Cutler nominated Mary Maughan Howell as delegate to the International Congress. Another Utahn, Corinne Tuckerman Allen, was a state officer of the National Congress of Mothers. (The First International Congress in America for the Welfare of the Child, 4–6.)

  4. [4]“L. D. S. Women of the Past,” Woman’s Exponent, Feb. 1908, 36:[49]–50. Additional sketches in the series, containing EBW’s reminiscences of seventeen women, were published in Woman’s Exponent, April 1908, 57–58; May 1908, 65–67; June 1908, 1–2; August 1908, 9–10.

  5. [5]Mary Huntley Burnham. (“Freeze, Mary Ann Burnham,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:260.)

  6. [6]National Council of Women. (See EBW, Diary, 17 and 18 Feb. 1908; 14 Mar. 1908; “Mrs. Lillian Hollister Dead,” Milford [MI] Times, 12 Aug. 1911, [5].)

  7. [7]Mary Ellen Richards Webber’s brother George A. Richards died on 22 January 1908. (“George Albert Richards,” Find A Grave, accessed 13 Apr. 2022, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20804226/george-albert-richards.)

  8. [8]Elizabeth Jane DuFresne Stevenson. (“Died Doing Good,” Deseret Evening News, 26 Apr. 1906, 2.)

  9. [9]Theodore L. Cannon.

  10. [10]For EBW’s further involvement with Julia Anna Baker, see EBW, Diary, 18–27 Feb. 1908.

  11. [11]“Descendants of Pioneers Will Gather Again to Honor the Names of Utah’s Founders,” Inter-Mountain Republican, 16 Feb. 1908, 7.

  12. [12]“T” refers to a T-square drafting tool that provides a straight edge across a drawing board.

  13. [13]Reports were published that Julia Anna Baker and Juanita L. Sparling were soliciting funds for a charitable home for women and children in Kansas City, Missouri, but using the funds for their own personal benefit. (“‘Women in Black’ Yet in Limelight,” Deseret Evening News, 27 Feb. 1908, 10; “Not So Black As Are Painted,” Deseret Evening News, 29 Feb. 1908, 5; “Pitt Stops Soliciting for the Joseph’s Home,” Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Mar. 1908, 9.)

  14. [14]The Rigby, Idaho, stake was organized on 3 February 1908. (See EBW, Diary, 21 Mar. 1908; and Jenson, Encyclopedic History of the Church, 708–709.)

  15. [15]Mary Alice Cannon Cannon.

  16. [16]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1908, 36:60.