June 1910

1 June 1910 • Wednesday

Sister Smith was taken sick in the Temple and had to be taken home in an invalid chair– people were alarmed about her I went over to see her and to know just how she was etc. She was comfortable when I went [p. 152] {p. 66}

2 June 1910 • Thursday

Went over again today to see Sister Smith and found her much better than yesterday– but not well enough to be up– and sorry she could not be at the Temple [p. 153] {p. 67}

3 June 1910 • Friday

1Mrs. Flora P. Wilson

110. Barrack St.

Glasgow Scotland [p. 154] {p. 68}

2Today is the Conference of the Y.L.M.I.A and the Y.M.M.I.A.3 also, and I should enjoy going very much but my editorial work requires my time to the exclusion of the meetings and many other pleasant things, All day nearly I have been talking to people as well and explaining matters, our rooms are being used for the Society and the band has been in the reception room and President Jos. F. Smith a good part of the time was in these rooms and others of the officers– the Council of Seventy opened their rooms too so there was space for many to be seated [p. 154] {p. 156}

4 June 1910 • Saturday

Today was the Primary Association Conference and I would gladly have attended but really could not– all day I was working very hard and it is difficult to write on subjects that one has been delating [debating] upon year after year and one wishes of course to do the very best literary work possible even upon a common place subject. I had also many visitors from the country who had to have the building explained to them. and towards evening I began to dress for the Primary reception– Annie was to come or some of my folks but they did not Louise & her husband were there Louise was in the dance, and seemed to enjoy it very much– I sat first by May Wells Whitney and Ort– then Sister [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley came and I was by her– and Ort on the other side, afterwards went out with them to have refreshments and Bishop [Charles W.] Nibley came and paid me extra-attention– President Smith in his remarks which were really only a few words spoke of Sister Louie [S. Louisa Bouton] Felt’s great work for the cause, and mentioned that she had been President thirty years. and invited me to dance with him. [p. 155] {p. 157}

5 June 1910 • Sunday

This morning felt very miserable and wanted to rest but could not on account of circumstances and after being disturbed by the girls I began to try some writing and remembering it was the birthday anniversary of Daisie Dean [Dunford Allen] my eldest grand-daughter I wrote her a long letter and made it as special as possible, she is 42 years old today and has two fine boys, one died in babyhood– she has a magnificent voice and is a very excellent pianist teaches music when inclined, she lives at present in Spokane, Washington and is greatly interested in astrology. After writing some other letters and looking over and hunting up papers, I prepared some matter for the paper and had a rather pleasant day of rest. [p. 156] {p. 158}

6 June 1910 • Monday

Special meeting <although it was a regular one> had been adjourned <from Friday> until Monday by Counselor Dusenberry– a very sorrowful meeting for some of us– Sister Bathsheba W. Smith who had been very ill during the past week was quite overcome with the controversy about the teaching of the nurses and nearly fainted in her chair– and we decided to postpone the matter again and it was really very trying especially for me [p. 157] {p. 159}

8 June 1910 • Wednesday

4Letters written Elizabeth J. [Ginger] Durrant American Fork Belle & Mell invitations to Kimball reunion paid R.M.B.5 Telephone Bill, Utah Light and Railway Bill also Street car book & J. H. Layson [Leyson] & Co. [p. 159] {p. 72}

9 June 1910 • Thursday

Hannah Wells birthday 81. she had an informal reception Annie & myself went up it was very hard for me to go I had so many callers and Sister Smith was still ailing and we felt very much concerned about her–

6Hannah Wells birthday– and both Annie & myself called upon her, she held an informal reception and had lemonade and cake served to the guests, she was quite handsomely dressed [p. 160] {p. 160}

10 June 1910 • Friday

Today the Daughters of the Revolution met here in Room 29. and transacted the business of the Annual meeting and it was very satisfactory Clint Spencer Regent, Sisters Farnsworth & Webber Vice Regents Isabel Secretay and Lizzie [Elizabeth Smith] Cartwright Assistnt Lizzie [Elizabeth Richards] Wright Cor. Sec.7 & Treasurer

8To day was the annual meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution and Clint Spencer was elected Regent first Vice Regent Julia P. M. Farnsworth and Mary E. R. Webber 2nd Viice Regent, Isabel M. Sears Recording Secretary Elizabeth Cartwright Assistant Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Wright Treasurer, Emily C. Willey Corresponding Secretary Registrar Libbie [Elizabeth] Rich Pratt (Registrar) Emmeline B. Wells Chaplain Julia P. M. Farnsworth Historian.

I was very much exhausted when the meeting adjourned and even before I could scarcely sit and listen [p. 161] {p. 161}

11 June 1910 • Saturday

All the Wells family went to Wandamere that we could get together and had pictures taken It was quite interesting and we enjoyed it very much Lena [Helena Fobes Wells] and Abbie [H. Wells] arrived from California in time to get there {p. 86}

9All the Wells family had previously arranged to go to Wandamere and Jode had a free car for the family I went very weary and expected to go Granite Stake to a banquet– but the afternoon was trying and our pictures were to be taken and [p. 162] {p. 162}

15 June 1910 • Wednesday

Annie went to the Temple with Margaret to have her endowments it is the Welcome party– and Dave & Bob10 went to the party I went up with them Isabel was on the Committee Lucile came with some of her friends– Heber [J.] Grant looked after me.

11Annie and Margaret went to the Temple, Margaret went for endowments and Annie was endoweed for my great grand Aunt Abagail Woodward [Abigail Woodward Harvey] they came over to me afterwards– and we had some talk and I invited Emmeline to go with me to the <Genealogical party at Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune’s handsome bungalow> There were many wedding’s today in the Temple Chester Clawson and [E.] Vida Fox and Josephine Clawson and [blank] [Alvin P.] Thompson– the day has been rather pleasant and warm. Ida came up just in time for the party and Emmeline decided not to come– so I was leaving the building alone and David & Margaret came and we went up together. It was an elaborate affair but not so many people (not nearly) as I thought and expected there would be– President Smith was not there– Pres. Anthon H. Lund was there and Pres. John Henry Smith– Bishop Nibley and Apostles Heber J. Grant and Jos. F. Smith Junior– Isabel was in the Committee and her daughter Lucile was there with some friends. [p. 166] {p. 163}

16 June 1910 • Thursday

Ida came up from Provo and stayed around all day fussing and worrying about the Nurse subject and finally later came Bishop Nibley and David Smith Drs. [Samuel H.] Allen & [George W.] Middleton and I had a talk with Bishop Nibley and they proposed various things– not

12Today I could scarcely get out of bed but managed to get to the office at last and was besieged with inquiries about the Committee meeting at the Relief Society Rooms on the question of the continuance of our School of Nurses, and the L.D.S. Groves Hospital taking our nurses and on what terms or contract. Finally the meeting took place at 6. P.M. Ida Smoot Dusenberry Chairman of Relief Society Committee Amy B. Lyman <Chair> and Elizabeth S. Wilcox– Presiding Bishop Charles W. Nibley, Bishop David [A.] Smith, John Wells Supt. Hospital Doctors Middleton & Allen– they held a prolonged session, and afterwards the Committee decided to meet at ten A.M. and to have Dr. Roberts come in about eleven and talk with her over the matter [p. 167] {p. 164}

17 June 1910 • Friday

at our meeting today we decided to discontinue the school of Nurses and voted unanimously upon it the Committee had talked with Dr. Roberts this morning there were 12 present it was a majority of 23. and of course one is abroad and one not able to come {p. 87} <Annie and I went to dinner together Junius came in for a while today and several other callers Julina came over to see me>

13Meeting of the Board

Hannah Lapish

381. 4th. Ave.

City [p. 168] {p. 73}

14Today we had a very important meeting and settled with the Board– the problem which has been a very great source of anxiety for some time now several weeks, and it really seems a relief to be able to vote upon it unanimously, for there was great difference of opinion in regard to the adjustment of the questions at issue– we may not have reached a solution but we have taken a step that will give us some time to consider and come to an understanding of how it is best for a great organization like the Relief Society to cover the ground of charity and of the field of philanthropic endeavor to do the greatest amount of good to the largest number of people– after the meeting adjourned we went to call upon Sister Julia Cruse Howe who is 87 today– it was a beautiful informal gathering in her honor– the table in the dining room was decorated as if for a bride– so many beautiful young women in white and very fine singing– a few gentlemen present Sister Nibley took Sister B. W. Smith and myself in her auto– and also my Annie & Ida Dusenberry there were also Sarah Jenne Cannon & Elizabeth S. Wilcox and one or two more of the Board [p. 168] {p. 165}

18 June 1910 • Saturday

This is a very hot day and the smell of the gasoline and ingredients in the mixture to clean the floors is offensive almost beyond endurance Sister B. W. Smith and daughter have been here and several others and I have worked very hard

15This was a full day Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came over to sign some ordres for checks and to talk over about the meeting yesterday when the decision was made about discontinuing the class– it worries her a little but what can we do, it falls to me to write the Doctor and tell her and I feel it is a difficult subject to write– she believes she was inspired to do this work and therefore it seems cruel to stop it, but it may be renewed under different management. We had quite a pleasant talk Sister Bathsheba Smith Merrill was here too and finally she went home with Sister B. W. Smith– soon after I heard that Alonzo E. Hyde had died seated in his chair in his own home alone. Aggie Campbell gave me some of the items very, very sad. Many of the preparations are completed for the wedding and it seems rather auspicious Annie and myself went down to Franklin’s and had dinner together and then to Leyson’s and selected spoons for my present to Margaret– Sister Smith went up to the Bee Hive House to stay all night and that was very satisfactory to me, she would hear of Alonzo Hyde’s death up there, and when she stays there I always feel satisfied about her [p. 169] {p. 166}

19 June 1910 • Sunday

Margaret, Katharine Abram [Abraham H. Cannon] and Teddie came over in the surrey and took me over to Annies to spend the day It was S.S.16 Union and John Q. and Annie were both away but came back in time to dinner and I had a nice evening.

17Today Alonzo E. Hyde was buried it was a very sad affair his death alone, a man to whom all his own family and his mother’s family were strongly attached. Found dead in his chair alone in his home. President Bathsheba W. Smith dressed expecting to attend his funeral & she was stricken down and found after the funeral by her grand-daughter Alice unconscious. Sister Susan [West] Smith also came and helped to get her up and revive her. Such a sad thing– [p. 170] {p. 74}

18I determined to rest and lay in bed very late, while pondering and half-dressed Margaret telephoned to say she was coming over for me to spend the afternoon with her, Margaret Katharine and Abram to drive with sweet little Theodore came in the surrey and I went over, had a fine ride, Abram like all the Cannon’s is fond of horses and drives fine.

Margaret showed me all her bridal apparel and after Union meeting Annie & John Q. came home and we had a pleasant afternoon– I came home late– John Q. & Annie came across the field with me and reached home after ten– Wrote letters to Hannah A. [Bunker] Crosby Panguitch and Persis [Brown] Spencer Kanab about the Stake Conferences official visits and to Lottie Smith Carter St. George about Sister Sarah M. Cleveland19 asking her for information to use in the paper as a matter of history.

I wrote the letter to Dr. Roberts as carefully as possible– indeed I seem to have so many of these very important letters to write that I am beginning to dread it. [p. 170] {p. 167}

20 June 1910 • Monday

The time is near for the wedding20 Annie is trying very hard to have things as nice as possible I am sure she will succeed and it will be very simple but quite satisfactory, I have no misgivings about it, am so glad she is going to the Temple, it is such a gratifying thing too {p. 88}

21This morning I heard the sad news of Sister Bathsheba our President. I hurried over immediately and found she was very seriously ill, her eye was black and she could not hear well, knew me all right and signed a letter and an order holding the pen herself, and seemingly conscious of all around and of her situation. It distresses me very deeply, she has always been my friend since the days of Nauvoo. [p. 171] {p. 75}

22This morning cut my finger and turned faint with sight of the blood– got up town at last and heard immediately about Sister B. W. Smith being, ill very much upset me. I lea[r]ned by telephone as much as I could In the afternoon went over with the letter to the President– and waited one hour while she slept to give her the letter to sign, she let me read the letter to her and put her name, and also to an order for Alice ten dollars to pay for hemming the table linen for the Relief Society. Miss Kent came to see me today also Mrs. [Martha Morrison] Horne from Richfield one of the Morrison girls, Mamie Smith Peterson’s little girl23 was operated on today at the hospital, for some defect that occurred at her birth [p. 171] {p. 168}

21 June 1910 • Tuesday

My sister Pallas anniversary if living she would be 91. years old, it seems dreadful to think yet Julia Ward Howe is 91. and living and has her wits I have had the work done for Pallas by Isabel. I was baptized myself, for her

24This is the longest day in the year and the day at least anniversary of the birth of my sister Pallas Eliza born in 1819. in the Blanchard house in Petersham [Massachusetts]. She has been baptized for by me and endowed for by Isabel– I am very grateful for the w[o]rk being done. I have not accomplished much for my kindred as yet and there is so much to be done and it so very important [p. 172] {p. 169}

22 June 1910 • Wednesday

Today is the marriage at Noon President Joseph F. Smith performed the ceremony, Annie John Q. Louise and myself were present Sister Smith was too sick I went down with them the reception was fine and pleasant they went away about six I came up with them. {p. 89}

25The marriage of Margaret Cannon and David Hyrum Clayton [Jr.] in the Salt Lake Temple John Q. & Annie[,] Louise and myself and Brother [David H. Clayton, Sr.] and Sister [Sarah Brown] Clayton and Sister [Rebecca Webb] Brown Dave’s grandmother and some others were present President Joseph F. Smith performed the ceremony and it was done in a very impressive manner, Afterwards the President kissed Annie and also me which was very unusual for him. He seemed to feel very tender towards us all and very gracious in every way Annie and myself rode down in the carriage with the newly-wedded pair and John Q. on the outside Louise went with us to her new home– All seems auspicious and may the union be a very happy one we pray. The rooms looked fine in the simple decorations and all the guests were delightfully entertaining and the few choice presents were of the very best. [p. 173] {p. 170}

30 June 1910 • Thursday

Today I have had Junius and several other callers who hindered my work but then I was glad only I was hurrying to go to the Bee Hive to an Old Ladies’ Party given by Julina L. Smith and her daughter Donnetta Smith Kesler it was an enjoyable affair and reminded me of the dear old Scotch song Should old acquaintance be forgot etc. President Joseph F. Smith came in and shook hands with all very genially and talked of how many had been in Nauvoo Sister Delia Ann [Bishop] Pratt had a blessing that had been given her in Nauvoo in March 1843 by Hyrum Smith the Patriarch father of Joseph F. Smith most peculiar in many sayings. Sister Agnes Taylor Swartz [Schwartz], Marry [Mary] Ann Oakley Taylor, Lucy Walker Kimball, Delia Ann Bishop Pratt, Hannah C. Free Wells, Jane Pratt Kesler, Susan H. Alley Wells Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor, Elizabeth Muphy [Irvine Murphy], Rachel [Baird] Patrick, Emma Smith Woodruff Priscilla P. Jennings, Sarah Jenne Cannon Mahala [Elmer] Jenkins Sarah E. Richards,26 [p. 181] {p. 171}

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June 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1910/1910-06


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: The material from this point to the end of the 6 June 1910 entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  3. [3]Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]Rocky Mountain Bell.

  6. [6]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  7. [7]Corresponding Secretary.

  8. [8]text: The remaining material for 10 June 1910 comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  9. [9]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  10. [10]David H. Clayton Jr. and Margaret Cannon; the latter was nicknamed “Bob” or “Bobbie.”

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  13. [13]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  14. [14]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  16. [16]Sunday School.

  17. [17]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  18. [18]text: The remaining material for 19 June 1910 comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  19. [19]Lottie Smith Carter’s mother, Augusta Bowen Cleveland (1828–1903), was the daughter of Sarah Marietta Kingsley Cleveland—counselor to Emma Smith in the Nauvoo Relief Society. (“Utah Death Certificates, 1904–1965,” FamilySearch, accessed 25 Mar. 2022, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XZLK-NN6; “Sarah Marrietta Kingsley,” FamilySearch, accessed 25 Mar. 2022, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWJ1-4HZ; “Sarah Marietta Kingsley Howe Cleveland,” accessed 25 Mar. 2022, https://www.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/people/sarah-marietta-kingsley-howe-cleveland?letter=C&lang=eng#8.)

  20. [20]Margaret Cannon married David H. Clayton Jr., in Salt Lake City on 22 June 1910. (“Utah, County Marriages, 1887–1940,” FamilySearch, accessed 21 Aug. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2MB-YWHP?from=lynx1UIV8&treeref=KWC9-RFT; EBW, Diary, 22 June 1910.)

  21. [21]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  22. [22]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  23. [23]Mary Sophronia Peterson.

  24. [24]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  25. [25]text: The material from this point to the end of the 30 June 1910 entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  26. [26]Perhaps Sarah Ellen Richards Smith.