April 1892

1 April 1892 • Friday

A dismal day and so busy with mailing, yet as some acquaintances from the country came in and chatted I felt enlivened, and the work seemed lighter It is certainly an important epoch in our history & seems to me that it ought to be more apparent to others than it is. But all do not cannot see things alike and it is not so arranged in the great programme of the world I suppose. One year ago and we had just been deprived of our loved one: how long ago it seems to me– such a tedious year it has been and some times I feel as though I could not submit to the separation– [p. 92] {p. 122}

2 April 1892 • Saturday

Another stormy day and so dismal mud and water & everything unpleasant hurry and bustle trying to get off to Ogden to spend Margarets birthday etc. had such a miserable night and felt so ill all day– but could not get to Ogden that night so went up to Belle’s and had a nice time fire up stairs and wrote copy to help out during the Conference Had such a lot of folks come today and several to stay– but cannot wait upon them, tho’ they can sleep here & be comfortable by waiting upon themselves and be close to meetings. Margaret will be six tomorrow– it hardly seems possible [p. 93] {p. 123}

3 April 1892 • Sunday

<Margaret had several nice gifts–> Went to the Tabernacle and was present at the opening of the 62nd Conference of the Church This is an important time the near completion of the Temple– warms the hearts of the Latter day Saints and gives a new impetus to their aspirations and hopes. The work for the dead is such a magnificent one that it is almost beyond our finite comprehension In the afternoon I took the train for Ogden to see Annie as I was anxious about her not being so very well and some other matters. Found them all delighted to see me and spent a very pleasant evening with them and the children who are so fond of me & I of them. [p. 94] {p. 124}

4 April 1892 • Monday

The city is very full of people and the Conference is of the most interesting character. Apostles all seem filled with the Spirit of the Lord. Singing is excellent and everything inspiring. There are many other attractions in the City besides those of a religious character. The Home Dramatic Company at the Theatre and Wonderland1 and Sales of many things to draw the crowds. I have had a house full all the time– but determined not to wait upon them. Every bed filled but I stayed up at Belle’s and ate there too– as I have no time or means to give to those who can wait upon themselves. rain & wind & muddy streets– [p. 95] {p. 125}

5 April 1892 • Tuesday

<Another rainy day & night–> The Conference continues to be as interesting as it is possible but I have been detained away as it is essential to take the subscriptions for the paper at a time like this and I feel I must be on hand. And the sisters Conference will be held tonght and we must have some consultation– Sister Zina and Sister Jane Richards have been in and talked over some of the details of the affairs and tonight we meet for one session to give some special instruction and to do what is possible in so short a time. Sister Richards and I went in together, and during the evening I had to read & speak both– as well as to write. It was the largest gathering we have ever had and adjourned until Oct. next– [p. 96] {p. 126}

6 April 1892 • Wednesday

This is indeed a propitious day for Zion. The sun shines gloriously. I went to the Tabernacle but it was already crowded to its utmost capacity and the grounds were also well filled even that early.

The temple yard was being crowded people standing everywhere. I had an opportunity to go on to the platform where the reporters and editors were at tables, sat near to the First Presidency and Apostles. It was a most grand occasion Pres. Woodruff was the hero and more than that even. he touched the button and the capstone was laid by electricity. Wonderful discovery of science. The Hosannas from the assembled multitudes were the crowning ceremony of the day forty thousand or more joining in the chants2 [p. 97] {p. 127}

7 April 1892 • Thursday

Today I paid some heavy bills on printing, deposited money of the Des. Hospital etc. & did so many errands, all the morning trying to get off to the W.S.A.3 meeting in the 14th. Ward but signally failed, so much to do. and then the rain came on & everything together I could not make it any way at all. Several ladies came in after the meeting and told me how well it went off and talked of many other things– At Conference time and on all these public occasions there is so much to do, that some one has to fill in and it comes to me to answer so many questions, <to> the sisters from the country and I really feel it a duty to attend to it & it all takes one’s time [p. 98] {p. 128}

8 April 1892 • Friday

The day has been pretty fine and many of the people are climbing up to the tower of the Temple hundreds of them in fact strangers Gentiles & Jews as well as our own. How wonderful everything seems to turn– several strangers have been in here. some newspaper people, a gentleman and lady from Minneapolis formerly from Boston, who had an interesting conversation with us & Pres. [Francis A.] Hammond & Aunt Zina. We <3.> discussed the trip to San Juan and the advisability of Dr. Barney going and finally sent her a letter telling her we had decided on Sister Howard– In the evening I went down to see her & found her just about ready, then went up to Belle’s and staid all night [p. 99] {p. 129}

9 April 1892 • Saturday

<Dot goes to the theatre tonight with Jack Rooklidge> Sister [Mary Mitchell] Pitchforth came to see me, had lunch and visited as well as we can do here in the Office I prepared copy for Des. News, Pres. Hammond of San Juan called and we had a long talk & also Sister Howard of Bountiful invited some of us to go up there to a Suffrage meeting. sent word over to Dr. Barney a note by Emma It has been a wearisome day taken as a whole and after a week’s hard work Lucile & Claire Clawsen went up to Ogden this evening. John Q. brought me word that he is likely to go to the Temple at Manti in May– it is good news indeed for me– & will do Annie ever so much good. David [H.] Cannon started on his mission today, have tried to get an opportunity to go to the graveyard but could not [p. 100] {p. 130}

10 April 1892 • Sunday

Came down early or went to Aunt Zina’s talked over lots of things and found her set in some matters that others had proposed– came home and did a few little things went to the Tabernacle Ort Whitney preached an excellent discourse, and the anthem was a grand one very. Went up to Belle’s and had some supper– afterwards came home Emma & Eugene [Sears] with me, but they had only come on an errand and I was left quite alone in this old home of the family. Many visions seem to haunt it of the days gone by and even of more recent events. I have written to Mrs. [Lydia Coombs] Penniman & to Mell and Belva Lockwood and now I must lie down & rest for I am weary [p. 101] {p. 131}

11 April 1892 • Monday

wea. lovely

Today has been very eventful in my history, early came tourists and Miss [Marian E.] Scoles from London, a letter from Miss [Florence] Balgarnie4 saying she was coming to Salt Lake and that she had given a letter of introduction to Mr. Thomsen [Jocelyn H. Thompson] Capt. Royal Army Woolwich etc. soon came the traveller himself and we had a pleasant interview, he came again later in the day and sat for two hours talking upon Mormonism meantime a party of tourists came later on Belle Septimus & his father and then Bishop [Nelson A.] Empey to perform the ceremony of marriage according to the law of the Territory– that was soon over and all took their departure– and I was left here alone as so often in the days gone by– did some writing and went to bed to dream & muse upon the present [p. 102] {p. 132}

12 April 1892 • Tuesday

wea. rainy

Late up– cloudy and dismal strangers waiting in the office Mr. & Mrs. Frank White. from Haverhill, Mass. friends of Mrs. Dr. [Ophelia Andrews] Lovejoy. one of my old school friends, We had a pleasant conversation and then made an appointment for tomorrow to call on Dr. Barney Angus J. [Jenne] Cannon has gone to Logan to be married to Miss [Miriam L.] Hawkins– Br. Geo. Q. Cannon goes up today, John Q. is going on the same train at 1/2 past 3. Ort came but I was just going out and so did not have any conversation. Called on Dr. Barney and Phebe Beatie. This evening have been alone Elise [Gasser] came and brought me supper– wrote to Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby and sent 3.00 stamps for the Book “The Woman Question in Europe”5 also sent for the Critic6 [p. 103] {p. 133}

13 April 1892 • Wednesday

Emeline [Y.] Wells birthday she was born in this very room where I am now sitting to write and her mother [Louisa Free Wells] had many luxuries in those days that few enjoyed. She is a sweet girl & very dear to me– her father’s counterpart almost in features, She is most amiable and sweet mannered and attractive. I am so sorry that she has not the good fortune to be the happy & beloved wife of some good upright man. Miss Balgarnie arrived last night and was here early this morning, We went to the Des. News and I introduced her to the Editors & then to the Temple and up on the roof etc. then we lunched at Mrs. Beatie’s and then out in a barouche a party [p. 104] {p. 134} of five of us and then we dined at the Templeton [Hotel] and from there to Mrs. Beatie’s where we held a reception. Meantime she came in here and wrote a letter & addressed some papers I gave her a Book of Mormon and presented her with a basket of flowers– she was so extremely delighted with her flowers. I have never given to any one a basket of flowers that seemed to appreciate the gift so much as she did, and I have made presents of flowers to many of the ladies who have visited Salt Lake City. She promised to write to me. We went to the theatre a few minutes & then to the train and saw her on board. Today has been most miserable & gloomy [p. 105] {p. 135}

15 April 1892 • Friday

This is my brother Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday, He was born in 1835– and is now fifty seven years of age; it scarcely seems possible I remember him so well in his baby clothes and his soft yellow curly hair– such pretty ringlets– he is a very fine man, a soldier and statesman and exemplary in all places and positions. How proud mother was of this beautiful boy and how sure she felt that he would stand for his race and hers in the work of redeeming the dead. Now he sits in the Halls of the State House of our dear old native State and helps to make the laws which are to govern & control the affairs of the people. [p. 106] {p. 136}

16 April 1892 • Saturday

<Had a party of ladies here and a little meeting Sisters 20 and more–> Elise’s birthday today the German or Swiss girl who has been with Belle so many years. Her mother gave her to Belle on her death bed. She is 20 today– I have given her a pair of stockings and a little gift book. She has been a great help to the family and is always very nice to me. I am so busy the paper is just out and I am trying to get some of the mailing done– it is very difficult to accomplish much with so little assistance. I am staying at home now this week for Mr. Sears is up with Belle and I feel in the way though they beg me to sleep up there. I am sure however that I accomplish more when staying at home [p. 107] {p. 137}

17 April 1892 • Sunday

Rose late and wrote letters to The Journalist,7 New York Martha D. Lincoln Cor. Sec. W.N.P.A.8 Washington D.C. Verona– Emily [Tanner] Richards Elmina Taylor Elizabeth Mc’Farlane. & Mrs. [May Wright] Sewall Pres. Woman’s National Council– I went off to Ogden by the afternoon train as I knew I must see to the arrangement of some things before Annie went to Manti I kept in all day for it was necessary in order to help Annie and baby & Daniel were neither of them very well. Sweetie’s eyes are bad, and I fear she studies too hard– such a nice family and the yard begins to look so pleasant, green & beautiful and the children on the lawn & gipsy9 are a charming picture– [p. 108] {p. 138}

18 April 1892 • Monday

Today is Dessie Wells [Martha Deseret Wells Read] birthday she was born in this very house and so were almost all of our children, the Wells family. Had a letter from Mell. Verona is not confined yet– how tedious it must be for her– the earthquakes have not alarmed them so much as I should have expected. I do wish I could have all my children near me as in the days gone by– now we are so separated. Abbie [Wells Chapin] had a nice time with Mell & the girls in San Francisco– I am very glad indeed Sister White10 is going to make my dress that Junius [F. Wells] gave me Sister [Jane Cobleigh] Richardson died this morning– She was a very amiable woman and much beloved over seventy years old [p. 109] {p. 139}

19 April 1892 • Tuesday

This is John Q’s birthday & although I very much desired to go up to Ogden I could not I gave him a book “Seven Stories” and wished him all blessings I am hurrying with my work to get the mailing done & it is such a drag. Emma is away and Dot not very well & Belle cannot spare Elise. Today was Sister Richardson’s funeral quite a damp cloudy day– the Hospital meeting and Sister Zina Smith11 & myself went down there. Sister Horne came after the funeral and we held the meeting. At the funeral Sisters Horne and [Maria Richards] Wilcox were among the speakers. that is an innovation on old customs [p. 110] {p. 140}

20 April 1892 • Wednesday

I have tried hard to work diligently– some of the ladies went to Sister Stevensen’s as early as 2 o’clock– Lydia Ann [Alley Wells] Susan [Alley Wells] Martha [Harris Wells] & Hannah [Free Wells] are all invited, Aunt Zina Sister Horne Dr. Barney Sister Howe Sister Kimball Taylor Maggie [Margaret Young] Taylor– Sister Wilcox– and lots more Minerva Snow & Mary Ann Hyde– A lady and gentleman Mr. Fenton & wife the sister of Mrs. [Ellen Battelle] Dietrick of Boston called and spent an hour talking then when I went supper was over but I had mine with Mrs. Stevensen. The party was turned to a meeting and all spoke and some were administered to who were not well. I walked up with Sister Minerva & bade her good bye [p. 111] {p. 141}

21 April 1892 • Thursday

My brother Manson [J. Woodward]’s birthday and rain and so on– I had invited a number of ladies to go with me to the 6th Ward to a woman suffrage meeting and they most of them came Sister McFarlane C. E. [Caroline Elizabeth Woods] Dye C. C. [Caroline Curtis] Raleigh, Dr. Pratt & myself– we had quite a good meeting although there were not many in attendance each of us spoke Mc’Farlane first and myself last. It was not so very agreeable to come home all alone to a cold and empty house I had fully expected Emma the girl to be here, but I did the best I could & slept tolerably will. [p. 112] {p. 142}

22 April 1892 • Friday

This has been a trying day for me and towards evening Dr. Barney came and talked a great deal and then I remembered that Br. [Isaac] Groo had said there would be a suffrage meeting in the Ninth Ward & Br. C. W. Penrose would be there to speak– so we drove down to his house and he was away from home– Came back telephoned etc. then I went up to Mark [C.] Pratt’s and back again not finding him– then to the Ninth Ward meeting– house and found it all dark the meeting postponed and then I came home on the first car– alone and tired completely out to begin my evening’s work of writing on my story Rural England12 [p. 113] {p. 143}

23 April 1892 • Saturday

Had been rushing to get all my Saturday’s work done and tried so hard to go to the meeting of the sisters in the 14th Ward but was hindered and then a party of strangers called and kept me until ½ past three; after that Belle sent me a note and off I went to Ogden on the six– o’clock train– Sep was in the train for Allie Davis was in Ogden– when we arrived we had dinner and Annie took Sep with her to the theatre and I stayed with the children and read them stories and kept them quiet until they all came home– then we had our usual late lunch & Sep with us.– [p. 114] {p. 144}

24 April 1892 • Sunday

I have been with Annie all day– it seemed to be a most unfavorable day. Sep was here and Allie Davis came up and there was such a confusion and Annie’s girl was going out to meeting so that she had to cook the dinner herself but Sep & Allie were invited to Mrs. Harvey’s so it was not so hard for Annie, after dinner Birdie [Teresa Clawson] Cummings came up and spent an hour or two pleasantly. We had a nice evening together tho’ Annie was weary and John Q. sleepy but yet I enjoyed being there and talking over the visit to the temple which was in contemplation. I promised to go up and stay with the children at night if they decided to go– [p. 115] {p. 145}

25 April 1892 • Monday

Such an exciting day for me– came down on an early train and went to work, but John Q. was having such a time with his preparations that it made me extremely nervous– and uncomfortable– He succeeded however at last and everything was quite satisfactory and such a relief to me as I cannot express, for I had looked forward to their going while Pres. Wells presided there, and it seemed too bad that it was not done then– but we cannot overrule these things and must do what we can and trust in God for the results. Sister Richards was quite annoyed with me for not giving her more of my attention [p. 116] {p. 146}

26 April 1892 • Tuesday

This morning was very unpleasant but I rose early and went to the Denver depot– to see them off to Manti. I had written the night before to Sister Snow asking her to look after Annie and to show her the little prayer room and her father’s apartments etc. and some names & dates I had prepared to give Annie– Arrived just in time to see the party– they had a private car and were fixed up lovely– it was quite consoling to see them go off like that– then after they had started I came home to my work– went on the six o’clock train to Ogden– found all well & slept with the children– I am having some letter heads printed for my own use– [p. 117] {p. 147}

27 April 1892 • Wednesday

Today I came here about eleven worked a little while and then went up to Sister Rachel [Woolley] Simmons to dine with a number of ladies– Ma[r]tha Lydia & Susan Wells were there Helen [Mar Kimball] Whitney and a large number– we had an elaborate dinner and I enjoyed it very much– then we had a meeting I made quite a long speech & after Sister Savage13 and one or two had spoken I had to come away and get ready to go to Ogden– Aunt Zina was going with me but decided not to and left me at the depot– I went on– found all safe and stayed with them again– enjoyed their company very much indeed– [p. 118] {p. 148}

28 April 1892 • Thursday

Today I came down earlier than the train would arrive from Manti, but heard from Abram that they would be in at noon. In the evening I was invited to two places Dr. Shipps & Mrs. [Adella Woolley] Eardley’s– promised Mrs. Eardley first, so I went there Such a nice company Jos. F. Smith was there– he said in making some remarks in the evening that two thirds of the Latter day Saints had never received the principle of plural marriage and that was one of the reasons that it had been suffered to be abolished Lizzie [Elizabeth Liddell] Felt who has been underground a long time was there; it was really a party in honor of her and that she might meet with her friends once more– [p. 119] {p. 149}

29 April 1892 • Friday

I was very ill and suffering great pain with the earache and also with my throat I had scarcely slept and felt very much distressed. John Q. came and told me a little of their trip to Manti which comforted me very much indeed. Sister [Bathsheba W.] Smith came and invited me to her birthday– she will be seventy on May 3rd/92 the party will be at Alice [Merrill Horne]’s– her grand-daughter– Sister Horne came & brought me the money to send to the National Council Emma came and stayed– I could scarcely sit up all day long. Annie had quite a manifestation in the Temple– when praying in the little room, heard sweet heavenly music singing [p. 120] {p. 150}

30 April 1892 • Saturday

Wrote to Mrs. [Lillian M. H. Ames] Stevens Treasurer of the National Council and sent her fifty dollar draft percentage for the Relief Society. Aunt Zina was here and Dr. Pratt and we had some talk about anonymous letters– sent against Dr. Pratt– and then we went to see Penrose and talk it all over there in his office as those letters related also to him– I had been suffering with ear ache and was very much upset. The young lady teacher from 14th Ward gave Susa Gates a lesson in <rhetoric in> my parlor and in the evening we had the Press Club– Miss [N. V.] Davis Mrs. Fox Mrs. Gates, Mrs. [Phebe Clark] Young Mrs. Raleigh Dr. Shipp & her Olea [Shipp]14 had a nice time [p. 121] {p. 151}

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April 1892, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed January 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1892/1892-04


  1. [1]Wonderland, located on 200 South Street in Salt Lake City, featured waxworks and other curiosities for an admission of ten cents. EBW’s grandchildren visited there in 1891. (EBW, Diary, 21 Nov 1891; Advertisement, Salt Lake Herald, 29 Nov. 1891, 6.)

  2. [2]Photographs of the event—including the crowds, the dignitaries, and the settling into place of the capstone—appear in Wadsworth, Set in Stone, Fixed in Glass, 1–9.

  3. [3]Woman Suffrage Association.

  4. [4]Florence Balgarnie (1856–1928) was a British feminist and temperance lecturer. (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. “Balgarnie, Florence”; “A Talented English Woman,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1892, 20:157; “Interesting Letter,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1892, 20:181.)

  5. [5]Stanton, Woman Question in Europe.

  6. [6]The Critic was a weekly (though sometimes less frequent) review of literature and the arts, published in New York City from 1884 to 1906. (“The Critic,” The Online Books Page, accessed 21 Apr. 2018, http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=thecritic.)

  7. [7]The Journalist, a trade publication, appeared in New York City between 22 March 1884 and January 1907 and published a special issue featuring biographies of women reporters. (Daly, Covering America, 155; Lee, Daily Newspaper in America, 1:228; Todd, “These Women Reporters Went Undercover,” Smithsonianmag.com.)

  8. [8]Woman’s National Press Association.

  9. [9]Gipsy (or Gipsey) was the Cannon family horse, often mentioned in EBW’s diaries. (See, for example, EBW, Diary, 27 June and 24 July 1887; 26 Jan. 1889.)

  10. [10]EBW lists Mrs. H. A. White in “Addresses,” EBW, Diary, 1892.

  11. [11]This refers to Zina D. H. Young.

  12. [12]EBW’s serial story “In Rural England,” a traditional romance with early British and American settings, was published without authorial credit in Woman’s Exponent issues from 1 September 1891 through 1 December 1895.

  13. [13]Likely Annie Adkins Savage, wife of Charles R. Savage, noted Salt Lake City photographer. (“Died,” Salt Lake Herald, 1 Dec. 1893, 7; “Pioneer Artist Called by Death after Long Life,” Salt Lake Herald, 4 Feb. 1909, 1, 8.)

  14. [14]Ellis R. Shipp, “U. W. P. Club,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1892, 20:165.