June 1896

5 June 1896 • Friday

This is the birthday of my eldest grand-daughter Daisie how long the time seems and yet how short– she has two children now, and is a very promising young woman, all day I have been kept busy with this and that trying many ways to get out to select a book or to write her a letter or even send a telegram, but have utterly failed– I expect a letter every day from my sister Lucy to say she is coming, or is near here and about to arrive. I should like the matter settled it keeps one in suspense {p. 193}

6 June 1896 • Saturday

I have been hurrying today to get time to do a few things– have had much hindrance in matters, had lunch with Dr. Pratt– succeeded at last in going up to St. Mark’s Hospital to see Mrs. Salisbury who has been there for some time. I was very much distressed to see how badly she looked, thin and care worn– she is still the same kind generous and thoughtful woman Stella [Salisbury] was with her I took her some carnations (red.) She went over some of her experience with me both at the Hospital and while away. She is to go home tonight in the Ambulance– Mr. [Orange J.] Salisbury is in St. Louis, she was anxious he should go– her beautiful features look quite spirituelle {p. 194}

7 June 1896 • Sunday

I wrote some, bathed etc. and went up to the Tabernacle– President Woodruff spoke first then President Cannon and then Br. Woodruff again bearing testimony to what Br. Cannon had said and alluding to Joseph [Smith] and the early days of the Church. Went up to Martha G. Wells had dinner, saw the new baby girl1 of Emily Grants. She is doing well but has had a hard time. Br. [Olonzo D.] Merrill who has been on a mission to the Friendly Islands [Tonga] was there he married Mary Ann Harris Whittle’s daughter–2 I had a fine talk with him about his mission. Went to the Conference in the evening. President Angus Cannon & Jos. F. <E.> [Taylor] Spoke well– {p. 195}

8 June 1896 • Monday

Stayed alone and was very gloomy and wakeful scarcely knew how to contain myself– so much to worry over and to dwell upon– no letters today– and really no good news– had to arrange for some one to go to Heber City succeeded in getting Mrs. M. A. Caine– Dr. Elliott has been at the Hospital with Dr. M. H. Cannon for several days The Reaper’s Club met today– we went over several things in the way of business and after all could not finish up the lesson– {p. 196}

9 June 1896 • Tuesday

Today is Hannah Wells birthday and she is 67 years old. Her health is very delicate– I called at Lena’s June [Junius F. Wells] had gone out of town Hugo [D. Wells] is home from school I was at Capt. Willard Young’s and had a few minutes conversation with him, his wife3 and Cora Hooper– he has been ill with quinzy. Went over to Aunt Zina’s and saw her and had quite a pleasant time she goes away tomorrow or next day to Idaho Went down to Annie’s and stayed all night– John Q. and Annie went to the Utah University banquet came home about 2 o’clock they had a fine time, John Q. was toastmaster. Entertainment in Farmer’s Ward Operatta– Geo. Q. and Eugene both recited Belle Annie & I were all there also Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears <Lucile & Em.> {p. 197}

10 June 1896 • Wednesday

I know I am over low-spirited beyond my usual manner– the weather is charming and the air invigorating and not too hot– cool and passing lovely.

Aunt Zina has been in twice and I have been with her also– she expects to start tonight for the North– Sister Richards is intending to go with her also Sister Monch [Ruthinda Hill Moench] for the Primary I bade her good bye and somehow felt more than usual when parting with her for a short trip

To night was the banquet at the University John Q. was the toastmaster I stayed with the children slept there all night the folks came home about 2 in the morning {p. 198}

11 June 1896 • Thursday

The days are really almost perfect– weather warm but O so enchanting. So much that is beautiful and true. if one could only lay aside forebodings and keep back regrets. Worked in the morning went home and dressed & had a cup of tea and went to Mrs. Tom Carter’s reception, met many charming women whom I knew and some new acquaintances. Afterwards called at the Knutsford on Mrs. Joseph Seigell [Rachel Lieblich Siegel]– had a long talk and most interssting time and a glass of Apollonar’s lemonade– she gave me very much information about Kate Field’s death and how it came about. It impressed me very greatly. Conferemce in Ogden today. Aunt Zina goes North this evening {p. 199}

12 June 1896 • Friday

Today has been tiresome I had almost forgotten the Kindergarten meeting when in the ladies came. I had the Rules and Regulations to read and revise– Sister Sarah M. Kimball was here– Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Margaret P. [Pierce] Young had been in also Dr. Barney and several more– the Kindergarten meeting was very crowded, and confused–

Letters from Miss Elizabeth Upham Yates & Carrie Chapman Catt– some others too. In the evening went to the Social Hall to the exercises of a class in elocution. Miss Rose Anna [Jenne] Cannon4 & Miss Spencer of Draper– came home alone. night dark & dreary– wind blew and I could not sleep– {p. 200}

13 June 1896 • Saturday

This is a charming day, nevertheless I am depressed. I finished some mailing left over for days. It was Primary Conference in the Assembly Hall. Dr. E. S. [Elvira Stevens] Barney came and related some of her troubles. Miss Lucile Dot and Em5 were all here at intervals Dr. Elliott came and Mrs. Caine returned from Heber City– I have been unusually depressed of late. Many questions come up in regard to our political situation and the outlook. Miss Madison came down to the house and I lent her my black silk skirt and crepe polonaise old-fashioned for a character party. Mrs. Woolcott of Boston called when I was out. Had lunch with Dr. Pratt. {p. 201}

14 June 1896 • Sunday

wea. very hot all day cooler at evening

Today is the anniversary of the funeral at my house of Sister Irene H. [Haskell] Pomeroy who died on the 12th and of the birthday of her twin girls born in a tent of rushes at Provo during the time of the move South when Johnston’s army caused us to vacate the City I rose at nine A.M. Dot had gone by the morning train to Logan on a visit to Zine [Zina Smoot] Whitney– I set about writing after Em. came over with my breakfast. I answered to Mell, Daisie, Miss Yates of Maine, Mrs. [Mary Ann Bosworth] Hubbard of Willard Mrs. Stewart of Pleasant Grove, Zeb [Zebulon W.] Jacobs of S.L. Co. Sugar House, H. [Henry] S. Tanner San Francisco– I read two Poems and sketches– went to Belle’s to dinner and took a walk around their house and garden. Elise came to see me and I went up to Annie’s and spent the evening and staid all night– {p. 202}

15 June 1896 • Monday

wea. very hot showers towards evening

Rose early after having very little sleep and went through the rose garden with Annie, then came down home & off to the office letters from several Lula G. Richards, F. P. Mathesson [Florence Percy Matheson], the Governor– Will [William D.] Neal brought me a bouquet of roses from his Mother6 then Mrs. Wilcox– (Lizzie) and [blank space] Sister Cannon S. J. came Hazon & Proctor & Duncan– Wrote to Prof. [George R.] Mathews, Mrs. [Mary Cornwall] Atwood, Kamas, S. [Sarah] M. Dell, Beaver Aunt Zina, E. S. [Elizabeth Stowe] Higgs, Manti, M. A. Lunt, Cedar, S. M. Kimball M. A. Caine, S. J. Elliott, M. D.[,] P. Y. Beatie, A. W. Grant, Ruth M. Fox. I have been very hurried and wearied with looking over papers to find poems of mine for reading in the literary class in 10th. Ward. letter and pictures from Geo. E. Snider [Snyder]– {p. 203}

16 June 1896 • Tuesday

wea. very hot– thunder & lightning

This morning looked up letters from Miss Anthony and was late going up– saw Thomas who invited me to the Y.L. Meeting in the 7th. Ward this evening, Letter from St. Geo[r]ge C. C. R. [Caroline Raleigh Wells] very unsatisfactory– letter later from Prof. Neal and afterwards from Prof Mathews. Dr. Pratt sent me in a fine lunch– W.S.A. Salt Lake Co. met at 2.30 in my office, and we had Dr. Elliott and Dr. [Ellen Brooke] Ferguson who occupied most of the time– Dr. Elliott about Clara Barton and the other Dr. about Working Girls Clubs– Sister Taylor and Sister Stevenson were both in the office a short time Belle & Em. came up town today. Edna [Wells Sloan] has a fine boy7 born on Saturday last– <June 13th.> I went to the Seventh Ward– spoke upon the Prophet Joseph, his tastes and sympathies– had a bouquet of roses presented to me–8 {p. 204}

17 June 1896 • Wednesday

wea. very hot

I slept very little last night and stayed in bed very late this morning, letter from Mell who is still at the Hospital, hopes to start home on the 22nd. Had a new pass book on the R.R. today– Josephine [Beatie] Wells baby, a little girl9 was born on the 15th. I found Aunt Zina had returned from Idaho last night. Went over to Phebe Beatie’s and found her very ill with quinzy– Aunt Zina will stay with her for a while. Had lunch there, have not had many calls today but have been kept busy. News from St. Louis Convention is that [William] McKinley is to be elected on the first ballot. I came home earlier than usual and found Belle and Mr. Sears had gone out to spend the evening, Lucile & Em. went to the Circus– {p. 205}

18 June 1896 • Thursday

wea. very hot

anniversary of Battle of Waterloo Today has been one of excitement News that some of our Delegates to St. Louis had withdrawn from the Convention, and made a solemn protest against the gold standard, was very much admired by some and deprecated by others, Frank J. Cannon was strong and persistent in standing the pressure of scoffs and sneers, and one must certainly see that he has plenty of good material in his make up. It will remain a strong point in history forever after that men were courageous & true to their convictions. Em. visited Ella Cottle today & had a letter from Mr. [John G.] Roberts I came home quite early, very much fatigued, could not keep up scarcely. Ort came in to see me and I read his speech of last night at the banquet of the sons of the Revolution {p. 206}

19 June 1896 • Friday

wea. very hot

This is Brent [Sears]’s birthday he is 11 years old– a fine little boy. I gave him a gold ring– I found a letter from Mrs. Bradley and one for Em. from Columbus– I wrote my editorial and worked hard at other things. Dr. Pratt sent me in a fine lunch. Several ladies made calls upon business– the Rep. Nat. Con. [Republican National Convention] at St. Louis has adjourned, McKinley and [Garret A.] Hobart10 are nominated– the silver people are very much disgusted– many are saying, they will vote the Democratic ticket if a silver man is nominated some even say they will vote a Populist ticket, if they go for silver. It was Memorial Party for Sister [Hannah Tapfield] King at Jacob Spencer’s house in 18th. Ward. 12 of us sat down to the table, it was a very nice gathering– Rachel Grant, M. I. Horne, S. W. Kimball, H. M. Whitney J. C. Howe, L. D. Alder, E. H. Woodmansee <Mrs. Alford J. Fewson Smith Kate Brockbank E. B. Wells Louisa Spencer–>11 {p. 207}

20 June 1896 • Saturday

wea. very hot

Last Night was Rep. [Republican] Primary and school meeting in the Ward came down on a state Street car and was rather late– this morning went up in good time, have had such a tiresome day lovely letters from Mell and Daisie, and one from Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring <Lehi> and from Sister Stephenson of Harrisville, Farr West. Was invited to Mrs. Salisbury’s to dinner and could not go had lunch in Dr. Pratt’s. Most of the Republicans think F. J. Cannon and [Clarence E.] Allen did right in going out of the Convention. Zina Crocheron [Walker] has been to see me today and tells me how very ill and distressed in mind her mother [Augusta Joyce Crocheron] is, wants us to go up and see her– Miss [Sadie] Thomas has nearly finished my blue silk dress given me on my <birthday Feb. 29 by Annie & John Q.> {p. 208}

21 June 1896 • Sunday

This morning I did some writing and then got ready to go to the Tabernacle; the day was particularly– fine and I felt so ill that it was better to stir than to remain quiet. Henry Dinwoodey was speaking when I went in and he was followed by Victor P. Wells one of our boys. It was very gratifying to hear Victor, testify, Br. C. W. Penrose was the last speaker and he is always fluent– I came to Annie’s at the close, she had been up to the grave yard with roses, and so had John Q. I spent two or three hours and then came home and Louise with me. She is very companionable I had quite a conversation with her, the night is simply perfect, I had finished my poem June today This is my Sister Pallas birthday {p. 209}

22 June 1896 • Monday

This morning I felt miserable and soon after going to the office and reading my proofs I heard of the serious confinement of Sister Romani[a] Pratt’s son’s12 wife, Josie [Josephine Hardy Pratt]– the child had to be taken in parts, and of course the labor and operation left the mother in a low condition, Dr. Pratt has remained there, four doctors were present at the operation. Aunt Zina came to tell me she could not go to Nephi– and finally decided she would ask Sister Smith who consented– later on Sister [Sarah Jenne] Cannon13 sent word she would go with me, the Reaper’s Club met today Miss [Julia Jinks] Druce in the chair, and Mrs. Thomas Secretary I hurried and worried and was off in time to catch the train– pleasant ride {p. 210}

23 June 1896 • Tuesday

<Senators who bolted arrived today> At the depot last evening we were met by Ruby <Wells> & Mary [Pitchforth] May and went up in the Pitchforth carriage, and Sister Cannon & myself stayed there and Sister Smith went to her brothers to sleep.

This morning at ten we went to the Tabernacle, we had a very good attendance Apostle [George] Teasdale was present, also President [William] Paxman Sister Pitchforth presided; at noon we dined at Sister Pitchforths. In the afternoon meeting I made an address of one hour– Sisters Smith and Cannon both spoke briefly. At the close of meeting we all repaired to Sister [Sarah Humphrey] Love’s and had a sumptuous repast. Apostle Teasdale took the head of the table, after dinner the company resolved itself into a Meeting Br. Teasdale presided. Many testimonies were given mine with others {p. 211}

24 June 1896 • Wednesday

This forenoon Leonora Pitchforth took Sister Cannon and myself for a ride we went for Sister Smith who accompanied us. we went round to several places and among others to Br. Teasdale’s– he invited us in and I was surprised to see Mrs. [Hannah Britten Scoles] & Miss [Marian E.] Scoles there from Logan. They were old friends of my husband’s he knew them in London. It is very nice for Br. Teasdale to have such genial people in his home and with his children. After dinner to Conference of Young Ladies which was very interesting. Here I also made an address speaking about three quarters of an hour, we enjoyed the exercises very well, the manuscript paper was good. We went to the opera under the auspices of the young girls in the evening– {p. 212}

25 June 1896 • Thursday

This morning we were up at five had breakfast and reached depot in good time. We thoroughly enjoyed the ride home, fresh morning air, the new-mown hay, the verdant fields all were delightful. Br. Anthony [W.] Ivins from Mexico was on the train, having just come from St. George. Came home all right, walked from the depot. Heard about the demonstration given to F. [Franklin] J. Cannon, many speeches and music and flowers in abundance Judge [Edward F.] Colburn presided in the theatre– [Charles C.] Goodwin spoke. Annie came up and went to see Rulon and the new baby– paper not out have read the Revise. Found Belle very sick, her leg has gathered again. Clark Whitney and Nellie Penrose were married today– {p. 213}

26 June 1896 • Friday

This morning took up some roses and carnations put on my new silk dress and went up to see Mrs. Salisbury– she is much better talked over the political situation, was introduced to Mrs. [Ellen Salisbury] Cash– lunched with Stella– Kindergarten meeting Emeline [Young Wells] was engaged at sixty dollars per month for the season– Lucile had a letter from Dallie [Dorothy] Wallin, saying her grandfather had died– Hugo [D. Wells] was at Belle’s this evening also George Brastow and Will Buccholds [Buchholz]. Belle is better– preparations are being made for the Carnival I went up to Rulon’s tonight saw the new baby born on the 16th. of June– Rulon is in excellent spirits and looks very well and happy. {p. 214}

27 June 1896 • Saturday

This morning I went up town and dressed there for the Conference was in good time. The attendance was rather small, Br. [Charles J.] Thomas and M. J. [Minnie Jensen] Snow were on hand to help with the music, Sister Zina and both her Counselors were there and Apostle John Henry Smith came and spoke to the audience. Sister Annie Hyde invited me to go to lunch there, but I could not because of the office. In the afternoon we had Br. Geo. Q. Cannon, Apostles F. D. Richards Brigham Young John Henry Smith, Bishop [John R.] Winder & You C. W. Penrose Bishop [William C.] Allen of Draper and Br. Wilson from the Temple also others: part of the Temple choir, and so on. The speakers were F. D. Richards B. Young Geo. Q. Cannon Bishop Winder, Aunt Zina & Sister Horne. I had a new bonnett today– Annie went to the Lake with baby {p. 215}

28 June 1896 • Sunday

This morning was very fine– and also very warm. I wrote to Mell to Dr. Elliott to Lucy Anthony, to Mrs. Arthur Brown [Isabel Cameron Brown], Mrs. W. C. Jennings and to Mrs. McVicker– then I repaired to the Tabernacle, Br. Brigham Young was the first speaker then Br. Geo. Teasdale, then Pres. Cannon said a few words and expressed his regrets that Rulon S. Wells was not there. Jos. [W.] McMurrin was present (he is to go with Rulon to Europe) and he spoke a short time. The choir sang the Anthem, “Jerusalem My glorious home. I went down to Annie’s and had some dinner then came home and went to Belle’s saw Dot who has just come from Logan– Elise came over and spent the evening. {p. 216}

29 June 1896 • Monday

This morning Belle sent a box of roses to the niece of Dr. Pratt who is <very> low and ill after confinement. Rulon Seymour Wells and Joseph McMurrin left on the 7 o’clock morning train for their mission to Europe. Rulon is called to preside over the European missions. Jote’s baby is not quite two weeks old and she takes the parting very hard. We have been busy with the mailing, and Hugo and Annie Henderson have been in and kept Em. [Emma Sears] company– I worked as long as I could see and then came home so weary that I really could not keep up. {p. 217}

30 June 1896 • Tuesday

Today I have been busy went with Mrs. Georgie [Lucy Georgianna Fox] Young to the Young Ladies Conference and spoke a few minutes– Annie gave an address– and succeeded very well– It was her first appearance before an audience. <except the W.S.A. in Ogden and the Relief Society> Sisters C. C. R. Wells M. A. [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze and Lula G. Richards returned today from their missionary trip to the South having visited Parowan St. George Kanab and Panguitch and Beaver Stakes– Belle & Annie both went to the reception at Mrs. [Emma Adams] Empeys given by herself and Mrs. Grant– the decorating for the Carnival is very elaborate. I went to the visit at F. [Franklin] S. Richards in honor of the 60th. Anniversary of the marriage of Br. & Sister Nathan [and Rachel Smith] Tanner– Emily [Tanner Richards]’s mother and father– George Q. and Sarah {p. 218} Jane Cannon were there also Franklin D. Richards and F. [Francis] M. Lyman Apostles and Angus M. and Clara Cannon Jos. E. Taylor, C. W. Penrose and wife, John T. Caine & wife14 Jos. Horne and wife,15 James Brown and wife Zina D. H. Young Sarah M. Kimball and myself– George Crismon wife and daughter, Mrs. [Maria Tanner] Lyman mother of the Apostle and some younger members of the family.

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June 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1896/1896-06


  1. [1]Emily Grant.

  2. [2]Martha Whittle Merrill.

  3. [3]Harriet Hooper Young.

  4. [4]Probably Rosannah Jenne Cannon (1872–1969), daughter of George Q. Cannon and Sarah Jane Jenne. She later married Alonzo Blair Irvine.

  5. [5]Lucile, Seraph Isabel (“Dot”), and Emma Sears were granddaughters of EBW.

  6. [6]Ann Dalton Neal.

  7. [7]Lawrence Wells Sloan.

  8. [8]See the account of the Seventh Ward Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association meeting in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1896, 12–13.

  9. [9]Helen Wells.

  10. [10]Garret Hobart (1844–1899) was the twenty-fourth vice president of the United States (1897–1899) and the sixth vice president to die while in office. (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Garret A. Hobart,” accessed 20 Aug. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Garret-A-Hobart.)

  11. [11]Friends attending the social honoring Hannah Tapfield King included Rachel Ivins Grant, Mary Isabella Hales Horne, Sarah Granger Kimball, Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, Julia Cruse Howe, Lydia Dunford Alder, Emily Hill Woodmansee, Margaret Anderson Alford, Christiana Vernon Smith (Mrs. John Fewson Smith), Katherine Howard Brockbank, EBW, and Louisa King Spencer.

  12. [12]Louis L. Pratt.

  13. [13]“Sisters B. W. Smith, E. B. Wells and Sarah J. Cannon went to Nephi to attend the Relief Society and Y.L.M.I.A. Conferences of Juab Stake held at Nephi on the 23rd and 24th of June.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1896, 12.)

  14. [14]Margaret Nightingale Caine.

  15. [15]Mary Isabella Hales Horne.