August 1904

1 August 1904 • Monday

Annie seems to enjoy the restfulness of it all and it will certainly be beneficial to her in her present condition and with so much on her mind. This morning the stage was late– but we got off at last– John Q. Louise, Emmeline and myself and reached home just about noon. I was not so weary as I had expected to be. Soon after coming to the office a telephone message came for me to go to the Lion <Bee> Hive House to dine with Sister Catherine [Philips] Smith whose birthday it was 85 years old. Sister B. W. Smithh came over to go also; we talked with those who came in and finally we went to the Bishop’s office and then to the dinner, and we had a pleasant time President Smith came in and sat at table and ate a little. Julina & he went out to dine {p. 122}

2 August 1904 • Tuesday

<Letter from Heber J. Grant & Emily [Wells Grant] and several others.> Today is Marian Buchholz birthday– she is six today. Dot and the children came home on Sunday from Wisconsin and Illinois where they have been visiting relatives– I have had a busy day people coming and telephone ringing, and my work very much behind. A good letter from Mell though not so good about Daisie [Dunford Allen] who is ailing with rheumatism & her husband1 with serious bladder trouble. Other letters not important– weather very hot– accomplished considerable in getting caught up in my correspondence. No news of any great consequence. Margaret & Katharine went up to Wasatch I bought some little gifts for the great grand children {p. 213}

3 August 1904 • Wednesday

Went over to see Dot and the babies this morning, found all well and happy and glad to get home again, yard beautiful with flowers in bloom At the office Sister E. J. Stevenson was waiting for me and we visited a little, but one and another came in and there were errands to be done. Sister R. E. Little & C. S. Thomas came about Conferences and so on & Lyde made me quite a visit. I wrote a great deal and finished up some work that had been left over for days. Came home earlier than usual. Carl [V.] Evans came to call. John Q. had a letter from Annie today and read parts of it to me. We talked until very late. Martha H. [Horne] Tingey came to see me today. {p. 124}

4 August 1904 • Thursday

This morning came early and found letter from Verona, she told me her troubles, has been quite brave through all. It grieves me terribly but I hope things may turn for the better Dr. C. [Charles] F. Wilcox called also Phebe Y. Beatie, Junius F. Wells, Margaret A. Caine, Edna Harker Louise & Lucile <Liut.> Gen. Adna R. Chaffee arrived this morning, John Q. went with the Governor to see and call upon him at Ft. Douglas. Sister Stevenson came this afternoon and brought flowers to me. I am in perplexity about my work yet believe I can pull thro’ and not fail. I wrote a few lines to Verona this afternoon before coming home to comfort her if possible {p. 125}

5 August 1904 • Friday

Today has been very hot and I have been more than busy telephoning and preparing copy Susan Grant came down from Bountiful and came to see me and we went over to see Sister Smith together and found her ready to go to Sister Thomas’s to spend the afternoon. I hurried back and dressed and Sister Smith & Grant came and we myself and Sister Smith took the car, Sister Grant went back home as all her folks (Gants) who live in the city have gone into the country for the summer. At Sister Thomas’s we had a fine afternoon– only five of us. herself & Sister R. E. Little, Sister Smith Lambert and me we had, tea and then gave the sisters a blessing Thomas and Little meantime Dr. Roberts Empey & Beatie came to see Sister Smith & myself about the Nurse class with Prof [Joshua H.] Paul’s {p. 126}

6 August 1904 • Saturday

This morning John Q. and Ann [Y.] Cannon his sister started off up to Wasatch Louise and Emm. went with them to Murray for Company and I went off to the office to work so much to do and so little time to work as so much is taken up in answering questions. The day is hot and many callers {p. 127}

7 August 1904 • Sunday

Went to the Temple and sat alone neither of the sisters who usually sit by me were there Sisters Bathsheba W. Smith and Emma Woodruff were in front of me– and Sister Smith invited me to sit by her but I did not move as I prefer my own place. Sister Elizabeth [Claridge] McCune who is going away to Peru spoke a few minutes and alluded to her journey. Br. Samuel Richards spoke of Jos. Smith and his 80th. birthday which will be on Monday Aug. 8. I spoke a few minutes have rarely spoken in the Temple but felt to do so today.

I went to Martha Wells to dinner and read her my letters from Emily Grant & Heber. Little Emmeline went to see her cousin Marjorie [Cannon] and Margaret and myself were here alone {p. 128}

8 August 1904 • Monday

This morning went up in good time and tried hard to accomplish something profitable in the way of work Dr. Pratt’s birthday gave her a china vase I wrote some verses for Sister E. C. McCune and took them up to her myself but she had already gone out saw her cousin who promised to hand them to her with my love. She goes with every blessing and comfort possible for mortals to enjoy on this earth except that she has not all her family in the Church. {p. 129}

9 August 1904 • Tuesday

This morning John Q. is a little better and I am not so much distressed about him as I have been. I wish we could get word to Annie as I know she must be greatly worried. 2|Harried over my work and went off to catch Cannon car, met Clara C. Cannon on the car and visited a little with her. Rode over to the meeting with Sister [Mary Ellen Watson] Silver and we had a very good sort of meeting– I felt rather uncomfortable– during the time but it passed off all right and some good was accomplished I think Emily H. Cannon Willey became a member on that day also Lucy Grey Davey. John Q. is better this evening and Belle and Lucile came in for a few minutes, almost an unusual thing now Belle is so busy with her garden flowers and orchards. {p. 130}

11 August 1904 • Thursday

Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury telephoned and I sent home for things and went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s to meet Mr. [Charles W.] Needham Professor at Columbian University at Washington D. C. and hear of the changes made in the George Washington Memorial Building Association. Dr. Beers [William F. Beer] was there with Prof. Needham, Mrs. [Susannah Bransford] Holmes & Mrs. [Minnie Pegram] Fabian came and Mrs. Caine and myself we were all out of all those who had been notified. {p. 132}

12 August 1904 • Friday

This has been a busy day– Sister Smith came and brought letters to me to answer and some sisters going away had to have permits and tickets and so on and I was trying very hard to get things fixed up {p. 133}

13 August 1904 • Saturday

John Q. went off early for Wasatch and I was up very early yet late getting to the office Clara Little Clawson came about the trip to Idaho and I had a long talk with her about what she must do etc. There was a letter from Dr. Jacobs that quite annoyed me, she is coming here sails from Rotterdam [the Netherlands] today her husband3 with her. Will be here in Sep. late or Oct. early {p. 134}

14 August 1904 • Sunday

<Bishop George Romney’s birthday 73.> Today I intend to rest if possible– Margaret & Emmeline went off early to Sunday School and I bathed and put on wrapper and began reading proofs. It took me nearly all day– ran over to Belle’s a minute and went on with editorial matter, at evening Jesse [B.] Sharp came the girls at least Margaret had gone to the evening meeting at Cannon Ward. She came home about nine in Silver’s pony cart and Jesse & Rettie [Loretta Lambert] Woodbury were here. There was a great deal of lighning and finally all the lights went out down here and in the city. We had candles but we could plainly see there were no lights in the city and there were no cars running. Aunt Jane [Bicknell] Young 90 years old today {p. 135}

15 August 1904 • Monday

This morning John Q. came before I was fairly dressed brought good news of Annie and the folks, she will stay another week Sister Smith came early to the office We finished off letter to the Pilgrim Magazine at Battle Creek and mailed it– talked over many matters Sister Smith had letter from Ida Dusenberry brought it to me to answer she mailed it from Italy. Sister Smith invited me to go to Granite Stake Conference with her– It is Judge [Samuel A.] Merritt’s birthday he is 77‒ Lyde & Emmeline [Emeline Y. Wells] were both down here & Belle came she had an interview with John & Willie Sears here today. Emily Roberts baby is very sick Albert [C.] Morris was buried this afternoon– 4 p.m. {p. 136}

16 August 1904 • Tuesday

Came up in hopes there would be some news from Mell & the girls but only ordinary letters and telephone message from Heber City about Plan of Mothers Work, wrote all day and filed letters– had invitation from Sister Druce to go to 12th Ward Relief Society Meeting on Thursday 25 years since they were organized– must notify B. W. Smith. Clarissa Smith Williams has been in to see me the first time since she came home. We had quite a conversation and visit– new book of Railway fares for street car and note from Rob. Campbell. I have had a very peculiar day strange feelings– sleepless night last night was, and cannot account for it Belle went to the Granite Stake Conference this afternoon I have not seen her since– John Q. has a meeting of the N.G.U.4 at the Armory tonight Belle enjoyed the meeting very much Clarissa Williams came and we had a long talk over things. {p. 137}

17 August 1904 • Wednesday

<Today Belle had John and Willie Sears in the office consulting with her.> This morning went up feeling fairly well, expected Susa who did not come however others came Mary P. [Pile] Silver, came and one or two more then Sister B. W. Smith and we finished up letters and sent them off 2. to I. S. Dusenberry and one to Whittaker in St Louis and one to Br. [John G.] McQuarrie in New York. We had a most <interesting & a> long conversation upon the Prophet Joseph and the early church authorities, finally Alice Horne came and she was quite stirred up about Church affairs. & I am sure her grandmother5 felt bad, but said very little, finally we all went down together and met Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon who spoke very freely to Alice about her trip to Berlin. The visit to 12th. Ward is postponed one week from tomorrow because of Br. [William J.] Hooper’s death. After doing a little editorial work I came home and found George Q. here whom I was very glad to see, he stayed all the evening and we had quite a visit John Q. came home late and Geo. Q. after talking with his father rode away on his bicycle– {p. 138}

18 August 1904 • Thursday

<[E.] Ada [Croxall] Cannon moved to her own house today– very much to be regretted[,] baby6 only nine days old.> This morning I was not well but went off to the office and found mail etc waiting– telephone messages and soon Susa Gates came. We had quite a long conversation almost uninterrupted at last Belle came she had an appointment with John Sears, meantime I went out and bought a copy of the “Pearl of Great Price.” my own old one is mislaid. I read my proofs, Sister Emma Badell came also Sister Knowles of the 9th. Ward. I am quite worked up over the way the Printers are dallying with my paper. I simply feel outraged over their slow ways. In the afternoon I had that pain in my side under my heart that nearly smothered me. Mell’s birthday and I do wish I could think of something to give her suitable for the occasion Al. [J. Albert] Hanson is here again tonight last night Jesse Sharp to see Margaret. Boys are very thoughtless about time John Q. came home at 12 m. and we had some political talk on the situation {p. 139}

19 August 1904 • Friday

Went over to Printers early then Susa came and we talked, I read proofs and went back to printers– again & again four times. May Wilkin [Wilcken] Cannon came to see me, she has just returned from the Yellowstone Park whither she went with a company of her friends. Belle has been at Alice Horne’s to help prepare the program for the Daughters of the Pioneers– Edna Smith was one of the Committee– they fixed for five meetings. Tonight is the Primary Meeting time to elect Delegates to the State Convention for the election nomination of Governor Judges & Legislators to be voted for in November– Belle is going with me. The Cannons will vote in the 54th District. I have been very busy all day and not very much pleased with all that has transpired. The evening session of Primary was not satisfactory to me because the larger number were for our opposing candidate {p. 140}

20 August 1904 • Saturday

John Q. and Emmeline went off early this morning. my sleep was disturbed and I wanted to go early to the office as my paper was to be made up. Reached there 9.30. Charles [H.] Hyde was making up and we soon finished. Sent off to Mell Key to the Universe and Pearl of Great Price. Mrs. Webber came and we had a long talk over matters and things. Saw Huldah [Duncan] Naylor today and she told me her son married Ada Roberts daughter of B. H. Roberts. Thaddeus [W. Naylor] and Ray [Raymond C. Naylor] married [S.] Fay McCune. John Q. expected to bring Katharine down to stay with us but left her at Wasatch after all. Margaret will be lonly John Q. and Daniel go to the encampment7 and we shall be left to ourselves. George Q. has not been well at all, he does not eat properly while over there. It is very cool but a beautiful night. John Q. came home late. We had quite a talk {p. 141}

21 August 1904 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day did some writing in Relief Society record looked up on some matters that seemed important. The day was very hot John Q. was looking after the encampment getting ready to go on Monday morning, telephone kept busy. Little Hettie Williams & one or two other girls telephoned here for Daniel. I saw no one all day except for a few minutes Belle and Lucile. In the evening John Q. came very late and we talked over the situation as regards Hebe [Heber M. Wells]’s nomination. I feel very sanguine about it and the Cutler people are as much so as any of us can be. Reed Smoot is doing his utmost in the interest of John C. Cutler for Governor but I cannot believe he can win against a man with the personal magnetism and magnificent presence of our dear Hebe. cooler tonight {p. 142}

22 August 1904 • Monday

Went up to the office early and found much going on in preparation for the coming convention of the Republican party. Kept busy all day had many callers and was over to the printer’s and back several times. Tried very hard to get to go to Sister Smith’s to talk over some matters with her but could not spare the time from the preparation of copy for paper. Went to dinner at Lyde’s saw the new baby of Ruby [Naylor Morse]’s not named yet8 fine little girl dark complexion like the father Frederic [G.] Morse– all the girls very affable, also Will [William S.] Hedges. Good news from Sanford [Sandford W. Hedges] 21. day before yesterday the 20th. of August. Col. Merritt came and I slipped away as I knew my satchel was in the office and I must catch the elevator to go up and, besides I must come home as Margaret would be here alone. {p. 143}

23 August 1904 • Tuesday

<Mrs. Salisbu[r]y came to see me today made quite a visit in the office‒> Today almost as soon as I reached the office I went over to the Temple to speak to Sister Smith our President about some letters I had received and to get her to sign one I had written[.] Sister Midgeley [Jemina Hough Midgley] had been in and changed the date of the meeting in the 12th. Ward and when I informed Sister Smith she said she had another engagement and had also made one for me for Wednesday– so that settled the meeting in the 12th. Ward for us. I went in the Temple dining room and had dinner. The dinners are by no means sumptuous. Br. Samuel Richards sits at the head of the Table and Sister Smith on his right. I always sit next– there were no celebrities at dinner– it reminded me of the dinners in Nauvoo at the rooms over the tithing office when Brigham Young Heber C. Kimball Willard Richards, Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney and other Church dignitaries were at table. {p. 144} Well might one say ’twas not so much the meat that graced the table as the goodly company. Also I thought of the Manti Temple dinners when Prest. [Daniel H.] Wells sat at the head of the table and served, the elegant china and other appointments‒ all in keeping and the great master of ceremonies whose words were like clear cut precious stones, shining and reflecting light.

24 August 1904 • Wednesday

In the afternoon Sister Elizabeth [Stephenson] Woolley’s party, sent her carriage for Sister Smith and myself also brought us home Madames Wilcox, Stevenssom, Kimball Simmons (two) Woolley Mahlin, Groo, Mair, Gerard, Musser, Hodgson Eardley (2 Smith, Wells Lettie Sharp9 {p. 145}

25 August 1904 • Thursday

<Geo. Q. slept here last night and went to Wasatch this morning to see the folks.> This is the day of the battle royal for the Republican party, I fear too much to go out to hear the news and yet I do not seem to have any doubts of the result being in our favor. A number of ladies have been in all as ignorant as myself I went down town at last to get some lunch and coming home just at the Deseret News corner encountered John Hanson [John E. Hansen] city editor of the Des. News, who told me Cutler had secured the nomination, he seemed very much surprised and also to regret it. I hurried off scarcely believing what I had heard. There was no outward demonstration of any sort that one could see or hear. I read the evening paper which merely gave the fact and came home <did no> see Belle Will was staying up for the close of the evening session. {p. 146}

26 August 1904 • Friday

This morning the word had reached every part of the state and yet all was painfully quiet. I hardly know how I got thro the day, I was so depressed that I could scarcely keep from showing it, however only Lyde came in for any length of time she made me quite a visit, we worked too both of us. She folded papers and I was getting city papers ready to mail. At last I came home went over to Belle’s she had heard that the election was all right and was trying very hard to be reconciled. Sep was dreadfully disappointed. Well there have been two great disappointments for me this year– that seems strange. We expected George Q. tonight but he did not come. Governor Wells & Staff went to Provo to Camp Black Hawk to review the troops, good showing. Went over to Sister Smith’s took her some tea from Belle and read her letters and mine. {p. 147}

27 August 1904 • Saturday

Today 42 years since my sweet Louie [Louisa Wells Cannon] was borm how well one remembers such trying scenes, when the mother literally goes down into the dark valley speaking in parables. O, terrible indeed was that day for me, how I lived through it I know not. But the joy of little children surpasses all else. Today I am so busy and hurried I cannot think scarcely I would if possible go to the cemetery but it would indeed be too much for me. John Q. and Daniel both came home this evening and all the camping outfit. It seems nice to have them home again and the encampment over for another year. I have had no one to speak to me today of Louie. I have only seen Belle a minute this evening. {p. 148}

28 August 1904 • Sunday

John Q. went off to Wasatch this morning. I hoped Margaret and Daniel would go to Sunday School but neither of them did. I would not go to meeting and leave Margaret at home alone, so stayed and did some writing. At evening John Q. came back from the Wasatch and brought Katharine. Later Geo. Q. and Cavendish came, so the house seemed more cheerful. John Q. and myself talked of Church reminiscences and fully enjoyed it. Today is 3. years since Aunt Zina D. H. Young died. It seems much longer. How awful the change has been for the Society– never peace or union scarcely at all. Vexation and annoyances all the time. Perhaps it is well for us to know the extremes.10 I am anxious about Annie and wish she could come home right away {p. 149}

29 August 1904 • Monday

Cavendish went up with me to help me with the papers. The first thing almost was to go over with copy. 27 years ago today since Brigham Young’s death, no mention made of it in the papers or in any way. Sister Hannah [Shaw] Burridge and daughter Charlotte [Burridge] Steel came to see me and Cavendish and myself went to the Royal to dine, it is pleasant to see how children enjoy novelties, like these restaurants. In the evening John Q. was very tired but we had the last of those conversations that opened his eyes to some things he had never known and that even Church history does not mention {p. 150}

30 August 1904 • Tuesday

Today took Cavendish up to the office again– went over to Sister Smith’s to show her the notice I had prepared for the monthly meeting and get her signature and speak about one or two things. then Georgie Fox Young came to invite me to her house to a meeting of the Free Kindergarten Association and meantime Lyde came in and Junius and the two children of Rulon’s Lillian [Wells] and Dorothy [Wells]. Went off just before three p.m. and arrived in time. Those present were Harriet Ann Badger, Ella W. Hyde, Donnetta S. Kesler, Elmina [Shepard] Taylor‒ Leona Taylor Carrie S. Thomas Lizzie Crismon Georgie and myself. We were treated to ice cream and cake after the session was over. News from Mrs. [Marian Mumford] Beatie who has had a paralytic stroke is depressing, she grows worse, her daughters at a distance have been sent for. Geo. Q. has the wagon and team here to start in the morning for Wasatch to bring the family home. {p. 151}

31 August 1904 • Wednesday

George Q. started off in good time for the Wasatch resort to bring home the household goods and the children and Annie were coming in a separate conveyance. They all arrived about 4 p.m. amid general rejoicing. News reached me by telephone. I have had callers by the two’s & three’s today– Mrs. Amelia F. Young spent a couple of hours in the office and we had quite a nice visit she thinks of going East to St. Louis and other cities very soon. about Sep. 10. Sister Stevenson, Junius and Sister Bathsheba, dear sweet soul she seemed so weary and it made me feel sorrowful I read her Mrs. Sewall’s last letter and she took it up to President Jos. F. Smith to read. C. C. R. Wells called twice also Col. Merritt twice A card from Dr. Jacob’s to say she had arrived in New York wanting me to write Sister S. J. Cannon came to see me {p. 152}

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August 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Henry R. Allen. (1900 U.S. Census, Wallace, Idaho, 113A, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,

  2. [2]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  3. [3]Carel V. Gerritsen. (Jacobs, Memories, 109–137.)

  4. [4]National Guard of Utah.

  5. [5]Bathsheba W. Smith.

  6. [6]Emily A. Cannon. (Emily A. Cannon, Birth Record, 9 Aug. 1904.)

  7. [7]The annual training encampment of the National Guard of Utah was held on 22–28 August near Utah Lake. (“Will Camp Together,” Salt Lake Herald, 18 Aug. 1904, [3]; “Governor Wells Reviews Troops,” Salt Lake Tribune, 28 Aug. 1904, [4].)

  8. [8]Marga Morse.

  9. [9]EBW’s list of those attending the 24 August party likely includes Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox; Elizabeth DuFresne Stevenson; Helen V. Kimball; Rachel Woolley Simmons; Alice Goddard Woolley, Eliza Kimball Woolley, or Julia Stringham Woolley; Mahlin (first name unknown); Mary Jane Whitney Groo; Mary McKay Mair; Jeanette Bennion Gerrard; Mary White Musser; Mary Simmons Hodgson; C. Adella Woolley Eardley; Alice Kimball Smith, Sarah Richards Smith, Sarah Farr Smith, Lucy Woodruff Smith, Josephine Groesbeck Smith, Julina Lambson Smith, or Edna Lambson Smith; Emmeline B. Wells; and Lettie Sharp.

  10. [10]EBW expressed worry about a change in tone in general Relief Society leadership meetings. Young board members seemed ready to argue for progressive changes in the program in a way that probably surprised members of EBW’s generation and may have seemed disrespectful. (Madsen, Intimate History, 404–410.)