August 1879

3 August 1879 • Sunday

Funeral of Joseph Standing1 the girls attended. I went to meeting, James [V.] Standing came to call upon us, sung and played, in the evening, did some writing,

4 August 1879 • Monday

Mailing the new paper, Br. [George Q.] Cannon B. [Brigham] Young Jr. Br. [Albert] Carrington, went to the Penitentiary on alleged contempt.2 John Q. [Cannon] called [p. 94] {p. 50}

5 August 1879 • Tuesday

Left Salt Lake City on the morning train, arrived at Nephi at noon, took dinner at Sister [Elizabeth Silcox] Kendall’s held meeting at 2 o’clock in Relief Society House, afterwards rode on to Fountain Green, had supper and slept at the Bishop’s.

6 August 1879 • Wednesday

Wednes. morn. had breakfast at Bishop’s meeting at 10 o’clock,– a good attendance revoted in the officers of the Relief Society [p. 95] {p. 51}

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August 1879, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Joseph Standing died while serving a mission in the South, shot by a mob in Georgia on 21 July 1879. His companion, Rudger Clawson, was able to transport Standing’s body back to Salt Lake City for burial. (David F. Boone, “Joseph Standing,” in Garr, Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History, 1187.)

  2. [2]Some of Brigham Young’s heirs filed a lawsuit asserting that Cannon, Brigham Young Jr., and Carrington had grossly violated their duties as executors of Brigham Young’s estate. When the three men, all apostles, refused to turn church property over to a court-appointed receiver or pay exorbitantly high bonds, the district court imprisoned them, charging them with contempt of court. The men remained in prison for three and a half weeks until the territorial supreme court reversed the order of the district court. The suit was eventually settled out of court. (Bitton, George Q. Cannon, 232–234; Arrington, Brigham Young, 429.)