May 1900

1 May 1900 • Tuesday

<News of the explosion at Scofield Utah> Went with my brother Hiram from Thorndike to Orange started in a buggy took train from Bondsville and changed cars at Athol then to Orange, met Lilian [Clark Ramsey] (niece) in the yard and was introduced to my cousin Herbert Rand of Worcester Mass. whom I had never seen before‒ then went into the house where my sister Pallas was and stayed to dinner all the family present H. H. Ramsay [Horace Ramsey] Lilian his wife[,] Ruth [C. Ruth Ramsey] 16, Geneva [Ramsey] 12, Allan [Ramsey] 9, Alice [Marion O. Ramsey] 7. after dinner we drove to New Salem‒ wrote a letter to Belle from here Went round some of the old places, saw the Old Pond house and many dear old places‒ home‒ the brook the hemlock grove‒ the juniper tree home to Thorndike half past five May day supper at Church {p. 143}

2 May 1900 • Wednesday

Came on to New York City my brother paid ticket. Arrived all safe, dressed and went to Mrs. Gaffney’s spent the afternoon with them had dinner Mr. & Mrs. Gaffney went out with the Princess [Agnes Joy] Salm Salm and I was left alone and was very glad to rest and see the boating on the river and all the pretty sights I took up John Ward Preacher and began reading it‒ between hours of watching the river‒ this is a magnificent house and she has a handsome husband came on to Mrs. Gaffney’s towards evening beautiful sunset, {p. 144}

3 May 1900 • Thursday

This morning fine. breakfast with Mrs. Gaffney alone, husband gone to Washington went at Midnight. Princess Salm Salm goes today at 3. p.m. Went to National Household Economic Conference and did not get there in time to see Mrs. Samuel who had just left the building but went round to Mrs. Dickinson’s, and found she had gone to Philadelphia to lecture‒ I talked with Miss Bond about many interesting things of interest, then tried to find [M.] May Merrill but did not succeed, and went to Hotel to learn if there were any letters, took the car and got caught in a pouring rain in the street. Mrs. Gaffney too. {p. 145}

4 May 1900 • Friday

After breakfasting with Mrs. Gaffney and confidential conversation with her <we> I went together to the Domestic Household Science National Conference, Mrs. Samul [Samuel] after awhile inquired if Mrs. Wells of Salt Lake was in the room I replied‒ then she asked if we might retire for private talk of course we did, meantime I joined the Society and paid one dollar for the year 1900. Afterwards I was invited to speak‒ Mrs. C. Whitney objected to my views on the moral training of girls consciences Mrs. Gaffney spoke, told some stories. We had lunch I had some talk with a Mrs. Smith who has a cousin teaching in Utah at the Presbyterian school After that we went to Madison Square Gardens to see Buffalo Bill‒ had a box six of us‒ then tea at the Waldorf Astoria then to Bayard for the night {p. 146}

5 May 1900 • Saturday

<Pulman Penelope My last night in New York> Slept at Bayard, breakfasted and packed up‒ went to depot in haven with June, Madame Mountford came to see me for a minute at parting, found I must change in the night at Buffalo [New York], but resolved as I had started not to turn back Mohawk river very beautiful indeed arrived in Buffalo midnight had a long walk to the other train Pulman conductor went with me, soon got into bed Claverack, bought Harper’s Bazar, read Mrs. Gaffney’s article really nothing new at all. I am weary of so much nothingness, we are so far ahead of these women, in almost every respect except money. I am in a quandary whether to stop in Chicago or not I don’t care much for it. {p. 147}

6 May 1900 • Sunday

This morning felt miserable had a good breakfast but could not eat much, debated all the way whether I should stay over in Chicago to see my friends & sister‒1 could not decide and waited the denouement when I should arrive there‒ Ft. Wayne Indiana met in Chicago Mrs. Julia Ward Howe who wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic which is sung in all Churches & places‒ a veritable catch wrote a letter on train to Lena Wells, and read my magazines, Mrs. Gaffney’s article is really flat. I am very sorry as it does not help the Council. She is lacking in some respects‒ but wants to do the right thing I am sure {p. 148}

7 May 1900 • Monday

This morning reached Council Bluffs [Iowa] and thought of all our pilgrimages along the way how many had died for the truth’s sake and others suffered yet endured‒ most of our people do keep the faith we count those happy who endure. Mrs. Gaffneys philosophy is that self-sacrifice is degenerating instead of uplifting, there are no people on the train for whom one need care a straw‒ very ordinary people. I have finished my magazines and find them rather weak only one or two good articles. Felt a little disappointed at not seeing Mrs. Howe again. I feel uneasy about home affairs, and anxious to get back and see how all my little folks are doing & hear from Q. {p. 149}

8 May 1900 • Tuesday

A fine morning and though I have not slept well yet I was up before any one else, Porter fast asleep‒ stopped at Green River [Wyoming] to wait for a train & take on dining car had breakfast and moved on into the fine scenery‒ talked with the young woman Miss Brown‒ and enjoyed her conversation her people were literary‒ we had much in common finally after leaving Echo was moved out of Colusca into the Clermont which was going to Salt Lake Arrived in the City at 1/2 past 2. p.m. went direct to the office and then to Annie’s afterwards to Belle’s then Dot’s and hom[e] to sleep‒ {p. 150}

9 May 1900 • Wednesday

This morning fixed breakfast then went to the office sat quite alone some time sisters are not aware that I am at home. Sister Horne was early and then Clara C. Cannon and Annie T. Hyde and Augusta W. [Winters] Grant came to confer about Stake matters, then the Board meeting of the Woman’s Store about ten or more may be‒ so that I met several of my friends, and one or two dropped in afterwards. Ellen came from Adeline’s and we came home in pretty good time, had supper and talked until midnight of old times, old scenes and old friends, so many reminiscences and much that Ellen had heard while in the East that I did not know though much older. {p. 151}

10 May 1900 • Thursday

Went over to Belle’s and see her a few minutes and then to the office‒ Ellen came up later‒ we went out to dinner and I called on Dr. Pratt and others, Mrs. Caine came to see me and quite a number of other sisters. I begin to feel more settled Wrote some letters and read some papers and did some errands, had Sister [Jane] Richards Emily [Richards] and Josephine [Richards West] all at once Sister [Jane West] Herrick from Ogden came and several other people, Ellen went over to Joseph F. Smith’s, Julina [Lambson Smith] had a quilting and she saw quite a few of her old friends, it commenced raining and we had quite a time to keep from getting wet. {p. 152}

11 May 1900 • Friday

Ellen went over to Adeline’s to go with her to Dot’s to spend the day‒ it blew and was very disagreeable and was also chilly so I went to Annie’s and visited with her‒ little Abram had pulled over the tea-pot & scalded his neck under his chin and one arm and wrist and Annie had a terrible scare, it is too bad not to be able to get help, I had dinner and then John Q. went away to some meeting, they have had word from George Q. since leaving Kanab‒ very much money has been raised for the Scofield sufferers, over 100,000 dollars, Louise and Margaret have to work very diligently to help Annie. I came home & stayed here alone‒ the wind blew very dreadfully {p. 153}

12 May 1900 • Saturday

Ellen stayed at Inez’s all night she could have come home at midnight but thought best not to do it. As it was Saturday there was much to do and I felt so dreadful‒ storm came on yet I was determined to go to the 14th. ward meeting and spoke for nearly or quite three quarters of an hour, on matters of importance pertaining to the Society Sister Horne Sister Zina Young and others spoke‒ it rained yet it was fairly well attended After getting back to the office Ellen came and we went out to a café to dinner then home to spend the evening again alone {p. 154}

13 May 1900 • Sunday

This morning dark & unpleasant, however we went to the Tabernacle and were very glad‒ Prest. Cannon preached a part of the time also Joseph F. very fine singing, then we went to Annie’s and had dinner and came home late and talked until midnight I am very weary and this is a day of days for me I feel it so very much I cannot express my grief and therefore it is very hard for me and changes my whole nature from what it would otherwise be. I am reading Red Pottage and it is a very gloomy book {p. 155}

14 May 1900 • Monday

This is the Reaper’s Club and I met some of my old friends‒ who attend there were not many present and I was called upon to preside {p. 156}

16 May 1900 • Wednesday

Meeting at 3 in the office {p. 157}

17 May 1900 • Thursday

Zine [Zina Smoot Whitney] went to the Temple {p. 158}

18 May 1900 • Friday

This morning Zine went to the Temple <yesterday> and was administered to‒ last evening she went out riding tho’ she has been ill and cannot digest her food Ort [Orson F. Whitney] is much alarmed about her‒ says nothing but faith will save her‒ he has had her administered to by Joseph E. Taylor‒ Martha Wells Kensington today she had about sixty ladies present among them Belle & Annie my Sister Ellen & myself‒ & many old friends of ours. I was late in going up but we had a pleasant time. {p. 159}

19 May 1900 • Saturday

Today I went up to see Zine but no one was allowed in the sick room‒ trained nurse and perfect quiet must be observed, I feel it very much. I went to the Whitney burying-ground‒ but could not get in‒ Ort was not at home I saw the twins Paul [V. C. Whitney] and Virginia [C. Whitney]‒ the boy was not very well had a talk with Maggie [Margaret Smoot] Dusenberry came home and on the way saw Martia Hyde2 who had been to see Sister Mary Ann Hyde who is very ill but she thinks she is better and going to recover. Ellen and myself had supper at a café and came home rather late‒ in the morning we heard no tidings of Zine and Belle had not heard so we went up to the Tabernacle some Elders spoke & then Br. [John] Nicholsen, then we went up to Zine’s she was dead. {p. 160}

20 May 1900 • Sunday

it was very sad and Ellen and myself went up there together, such a crowd of people and eating dinner. Hebe Wells the Governor was there and he told us Ort had dedicated her to the Lord before she died. He had been much excited so we were told but was calm when we were there‒ Fanny [Young] Clayton Lucy Van Cott, Maude May Babcock, Lottie [Charlotte] Claridge Young, Bid [Brigham S. Young], Em [Emmaretta Whitney Pyper] & George [D.] Pyper, and a dozen more were there. We came down to Annie’s and found Emily & Edna [Wells Sloan] there and the children, Ellen & myself came on home‒ Belle was on the car she & Dot had been to the graveyard. We had some supper and talked on and on as usual, as we are in the habit of doing Ellen has a pain in her foot‒ {p. 161}

21 May 1900 • Monday

This morning Belle went up to see what she could do to help them and came back home and told us what she had heard. I did not go as I would not interfere with anything.

This is the anniversary of the funeral of my darling Louie [Louise Wells Cannon]‒ and on all such memorial days‒ so many things come to my mind that it is overwhelming and yet I can say nothing. My sorrow is too great for words or for sympathy‒ {p. 162}

22 May 1900 • Tuesday

Another dreadful day for me‒ Ellen came to the office with me‒ we went out to lunch and to supper have not had many callers only a few but much work to get done in preparing the paper‒ Ellen went to the Temple this morning and we attended the meeting, saw the baptisms and then went quite through the house Sister Emma Woodruff went with us all the way. {p. 163}

23 May 1900 • Wednesday

This is the funeral and I brought my things up with me in the morning and dressed here in the office. I telegraphed to Mell‒ I went up and saw her Ellen went later‒ Annie & Belle were there Mr. Sears & John Q. each had a carriage, the hymns were [“]When the swallows homeward fly” prayer by Bishop W. [William] B. Preston‒ George D. Pyper sung a solo‒ O my Father &c. then Professor Karl G. Maeser was the first speaker then B. S. Young then Dr. James E. Talmage‒ then by invitation George Q. Cannon & Jos. F. Smith then the Quartette‒ Budd [Horace G.] Whitney, John D. Spencer, George D. Pyper & Will [William G.] Patrick sung She is not dead but Sleepth then the procession formed and went to the grave where the boys sung Rest for the weary soul prayer dedicating the grave Rulon S. Wells‒ {p. 164}

24 May 1900 • Thursday

Sister Richards was outside in the hall when we returned from the funeral‒ and she stayed until late and my sister and myself then went to supper‒

This morning we came up on the car early and I went to the Tenth Ward Primary to the Anniversary of the organization which I had effected in 1879. I spoke there for some time Camilla C. [Mieth] Cobb and her Counselor M. Lois Morris each spoke also. when we came back to the office Mabel had come from Provo‒ and Sister Richards was on hand with apologies for not going with me to Tenth Ward I went straight to Sister Hyde’s who is sick and had sent for me and wanted to see me. I fear this is her last illness‒ she was very glad to see me Aunt Zina had been and given her a blessing {p. 165}

25 May 1900 • Friday

This morning I went to the office and Sister Richards came on her way to the depot‒ I have been more than busy all day at evening went to Sister Hyde’s and saw her again. there was a great deal of confusion‒ {p. 166}

26 May 1900 • Saturday

Officers meeting Augusta Grant came to see me {p. 167}

27 May 1900 • Sunday

We went to the Tabernacle my sister Ellen and I and three Elders preached who had recently come home from missions‒ After they had talked then David McKenzie spoke‒ {p. 168}

28 May 1900 • Monday

Today is to be the Reception for the Daughters of the Revolution at Mrs. W. [Walter] J. Beatie [Phebe Young Beatie]’s she opened her house for it‒ I have been all day trying to get some male singers and have gone from one place to another until I am really just about worn out‒ at last I have Walter [A.] Wallace‒ We did not have as many as we expected but we hope that we have at least succeeded in making 25. dollars to give to the Woman’s fund for the Scofield Sufferers. {p. 169}

29 May 1900 • Tuesday

We went to the City & County Building and to the top of it Sister Emma Woodruff went with my sister and me, then to Cal Hedges and saw Lyde [Eliza F. Wells]’s new house, very large and commodious, then Ellen came down and we went to Martha’s and spent the afternoon after five o’clock and had dinner‒ {p. 170}

30 May 1900 • Wednesday

Decoration day was observed in great style in Salt Lake City there were more flowers, more ceremonies more people decorating than ever before; it is indeed a beautiful custom to observe and reminds me very strongly of Mrs. Martha G. Kimball of Philadelphia, who really first originated the idea {p. 171}

31 May 1900 • Thursday

Mrs. Cunningham & Miss [Jeanne G.] Pennington called on me and talked over Mormon affairs & political matters etc. Miss Pennington has a scheme to establish a publishing company for women‒ I hope it will succeed‒ she lets each one have a share for five dollars I have promised to be one of the promoters. {p. 172}

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May 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Lucy Woodward Hewlings.

  2. [2]Perhaps Marcia Hanks Hyde.