October 1918

1 October 1918 • Tuesday

Gradually getting better and expect to be able to attend my conference. Walked out in the hall for a little while to day. Feel very much better. Clarissa came to see about our conference [p. 274] {p. 128}

2 October 1918 • Wednesday

I dressed this morning the first time since my accident and went over to the Bishop’s building to an officers meeting. All the stakes represented and the meetings were most interesting. I spoke both morning and afternoon and was not over fatigued considering. After the meeting we walked around to the Church office building and our pictures were taken all the R.S. officers1 It was about six o’clock when I got to the hotel. Annie & Belle came in with me Bell stayed [p. 275] {p. 129}

3 October 1918 • Thursday

I went over to the Assembly Hall this morning and presided at the session of the Relief Society conf. We had a good attendance. I spoke a few words of welcome and Clarissa took charge. Annie gave a talk on Women in War work. In the afternoon Dr [Joshua H.] Paul was the principal speaker. The music was very lovely. The R.S. choir presented me with a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums. I made some closing remarks and blessed the sisters. The afternoon meeting was crowded [p. 276] {p. 130}

4 October 1918 • Friday

Pres Smith came to the conference and made the opening remarks much to every one’s surprise. There was a great deal said about the people who had broken the manifesto. Pres Penrose made the longest & most impressive talk and Pres. Lund and Pres. Smith followed in the same vein. Heber Grant was the main speaker in the afternoon. [p. 277] {p. 131}

5 October 1918 • Saturday

Went to the conference morning & afternoon and have enjoyed the meetings though do not think the conference as spirited as usual. Belle has been with me all the time at night lately [p. 278] {p. 132}

6 October 1918 • Sunday

I went all day to the Tabernacle and enjoyed the conference greatly. Had dinner at noon in the hotel and supper again at night In the evening I had a nice visit with Mrs Seigel [Rachel Ulman Siegel]. Belle was here with me [p. 279] {p. 133}

9 October 1918 • Wednesday

This morning at 11 o clock the stake presidents met with the members of the genl board and planned the method of providing linen for the Red Cross. Afterwards I had lunch in Z.C.M.I. and had also several callers. [p. 282] {p. 134}

10 October 1918 • Thursday

Annie was with me nearly all the afternoon and just after she left Katharine came in on her way home from the depot. Her school is closed because of the quarentine on account of the influenza. Belle came up to stay with me at night. [p. 283] {p. 135}

11 October 1918 • Friday

Went to the office as usual and had lunch in Z.C.M.I. stayed all day at office Had some visitors and in the afternoon Emmie came to see me we sat in the lobby for awhile and then she left. Annie came up to stay at night. She had word that David [W. Cannon] had been in the hospital. and she wrote him a letter from here. [p. 284] {p. 136}

12 October 1918 • Saturday

Annie stayed with me until after lunch I did not go back to the office in the afternoon but came over to the hotel. and stayed here until Belle came [p. 285] {p. 137}

13 October 1918 • Sunday

There were no meetings to day and I miss them very much especially going to the tabernacle I went down to Dots to dinner & spent the afternoon. I went & came in a taxi. Katharine came up in the evening and stayed all night. A gentleman who lives in the hotel presented me with a bottle of burgundy [p. 286] {p. 138}

14 October 1918 • Monday

Katharine left about ten and I went over to the office. There was not much going on as all meetings are barred. The stake presidents2 of the city stakes were up stairs sorting linen for the Red Cross. Had lunch at Z.C.M.I. and then went back to office. Later came over to Hotel. Belle sent word up that she was not well and so Annie came up to stay at night. June came to see me. [p. 287] {p. 139}

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October 1918, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1918/1918-10


  1. [1]The pictures referred to may have included a photograph of the Relief Society board walking south past the Bishop’s Building. EBW appears in the middle front, supported by her counselors Clarissa S. Williams and Julina L. Smith. (Relief Society General Board, circa Dec. 1918, photograph, Relief Society Photograph File, circa 1920–1978, CHL.)

  2. [2]Stake Relief Society presidents.