May 1916

6 May 1916 • Saturday1

Rose early but made myself late at the Temp[le] but had the chance to go in and see the p[e]ople and wnt hone with Joseph and Mamie [Lovell Wells] wnt to Fast meting in the afte[r]noon and to evening meeting in the 20th ward with Kate was a[s]ked to dismis the meeting with prayer Kate came home with mee I am glad to have borne ny [my] testinony in the 18th ward and glad to have prayed also {p. 147}

14 May 1916 • Sunday

Mothers day and Cavendish came to see me and gave mee carnations I went to Winderr Wa[r]d to speak took Sisster Farnswroth [Farnsworth] with me she enjoyed it and I enjoeyd having herr with me she is a [illegible] t◊◊e woman thn coming hone I stoppd at Em. Martineau’s and stayed all night and had a goo[d] vissit with them the baby is g[r]owing very fine and she is the image of herr father {p. 148}

15 May 1916 • Monday

Came home have not felt well all day f[o]und so many things gone, it is Katharine’s birrthday she is nineteen a very beautiful characterr I have been very low-spiriited all day and to-night when left alone feel very sorrowful indeed if I could see I am sure I should be morre contennt {p. 149}

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May 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]In this entry EBW describes activities from Sunday, 7 May 1916.