April 1894

1 April 1894 • Sunday

Sunday April 1. This is Lutie Fuller Davis [Lucy Fuller Davies]’s birthday and also Frank [Franklin D.] Kimball’s and the great German Premier [Otto von] Bismarck also. It is a charming day and the air is invigorating, but I am too busy to go out and drink in the exhilaration– working at my report and trying to get it in proper shape– accounts are not balanced– At evening I went to the office with Elise and she folded & I did some writing and some folding. Came home exhausted.

2 April 1894 • Monday

Monday April 2. Dot went with me to the office and we worked together– at the mailing. Club met at 2. & Mrs. [Martha Horne] Tingey gave her topic in a very interesting and instructive style– had a good command of language and flow of ideas [p. 115] {p. 118} Mrs. Stevenson was not prepared– and did not come or send a message. However it was all right and gave us an opportunity for discussion on what had been given. The magazines were apportioned out and the club were adjourned. Came home and worked on the report– also next morning

3 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday March April 3. this is Margaret Cannon’s birthday and she and Brent are to be baptized– went early and went through my mail and then to the Temple John Q. Belle Annie & myself also Annie’s little ones and Brenton. We found all ready Aunt Zina went with me. John Q. baptized the children and they went to the President’s office & were confirmed. Geo. Q. Cannon confirmed Margaret and Joseph [F. Smith] confirmed Brenton Sears– all three of the First Presidency laid their hands upon the head of each of the children in confirmation. [p. 116] {p. 119} Meeting at Eleven that was most unsatisfactory– Aunt Zina is so troubled– Nineteen of the Board were present and of members there was a goodly number. The Constitution and Bye Laws were read and some amendments offered of which notice was given officially. Went down to Annie’s to dinner took Ma[r]garet a flowering plant– she had a lovely day– a large frosted cake and ice cream– a marguerite, a pearl ring etc.

4 April 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday April 4. This morning the officers of the National W.S.A. Utah met at my office and transacted some important business was talked over with the officers who were of one mind– Br. Jesse W. Fox1 died yesterday morning suddenly at Bountiful. He was 75 years old and yet it seems quite a shock. He was greatly beloved. At. 3. p.m. we went to the Assembly Hall in the 14th. Ward and held our meeting there were very few out, as it was [p. 117] {p. 120} Br. Fox’s funeral in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall and so soon before Conference, however we had some good preaching speaking. Mrs. E. J. Mc’Farlane Pres. S.L. Co. was the first speaker, Mrs. Lucy A. Clark Davis Co. Mrs. [Kate] Hilliard of Ogden, then Mrs. Grover of Juab and Mrs. [Louissa Weeden] Jones of Beaver. Dr. Ferguson addressed the audience for more than half an hour, and then Emily S. Richards and Carrie E. Dye Meeting adjourned subject to call of the President– It was a chilly afternoon and the non attendance at the meeting was not calculated to raise one’s spirits, however I went home early to go on with the report. Mr. Buccholz [Charles W. Buchholz] came over and played some selections on the piano–

5 April 1894 • Thursday

Thursday morning April 5. Went to the Conference2 at Nine A.M. at the Assembly Hall– left Dot going over the report– had a pretty good attendance had to read the Constitution & Bylaws again and call the roll twice [p. 118] {p. 121} the meeting of the National commenced at eleven and we dismissed the morning session of the Conference of the whole. About one o’clock we adjourned. Afternoon session– A crowded house Dot working at the report. I went again to the meeting Mrs. C. E. Allen went with me– we had a large assembly, several brethren were there as well as the sisters four or even five Presidents of Stakes, C. [Charles] O. Card of Canada, Geo. C. Parkinson [Oneida] Idaho, F. M. [Francis A.] Hammond San Juan Thomas Ricks Bannock [Idaho], also Pres. [Horton D.] Haight Cassia [Idaho] each one spoke, praising the sisters of the Relief Society– there was some very good speaking by the sisters and meeting adjourned until the following day at half-past four p.m. Elise came up and we mailed some of the papers.– hard to do so much in one week– Bishop Sam. [Samuel F.] Atwood and wife [Mary Jane Cornwall Atwood] and Sister Stevenson and Bishop [Christian A.] Madsen of Gunnison and his wife3 were here in the evening [p. 119] {p. 122}

6 April 1894 • Friday

Friday April 6. Conference opened Dot went up early and I went up late then went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon– the first speaker was Heber J. Grant and then Geo. Teasdale and last John Henry Smith– Choir sang Jerusalem very glorious home &c Br. [A.] Moroni Blanchard of Pleasant View brought me one of Sister S. E. Carmichael [Sarah Elizabeth Carmichael Williamson]’s poems to publish also one of his own, and one of Eliza R. Snow’s4 he took to the Deseret News Office– He has others of Hannah T. Kings and several autograph letters. Elise came and we finished mailing have had many people here this week some from a distance– Susie Young Gates D. M. Meecham [Donna M. Mecham Mecham] <Provo>, Sister Foscue [Eliza Foscue Lee] <Manti> Sister [Esther Weissbrodt] Francis Morgan also Sisters [Lydia Pond] Rich and [Martha Derricott] Tonks Morgan– Sister [Mary Ann Greening] Till of Provo sent a pair of home spun silk mocassins to the Temple to Sister Zina and a pair to me. Sister [Agnes Cross] Douglas daughter of Payson5 came in to see me [p. 120] {p. 123} her mother is very ill.

7 April 1894 • Saturday

Saturday April 7. This morning a dispatch came for Belle saying Sep would be here tonight– no sooner had Dot gone home with the telegram than Sep arrived. Such a wearisome day. Could not go to meeting so upset– such bad weather– windy and rainy– no mail of any particular significance– had quite a visit from Sister [Jennetta Kay] Nelson of Ogden the new President of Suffrage.6 Came home in good time– Sep went up to see Allie [Davis] and was late– I sat up writing until half past two, slept badly.

8 April 1894 • Sunday

Sunday April 8. This is the anniversary of Emmie [Emeline W. Wells]’s death in 1878. sixteen years ago. I wished very much to go to the cemetery but did not feel equal to that and attending Conference both– went over to Belle’s and then to meeting called at Annie’s on the way up– sat by Mrs. Priscilla [Mogridge] Staines, Geo. Q. Cannon was the speaker though others had some remarks to make– he preached upon [p. 121] {p. 124} the United Order in a very plain and interesting way that all must see and appreciate. The choir sang O my Father in the afternoon and the anthem Hosanna at the close of the services. The Tabernacle was crowded to its utmost capacity and the Assembly Hall filled for an overflow meeting. Moses Thatcher was the principal speaker there– Came home & dined at Belle’s. Sep was there and we all sat down together. Came home and tried to finish balancing my report sat up until 1/2 past two again.

9 April 1894 • Monday

Monday April 9. Went to the office and found several waiting for me. Dot and I went to look up and select spoons for a wedding anniversary present for Septimus and Belle– 25 years married. I did a few other errands and paid some bills, came home early and wrote a letter of five pages to Mrs. Susan G. [Gale] Cooke Secretary to the Board of Lady Managers. Also wrote to Miss Gladys Woodmansee Mrs. Mary [Wride] John Provo and to Mrs. [p. 122] {p. 125} [blank space] went to bed at 1/2 past one.

10 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 10. Copied the letter to Mrs. Cooke and wrote to Rev. B. B. Nagarkar. Mrs. [Rebecca Palfrey] Utter called. Yesterday Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury called upon <me> also Mrs. C. W. Bennett and Mrs. C. E. Allen had many people coming on business– today has been more quiet and I have rested more– sent a birthday booklet to Mrs. Ferguson by mail. Came home after ten at night. So many changes in affairs– Selina [Winter Leverich] that used to live with Mell came to see me today. She lives at Georgetown [Idaho] is here on a visit. Dr. M. Hughes Cannon was in this evening and we had some talk of the Conservator.

11 April 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday April 11.7 Belle’s Wedding day <anniversary> twenty five years– silver wedding– Belle– has had many changes since then, and a large family– looking backward I can but feel how the hand of the Lord has kept watch and ward over her– these milestones on the journey of life are places where we may turn and look down the [p. 123] {p. 126} hill where we are still climbing. Certainly to one growing old these are times for much serious reflection. Many things have been pleasant and many have seemed sad yet God’s goodness is visible through all. Today she has all her family at home that are still living– and at dinner she had of guests John Q. Cannon and wife Bishop Whitney and wife and Will Buccohlz [Buchholz] Allie Davis and myself beside her own household eight in number nine with Elise– she had a dozen and a half solid silver spoons and a cream spoon and hat pin– the dinner was a perfect success and there was some fine music and singing as also whistling– I had a number of callers through the day but managed to get home in time to dress for dinner. I brought Belle flowers, roses carnations and tulips– The Industrial Army which came into Ogden Sunday night left there tonight to go East–8 [p. 124] {p. 127} Belle wore her brown silk and looked very dignified–

12 April 1894 • Thursday

Thursday April 12– went up late and found no mail worth mentioning. In the afternoon attended a meeting of ladies in the Woman’s Industrial Home to consider the Library Question and devise some means to keep the expenses up– about twenty ladies were gathered and many suggestions made but Mrs. Dart’s motion in reference to a petition to the City Council was adopted and arrangements made for signatures that would be influential. Have had a letter today from my Br. Manson’s wife [Fanny Abell Woodward]– he is very ill– Called upon Mrs. Jennings afterwards to talk over the Reception to Nagarkar. To night there is an entertainment of some sort in the Congregational Church– representations of Nations and characters–9 sat up late writing my editorial and felt O so weary and lonesome– there are so many things I wish to do and cannot my strength will not hold out. [p. 125] {p. 128}

13 April 1894 • Friday

Friday– 13th.10 This is Emeline [Young] Wells birthday she is 37 today. I have not seen her or any one of them– though I should like so much to see her– as I am very fond of her– I was late getting to the Office and Mrs. J. C. Royle had already called and gone away– no letters only papers and Circulars. There was a meeting of working men (so called) at the Galena Block on lst. East St. last night at which inflammatory Resolutions were passed and very vulgar speeches were made denouncing authorities of the Territory and in such a pronounced way as to make it seem almost revolutionary.11 Lucile and Em– have been helping me today the Japanese brought his manuscript to me and I went with him to the Deseret News Office to get terms for printing– Miss Patterson came to see me, her first visit since coming from San Francisco– She says Mrs. Gaden wants me very much to come to the Woman’s Congress [p. 126] {p. 129} Mrs. [C. Louise] Boyden who went away in 1892 has come back to live here and teach again; she looks well and feels glad to get back again, and has spoken every where in our favor– Emily Richards called and invited me to a tea tomorrow and Aunt Zina also– Mrs. Bennett came this morning for a few minutes– Apostle Teasdale made me a call and also paid some subscriptions from the sisters in Mexico– Belle had one of her teeth filled today– Mr. Ivins Herald Reporter called on me this evening. Went over to Phebe [Young Beatie]’s to see Aunt Zina and talked about the paper for the Society– After coming home read magazines. It is only lately I have had “Current Literature” and I find it a very comprehensive modern work and one that is well worth studying in the true sense. The Reviews of authors and of books is singularly interesting and gives one a good idea of the world its books pictures etiquette progression and strength– [p. 127] {p. 130}

14 April 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Morning April 14th12 went up shortly after nine and opened the office. Soon came Mrs. Dart with the petition <to the City Council> and Mrs. Royle had already signed in behalf of the Literary Club, [James B.] Bloor13 President of the Press Club of Salt Lake signed and Mrs. Antonnette [Antoinette] Brown Kinney for the Woman’s Club– Mary Teasdel the Cleofan, Mattie Cannon for the Reaper’s C[l]ub– E. B. Wells for the Utah Womans Press Clubb Mary A. Freeze for the Y.L.M.I.A. Nellie Little for the Author’s Friday Morning Club– My time was much taken up with these people who needed so much explained to them– in the afternoon I went out to Mrs. Salisbury and took her a book of poems Adelaide A Proctor she seemed greatly delighted. Her intention was to have some of her friends but she made a party for some of those who had entertained Miss Cash [p. 128] {p. 131} her husband’s niece– I went from there to Mrs. Emily S. Richards who had invited me to a five o’clock tea– found three of the ladies invited had disappointed her altogether, Aunt Zina– Sarah Kimball & and E. S. Taylor– Mrs. Horne had left just before I came and Mrs. Dye, Mrs. Henry [Margaret Minerva Empey] Richards, and Mrs. [Rachel Smith] Tanner were still at table. Everything was very nicely arranged and Dewey’s wife14 waited upon the table, while Mrs. Richards was herself like an invited guest. I stayed a short time afterwards only for it seemed only proper having been so late– came home and read awhile in magazines, then went to bed– Dot went to the entertainment in Japanese in costume that was Louie’s–

15 April 1894 • Sunday

Sunday April 15.15 This is my brother Hiram [E. W. Clark]’s birthday he is fifty nine years old to day– it does not seem possible and yet it is quite true. I presume they had a family dinner in style– he is a dear good man and moral and upright in character– of unswerving integrity and manly courage to brave danger and endure hardship– moral courage to which is the [p. 129] {p. 132} best shield in resisting evil and temptation I meant to write him today but have not done so and am too weary now. I wrote Mell this morning also Mrs. Fergusom [Lillian P. Ferguson] Treasurer of the P.C.W.P.A. and sent my dues of two dollars– to the Association Went to the Tabernacle– John Morgan was the preacher– a good sermon suited to the times– went home with Susan walked all the way up– had dinner there and stayed until nearly dark– when I came home it was pouring with rain, and I sat here alone reading President W. Woodruff’s sermon on the adoption–16 and other items and editorials as well as dispatches– wrote a letter to Mrs. Aquila Nebeker of Lake Town Rich Co. and read in Psalms of David etc. Rain pouring outside very heavily– I have tried very hard of late to do some special work on poems but have been totally unable to accomplish it on account of public matters that required attention– my mind is crowded with unwritten verses and I long to give them expression [p. 130] {p. 133}

16 April 1894 • Monday

Monday April 16. This morning when I rose I was astonished to find the ground covered with snow and heavy clouds hanging over the mountains in the East such an unusual thing at this season of the year– It is Elize Gosser [Elise Gasser]’s birthday– she went to Brighton yesterday to see her brother Leopold– we expect her home today– when I went to the office I found it was beginning to rain and all day long it has been miserable and gloomy About ten A.M. Mrs. Mc Creary of Arkansas came to see me, and inquire into Mormonism– I [s]pent three hours talking to her gave her copies of my paper also of other books etc. she professed great sincerity and spirituality– she is staying at the Knutsford– is a contributor to several newspapers– I was much worried that my work was so delayed and the Club was to meet at two p.m. Gladys [p. 131] {p. 134} Woodmansee came in and we went to select a book for her mother17 & the ladies began to gather in– the paper on Scripture women was a complete failure and Current Literature was wide of the subject– however we had some interesting matter and the time was well taken up. Bishop Thos. [M.] Wallace of North Ogden died suddenly at Apostle F. D. Richards residence in Ogden yesterday evening and Br. Henry Mc’Ewen whom I knew personally so very well indeed was killed outright in a run away– News of so many deaths and accidents is simply depressing. Tonight the storm still continues and the prospect is that it is not over– weather very cold.

17 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 17. This morning was cold and wind from the East– Wm G. Young is dead, one of the first young men I met when I went to Nauvoo– he is 67 years of age I believe– the eldest son [p. 132] {p. 135} of Lorenzo D. Young the brother of Brigham Young or I should say a brother he is 86 years old last October– The day was mostly taken up by this one and that one coming in at eleven A.M. Mrs. C. W. Bennett, Mrs. C. E. Allen and Mrs. M. B. Salisbury came and we talked about a silk culture association– but as Aunt Zina did not come in we left off where we began– Dr. Shipp and myself went out for the book and decided on “Through Woodland and Meadow” and at evening a party of ladies and gentlemen came to my office and we went together to Mrs. Woodmansee’s. There were several present when we arrived and soon after we commenced by prayer singing first however “We thank thee O God for a prophet,”– Bishop Geo. H. Taylor offered prayer and we each gave a selection from Mrs. Woodmansee’s poetry– Br. [Elias] Morris made some remarks also Br. [Edward] Stevenson & Br. Taylor Helen M. [Mar Kimball] Whitney and Mrs. Woodmansee responded with a few remarks after the presentation of the [p. 133] {p. 136} Book which was made by me. The refreshments were furnished by the guests & all went off merrily Miss Pearl Woodmansee played some favorite selections–18 I came home late– Sep. Jun. was on the same car with me–

18 April 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday April 18. Dessie Wells [Martha Deseret Wells Read] birthday– she would have been forty one years old were she living– I rose very ill and could not go to Farmington as I had intended to a suffrage meeting– went up to the office but felt almost too ill to get anything done– several poor people came for help, and Arza Hinckley from Rexburg came in to see me– have had many calls– Dr. Pratt took me home with her to dinner, and gave me lots of advice– have been looking for a suitable present for John Q. it will be his birthday tomorrow bought Elise a purse

19 April 1894 • Thursday

Thursday April 19– I went out again looking for a book to give John Q. at last settled upon the “Lily of the Arno.” It is a very beautiful copy and has fine pictures and I do hope it will be acceptable as a remem<brance> [p. 134] {p. 137} I have really accomplished nothing today in the way of work– It is a lovely day– Annie came up the girls came from school to help with the mailing– Aunt Zina came in and requested me to publish for her the notice about mulberry trees– was introduced to a number of strangers this morning from Michigan– inquired for the Taft family– Mrs. S. O. B. [Sarah Osgood] Cummings was going round with them– I went to Annie’s early to dinner– the children had given John Q. neckties and handkerchiefs Annie gave him ribbon and silver book mark and he seemed in excellent spirits– we had a fine dinner such delicious plum pudding and a large fruit cake made in his honor– I staid the evening and all night slept with Louise in the girl’s room– had a very pleasant time. John Q. read aloud to me the story by Rudyard Kipling Sister Ursula’s legs– [p. 135] {p. 138}

20 April 1894 • Friday

Friday April 20. This morning was as delightful as the night had been glorious– such pale silvery moonlight– and the morning dawned in all its roseate glory from out the grey mist– After the children had gone to school I came down and had breakfast, then went out to look at the vines plants and shrubs and Annie and baby came to the car with me– soon after reaching the office Dr. Wilbur and Mr. Hoyt of Kalamooza [Kalamazoo, Michigan] called I went over to the Temple to inform Mrs. [Elizabeth Taft] Webb that Mr. Hoyt and others were anxious to see her.– In the Temple all seemed so quiet and solemn– one cannot help feeling the sacred stillness that pervades the holy place. It is like a benediction to enter there. About eleven o’clock Mrs. House & daughter from San Francisco enroute for Cincinnati came– Mr. Davis of Los Angelos [Los Angeles] had written me about them and I had been looking for them to come [p. 136] {p. 139} I took Miss House to the News Office the President’s Office, then we went down to the house where they are staying and called at Mrs. Amelia Young’s– she was not in, we took a car and went to the President’s grave, then on down the hill to 1st South St– and took the car going East and rode to the end of the track and back again to Main St. There I parted with them went to the Office worked a little while and came home– Will [J. Willard] Clawson and wife–19 Stan [Stanley H.] Clawson & wife20 were coming down to Luella’s I went over to Belle’s and they told me of the attempt made to burglarize their house last night– Went home and read until late and slept miserably–

21 April 1894 • Saturday

Sat. Morning April 21. This is my Br. Manson’s birthday and I should be so glad to hear from him he will be 73 today I believe– the rain is falling and day cloudy and sort of dismal– [p. 137] {p. 140} I half promised to go with the two ladies from Cincinnati to the Lake– but cannot I fear as the girls do not seem to come up to keep the office for me and on Saturday so many call for this and that– About four Mrs. House and daughter who had returned from the Lake came in and after some chatting President Teasdale called and was introduced and later we went to get ice-cream and then to Mrs. Amelia F. Young’s where we had a pleasant call and chat– the wind blew furiously and we were covered with dust. The ladies went to their hotel and I came back to the office and from there to the little m[i]niature theatre in the 7th. Ward at R. [Richard] K. Thomas– called the Barnacle– [p. 138] {p. 141} It is quite pretty and tasteful– has a gallery and scenery and lighted with electricity– very modern– the play was written by Miss Blanche Thomas and acted by the children round about– it was entitled “We are sisters still”– and was very pathetic.21 I came home late as usual and so very weary–

22 April 1894 • Sunday

Sunday April 22– Rose early for me and hurried off to meet the ladies and take them to the 18th. Ward Sunday School– we went into each room and then to the chapel and heard the Bishop [Orson F. Whitney] speak to his Bible Class– It was very good in fact excellent– he spoke well upon free-agency and predestination– I came home and went again to the Tabernacle– President Teasdale was the speaker– and the congregation sung with [p. 139] {p. 142} the choir and organ accompaniment the hymn “The Spirit of God” &c Miss House tried to come down with me but feared it would be too long to leave her mother and so we parted on the cars just at the corner of 4th. East St. Lucile Em and Elise all came over and it took away the sense of loneliness, my feet and lower limbs were much swollen and Lucile rubbed them well with her mother’s specific liniment– I read in Marcella in which I am deeply interested and feel more absorbed than anything I have taken up of late–

23 April 1894 • Monday

Monday April 23rd Percival [Woods]’s birthday so dreadful to think of his death– he would have been sixteen years old– and O how we all loved him– [p. 140] {p. 143} I know Will and Mell will be thinking of him today– I have not felt well my eyes fill with tears and my heart is full to overflowing– I have been working hard however– and trying to get my mailing off– Lucile and Em– came in after school to help me– Mr. Ivins came to see me about the National Press Association Em. stayed until I went home about ten o’clock we got off one sack of mail and I was exceedingly weary. Mr. Sears is quite ill.

24 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 24. Annie came down with Daniel and baby Emmeline before I was up– and came to the house it is a lovely day so bright and sunshiny– went over to Belle’s with Annie– Mr. Sears has had a dreadful night and is in bed this morning. [p. 141] {p. 144} Annie stayed awhile– Belle was sewing though she had been up all night. I went up town arriving at the office just in time to meet the silk Committee, we talked over quite a number of matters but could not decide much on account of the absence of Mrs. Salisbury and Aunt Zina– I worked some during the afternoon and at evening went to the Y.L.M.I.A. in the Seventh Ward–22 such a fine representation of young girls and some excellent work has been and is being done. Carrie S. Thomas is President and she is a fine woman– Miss [Rosetta] Wallace her counselor is a beautiful specimen of a young woman– she gave an interesting sketch of Emma [p. 142] {p. 145} Smith– the speakers were Mrs. M. I. Horne– Mrs. E. S. Taylor, Mrs. M. Y. Dougall and myself– the Hall was nicely decorated with flowering plants and with early fruit blossoms, refreshments were delicious. Bishop [William] Thorne of that ward used to be in the choir with me also Wm. Foster and wife– of that ward– Thomas H. Woodbury Bishop’s Counselor knew me in New Salem when we first heard the Gospel– I also saw Rosie [Rosina Matthews] Lambert and Edna [Cannon Lambert] and George C. [Lambert]– and Allie M. [Mary Alice Lambert] Woodbury who used to play with Mell when they were children. It was a pleasant evening taken all in all & I felt much blest and benefitted. When I came home late saw Belle’s house all lighted up– and felt very nervous– went to bed but slept little my mind on Belle & Mr. Sears. [p. 143] {p. 146}

25 April 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday April 25. Went over to Belle’s before going up town and found they had all been up during the night with Septimus he had suffered the most intense pain– Dr. [Joseph M.] Benedict had been and given him morphine– Belle was worn out also Dot– and Lucile– I felt great sympathy with them– and could scarcely keep my spirits up because of my anxiety for them. Went to the office Miss Harrison called for silk-worm eggs, I had a quantity given me from France which had arrived since May 31st. She is a very sweet girl and means to make a vigorous effort to raise cocoons– Went to the President’s office then to Historian’s office and then to the Social Hall saw Miss Babcock saw her and had my [p. 144] {p. 147} measurement taken by Miss Babcock Miss [Isabel] Salmon doing the recording. When I came back to the office Anmie [Annie] and Lucile were both there and my lunch had come over from Mrs. Shipps– <Louie [Lusannah Hardy] Mc’Ewan died at half past 10–> Annie and I went to Harry Culmer about electrotype plates for my paper–23 &c worked afterwards at the mailing and correcting and so on and had a long call from Sister E. S. Taylor– came home rather early– Mr. Sears was in a deep sleep from morphine– Lucile and myself went up to Annie’s and back again. I had no good rest was heavy and blood lacked circulation– my mind was very much disturbed

26 April 1894 • Thursday

Friday Thursday Apr. 26. Rose very late had passed a bad night– wind very high some hail and rain, clouds heavy and dark and the noise of the wind frightful [p. 145] {p. 148} howling and shrieking– alarmingly. I went over to Belle’s– Mr. Sears not improving much– Belle worn out & scarcely able to do the nursing. Went over to the Temple to see Aunt Zina saw Sister Minnie Snow and Aunt Bathsheba and bought a <large> bottle of consecrated oil– went to see [M.] LeGrande Young about Library bill– learned from him the extravagance of the City Council in furnishing the new building and his views on woman suffrage– <which were the most favorable imaginable–> Mrs. Little was with me– I had several callers and Em. came to help me– Mrs. S. M. Kimball was there told us Keetie [Lucretia Heywood Kimball] had another son–24 born Tuesday– the most remarkable experiences in the confinement without pain and without help– Elise came in the evening and we finished mailing came home after ten– [p. 146] {p. 149}

27 April 1894 • Friday

Friday Apr. 27. The day was dismal and cold rain hail and snow everything very disagreeable, the office was cold and I was dull and spiritless– Mr. Sears not as well as usual and everything depressing–

Came home early went over to see how Mr. Sears was getting along– came back and wrote the 37th. Chapter of the story In Rural England– and sat here very late–

28 April 1894 • Saturday

Saturday April 28– after arriving at the office Mrs. Salisbury came in and told me how alarmingly ill her father was– she had been to Laramie to meet him– finally Mrs. Bennett came in and others and we held a meeting that resulted in forming an association Mrs. Salisbury Chairman & myself Vice Chairman– [p. 147] {p. 150} Aunt Zina seemed very queer and unsatisfied– yet what could one do under the circumstances– such a feverish day– Caroline Raleigh ready to do anything to further the interest of the cause– At evening the Utah Sunday Woman’s Press Club met in Dr. Shipp’s office and the lectures on Physchology were given by Dr. Ferguson and Mrs. [Eliza Slade] Bennion– I read the Poem Leona by James G. Clark from the Woman’s Exponent–25 the meeting was particularly good.26

29 April 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Apr. 29. After lingering at home during the morning I went to the Tabernacle. Elder B. H. Roberts was the speaker– he delivered a fine discourse went to Annie’s and had supper– Mr. Sears is very ill– wrote some business letters and made preparations to go to Lehi the following day. I composed a May Day address for the daughter of Bishop [Ezekiel J.] Holman

30 April 1894 • Monday

Monday April 30. Little Leslie [A. Dunford]’s birthday he would be a young man now had he lived– dear little Leslie what a sad death– and he was so bright and sweet [p. 148] {p. 151} I left home in good time Mr. Sears had a bad night again and I scarcely knew whether to go away from home. Arriving at Sister Standring’s at Lehi we found Sister John from Provo and Sister [Marilla Johnson] Daniels and Sister Billings27 were already there– were in very good time– had a very full meeting both morning and afternoon,28 after meeting we administered to a young sister who was near confinement with her first child– and called on Sister Evans29 widow of the former Bishop30 who is in feeble health. Then we all took the train for Provo– arrived safe and Sister Zina and myself went direct to Sister Bullock’s– we had a nice visit and remained over night–

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April 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1894/1894-04


  1. [1]A tribute poem by R. M. F. (Jesse Fox’s daughter-in-law Ruth May Fox), “Jesse W. Fox,” was published in Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:321.

  2. [2]“Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:124; 15 May 1894, 22:134.

  3. [3]Helena Einerson Madsen.

  4. [4]Eliza R. Snow’s article “The Origin of Life” was published in Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:121, with the header “Written for A. M. Blanchard, by Zion’s favorite poetess after her return from Palestine.”

  5. [5]The daughter was probably Matilda Douglass Dixon.

  6. [6]See Aggie Herrick, 10 Apr. 1894, letter to the editor, in “Woman Suffrage Column,” Woman’s Exponent, 5 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:122.

  7. [7]text: Volumes 17 and 18 of EBW’s diary have overlapping entries for four days—11, 13, 14 and 15 April 1894. The main text here for these four days reproduces the entries from volume 17, while the overlapping entries from volume 18 are given in text notes. The overlapping entry from volume 18 for 11 April 1894 reads as follows: “wea. windy [p. 101] {p. 27}”.

  8. [8]In an editorial EBW wrote, “The ‘Industrials,’ as they are misnamed, have been passing through Utah and making something of a sensation, Gov. West and others getting somewhat worried over the affair, however at last the party that come in from Southern California departed in peace, and a contingent of about two hundred men made their appearance later, who are still waiting for something to be done. Meanwhile Coxey and his men succeeded in reaching Washington, what the next few months will develop in this industrial question it is impossible to tell unless one had the gift of prophecy.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:124.) The Northwestern Industrial Army of unemployed people organized in Seattle on 7 April 1894 to protest consequences of the Panic of 1893. After conflict with soldiers and deputy marshals in Yakima and Puyallup, Washington, protestors crossed the country in small groups to join the main body of Coxey’s Army, which arrived in Washington, DC, on 1 May 1894. (Wilma, “Northwestern Industrial Army Marches,” https://historylink.org/File/2181.)

  9. [9]“Echoes of the World’s Fair,” an entertainment at the Congregational church in Salt Lake City, featured booths, tableaux, and presentations focused around an international theme. (“Amusements,” Salt Lake Herald, 12 Apr. 1894, 8; “The World’s Fair Panorama,” Salt Lake Tribune, 14 Apr. 1894, 8.) In connection with this fair, a Japanese participant brought his manuscript to EBW for help in getting it printed. (EBW, Diary, 13 and 14 Apr. 1894.)

  10. [10]text: An overlapping entry from volume 18 for 13 April 1894 reads as follows: “wea. windy and rain [p. 103] {p. 28}”.

  11. [11]A meeting of the Laboring Men’s Association convened in Salt Lake City after the Industrial Army passed through. (See EBW, Diary, 11 Apr. 1894.) Their chairman proposed a resolution condemning local government leaders. (“Talked Like Anarchists,” Salt Lake Herald, 13 Apr. 1894, 2.)

  12. [12]text: An overlapping entry from volume 18 for 14 April 1894 reads as follows: “wea. wind and rain [p. 104] {p. 29}”.

  13. [13]James B. Bloor was elected president of the Press Club of Salt Lake on 5 March 1893. In 1892 he was a reporter for the Salt Lake Times. (“Press Club Election,” Salt Lake Herald, 7 Mar. 1893, 2; Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 159.)

  14. [14]Annie Sells Richards.

  15. [15]text: An overlapping entry from volume 18 for 15 April 1894 reads as follows: “wea. wind and rain Today has been quiet for me in the morning and in the afternoon went to the Tabernacle [p. 105] {p. 30}”.

  16. [16]Church policy had allowed living Latter-day Saints to be “adopted” and sealed into the families of high-ranking leaders in the church. Wilford Woodruff revised that policy so that, as a rule, children would be sealed to their biological parents. At the church general conference in April 1894, President Woodruff declared he had received a clarifying revelation: “I say let every man be adopted to his father. . . . We want the Latter day Saints from this time to trace their genealogies as far as they can, and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers. Have children sealed to their parents, and run this chain through as far as you can.” (“The Law of Adoption,” Deseret Weekly News, 21 Apr. 1894, 543.)

  17. [17]Emily Hill Woodmansee.

  18. [18]The program is described in detail in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1894, 22:133–134. The Exponent article says that “Miss Myrtle Woodmansee favored the company with some piano music,” a change from the “Miss Pearl Woodmansee” of this diary entry.

  19. [19]Mary Alice Clark Clawson.

  20. [20]Mary Ann Jones Clawson.

  21. [21]The adjective pathetic here is used in its original sense of “abounding in pathos; arousing tender emotions; causing sadness, sorrow, pity, etc.; touching.” (Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary, s.v. “pathetic.”)

  22. [22]For details, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1894, 22:140.

  23. [23]The electrotype plates were used to reproduce two scenic engravings that illustrated an article in the paper. (Anna D. Thrall, “An Etching,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. and 1 May 1894, 22:121–122.)

  24. [24]Lawrence Kimball.

  25. [25]James G. Clark, “Leona,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1881, 10:43.

  26. [26]Gladys Woodmansee, “U.W.P.C.,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1894, 22:133.

  27. [27]Perhaps Deborah Patten Billings of Provo, Utah Territory. (1900 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah, 202B.)

  28. [28]“The Quarterly Conference of the Relief Society of Utah Stake was held in Lehi” on 30 April. It was reported in “R.S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1894, 23:158.

  29. [29]Probably Barbara Ann Ewell Evans, oldest surviving wife of Bishop David J. Evans. (Bishop David Evans Family Association, Bishop David Evans and His Family, 46–68.)

  30. [30]David J. Evans.