November 1917

1 November 1917 • Thursday

Very busy day. our Board Meeting lasted until six this evening. Dot, Sep & Lucile came up then Ry Dougall came in & said they the Gov. wife & some ladies had asked her come up & get me to go down & meet Mrs. Thom. [Thomas R.] Marshall the Vic. Pres. wife1 so I did. passed a very pleasant hour or more also met the Vic. Pres. the Bonneville Club were entertaining him, him but he came in after. Lill Pilcher Pierce <& husband2> are here in hotel so Belle was up there this afternoon. Read more from Hiawatha, which I enjoy so much. Belle here [p. 305] {p. 292}

2 November 1917 • Friday

Delightful day went to office quite early Belle went to Bank then came to office. her friend Mrs. Pierce came in & they have gone to Capitol I went to lunch, staid at office late came over here went to dinner with Belle & Mrs. P. down in Grill Spent evening in Lobby B. & Mrs. P went to show. Mrs. Bertha Bamberger sat & talked to me. after we Bell came up here & read & talked until quite late. [p. 306] {p. 293}

3 November 1917 • Saturday

Went to Salt Lake Stake conference this A.M. also this afternoon Mrs. Nibley took me down & Mrs. Alder brought me home. this Evening Will & Dot came down we had quite a pleasant time. Ida came up for the conference meetings we had Belle staid all day as Mrs. Pierce was going away. after W. [Will] & D. [Dot] went we read the paper & from Hiawatha. [p. 307] {p. 294}

4 November 1917 • Sunday

went to Temple then after meeting Lyman came & took me to hear the baby blessed Jo. Q. blessed her & named her Emma Lou after her two Great Aunts.3 staid there to dinner Lyman brought me home Katharine came up after meeting & staid at night. [p. 308] {p. 295}

5 November 1917 • Monday

Went to office about noon. all are very busy there with red cross work & Soldiers relief work Belle came up early and we spent the Evening in the room At eleven we had a very fine meeting with the R.S. stake presidents of Liberty, Pioneer, Granite, Salt Lake, Ensign, <S.> Davis N. Davis Utah, Jordan, & Cottonwood. It was about the Civilian Relief work. [p. 309] {p. 296}

6 November 1917 • Tuesday

rested this morning then we went to the office found them all too busy to have time to talk[.] rush, rush all the time Rich (Louise’ husband) is very sick and the doctor thinks he has typhoid. Annie was there this afternoon then came up to stay at night. [p. 310] {p. 297}

7 November 1917 • Wednesday

this has been a tiring day and I’m very tired Rich is quite sick and I’m worried about him. Hattie Harker came in & spent an hour this Evening she was going to hear a lecture by Bro. Brimhall would like to have gone but am too tired Miss Martin also letures tonight but I heard her here in Hotel today & it’s too far for me to go at night. Attend Mrs Jenkins tea party in Pres. Suite. to hear Anne Martin the suffragist talk. Belle here [p. 311] {p. 298}

8 November 1917 • Thursday

Board Meeting to day David Smith & Ruth Fox came in to tell us about the Soldiers relief work D. S. is chairman of that committee. It was a very good meeting. Ida came up. Katharine came for me and we went to the Salt Lake theatre to see the Mikado rendered by a local company for the Elk’s Charity fund. Katheine here [p. 312] {p. 299}

9 November 1917 • Friday

Ann Groesbeck came this morning to get a pattern Belle left for her. Belle here [p. 313] {p. 300}

10 November 1917 • Saturday

Belle left about eleven & I went over to office then to Z.C.M.I. had lunch Saturday is alway a lonely day for me as every one leaves the office at noon. Katharine came up to stay with me and we had a pleasant evening. Started to read Calvary Alley by Alice Regan Rice. to me. [p. 314] {p. 301}

11 November 1917 • Sunday

This morning Julina called up to say would I like to go to Bountiful to [J.] Hiram Grant’s funeral with her & the Pres. so I went. it was a very long funeral June, Rule & Hebe were there. was very tired when I got back called Belle up & she came up I went to bed do not feel I’ll care to get up again until to morrow do not know when I’ve been so tired and cannot remember that my back ever ached so badly have promised to go to Mrs. Jenning tomorrow. [p. 315] {p. 302}

12 November 1917 • Monday

Tried <remained in bed> to rest this Morning as I shall have another hard day tomorrow. did not go to office until after noon went to Z.C.N.I. had lunch went up stairs & had my nails done then had the vibrater put on my face and it made me feel much better. went to office talked over my going to Ogden. Annie came up Katherine is going to stay with me tonight. [p. 316] {p. 303}

13 November 1917 • Tuesday

Sister Farnsworth & I went to the Weber stake conference & Emily Richards & Phebe Beatie went to the Ogden Stake our meeting was fine & they said theres was but the train was so shaky and I’m so tired tonight Mrs. Empey <& Belle> were here when I came had a cup of tea & feel better but it has been a pleasant day saw so many people I knew & all were so glad to see me. & I to see them Mrs. E. & B. were telling how they conserve food its too funny. Belle here [p. 317] {p. 304}

14 November 1917 • Wednesday

Belle went to the Temple and I went over to the office. Katharine came up to stay with me at night and read to me until quite late. Had a great deal of company to day and of course did enjoy it. [p. 318] {p. 305}

15 November 1917 • Thursday

Have no idea what time I went to office but about noon I think. our Board meeting today. it lasted until after six Belle staid all day today. we have had dinner and will read before we go to bed. Mrs Farnsworth was not well in meeting Mother has gone dow[n] phone [p. 319] {p. 306}

16 November 1917 • Friday

Belle went to temple and I left quite early for office Had lunch in Z.C.M.I. as usual. A number of the sisters are visiting conferences. Clarissa was busy with her national defense work; and the other girls were very busy indeed. Annie came about eight and read the paper and other things. Had a very nice letter from Mell. [p. 320] {p. 307}

17 November 1917 • Saturday

Annie and I went over to the office about eleven Clarissa had a State Defense meeting and after that we had some talk about civilian relief work. I went down to the Z.C.M.I. for lunch and Annie & Katharine also had lunch there I bought a new piece of tulle for my neck. Later I went back to the office and stayed there all the afternoon. Belle came up to stay with me and in the evening Richard Lyman & Margaret & Miss Larsen and Eugene & Eleanor & Sep all called. [p. 321] {p. 308}

18 November 1917 • Sunday

We spent the morning as usual and I went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon. Nephi Morris was the speaker. I came back to the hotel and was all alone the whole afternoon very lonely. I finally ordered dinner and felt very bad over the exorbitant charge Katharine came about nine o’clock. she had been with some University girls making a scrap book for the soldiers. [p. 322] {p. 309}

19 November 1917 • Monday

After Belle <Katharine> went home <school> I stayed awhile in bed then dressed and went over to office. I was invited to a reception at Mrs [Grace Lunt] Leyson’s and Annie Came up to help me get ready but I decided not to go. Had lunch in Co’op and Annie read me the paper Belle came up quite early and we had our dinner in the room. [p. 323] {p. 310}

20 November 1917 • Tuesday

Left very early for Ogden where in company with Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth I attended the Ogden stake R.S. conf. Sister [Isabel Burton] Foulger presided and the meetings were very good. We had a simple lunch at noon and went for an auto ride after the meeting. Arrived home just after six and I went down town for dinner Annie came up to stay at night brought me some jelly and home made bread. There was a lovely bunch of flowers in my room probably from Mrs Relf Annie read me a new book. “At the Sign of the Oldest House [p. 324] {p. 311}

21 November 1917 • Wednesday

We did not get up very early and I felt pretty well rested was quite tired after yesterdays trip. Annie read in the Bible and finished the book. The general board went to the temple to day to do work for Susie and after that were entertained at dinner at the hotel Utah. At dinner <evening> Belle and I went to Dr Middletons to dinner. He took us up & brought us back in his car. We had a very nice time. [p. 325] {p. 312}

22 November 1917 • Thursday

Had a very prolonged officers meeting. discussed the trip that the sisters will take to the inter National Council. Clarissa, Emily Richards, Janet Hyde and Sister Nibley were appointed to go. There are a number of conferences of stakes also to be visited. I remained quite late in the building and Katherine came up to stay with me at night. I had dinner at the hotel. before she came. [p. 326] {p. 313}

23 November 1917 • Friday

Katharine went away to school quite early first making me a cup of tea. I went to the office as usual and to Z.C.M.I. to lunch. [p. 327] {p. 314}

24 November 1917 • Saturday

In the afternoon I attended the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers The subject was the silk industry and the music was by Agnes Olsen Thomas and Nellie Pugsley. It was very good. After the meeting I went into my own room with Annie & Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon and Annie and I gave Sister Cannon a bles[sing] prior to her departure to St George for the winter. Annie went with me to the hotel and Katharine came up later to stay with me. [p. 328] {p. 315}

25 November 1917 • Sunday

Katharine left in time for Sunday School and I was alone all morning remained in bed quite late. Then went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon. Belle came up in afternoon and we had some callers Dot & Will & Sep and Richard & Margaret Lyman Belle read to me later. [p. 329] {p. 316}

26 November 1917 • Monday

Katherine left in time for Sunday School Belle went down home and I went over to office there were a number of people came in and I was kept quite busy talking with them Katharine came up to stay with me at night We had a nice little visit with the Rolfs [Relfs] in the evening. [p. 330] {p. 317}

27 November 1917 • Tuesday

This morning Julina and Susa and I went to attend the Conference of Cottonwood Stake in the Granite Tabernacle. We stayed all day long having lunch in the building It was a specially nice conference. Belle came up to stay at night. [p. 331] {p. 318}

28 November 1917 • Wednesday

Belle left early for the Temple and I went over to office in pretty good time. I telephoned some of the girls and attended to things in office. Had lunch at Z.C.M.I. it was wheat less day and they furnished rye bread which I can not eat In the evening Annie came in for awhile and went in to the dining room with me where I had a cup custard & coffee she went away & I went over to the Ball of the Daughters of Pioneers– a very interesting party. Katharine stayed with me [p. 332] {p. 319}

29 November 1917 • Thursday

This morning was quite ill, had Katharine telephone for the doctor about 8 o’clock. Later Belle came up and Katharine went home I was much better and in afternoon Eugene brought a car and took me & his mother to his home to dinner we had a very nice dinner and nice visit and Belle stayed with me all night. Eugene brought us back and the little out and visit did me much good. Dot & Will Lucile & Herman and Sep were all there. [p. 333] {p. 320}

30 November 1917 • Friday

Did not go over to office at all remained in bed until quite late, then dressed went out for lunch and took car for 20th ward meeting house to attend Ensign Stake conf. There was a very full house and a fine meeting Horace Ensign sang after the meeting Maille Whitney took me for an auto ride. Ida Dusenbury came from Provo to attend conf. She came back with me to hotel then I waited down stairs for Annie who came up to stay with me [p. 334] {p. 321}

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November 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Lois Kimsey Marshall. (“Thomas R. Marshall, 28th Vice President,” About the Vice President, United States Senate website, accessed 14 Sept. 2021,

  2. [2]Alexander B. Pierce. (1920 U.S. Census, Webster Grove, St. Louis County, Missouri, 214A.)

  3. [3]The great aunts were EBW’s daughters Emma Whitney Wells and Louise Wells Cannon. (“In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1878, 6:172; “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1887, 16:4.)