November 1898

1 November 1898 • Tuesday

Arrived this morning at 3.10 stayed in car until street car time and then sallied forth went direct to Annie’s found all well except Q. who had been quite ill and still felt the effects. John Q. home and all at breakfast quite a family. Went up to the office on the car with Belle and Emmie then home to see the others. Letters from several one from Verona and mostly business. Saw Dr. Pratt and two or three friends. Called at Republican headquarters and went to Deseret News Office. Every one seems disappointed that Miss Shaw did not come home with me or J. Ellen Foster or Miss Anthony but it can’t be helped. I went to the 18th. Ward & hung around there and got chilled through [p. 337] {p. 263}

2 November 1898 • Wednesday

This is my eldest girl [Belle]’s birthday half-a-century <old>: married and I selected yesterday a picture for her & also brought a tea spoon souvenir of Omaha with me. I sent them down last night by Emmie–went over this morning to see her and congratulate her. She is not going to do much only have baby blest. I got home in time to have dinner with them and after dinner blest the baby and named her Marian Buchholz.1 In the room were Septimus & Isabel Will & Dot Lucile & Emily Eugene & Brenton all except Sep & Lucile– I know I gave her a good blessing and I remembered the promises of Joseph to Bishop Whitney’s posterity– I think she will live and be an honor in her day and generation [p. 338] {p. 264}

3 November 1898 • Thursday

Today I made up my mind I could not wait any longer to see Aunt Zina so went off up there after I had looked over my mail– she seemed fairly well & Zina and all of them. Sister Waldron [Annie Eulalie Walden] who was at dinner with them seems a most competent person and a real lady yet adapting herself to the position of help and serving in the household. I made things as clear as possible to Aunt Zina and she seemed satisfied. I also talked to Zina about joining the Council in Canada and becoming associated with the women who stand at the head of affairs there. Met Emily Richards on my way home and stopped and talked about matters. She is still angry at Sister Jane S. Today went to the Temple & took the poem for Minnie [Snow] [p. 339] {p. 265}

4 November 1898 • Friday

This morning I am really ill– cannot hardly get up my cold is terrible– went to French lesson but could scarcely speak. Afterwards went over to Dr. Pratt and she prescribed for me and I really had to go home and to bed. However in the evening went to the theatre and sat on the platform with the ladies– next to Chloe [Redfield] Eldredge– was not spoken of nor was it necessary I should go and felt so ill coming home I did not know what to do– Emmie had a bad attack after I had gone Lucile came and stayed with me. I had a miserable night could scarcely breathe– not able to do anything whatever. I am not fit to work and have so much excitement– [p. 340] {p. 266}

5 November 1898 • Saturday

This morning went up early to get the room ready for the Primary Officers to meet in– and get ready to go to Ogden. Annie came and took me to the depot with her– she told me about her new range for the kitchen also that President Snow wanted John Q. to go back to the Deseret News and his father wanted him to take his business, correspondence and Juvenile–2 Mrs. Brown and Bradley also Miss Cope were on the train for Ogden– were met at depot by Mrs. Bredan [Anna Day Breeden] and West– and taken to the meeting had a cup of tea first at a restaurant on the way Spoke on the silk and its relation to Utah industries also the voting for a man who would uphold suffrage3 [p. 341] {p. 267}

6 November 1898 • Sunday

Came home safe, and found things all right. This morning did not get up– tried to rest. Wrote a letter to Minnie Snow and one to Verona and some on Conference Minutes– Annie’s children Louise Margaret Emmeline and Cavendish came to see me in the phaeton– and it seemed very pleasant. Emmie has been coming back and forth waiting upon me, and I have tried very hard to rest. The day has been bright but windy– I heard from Louise that Mattie Cannon had come down from Ogden to see Prest. Cannon about some report against Frank [J. Cannon]– very much upset John Q. went with her to his father– who disputed the slander and also Jos. F. Smith disputed it.4 [p. 342] {p. 268}

7 November 1898 • Monday

This is rather a dreary day and looks like a storm every preparation is being made for the balloting. I am to go to Springville to speak there before the Woman’s Republican Club– I have not been very well– we had the meeting of the Reaper’s Club to-day Sister Morris and Sister Hyde were the ones to give papers in the absence of Sister Williams whose paper is over due. I was much shocked to hear the first thing this morning that Sister Harriet Elizabeth Cook Young had died on Saturday evening between 8 & 9 o’clock– of heart-disease– she had been out in the afternoon– Sister Young was rather a brilliant woman although very eccentric. And so one by one these famous women are passing away. Left at five p.m. on D. & R.G. train for Springville Mrs. Arthur Brown [p. 343] {p. 269} with me– June gone to Lehi to speak there– Many speaklkers were on the train going South to different places to speak for both great parties– We had a fine meeting and I succeeded fairly well in making myself heard though my cold was very bad. We had supper at Mrs. [G. P.] Thompson’s a very sweet woman– table daintily arranged and the meeting was in Reynold’s Hall third story music by brass band. Mrs. [Mary J.] Finley Chairman– Mrs. L. E. [ Mary V.] Hall is nominated for the legislature and Miss Gladys Coombs for County Recorder. After meeting a number of us went over to Mr. Hugh Dougall’s and had <a> social time ice cream &c in their parlors–

8 November 1898 • Tuesday

I slept down stairs alone– had some difficulty in getting to sleep many things trouble me– my heart is over-strained voted at Waterloo meeting house <Methodist–> [p. 344] {p. 270}

9 November 1898 • Wednesday

Last evening had dinner and spent the evening at Annie’s. This morning had the same gloomy forebodings that presage disappointment. I had no news of any sort. I had a peculiar dream of going up a long flight of stairs and of Mrs. Sewall being just ahead of me.– I have tried hard to be quiet self-possessed and acknowledge the Lord’s hand in this matter. Have not seen any of my own family today except Emmie Lucile & Brent. I have suffered very much in my feelings and have also felt very ill. My cold is bad, head aches and altogether I am not like myself. Had a cold letter from Mell. this morning do not understand why it seems, positively ridiculous that she should be so cool with me– [p. 345] {p. 271}

10 November 1898 • Thursday

The news was very dpressing from the election returns all gone Democratic in this County. It is a great disappointment to me that Roberts was elected– it cannot but be detrimental in every way. My heart is very sad. I cannot understand how the women of the State can be so unscrupulous as to vote for such a man– I have made up my mind to one or two things, in the event of another election should I live to see it. Today I was invited to the Primary celebration and to the Relief Society Meeting in Farmers Ward. Did not go to either one, but worked at my paper all day long. Came home found Mr. Sears very nervous and upset. He had been on the street car in a collision. Annie went to Mamie’s after the D.A.R. [p. 346] {p. 272}

11 November 1898 • Friday

Another fine day and busy with finishing the last paper copy– Mrs. Georgie Young was in to see me about the entertainment for the Kindergarten of course I knew nothing of it– but would do whatever was possible towards it. I tried hard to be cheerful but did not succeed very well it was too great an effort. The Democrats are jubilant and the party entire seems to be enjoying to the utmost the great victory. [Alfred W.] McCune is perhaps more assured of success.5 The only bright thing to be seen the only rift in the dark clouds is Frank J. Cannon’s carrying Weber County– which to some seems to promise success of the Cannon Senator ship– this would be a blow to the real Democrats Frank is not really any thing but a Siilver Republican [p. 347] {p. 273}

12 November 1898 • Saturday

Another bright sunshiny day and before I had really finished my morning work Prof. Antoine Muzzarelli came and brought his wife6 and we had an hour’s chat and then he invited me to lunch with them– we went to the Knutsford and had a pleasant time; afterwards came home and dressed and went to the reception at Mrs. Riter’s– given by both Mrs. Riter and Mrs. <Charles> Henrry [Henry] Wells [Susan Riter Wells]– at the Riter Home– many recollections came up with the associations of that home where part of our family lived so long. Decorations are <were> fine and refreshments delicious music too– saw Mrs. Sol Sieget [Solomon Siegel] there had seen Mrs. Henry <Joe> Seigele [Joseph Siegel] [Mrs. Rachel Lieblich Siegel] in the Knutsford today. [p. 348] {p. 274}

13 November 1898 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day wrote letters to manny people fifteen or sixteeen– did some copying in the Record of the Relief Society– I was very depressed– towards evening John Q. and Annie came to see me and spent an hour or more– John Q seems much improved in many ways. Then they went over to see Belle and the folks over there– I sent out the notices for the new state Society we are about to organize for Utah. Also wrote to some of my friends and looked up on matters pertaining to my Book of Stories– I did not leave the house at all during the day nor did I dress myself but was all day long in negligée Emmie & Annie Henderson were together during the afternoon and at evening Em. came home to sleep [p. 349] {p. 275}

14 November 1898 • Monday

Heard today that the Deseret News had changed hands, Penrose to be editor Budd [Horace G. Whitney] Business Manager Heber J. Grant to back it. I was greatly upset by the news– everything seems unfavorable– when one turn is made against us. However we must take things philosophically or we could not survive– Prof. Muzzarelli and Annie have both been in and others and I cannot rise above the melancholy I was busy all day with work and letters and waiting for my revise– had many callers and finished sending out notices for meetings Annie came up and did some trading. John Q. is still having malaria. [p. 350] {p. 276}

15 November 1898 • Tuesday

This morning paper came and girls were here at work, all hurry and bustle. Went to Amelia’s to the party miserable dreary day drizzling with rain. Amelia was very pleasant more particularly so than usual[.] of Brigham Young’s wives there were Zina, Lucy, Harriet B.[,] Twiss, Margaret, Emily, & of course Amelia, of Heber C. Kimballs Ruth, Mary Ellen Lucy & Amanda. Of Daniel H. Wells Martha Lydia Ann Susan Hannah Emmeline then there were others Br. & Sister Fulsom [Folsom] Caroline Raleigh Wells– of the Young girls there were Elizabeth, Vilate, Maria, Phebe Zina Susa Mabel, Emily Carlie Mamie Josephine Ruth Delle Myra & Clint. We had delicious refreshments and some speeches Zina Lucy B. Lucy W. Kimball, E. B. Wells Hannah Susa Ria Zina Bishop Clawson & Br. Fulsom [p. 351] {p. 277}

16 November 1898 • Wednesday

This has been a day of days the State Society of the Daughters of the Revolution was organized in my office– Mrs. Gates officiating as organizer at one o’clock. I was made State Regent Susa made a speech in which she commented upon my New England training and predilections and spoke in the highest terms of praise– I was elected by acclamation. Mrs. Gates & Mrs. Williams are Vice Regents Miss Farnsworth Rec. Sec.7 and Mrs. Geo. A. Smith [Lucy Woodruff] Cor. Sec. Phebe Beatie Registrar– Mary A. H. Cannon Treasurer and Maria Y. Dougal Chaplain & Alice M. [Merrill] Horne Historian. The same day a reception was given at the Gardo House to which about 200 guests were bidden– a program was arranged & music [p. 352] {p. 278} and speeches also recitations given, all passed off well. Refreshments served in the great splendid dining room and President Lorenzo Snow Zina D. H. Young Jos. F. Smith and others made brief remarks.

17 November 1898 • Thursday

Nov. 17 has been a sort of a cheerless day and I have been very busy and weary with over work the Prof and his wife have been in and quite a few callers We really have many duties that are irksome and disquieting. No letters today that were helpful only work incessant– Went home late and very weary and discouraged [p. 353] {p. 279}

18 November 1898 • Friday

Today I was to go with Mrs. Muzzarelli the bride to see Aunt Zina and Zina Y. Card and after we had walked up there she was not at home which was very discouraging and I was greatly disappointed as I considered everything had been made quite sure– Sister Waldon was alone and very much discouraged, felt she was not treated right and complained to us– We went over the hill and called to see Hannah & Abbie, then at the Governors and then back home and to office work [p. 354] {p. 280}

19 November 1898 • Saturday

Today is the meeting in the Assembly Hall in honor of Sister M. I. Horne. On the Stand were the Central Board and Stake Board of the Relief Society, Apostle Grant Bishop Geo. H. Taylor and Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor. the meeting was well conducted by Annie Hyde, who made the presentation speech and did it very prettily the Speakers were Aunt Zina and Sister Taylor, Bishop Taylor, Apostle Grant, E. S. [Elvira Stevens] Barney M. A. Hyde, E. B. Wells. B. W. Smith L. John Nuttall. Very good singing and music. Prof. Thomas and the Temple Choir. Sister Horne responded to the addresses made by the other speakers, and everything was very pleasant indeed. [p. 355] {p. 281}

20 November 1898 • Sunday

Today I did rest in part though towards evening I went up to Annie’s & had dinner after they were through. Stayed rather late came home and did some writing and read until late. I had felt I must go to meeting but the weather was dreadful and it was almost impossible to go out at all [p. 356] {p. 282}

21 November 1898 • Monday

A party was given in honor of Sister Hornes Anniversary 80 years old at Sister Martha H. Tingey’s beginning at five p.m. we went down in the Murray car George Q. and H. J. Grant and Aunt Zina Rachel Grant, Bathsheba W. Smith Elizabeth [Taft] Webb, Mary A. Lambert and many others. We had dinner served on small tables, at the table where I sat was Sister Horne herself George Q. Sarah Jane & Martha T. [Telle] Cannon, and Aunt Zina [space] and myself. The evening was spent in pleasant conversation and reading of sentiments. Sister Woodruff invited me to drive home with her to save going up town and coming down again. Afterwards they had the gift of tongues [p. 357] {p. 283}

22 November 1898 • Tuesday

This morning was at my French class sat with Madame Muzzarelli, and had her company afterwards. In the afternoon was writing incessantly, letters and other matters. [p. 358] {p. 284}

24 November 1898 • Thursday

Thanksgiving day and I have been at home all the morning Went up to Annie’s to dinner had a fine dinner Turkey cranberry sawce, plum pudding– blue blaze and all– the children were all there and looked very happy had a pleasant time but soon after dinner John Q. took a chill and shook very hard just as I have seem [seen] men hundreds of times in Nauvoo had as I have myself; fifty three days in succession before my Eugene was born. After the chill he perspired very freely– then he felt better and we were guessing the children’s somebody’s. [p. 360] {p. 285}

25 November 1898 • Friday

This morning some mail and lots of papers. etc– Sunday School Convention in the. [p. 361] {p. 286}

26 November 1898 • Saturday

Preparations for the Convention <Sunday School>, Sister [Emily Greening] Cluff came and invited me to go to the Knutsford to see Liluokealami [Liliuokalani] Ex Queen of the Sandwich Islands Ellis R. Shipp went with me and we had a pleasant time [p. 362] {p. 287}

27 November 1898 • Sunday

Another dreadful day Delegates arriving Went to the evening meeting [p. 363] {p. 288}

28 November 1898 • Monday

Nett Culmer’s birthday forty one years old– [p. 364] {p. 289}

29 November 1898 • Tuesday

Last day of Conventin8 [p. 365] {p. 290}

30 November 1898 • Wednesday

Sister [Sarah Granger] Kimball very ill [p. 366] {p. 291}

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November 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Women in the nineteenth century who had received their temple ordinances bestowed a variety of blessings through faith. (See “Joseph Smith’s Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women,” Gospel Topics.) These practices were discouraged by President Joseph F. Smith and generally ceased by the middle of the twentieth century. (See Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and Charles W. Penrose, “1914—October 3—Original Circular Letter,” in Clark, Messages of the First Presidency, 4:312–315.)

  2. [2]Juvenile Instructor.

  3. [3]“Ogden Republicanism: The Ladies’ Meeting,” Salt Lake Tribune, 6 Nov. 1898, 7.

  4. [4]Frank J. Cannon, who was up for reelection as a United States senator from Utah, faced controversy over his stand on tariff protection and monetary policy. The press covered reports that his father, George Q. Cannon, disagreed with Frank’s votes in the Senate. (“George Q. Cannon against Senator Cannon,” Standard [Ogden, UT], 1 Nov. 1898, 4.) George Q. Cannon submitted a letter to the Salt Lake Herald in which he denied opposing Frank’s earlier appointment to a post in Washington, DC. (“George Q. Cannon Calls It a Myth,” Salt Lake Herald, 7 Nov. 1898, 1.) Stories also circulated about Frank Cannon’s personal moral conduct. (Holley, Frank J. Cannon, 194–195.)

  5. [5]Alfred W. McCune was a candidate for senator from Utah; however, balloting was stymied in the legislature the following January, and the post remained open until 1901. (Grow, “Utah’s Senatorial Election of 1899,” 30–39.)

  6. [6]Mary Brandow Muzzarelli.

  7. [7]Recording Secretary.

  8. [8]Convention of the Deseret Sunday School Union. (“Sunday School Work,” Deseret Evening News, 30 Nov. 1898, 5.)