October 1910

1 October 1910 • Saturday

Meeting with First Presidency A. H. Lund & J. H. Smith in reception room– nineteen of the Board present– took votes of each as an expression of their feelings, meeting appointed for Monday 10 A.M.

1The Board were all seated in the large reception room when President Anthon H. Lund and President John Henry Smith arrived, President Lund took the lead and asked Sister Ida Smoot Dusenberry to come to the table and she gave out the hymn [1 line blank] and asked one of the Board to pray Sister [1 line blank] then we sung again and I called the roll 19 members were present. Ida Smoot Dusenberry, Emmeline B. Wells Secretary, Clarissa Smith Williams Treasurer– Romania B. Penrose, Sarah Jenne Cannon <Susan Grant> Emma S. Woodruff Julina L. Smith, Emily S. Richards, Julia P. M. Farnsworth Phebe Young Beatie Alice Merrill Horne Annie Wells Canmon Elizabeth S. Wilcox Harriet B. Harker Rebecca N. Nibley, <Mnnie [Minnie] Horne James> Amy B. Lyman Annie K. Hardy nineteen in all– absent members were Jane S. Richards Carrie S. Thomas Priscilla P. Jennings– Pres. Lund asked for an expression by ballot and each member was told to write 2. names. meeting was adjourned until Monday at 10. A.M. [p. 274] {p. 206}

2 October 1910 • Sunday

Went to Temple Fast Meeting had an interview with President Lund asked me to remain after the meeting he wished to talk with me– told me I had been selected as President of the Relief Society by President Jos. F. Smith and told me how glad he was

2This morning I was later than usual in going to the Temple. President A. H. Lund came and spoke to me while the congregation were getting seated, and informed me he would like me to remain after the meeting was dismissed as he wished to talk with me. I presumed it was to consult me about a President, however I stopped until all had left the room and then he asked me to be seated in one of the chairs where the Presiding brethren sit, and he sat down on my right and John Heny [Henry] Smith on my left and President Lund in a few simple words told me I had been selected by President Joseph F. Smith to preside over the Relief Society, it was very embarrassing to me and I really had no words in which to answer them, President Lund asked me about Counselors and I replied I would like them chosen by the Presidency as I could agree with any one but suggested I should like a good Secretary and President Lund said think the matter of Counselors over. President Lund told me not to speak of the interview to any one and I replied that I would not. I went up to Hannah Wells and to the sacrament meeting in the 18th. Ward and again to the evening meeting to hear the Young People [p. 275] {p. 207}

3 October 1910 • Monday

This morning a meeting was held at the Headquarters and A. H. Lund & J. H. Smith were the members of the First Presidency to announce the wish of the President in appointing first Emmeline B. Wells President Clarissa S. Williams & Julina L. <Smith> {p. 101} <Counselors, leaving us to act still as Sec. & Treas>

3This morning went off early after an almost sleepless night but our meeting with the two members of the First Presidency was to be at 10. A.M. and they arrived almost on time, and we sung and prayer was offered and President Lund who had previously informed me that all members of the Board who filled Stake or ward positions were to be released this took away five. Those present at the meeting were Emmeline B. Wells Clarissa S. Williams Sarah Jenne Cannon Romania B. Penrose Emily S. Richards Emma S. Woodruff Julia P. M. Farnsworth Phebe Y. Beatie Carrie S. Thomas Alice M. Horne, Annie Wells Cannon Julina L. Smith Elizabeth S. Wilcox, Annie K. Hardy Amy B. Lyman Rebecca N. Nibley, Minnie Horne James, Harriet B. Harker making 18. in all. Meeting opened with singing and prayer and President Lund stated that Sister Emmeline B. Wells had been selected for President of the Relief Society and he hoped it would meet the universal approval of the Society– he then named the Counselors Clarissa S. Williams <first> & Julina L. Smith <second> and the brethren retired after telling us the three named had the highest number of votes of the sisters– [p. 276] {p. 208}

4 October 1910 • Tuesday

Memorial Meeting for the late beloved President Bathsheba W. Smith– a very sad task and yet in some ways hallowed by sweet memories of her life and character which was above reproach and was always for peace & good-will

4This morning we were to open our Relief Society Conference, but decided to have a memorial service for our deceased President and therefore we arranged for two in the afternoon– at the same hour the funeral services of Sister Lucy W. Kimball Smith will be held in the 18th. ward chapel, which we felt was scarcely proper or right– I stated the fact to President Anthon H. Lund and he advised me to observe the memorial services as we had planned– therefore we had necessarily to absent ourselves from the funeral of Lucy W. Kimball– [p. 277] {p. 209}

5 October 1910 • Wednesday

Conference of the Relief Society before the public to be scrutinized when my heart was torn with conflicting emotions an embarrassing situation to be placed in {p. 102}

6 October 1910 • Thursday

5Today in the Conference the names of the Church authorities were presented and voted upon including the three new names who are to preside over the Relief Society in all the world President Emmeline B. Wells– First Counselor Clarissa S. Williams Second Counselor Julina L. Smith. Naturally I felt it a very great honor and I hope and pray I may be worthy the calling and be wise and prudent in all matters pertaining to the position. I do realize it will require prayer and great humility and intelligence from the highest source– may our Father in heaven help me to carry out the counsel of those in authority and may those associated with the three presiding officers, be willing to assist in carrying out the counsel they may give from time to time. [p. 279] {p. 211}

23 October 1910 • Sunday

Today I attended service in the Tabernacle and went to Sweetie’s6 aftewards and speent the evening– came home rather late & sat up to write afterwards. It was the Quarterly Conference of Liberty Stake Professor [Frederick J.] Pack & Apostle C. W. Penrose were the speakers. [p. 296] {p. 223}

24 October 1910 • Monday

Found my desk lamp broken this morning, the Maori woman had smashed it– many visitors and callers Edna L. Smith Ann D. [Bringhurst] Groesbeck, Sarah [J.] Eddington Beth Kimball7 Elizabeth McCune Reaper’s Social Margaret Taylor came to see me and a dozen more– {p. 103}

28 October 1910 • Friday

Attended Pioneer Stake R.S. Conference– the first Stake Conference since I had been elected President of R.S of the General Society, neither of my Counselors could go. Dr. Penrose was in attendance morning and afternoon– {p. 104}

30 October 1910 • Sunday

8This is a beautiful morning and as soon as I arose I opened the large Bible and as I had been meditating much upon my position in the Relief Society and my great desire that I might have my daughter Annie as Secretary it seemed that the verse to which I opened was an answer to my supplication, the verse is in 1st. Chronicles 4th. Chapter and 10th. verse <“And God granted him that which he requested”> Attend Tabernacle services and heard two speakers– one was [blank] Buchannan [Alexander Buchanan, Jr.] second was Apostle Hyrum Smith, he was the best speaker by far President Wm. McLachlin presided. [p. 303] {p. 224}

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October 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1910/1910-10


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This and the next entry come from volume 38 of the diary.

  6. [6]Nickname for granddaughter Louise Cannon Andrew.

  7. [7]Perhaps Elizabeth Knowlton Kimball.

  8. [8]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.