October 1903

2 October 1903 • Friday

Regular monthly meeting in my office, had rather an unpleasant experience with the meeting {p. 270}

3 October 1903 • Saturday

Conference of the Relief Society commenced this morning and we had a full house {p. 271}

7 October 1903 • Wednesday

This is the day after Conference, many marriages {p. 275}

9 October 1903 • Friday

A very fine day indeed {p. 277}

10 October 1903 • Saturday

Fifty one years today since I was married to Daniel H. Wells at the old house behind the wall in the very room I afterwards had for an office, quite strange indeed. {p. 278}

11 October 1903 • Sunday

This morning wrote to Daisie and Verona and sent off the invitations to Directors for meeting on Saturday next. {p. 279}

12 October 1903 • Monday

Today Mrs. Parkins of Weston Idaho came to stay with me while studying Obstetrics. I had to come down with. her in the middle of the day, went to Annie’s at evening, she gave a party in honor of Heber J. Grant and Emily. The Governor and wife were there and Harry [Henry L. Culmer] & Nett [S. Annette Wells Culmer] Rule and Jote [Josephine Beattie Wells], Lydia Ann & Susan Wells and Kate and Sarah J. Martha and Eliza Cannon, also Carroll and Grace [Telle Cannon] and Sylvester, It was a very nice affair Bishop Whitney and May [Mary Wells Whitney]– refreshments were served Isabel was an invited guest. {p. 280}

19 October 1903 • Monday

Dot gave a family dinner {p. 282}

24 October 1903 • Saturday

Today Pioneer meeting at Sister Dougall’s Belle presided and Lizzie Wilcox read her paper on Kirtland the first harvest for her she had to preside because Alice could not come and of course she could not very well preside and read her paper herself. Br. Nathan Tanner gave from memory Zion’s Camp– it was quite a feature and very sad if interesting {p. 287}

28 October 1903 • Wednesday

Went over to Belle’s first thing this morning took what Emeline had sent to her and talked with her, there were no letters. Sister H. H. Larson came in paid 1.00 for Elizabeth [Hardman] Rushton Alice Merrill Horne came up and we talked over the Executive session in Indianapolis and Quinquennial in Berlin Germany, Louise came said her mother was sick, Monsieur DeLong came about French & singing class, Mrs. Divett, Mrs. Stevenson Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Webber have all been here to day and all talked with me, Mrs. Perkins who lives with me has also been in. I try to keep up good, Mrs. Crocheron has been in I am going up to my lesson to Miss Baker the oratorish. Have written letters to Mrs. Swift Mrs. Sewall & Mrs. Anderson Had lunch at Dr. Pratt’s, sad to see Sister [Esther Mendenhall] Bunnell’s. {p. 291}

29 October 1903 • Thursday

This morning went off in good time Mrs. Webber was to come at eleven, Mrs. Harker came first then Mrs. Webber and Mrs. Caine and heard Miss Clark was ill she had fainted. Had several other callers, went to the Royal to lunch alone, had my nails done and hair dressed by Miss Williamson went home early to get ready for the Reception to be given at Christensen’s hall by Dr. [Elias S.] & Mrs. [Elizabeth Richards] Wright Dr. [Leslie W.] & Mrs. [Ida Bushby] Snow Mr. & Mrs. George Reed Jr [Clara Tate Reed]. It was a goodly company and very enjoyable, Annie came up and we went over together. On the way home we were with Mr. [Joseph J. Daynes] & Mrs. Daines (Blanche [Woodruff Daynes]) and it was midnight when I reached home and after. I am glad that I was invited and that I accepted. It is as well sometimes to see a little of society and people under fire as it were of criticism & excitement. {p. 292}

30 October 1903 • Friday

This morning could not see Belle, went off gloomily, and read my proofs. Mrs. Harker and Mrs. Wilcox both came in and then Mrs. Caine also Miss Williamson, Ida Dusenberry and others, did some errands outside ordered refreshments from Franklins for Press Club went to the meeting at Sister Smiths at 4. p.m. and read letters and long article on the International Council in Berlin etc. Called <twice> on Monsieur D’Laery and did not find him in came home and went to see Belle, Lucile [Buchholz] and Herman were both there, it is Lucile’s birthday and I gave her a book, “Sun Bonnet Babies,[”] painted pictures. Came home hungry and commenced writing in my diary and accounts etc. {p. 293}

31 October 1903 • Saturday

A busy day so much to do and things seem cross-wise, went to see Aunt Bathsheba and she was not at home, felt disappointed, went over to Phebe’s and had lunch and then to Ria’s and got the application papers for Grace Cannon, and made ready for the Press Club– It was the Annual Meeting and we were to have Refreshments and the Election of Officers also to decide whether we keep it up or not. We had purchased a book for Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wilcox the retiring President, Dr. Pratt & myself were the Committee. We bought Keat’s Poems, and the Dr. wrote in it and I presented it. Officers elected were Lucy A. Clark Prest. Dr. E. R. Shipp First Vice Prest. Rebecca H. Doolan 2d. Vice Prest. Lydia D. Alder Cor. Sec’y. Maria Francis Sec’y. Emma [Howell] Jenson Treas. Program Com.1 Estelle Neff R. B. Pratt, C. C. R. Wells, 22 present. Refreshments delicious, 2 original poems. E. B. Wells, E. R. Shipp‒ {p. 294}

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October 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1903/1903-10


  1. [1]Committee.