September 1918

11 September 1918 • Wednesday

Went to day to Mrs W. W. Riters where she entertained the Author’s Club. We had a most delightful afternoon. The party was at her country home. President Smith came down in the Auto to call for Aunt Julina. I was very much shocked to see him. He looks very bad indeed but all the same I was pleased to have the opportunity to ride with him. Alice K. [Kimball Rich Smith] also came down with him. [p. 254] {p. 116}

12 September 1918 • Thursday

We had a long meeting of the Board to day and attended to a good deal of business. Ida was up to the meeting but was not feeling well I was asked to prepare a statement for the new R.S. hymnbook [p. 255] {p. 117}

15 September 1918 • Sunday

Went to the tabernacle this afternoon to the Salt Lake stake conference Lyman came for me and took me down to his home to dinner. I had a nice visit with Em & children After dinner we went riding and then came to hotel. Belle came up to stay with me. [p. 258] {p. 118}

17 September 1918 • Tuesday

Spent most of the day at Office. Went to lunch at Z.C.M.I. with Annie. then went up stairs to have the vibrator put on. Did not feel very well. Jno Q. came across the way with me. At evening I went down to Seraces to get a cup of tea and on my return was hit by a street car and severely injured.1 Was brought in to the Hotel and attended by Dr. Ladenberger [John C. Landenberger] & Dr. Middleton. Belle & Annie stayed all night and waited on me I had a most distressing night until about 2 A.M. then fell into a good natural sleep, which refreshed me exceedingly. [p. 260] {p. 119}

18 September 1918 • Wednesday

Had a very painful day but so much better than any one could possibly believe. Very many callers Pres Penrose came in afternoon & gave me a beautiful blessing. Mrs. [Susanna Bransford] Emery Holmes sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses and Uno the florist sent a most artistic basket of flowers roses and pale blue larkspurs June & Lewis [R. Wells], Jno. Q, Daniel, Sep, [J.] Golden Kimball, Mrs Bamberger, Mrs E. [Edward P.] Kimball [Hazel Beatie Kimball], Emeline [Young Wells], Nett, Amy, Clarissa, and a host of friends came. Mrs Relf brought a box of jellys & fruit [p. 261] {p. 120}

20 September 1918 • Friday

Had many visitors to day Miss Virginia Budd brought me a bunch of nasturtiums. Belle stayed until late afternoon when Annie came to relieve her. Two sisters from Pocatello called My sore ness is still most painful and my back hurts terribly Annie made an examination and found a big lump at the base of the spine she rubbed it with liniment [p. 263] {p. 121}

24 September 1918 • Tuesday

Had a great deal of company to day. Nell Brown came and gave me a treatment with the vibrator. Mrs Ferry came & brought me a service pin Sister Fox bro’t some fine grapes Miss McClellan brought some ripe pears and Mrs Relf sent up a vase of flowers Other visitors were Dot & Lucile [Buchholz] Sep & Brent June Dr Middleton Mrs M [Mahonri M.] Young [Agnes Mackintosh Young] & Orson Rogers Hattie Harker & Eliza [Harker] Bennion. [p. 267] {p. 122}

25 September 1918 • Wednesday

Had a very bad night and was extremely nervous & tired this morning. Annie came in and brought a custard then went to meeting of Liberty Loan meeting in Bishops building Kate also came with a custard. Clarissa June Amy, Bishop [Thomas A.] Clawson Elsa from the office Miss Gardner Dr & Mrs Middleton and Mrs Ed. Kimball and Miss M. [Marjorie] J. Whitney were the visitors. The Drs. wife bro’t a loaf of nut bread. At night was very weary and had a most distressing hour with my throat. [p. 268] {p. 123}

26 September 1918 • Thursday

This morning Annie bathed & rubbed me and combed my hair after which I had a most refreshing nap. We read the psalm and several chapters of Miss Ingalis a new novel. [p. 269] {p. 124}

28 September 1918 • Saturday

To day was the opening of the drive for the 4th Liberty Loan and this morning the whistles blew and there was great confusion all day. A number of people came in to see me Among them Mrs Mont Ferry. [p. 271] {p. 125}

29 September 1918 • Sunday

To day is fast Sunday and it is not often that I miss the meeting but to day I was too sick to go out. Though I had a good many visitors. Bishop Clawson came to see me. [p. 272] {p. 126}

30 September 1918 • Monday

This is a very busy day a number of people have been in. and Louise came up in the morning to stay with me. In the afternoon Annie & Alice Horne were here about the R.S. float in the parade Annie went away at six to arrange the war Mothers part. Dick [Richard C. Andrew] & Dent [Denton C. Andrew] were on the R.S. float as gleaners. Sister [Mary Croxall] Andrew & Louise family were all here in the evening Sep and Belle tried to see the parade from the windows but did not see much. [p. 273] {p. 127}

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September 1918, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]A newspaper account reported that EBW was “knocked down by the fender of a streetcar at the corner of Main and South Temple streets.” Her daughter reported that her mother, whom the reporter called the “‘grand old lady of Utah,’” was bruised and resting but not seriously “disturbed” in her “nervouse and mental condition.” (Streetcar Hits Mrs. E. B. Wells,” Salt Lake Telegram, 18 Sept. 1918, [14].)