July 1902

6 July 1902 • Sunday

Fast day went early to the Temple Jos. F. Smith presiding, John Smith Patriarch present also Pres. J. R. Winder, Owen Woodruff Rudger Clawson, Hymn “Now let us rejoice” prayer George Reynolds sung “I know that my Redeemer lives” Pres. J. F. S. opening remarks, first speaker Rose W. Bennett, Sister Salmon Kate Wells, Maria W. Wilcox Emily <W.> Grant Lydia A. Wells Susan H. Wells, Zina [Lyon] Wilson, Wm. [H.] Foster Ella W. Hyde, Sister Phillips Mary W. [White] Musser, Lizzie [Elizabeth Ogden] Decker, Maggie [Margaret Condie] Sharp Wilford Woodruff John Nicholson sung “Zion stands with hills surrounded” Aggie Campbell C. [Charles] J. Thomas, N. [Nathaniel] V. Jones, M. Y. Dougall, J. R. Winder, closing prayer Geo. H. Taylor. I sat by Sister M. I. Horne, went to see Hannah [Free Wells] and with her to meeting in Chapel 18th. Ward, sacrament administered, went to Martha’s after meeting, had dinner there with her & Emily, came home and read the remainder of the time [p. 219] {p. 126}

9 July 1902 • Wednesday

Today had lots to do but finally went to Rulon’s and found nearly all the guests assembled. Mrs. Lucy [Leonard] Thurston Kinney was there, Marian [Mumford] Beatie both had recently come from California Martha Wells was not well enough to come, Lydia Ann Susan & Hannah were there, also Emeline & Lyde‒ house was prettily decorated and everything pleasant and inviting, supper excellent Rulon came home Jote was in excellent spirits. [p. 222] {p. 127}

18 July 1902 • Friday

I worked very hard all day and wrote letters prepared copy and many other things and had several callers Mrs. Dusenberry came from Provo and I gave her the order for 75.00 to go to California and we talked over her affairs. She seems very restless and unsatisfied‒ her sister goes with her‒ Went to the meeting at Sister Smith’s Alice M. Horne came and reported about the Chicago Relief Society‒ she was allowed 30.00 for attending the one meeting because she had to stay over. Her name and Mary [Taylor] Schwartz Smith were proposed as missionaries to visit the Stakes of Zion [p. 231] {p. 128}

19 July 1902 • Saturday

A party of us went up to Ogden to attend Relief Society Quarterly Conference and dedication of new Relief Society Hall‒ it is 25 years since Brigham Young appointed Sister Richards to preside there over the sisters. President J. R. Winder and wife, C. W. Penrose and wife Lucetta [Stratford Penrose]‒ Bishop O. F. Whitney and wife,1 Dr. S. [Seymour] B. Young Prest B. W. Smith Patriarch John Smith, Annie T. Hyde Sarah J. & Eliza T. [Tenney] Cannon Margaret A. Caine & myself were all on the train. President Winder dedicated the house At noon an elegant banquet was served in the basement. Everything was done to make the affair a success.

Mrs. B. W. Smith spoke both in the morning and afternoon I spoke seven or eight minutes in the afternoon came home the same evening with B.W. Smith afterwards though very tired‒ [p. 232] {p. 129}

20 July 1902 • Sunday

<went up with Bishop Beatie and wife2 to see Martha Wells> She goes to Soda Springs [Idaho] this morning. Today have been at home all day trying to rest and recruit Adeline [Woodward Earl] came over and stayed an hour or more. Went over to Belle’s towards evening, did not accomplish much felt too weary and only read a little in magazines etc. Weather hot and I feel uneasy and anxious about Verona and other things and my children generally. I am most anxious to do some literary work and really feel I could write creditably if other conditions were more favorable [p. 233] {p. 130}

21 July 1902 • Monday

Went up in good time, thought the curtains would be hung but there were no signs of it‒ tried to do some writing and get in some of my papers from the other room saw Wm. Monk of Spanish Fork and his little boy3 who had an accident to his eye‒ [p. 234] {p. 131}

23 July 1902 • Wednesday

A terrible hot day and so fatiguing for me. Prest. [William] Paxman of Juab Stake came to the office this morning to report resignation of the President of Relief Society Sister Kate L. [Katherine Love] Paxman– and to tell me who he had in mind to fill the vacancy Mrs. Addie Cazier‒ I took him over to see Sister B. W. Smith, and we talked the matter over. Towards evening in fact quite late Dr. E. R. Shipp came to see me & Richard [A. Shipp]‒ later on I went to see Sister Smith to read her some letters one from Sister Woodruff and one from Mrs. Gaffney, I was so weary I could scarcely get home and in such pain with neuralgia in my head. [p. 236] {p. 132}

24 July 1902 • Thursday

I had scarcely any sleep all night suffering from severe neuralgic pains in my head; tried to rest this morning did not get up until after ten, cannons and guns going off and two pianos in the neighborhood going with amateur practise. Commenced looking up on biography and then read my proofs, went over to Belle’s, Dot and the children were there, and also Will‒ Dot came over a few minutes and little Marian, spent the evening alone reading etc. the day has been very hot and rather dull down here. One thinks of it however as a festive occasion in a literal sense, and of many memorable events in the past. [p. 237] {p. 133}

25 July 1902 • Friday

Today Horace K. Whitney’s birthday, he would have been 79 years old had he lived. Went up early and found a number of letters, package from Mell to the girls in my name‒ Annie came up a few minutes, seemed in better spirits, Cavendish had his hair cut very short. Meeting of the Utah Council of Women in the office‒ I have had hard work today, and weather so extremely warm. Belle had a letter from Em. saying baby was sick with summer complaint she feels very low-spirited over it indeed‒ and it has affected me very much indeed. I am reading Newstead Abbey by Washington Irving when I was in England I visited the hotel where he stayed and the room in which he wrote [p. 238] {p. 134}

26 July 1902 • Saturday

This morning went over to see Belle and off to the office early, and Prof. J. [Joshua] H. Paul called to see me, then Br. [George W.] Crocheron came in and Scipio Kenner presented me with his paper The Great Campaign in which he mentioned me in connection with the Republican Party; Sister Susan [Noble] Grant came to see me from Bountiful and Miss Susie Oliver of East Mill Creek, also Sisters Margaret A. Caine & Sophia [Amelia] Packard just home from Logan where they had been experimenting with silk worms at the Agricultural College, Louise came and Annie and took away the express package sent by Mell from Idaho. It has been a hot day and I am thoroughly weary glad it is Saturday night and that tomorrow will be a day of rest‒ [p. 239] {p. 135}

27 July 1902 • Sunday

I tried very hard to get material together for my Biography, went through drawers and boxes and looked over manuscripts and newspaper articles of many different writers. [p. 240] {p. 136}

28 July 1902 • Monday

Today the twin boys of Annie’s are three years old and she has been up with them and bought new suits pretty white material and caps and all, I rode down with her in the buggy and had dinner and gave them each a silver spoon which I hope will be useful and also good. The days are very hot and one cannot help being weary. I am working away at my sketch and also my paper one has to give up much one would like to accomplish for the sake of doing things for other people. [p. 241] {p. 137}

29 July 1902 • Tuesday

Today 59 years since my first marriage‒ how long and yet how time has flown. One has many thoughts on such occasions‒ memories too, sad and yet withal full of gratitude for work accomplished Providence is over all. The hand of the Lord is ever perceptible in shaping our destinies if we will but see it. The solemn marriage ceremony the long ride home– the weariness the worriment the horrible ordeal of the day following with relatives and guardian– the disappointment in Mrs. [Lucy Stacy] Harris‒ such an ordeal. [p. 242] {p. 138}

30 July 1902 • Wednesday

Today Louise is eighteen it does not seem as if it could be real yet I know that it is so and time flies rapidly indeed. I have bought her a ring and went down to have a look at her, she went to the Lake with Joseph Tate and looked very sweet indeed I stayed until the nine o clock car Emmeline came home with me and stayed all night. It seemed very pleasant to have her with me and takes away the feeling of loneliness. After one has had a large family such as mine was to be left all alone is very depressing. I really enjoy some seasons of meditation but one cannot be always alone that is too much [p. 243] {p. 139}

31 July 1902 • Thursday

This morning went over to Belle’s and had a cup of tea, then to the depot to catch the motor for Farmington, to attend Relief Society Conference of Davis Stake. Sister B. W. Smith & Julina both came and we went up together. Had a nice meeting‒ Sister B. W. & Julina and myself all spoke in the forenoon went to President [John W.] Hess’s to dinner‒ then Sister B. W. Smith & myself spoke in the afternoon again, and after I had spoken Prest. Hess spoke and turned to me and prophesied very impressively of what I should do and how I would minister to people by land and by sea‒ we had supper at Sister Helen [Cheney] Miller’s and I went riding with Annie [Christensen] Miller [p. 244] {p. 140} she took me to see her house and showed me the town I met a number of fine women– two of the wives of John W. Taylor, one is Rachel Cahoon [Woolley]’s daughter Nellie Woolley [Janet Woolley Taylor].

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July 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1902/1902-07


  1. [1]Mary Wells Whitney.

  2. [2]Phoebe Young Beatie.

  3. [3]David W. Monk.