February 1893

1 February 1893 • Wednesday

A very disagreeable morning went off to Big Cotton Wood to organize a Club for World’s Fair Work had 31 members enrolled– meeting at Sister [Phoebe Speirs] Boyes house dinner at Sister [Elizabeth Jane DuFresne] Stevenson’s– when I came home heard Annie had been quite sick and had sent for the Dr. and nurse. [p. 56] {p. 47}

2 February 1893 • Thursday

Today I went to the East Side Baptist Church to report upon the Relief Society– & Dr. Pratt upon the Deseret Hospital. We were favorably received and the Deseret News Reporter made a synopsis of our remarks. In the afternoon there was a meeting of the Board and we decided to give luncheons at the Continental Hotel will ho[l]d special meeting on Monday Feb. 7. at the same hour– some Committees were appointed and I came away tired beyond everything. There are so many clubs and so much going on that one can scarcely find time to write on any subject [p. 57] {p. 48}

3 February 1893 • Friday

wea. cold & foggy

Today has been most unpleasant and dreary– Belle is quite sick– meeting of the Literary committee here and poems read and criticized, Mrs. [Augusta Winters] Grant, Mrs. Little, Mrs. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, Gladys Woodmansee, Josephine Spencer– In the evening instead of going to Sister Horne’s to a party made for Cornelia [Horne] Clayton but I felt I must go to Belle’s as she was so ill. I went down there for about half an hour & then back to Annie’s so weary that I could scarcely crawl. [p. 58] {p. 49}

4 February 1893 • Saturday

wea. cold & windy

Today has been very unpleasant and so many meetings in one day Charities & philanthropies & the Literary Club– also questions upon the World’s Congress to be amswered and other matters to be adjusted– was very much hindered felt very miserable and so many things that seemed unpleasant– the night was stormy and I could not attend although I had been invited to speak upon Reminiscences of the early days in the valley at the Conference of Charities & Philanthropies [p. 59] {p. 50}

6 February 1893 • Monday

This was the Club day of the Reapers and the meeting was a very interesting one, our very best paper, and a subject so interesting that it must necessarily have been fine– Augusta Winters Grant wrote the paper and read it and Mrs. [Maria Young] Dougall was appointed to write the next [p. 61] {p. 51}

8 February 1893 • Wednesday

This morning Dr. Pratt decided to remain all day and wait the result of time as she does not believe in meddling or hurrying but that nature should take its course. I also stayed awhile then went up town and came back, found the labor progressing Annie was very patient Dr. Pratt feared to give her chloroform and it seemed too bad to suffer so much. Baby was born at a quarter past three and everything was all right a beautiful little girl1 with a lovely head of hair, and perfect in every way. weight about nine pounds guess but not weighed. After supper and all was well the Dr. went away & John Q. went up town in the afternoon & telegraphed to Mell & Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon. [p. 63] {p. 52}

9 February 1893 • Thursday

Today we had another meeting about the lunches and decided to give them at the Walker House café instead of the Continental Hotel as there would be more conveniences. The several Committees reported and everything seemed favorable.

Early I went down to Annie’s and found all going on well & had a pleasant evening [p. 64] {p. 53}

10 February 1893 • Friday

Today has been very stormy & disagreeable & as it was the time of Judge Henderson’s wife [Josephine Turner Henderson]’s reception I was particularly sorry I went out & bought a hat and succeeded at last in getting started. had quite an enjoyable time and refreshments were very delicate and delicious

I was introduced to quite a number of young women whom I had not met before except in committees. In the evening told it over to Annie and the nurse who enjoyed hearing about it very much [p. 65] {p. 54}

13 February 1893 • Monday

Today I worked to get ready to go to Mrs. [L. S.] Dickinson’s party the weather was very unpleasant– I went out to buy a few things Emmie came up & helped me a little. I managed it after awhile had to buy gloves as well– met quite a number of strangers Mrs. [Helen Crandall] Sprague & Miss [Johanna] Sprague & Bessie Sprague Mrs. Hall was quite sociable– the house was beautifully decorated and so many flowers and plants were quite delightful– the tables were handsomely fixed up and coffee, chocolate and dainty cakes and candies were served by charming young ladies in handsome costumes– It was the first time I had ever been to a Valentine party came home late [p. 66] {p. 55}

14 February 1893 • Tuesday

There was a grand masque ball in the Theatre last night. Every one is talking of it– the lunches opened today in the Walker House café– Most of the Club ladies were present and gave service and provisions liberally. The place looked very nice and everything went off well. Many valentines are flying around it makes a pleasant pastime, and varies the monotony of the winter season. I bought a ring for baby with amethyst set in it yesterday, today I took it down and gave it to baby. [p. 67] {p. 56}

15 February 1893 • Wednesday

Another busy day going up & down looking after matters and hunting up service, we have had many more come in and think we are doing very well. Kate went in and bought baby a gold ring very pretty one and I took it down this evening it pleased the folks very much indeed. [p. 68] {p. 57}

16 February 1893 • Thursday

Today has been quite a rush many people declare they came to see the wealth & beauty represented. Today the baby is to be named & blessed I went down to dinner not expecting anything and was just in time to hear John Q. bless the baby and name it Emmeline much to my astonishment. I felt quite embarrassed and yet delighted. [p. 69] {p. 58}

28 February 1893 • Tuesday

I had been out to see after some few little things then went to Annie’s to dinner and back to the parlor to a meeting of the Press Club– had a pleasant time, good attendance and fine programme.2 [p. 81] {p. 59}

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February 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1893/1893-02


  1. [1]Emmeline Cannon. She was blessed and given a name on 16 February. (EBW, Diary, 16 Feb. 1893.)

  2. [2]“The monthly meeting of the U.W.P. Club was held in the Exponent Parlor Feb. 28th, 1893. Prest. E. B. Wells in the chair. . . . The meeting was adjourned until the 22nd, of March at 7, 30 p. m. at the same place, where it was expected we would meet for the last time as the Prest. contemplated moving from the historic old house, to more commodious quarters.” (C. C. R. Wells, “U.W.P. Club,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1893, 21:131.) EBW moved her office from the small house at 25 East South Temple to the Constitution Building on Main Street, rooms 227 and 228. (Madsen, Intimate History, 134, 324; Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1893, 148, masthead.)