February 1881

1 February 1881 • Tuesday

Went early had a pleasant lesson in French, the paper was issued and mailed a part of them. Annie went out for the first time, called at the office and went to see her new house. Sarah [Granger] Kimball called, spoke of the Box to be deposited with mementos for 50 years hence–1 wrote to Aunt Eliza. Dr. Ferguson is better. Sister E. H. Cannon came to see baby. Letter from Hiram [W. Clark] [p. 39] {p. 43}

2 February 1881 • Wednesday

Mell came down from Ogden and I went up with her to dinner– Mailed all the papers. John Q. went to theatre Mazeppa performed– how baby has cried poor little fellow. Very hard day no respite from business– Mell had a letter from Hiram. Ada [Adeline Earl] & May [Mary J.] Earl called to see the girls and invited us all to the wedding. May is to be married to Will Snow2 on the 15th. proximo.

3 February 1881 • Thursday

A very dull day Louie was out as it was fast day, she is not well– went to Ada [Dwyer]’s and spent the evening. Scappatura his Sister Angeline and Brother Antonio were at our house. Sister Horne called with her buggy and took me up to see Mrs. Ferguson. Thought I could be alone more than usual but was crowded with callers. Many disagreeable things transpired [p. 40] {p. 44}

4 February 1881 • Friday

It has rained all night. the ground is overflowed with water; it is very annoying to go out in it. Was in the office all day. Went at evening to see mother [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney found her very well indeed. had a pleasant chat with her. Went to see Mrs. [Hannah Tapfield] King– found her recovering. Gen. [John W.] Butler at the Penetentiary died yesterday. [Belva Bennett] Lockwood sent me the Washington papers about the Convention. Rec’d a letter from Aunt Eliza– Ogden Coop dedicated to day3

5 February 1881 • Saturday

Rain poured down in torrents in the morning. Dr. Shipp invited me to Luella [Cobb Young]’s to a Surprise party Sister King called– Belle came from Ogden with all the children I could not go to the party. Belle Lou & John Q. went to the theatre I staid with Annie. I am in great trouble I scarcely know what to do there is no one for me to open my heart to. I am going to prepare my book of letters for publication [p. 41] {p. 45}

6 February 1881 • Sunday

<wrote to Hiram today–> A lovely day but cold. Little Newel [M. Whitney]’s birthday he would be 34 today. How lonely I am. Lou Dot & John Q. are gone to meeting Belle, Sep. Lucile & Emma are gone to Mell’s to dinner and Annie & baby for the first time out. After dinner at 4. I took little Sep & went to see Dr. Ferguson, walked all the way. Emily [Wells] & Jode [Joseph S. Wells] were here when I returned. Louie feels quite ill, we soaked her feet. Belle is here Miss [Charlotte J.] Claridge has <returned from Nephi>

7 February 1881 • Monday

The weather changed today it is much colder. I have had so many callers my work has been hindered. my husband came but we were repeatedly interrupted We all went to the Theatre this evening. Belle, Mell Will Dot Annie John Q. Louie & Rob as well as I. to hear Richard A. Proctor, on Astronomy.4 It is snowing tonight. and very damp– [p. 42] {p. 46}

8 February 1881 • Tuesday

All day some hindrances from work. Dr. Pratt took me to see Apostles Orson Pratt & Charles C. Rich. Br. Pratt is very low and Br. Rich much improved The Esq. came over in the afternoon. We had a nice time talking & visiting. Mrs. [Annie Adkins] Savage sent me a handsome & elaborate valentine. We all went to the Lecture again to hear the death & old age of worlds. Belle went to Mell’s tonight. Aunt Eliza’s letter came tonight.

9 February 1881 • Wednesday

We went to Mrs. Ferguson’s <Br.> Penrose and I. he administered to her. I think she will recover now. The day is stormy snowing fast. Belle went home and all the children. I wrote several letters. One to Bluff City, Relief Society, Lou. went to Minerva [Empey] Richards to a tea party. And to Dwyers. to see Ada. Came home to rest, how tired and weary. heard from Aunt Zina– [p. 43] {p. 47}

10 February 1881 • Thursday

Have been all day in the Office Ellen Clawson5 called, Sister King was in some hours. Louie is not well. George Reynolds has taken the room of the Apostles up stairs6 to do some writing in. Sister Ferguson came down town today, the first time since her illness. This evening gave evidence in a court of inquiry– part of the High Council in the case of [first and last names redacted] of Provo Valley. Joseph E. Taylor came home with me.

11 February 1881 • Friday

Friday a very cold disagreeable day. saw Mell, Rob. invited me to go to the theatre to see the Minstrels.7 no news from the East, but newspapers say Mr. [Allen G.] Campbell can never get his seat against Br. [George Q.] Cannon.8 June [Junius F. Wells] told me that Pres. [Wilford] Woodruff had prophesied Joseph F. Smith would yet lead the Church.9 Sister Ferguson is not so well. [p. 44] {p. 48}

12 February 1881 • Saturday

An extremely cold day had a letter from Sister Ellen [Woodward Fuller]– Sister Ferguson came down, I went to the 14th. Ward meeting and spoke. Sister Horne called upon me as soon as Sister Clawson finished. Sisters King Howard, Pratt Shipp and many others were in my office and we had quite a time of it. John Q. & Lou. went to see the minstrels.10

13 February 1881 • Sunday

A stormy morning. Minnie [Lovinia] Grenig’s funeral. Lou. attended I went to meeting with Sister Howard, Br. Woodruff & John Henry Smith preached in the evening Mr. Cole came in and staid until very late. Louie is not well I did not want her to go to meeting I finished my letter to Aunt Eliza, Annie John Q. and baby are still here Onie [Verona M. Dunford] came to dinner [p. 45] {p. 49}

14 February 1881 • Monday

A very peculiar day snow and clouds and cold tremendous. Margaret P. [Pierce] Young Helen M. [Kimball] Whitney and Augusta J. [Joyce] Crocheron, have all been to me today with their troubles. The office has been full nearly all day Sister E. B. Ferguson resumed lessons. Junius came to talk confidentially, it was mostly about authorities. I feel sad indeed to night specially so.

15 February 1881 • Tuesday

Telegrams announce that John W. Young was arrested at Denver on the 13th, for Polygamy gave 2,000 bond as bail and went on to Arizona with Luella [Cobb Young]. Went down to Mrs. King’s, Annie made some calls, she is looking very well. Louie is suffering from a cold. She went to see the Irish panorama. I am not in very good spirits [p. 46] {p. 50}

16 February 1881 • Wednesday

The weather is stormy indeed. Very sad reports from Eastern cities of high water, ice, floods small-pox and many dreadful things transpiring. Gave two dollars to help A Danish family out thro’ Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards]’s intercession Sister [Elizabeth Anderton] Shipley came from American Fork. Bought Corneell [Cornelia Horne Clayton]’s baby11 a dress. Had many callers.

17 February 1881 • Thursday

Went with Mell to the Office Annie moved to her new home today, Mell & I called on her. Everything seemed so nice. Baby is well. How happy she is in her wifely & motherly duties. Had a letter from Br. Cannon.

The house is lonely tonight without that sweet baby Ada Dwyer’s readings are all the rage at present.12 Very cold and wintry. [p. 47] {p. 51}

18 February 1881 • Friday

This morning so many callers interrupted my French lesson went with Br. George Reynolds to call on Mother Whitney, Went around to Annie’s afterwards She looked so happy in her new home. Baby too looked quite contented. Went to see my husband and had a charming interview. Went up to Martha [Givens Wells]’s afterwards, Frank [Kimball] come home with me; found Louie here alone. Had a letter from Belle.

19 February 1881 • Saturday

Mell came and took me up to dinner, saw her elegant new bedroom furniture, and the childrens, hers is the handsomest I have ever seen, and the childrens is box wood. I am glad she has so many temporal blessings. We went to Mrs. Crocheron’s to take some things and to Mrs. [Sarah Griffith] Richard’s to call, she gave me some old trinkets and a coral necklace for Louie. Went to see Ada Dwyer <her debut in Salt Lake.>13 [p. 48] {p. 52}

20 February 1881 • Sunday

<Belle came last evening from Ogden.> A glorious day. Belle & Louie went over to see Annie, Belle went to Mell’s to dinner. Louie and I ate alone, I went to meeting Nesbitt [Henry W. Naisbitt] & Penrose preached afterwards Br. [John] Taylor spoke: Wrote to Aunt Eliza. Belle was here and we talked over several matters. Mr. Sears came felt depressed. I met with a sore disappointmnt. Belle will leave Lucile I shall take her to the Endowment House)14

21 February 1881 • Monday

Belle went off with Dot and Sep this morning. It is a lovely day. Annie had Lucile all day. I went down to see Annie. She is so well and happy. Her home is lovely I wrote all day nearly, had so many callers. I wish I could accomplish all I wish my strength is not equal to it Dan [Danquart A.] Weggeland was here yesterday and arranged for taking my picture. [p. 49] {p. 53}

22 February 1881 • Tuesday

This is Washington’s birthday, general holiday. Went to Mell had some dinner. Adeline [Woodward Earl] & Addie [Adeline Earl] came in, it was most disagreeable. Mellie is anxious to bring about a reconciliation I have no desire for it.15 In the evening Lou went to the Carnival about an hour. Bruce Taylor came and annoyed me, kept me at home

23 February 1881 • Wednesday

A glorious day. Went to Relief Society and to see some sick people afterwards, with Sister [Bathsheba Bigler] Smith and [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard. In the evening to Joseph F. Smiths he brought me home in his buggy. Had a pleasant day. Called on L. [Liberty] E. Holden talked about the property. He was exceedingly kind. Expect to see him again [p. 50] {p. 54}

24 February 1881 • Thursday

Today is the anniversary of the birthday of one of my friends.16 How I would love to see him. It has been a wonderful day for me. Took Lucile to the Endowment House & had her face anointed there. Took dinner in the House Joseph F. [Smith] was so kind to her and to me. Sister [Bathsheba] Smith would like me to administer in the house. God knows if I am fitted for the mission.)17 <went to Margaret’s in the evening>

25 February 1881 • Friday

A disagreeable dull day, so much so that one felt the effects of it. Staid all day in the Office. My husband came and spent the evening with me we had a pleasant time. O, how much enjoyment is sometimes crowded into a few hours while misery is scattered over weeks and months. I feel I have much to be grateful for. Wrote to Belle tonight. gave Annie A Book Motherhood. [p. 51] {p. 55}

26 February 1881 • Saturday

This is such a busy day. So much to do. An Artist called to consult me about having a portrait taken. I feel I ought to do so as I am sure my life has been a very peculiar one, I regret that I am not able to publish my writings. Once before the world in the hands of readers, I feel I should be known for what I am. Now I am comparatively unknown; perhaps it is best so.

27 February 1881 • Sunday

A dull day again. At home alone except my darling grand daughter Lucile; write I must Junius wants an article for the Contributor.18 Company in the evening. Wrote my article had to sit up very late. It is nearing the time of my birth. How strange it seems that I should have such a peculiar birthday as Feb. 29. [p. 52] {p. 56}

28 February 1881 • Monday

Went to the Office to work as usual. Was rather uneasy all day. Left the Office at 5 o’clock and went home, found the house full. A large surprise party.19 was quite overcome, went up to dress, when Annie presented me with a gold chain <from the four girls>, Sister [Lillias Thomson] Staines had brought an elegant white satin pincushion embroidered, Rob gave me Mrs. Brownings poems) John Q. a nice scrap book later on a gold watch was presented with a pretty little speech and poems also flowers etc.

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February 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1881/1881-02


  1. [1]In commemoration of the 1880 jubilee year of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sarah Granger Kimball gathered mementos from women about their lives and interests; she also collected “biographical, historical, [and] genealogical” writings, “with some letters of advice and a few poems.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1881, 9:164; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1881, 9:172.)

  2. [2]Perhaps L. Wilford W. Snow.

  3. [3]Septimus Sears was the manager of the Ogden branch of the ZCMI. (See “The Dedication,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 5 Feb. 1881, [3].) For details on the ZCMI “home industry movement of the Church” that began in the 1870s, see Bradley, ZCMI, dust jacket, 8–10.

  4. [4]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. 1881, 9:140.

  5. [5]EBW acknowledged Ellen Spencer Clawson’s travels to the East for business and family history in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. 1881, 9:140.

  6. [6]The Council House on the southwest corner of Main and South Temple Streets served church, political, and educational purposes. The Woman’s Exponent was housed in the “Lower West Room of the Council House, South Temple Street.” (Masthead, Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1881, 9:132.) For various uses of the building, see “The Council House, Salt Lake City, Utah,” BYU Library.

  7. [7]Hooley, Morton, and Homer’s Big Four Minstrel Troupe played in Salt Lake City in February 1881. They were “burn-cork comedians,” or white performers wearing black paint to mimic stereotypes of Black American “songs, dances, sketches and general tumbling.” Such mimicry created humor by disparaging the intelligence and dignity of African Americans. This troupe was one of many traveling minstrel shows that provided popular entertainment throughout the world. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns and renounces racism of any kind, as does the Church Historian’s Press. (“The Big Four,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 10 Feb. 1881, [3]; Hicks, “Ministering Minstrels,” 49–63; Nelson, “Let God Prevail”; “Racial and Cultural Prejudice,” Gospel Topics, accessed 30 Nov. 2021, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/racial-prejudice?lang=eng.)

  8. [8]After the 1880 election to the United States Congress, Utah territorial governor Eli H. Murray certified that Allen G. Campbell defeated George Q. Cannon, even though the popular vote was strongly in Cannon’s favor. (“The Utah Delegate,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 14 Jan. 1881, [4].) For more on this contested election to Congress, see Bitton, George Q. Cannon, 239–243; “Our Delegate,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. 1881, 9:140; and Whitney, History of Utah, 3:130–137, 142–146.

  9. [9]Joseph F. Smith, son of Hyrum Smith and Mary Fielding Smith, served as counselor to three church presidents. He was president of the church from 1901 to his death in 1918. (“Joseph Fielding Smith, Sr.,” in People, First Fifty Years of Relief Society online.)

  10. [10]For more information on this minstrel troupe, see note 7, above.

  11. [11]Raymond H. Clayton.

  12. [12]Readings presented by Ada Dwyer, along with Alice Hamill and Harry Hamill, were reviewed in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1881, 9:132–133; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1881, 9:148–149; and “The Hamill-Dwyer Readings,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 13 Feb. 1881, [4].

  13. [13]text: This insert was written along the right margin and upside down next to the day’s date.

  14. [14]Lucile Sears received a special healing blessing at the Endowment House, located on the north side of Temple Square. (EBW, Diary, 16 Jan. and 24 Feb. 1881.) On the Endowment House, see Lamar C. Berrett, “Endowment Houses,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:456.

  15. [15]The two sisters, Emmeline and Adeline, differed over loyalty to the church for many years. In 1891, when they visited, EBW wrote, “Today Adeline came up and was here quite awhile– spoke of many old things talked of the Godbe’s– said tomorrow would be Jessie [Justus Jesse Earl]’s birthday– She still clings fondly to his memory. I do not think she is as bitter against our people as she was formerly.” (EBW, Diary, 16 Nov. 1891.) Carol Madsen explains that the suspicious death of Jesse Earl embittered Adeline. (Madsen, Intimate History, 392.)

  16. [16]William C. Hendrie.

  17. [17]text: This closing parenthesis seems to have separated the 24 February entry from the 25 February entry before the subsequent insertion was made.

  18. [18]EBW (Amethyst, pseud.), “Young Women,” Contributor, Mar. 1881, 2:181–183.

  19. [19]Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson described this party in “Social Gathering,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1881, 9:157; see also Madsen, Intimate History, 337–338.