July 1900

5 July 1900 • Thursday

Wento to Woman’s Council in the morning 10. only Mrs. [Ella Davidson] Pearsall Mrs. [Aimee Cahn] Schiller, Mrs. Young & myself postponed excursion to Aug. 30. Board Meeting of Woman’s Co-op here at 2. p.m. agreed to turn the store over to Mrs. Francis etc. called on Sister B. W. Smith‒ Em went up to Annie’s and came over to stay all night with me.

Miss Hunt sent me a Gavel made of the wood from Faneuil Hall Boston Mass. also minutes of Board meeting of D.R. and a personal letter very friendly indeed‒ {p. 194}

10 July 1900 • Tuesday

Worked hard all morning and went to Saltair at 2.15, Relief Society day. We had a long table and President Geo. Q. Cannon at the head of the Table, and pronounced the blessing Present were Mary A. [Ann Jenkins] Lambert, Prest. Jos. F. Smith Julina L. Smith, Zina D. H. Young, M. I. Horne, E. B. Wells, J. C. [Julia Cruse] Howe, E. J. Stevenson, M. W. Wilcox, Clara C. Cannon, Annie T. Hyde, Martha [Stringfellow] Morris, Ella W. Hyde, Lizzie S. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox, Mrs. [Elizabeth Jardine] McFarlane, Mrs. [Elizabeth Downes] Langton, Maria Francis, Harriet Ann Badger Margaret Y. Taylor Prest. Cannon was very full of good words for the Society, saying it was composed of the best & most stable women, Jos. F. Smith also complimented us on our works of charity and progress. {p. 195}

11 July 1900 • Wednesday

Little Felice [Felicitas L.] Beck died last night from burns, on the 4th. of July Louise and Daniel went up the caňon with the Cannon Ward. This is Midsummer day at Saltair, there is an immense crowd out there it is very hot‒ many prizes are being given. News from China is very distressing. Such terrible modes of warfare and butchery. {p. 196}

12 July 1900 • Thursday

Today I worked very hard at my mailing finished one sack of mail and sent it off, and felt somewhat relieved but not satisfied went down to Annie’s and found them out on the front porch Mrs. Patterson1 was there talking with Annie. She is a very pretty woman‒ and agreeable I had some supper and we sat in the dining room together John Q. Annie & myself Louise had gone to the farm to a party Elizabeth’s and was to stay all night. Annie came up to the corner with me and we had to wait a long time for the car, so had a chance to visit a while‒ I came home very lonely and began reading. I am much interested in the story of Eleanor by Mrs. Humphrey Ward‒ in Harper’s monthly {p. 197}

13 July 1900 • Friday

Today I kept at my mailing until I finished and indeed it does seem too bad that there were so many hindrances, and I felt so listless and unable to get through it‒ really it is hard work scarcely fit for me nowadays, but I am not able to hire any one at the prices one has to pay for work now. What I should do if it were not for the mony Mell Daisie and Verona have given me the last two years, it has been a very great blessing besides the many extra things all my girls have bought me in the way of clothing. Then my book has helped some as well tho’ the expense of publishing is not all paid up yet. {p. 198}

14 July 1900 • Saturday

I worked at my letters and Receipts and tried to get up with my correspondence which is almost more than one pair of hands can do. I never seem to be quite even with it all. I am sure I could do much better if I had more desk room and could keep things separate. Saturday is always a very busy day coming and going and so many little things to make sure of for Sunday. President Snow is better yet one does not see him out and around, therefore one concludes he is not yet equal to much exertion. The war news from China is appalling‒ Reports that all Americans and other foreigners have been massacred most inhumanly are current; yet one cannot say positively that these stories are true; at any rate the situation is alarming {p. 199}

15 July 1900 • Sunday

I stayed in bed very late and then tried to write in the Relief Society Record. The day was very hot. I was alone. In the afternoon Mrs. Mc Donald2 came to see me about her husband helping the Relief Society in Chicago to get in touch with organizations at home. I told her what to advise him‒ Late in the afternoon I called at Belle’s and Annie came to take me around the Park in her buggy‒ it was almost too late to be pleasant, but we had a nice time and after coming home I took up my writing again and did some reading as well. {p. 200}

16 July 1900 • Monday

Today the dress came home that John Q. and Annie gave me on my birthday or what should have been had the Leap Year not been postponed‒ it is very pretty but disappointed me in the making. I have tried hard and worked a little, Sister Jane S. Richards was here the first thing this morning when I came and stayed and talked a long time keeping me from my work and then came again in the afternoon and as she comes down rarely nowadays one must devote some time to her and talk of Relief Society matters. I came home late and went over to Belle’s Em. & Lucile came over with me. This morning a box of sweet peas and carnations were sent me from Mr. [George N.] Dow at the Penitentiary.3 {p. 201}

17 July 1900 • Tuesday

Was late going up this morning, an awfully hot day. Belle went to the funeral of little Grace Luella Hall grandchild of [Anna] Maria Whitney Hall, her only son Ray [Eugene Roy Hall]‒ the only one living. Belle also went to the grave and called at the office as she came back again. There is one child left a boy.4 I wrote to Mell today also to Sister Carrie S. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas London and H. [Henry] W. Naisbitt Liverpool and several others. It was very hot all day and I really felt unfit for the mailing. Afternoon mail brought a letter from Rachel Foster Avery in regard to the Bazar in New York next winter. I had a very vivid dream of Sister Sarah M. Kimball last night, and I really felt I should hear some news from my folks in the East, but none came whatever. {p. 202}

18 July 1900 • Wednesday

I dreamed of the Countess of Aberdeen last night and of being quite familiar with her. This morning was much cooler and I did all my mornings work, watered my roses & changed the water on all the sweet peas and carnations and flew off up town. I did try to start my mailing and get some city mail off too Have had calls from the Governor and Junius both‒ the Governor asked me to call the Central Committee together, I referred him to the Secretary P. [Parley] P. Christensen. I have kept my business letters answered right up to date. Wrote to Mabel today I feel very anxious about help for Annie much more than for myself. Went to see Annie and the children to night and she took me for a ride and came home with me found Belle very sick. I went over she is in great pain. Mrs. [Celia Kent] Parker has a little girl5 born to day‒ {p. 203}

19 July 1900 • Thursday

Was late in going up, letters containing money on subscription‒ war news still alarming, worked hard at the mailing, had visitors also quite a few Received a letter from Mrs. Webber in Paris and from the Catholic Committee inviting me to reserved seat at the laying of the Corner Stone‒ of the Cathedral St. Mary Magdalen. Went over to see Belle this evening she looks very ill‒ Mrs. McVicker invited me to dine there tomorrow evening if I could not come today. Sent off the drums by express to Robert J [Robert C. Hillard], Barry [Barrymore] Hillard Spokame [Spokane] Washington. I commenced reading “Boy” by Marie Correlli last night. Tonight the Battle of Manilla is being enacted at Calder’s Park with elaborate fire works & firing of cannon sounding very near & loud here. {p. 204}

20 July 1900 • Friday

<Letter from Mrs. T. [Thomas] G. Webber [Mary Ellen Richards Webber] (Paris> To day Sister Elizabeth [Anderson] Howard would have been 77 years old. I very much wished to invited some of her friends to come together and make it a memorial day, but I could not on account of circumstances. I worked at the mailing all day nearly and then went home changed my dress and went to Mrs. McVicker’s to dinner. I had a pleasant time. It is the Catholic reception to Archbishop [Patrick W.] Riordan and a large Committee of ladies have the affair in charge, the reception will be from eight to ten. Mrs. Salisbury takes a prominent part. I wanted to go but did not feel like going alone after leaving Mrs. McVicker’s. The day has been a hot and trying one and I became very weary and exhausted‒ I hoped to have news from Mell’s folks or from Ellen but none came. {p. 205}

21 July 1900 • Saturday

I felt very miserable this morning indeed it was with great difficulty that I prepared to go to the office, once in the open air I felt much better‒ Several things came up that required attention I had to see the Governor, the Secretary of State6 and Mr. [Orange J.] Salisbury; had letters typewritten which I signed in behalf of the State Committee and sent out to ladies and gentlemen asking them to meet to arrange for a reception rectification at Saltair on July 30. I could not do all I wished on account of hindrances and was much upset‒ so many things come along and my work is behind A letter from Mrs. [Emily Crane] Watson of Parowan in regard to Mother’s Congresses must be answered wisely and I would like to see President Snow and talk the matter over with him. {p. 206}

22 July 1900 • Sunday

Last night or rather early this morning there was a beautiful rain, making the atmosphere cool & delightful. I felt to rest and try to benefit by being quiet. I am reading one of Marie Correlli’s new books, called “Boy” she was engaged upon it when I visited her a year ago now‒ Also another one which I have not yet seen. She told me I must read them, but said she had not given a name to either of them then. I went to the Tabernacle & intended going to the laying of the corner stone of the Cathedral but a thunder storm came up and I had no umbrella or protection of any sort, so went to Annie’s instead, had tea there and saw the twins. C. W. Penrose preached also a young missionary from Norway. {p. 207}

23 July 1900 • Monday

Went up to the office and commenced my mailing, Mrs. Calhoun of Boston & Mrs. Suplee called (strangers) asked many questions and were very much interested, afterwards P. P. Christiansen came with letters to be signed relating to Judicial and senatorial conventions in outside counties, then Junius came and talked awhile then Sister Stevensen and we arranged for a party at Aunt Zina’s. I came home and dressed for a meeting at the Kenyon hotel parlors, and went up there, Mrs. McVicker Mrs. Fox Mrs. Lucy A. Clark R. [Robert] S. Campbell & S. [Scipio] A. Kenner came, and the meeting could not be held as there were not a sufficient number, to transact the business for which it was called. I went back to work & came home late‒ {p. 208}

24 July 1900 • Tuesday

Today it is 53 years since the pioneers arrived in this valley, and the ornaments on the statue of Brigham Young that have recently been put up are to be unveiled and appropriate ceremonies to be be observed. Last night the wind blew up and I became so nervous that I grew timid and finally decided to go over to Belle’s; they were all in bed, but Lucile & Em. had a light and I called under their window and they heard me. I slept with Em. the wind ceased about 2. A.M. but I slept little Went up to the unveiling and sat on the platform. Prest. Geo Q. Cannon made the address, then Secretary [James T.] Hammond spoke for the State and the sculptor C. [Cyrus] E. Dallin made some remarks which were ideal and upon the ideality of all works of art. Music by the Band I went to see Annie and had lunch and Emeline came home with me‒ {p. 209}

25 July 1900 • Wednesday

Went early to the office and commenced mailing‒ Louise Margaret and Abram came and stayed a couple of hours with me, Sister Horne came and spent a short time, Sister Larson from Sandy Ella W. Hyde and others. I had a letter from Janie [Cussons] Birkbeck today; and the weather has been excessively hot so much so one could scarcely endure to be out. No news from my folks, sent off letter to Daisie[.] Ellen Hitchings Harrison & Margaret Caine have been to see me; sent telegram to Jane S. Richards received an answer directly‒ wrote note to Lula G. R. [Richards] Have been hard at work all day notwithstanding the heat. News from China, South Africa and the East Indies all very harrowing. Letters from Q. yesterday Nogales on the border of Mexico {p. 210}

26 July 1900 • Thursday

Went on with my mailing and had it taken to the office, then Annie came and took me to Aunt Zina’s Surprise party I made a speech at the opening telling them that we had come to pay our loving respects to Aunt Zina and to let her know how she was appreciated. We had a very enjoyable time and Aunt Zina seemed greatly pleased. those present were Bathsheba W. Smith Sarah P. [Prichard] Snow Julia C. Howe Mary Alice Lambert Elizabeth [Taft] Webb Hannah C. Wells, Lydia Ann [Alley] Wells, Margaret P. Young, Naomah Twiss Young, Sarah J. Cannon Julia [Gutke] Brixen Amelia [Emilie Damke] Maeser Marjorie McCarty Maria Y. Dougall Minnie J. Snow Phebe Y. Beatie Elizabeth J. Stevenson Phebe Y. Beatie Elizabeth Langton Lizzie S. Wilcox, Maria W. Wilcox {p. 211}

27 July 1900 • Friday

Dressed early and went almost direct to the University to attend the exercises of the School of Domestic Science promoted and fostered by a Committee from some of the Clubs.7 Mrs. Emma J. McVicker & Mrs. Luella Rhodes were the foremost, the teachers were Miss Emily H. Cannon of the Boston Cooking School <in cookery> and Miss Mamie [Mary S.] Smith of Pratt Institute <sewing> and Miss [Edna May] Davis of Miss Emery’s class in Kitchen gardening in the housekeeping. Most of them were little tots‒ and had done remarkably well‒ I came back and worked at my single wrappers until late then run off to Annie’s and spent the evening, and came home quite late It seemed lonely and I did not feel well but did a little writing and made up my mind to be calm let what would come‒ {p. 212}

28 July 1900 • Saturday

Today is the twin’s birthday and my recollections of the year 1899 this morning is that I arrived in London early having come over the night before on the packet and was due with a party for a sail up the Thames. Mrs. [blank] was already gone before I reached the Conference house and I was greatly disappointed naturally as it was a great deal to miss and Mrs. [blank] was also very much annoyed because she had planned it on my account, This morning I went to the meeting of the State Committee and had to preside during the last part of the meeting Mr. Walton having resigned the Chairmanship I tendered my resignation twice which was not accepted. Went to Annie’s to dinner and spent the evening. The twins had their pictures taken today‒ hope they will be good {p. 213}

29 July 1900 • Sunday

Felt very much exhausted last evening, It is fifty seven years ago today since I was married, so much has transpired what a child I was then just fifteen, and young even for my years. So many reflections come with the recollections of that day and time and one can see in memory’s eye, the blue waters of the Connecticut as it flowed on that evening past the windows of the house so close. Margaret & Katharine came this morning in the buggy‒ then Louise & Emmeline came to the car and went with me to the Tabernacle‒ two missionaries preached then John Henry Smith the Apostle‒ I tried to rest and recruit and not do much. I had intended buying myself something as a memento but did not do so, felt I could not spare the money. {p. 214}

30 July 1900 • Monday

Sweetie [Louise B. Cannon]’s birthday and I went with her and bought her a new summer hat. her mother a new blue muslin dress her father gloves and the little folks, several small presents. She had a fine day and a nice family dinner all present except Q. and I was invited as I always am on all such occasions. We would have gone out to the Lake if Annie had competent help but as it was we had a pleasant time‒ I would be so glad to see Annie have some one to ease her of the hard work, she has even now to pay out so much for the work she has to hire done I went back to the office after dinner and attended the Press Club meeting in fact presided which seems rather to fall to me nowadays. Went home late as usual and was alone. {p. 215}

31 July 1900 • Tuesday

Field day at the Lake felt miserable this morning. Went out in the afternoon & was introduced to several ladies, among them Mrs. [Hallie Benson] Hyde of St. Louis widow of Col. [William] Hyde who used to be on the Salt Lake Herald, chief editor after Penrose. The day was very hot and I went round and round to see club women but found very few indeed, came home on the 8.15 train, without any of my own party, the last day of July and still excessively hot and dry. The woman and girl from Tooele had been at the office and gone away. I came home so thoroughly exhausted that I could scarcely get ready for bed. Letter from Mell today and one or two others, wrote to Mrs. Richards, in Ogden about Conferences {p. 216}

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July 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-07


  1. [1]Perhaps Emma Spencer Patterson.

  2. [2]Perhaps Amelia Crossland McDonald.

  3. [3]George N. Dow was warden of the Utah State Penitentiary; his wife, Alice Shelter Dow, was matron. (EBW Diary, 11 Oct. 1899.)

  4. [4]Eugene Whitney Hall. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 29A, accessed 24 May 2021, https://www.familysearch.org; “Died,” Salt Lake Herald, 16 July 1900, 8.)

  5. [5]F. Hope Parker.

  6. [6]James T. Hammond. (“Hammond, James Thaddeus,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:722–723.)

  7. [7]See L. M. R., “The Domestic Science Class,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1900, 29:33.