June 1909

3 June 1909 • Thursday

Today has been very busy getting ready for meeting tomorrow and various other things

Betsy came home at evening from Sister Murphy’s where she had been nursing three weeks, and I was very glad indeed to see her as I need her very much I was very glad to see Betsy come although she is not very well up in our American ways yet she is reliable [p. 154] {p. 146}

4 June 1909 • Friday

I told May she could get a place now Betsy was home the meeting of the General Board was held to day at 3. P.m. attendance 13 in number– Sister Susan Grant came down from Ogden Bountiful and we accomplished considerable business besides reports– I went off to the Granite Stake Tabernacle where a reception was given to the Young Laiees [Ladies] and Young Men from the several stakes of Zion and there was dancing and fine music– they estimated 1300 people present everything was in the best of order and Junius & Abby [H. Wells] were there and we came away together. I somehow hurt my ankle tho I don’t know how but it was quite painful [p. 155] {p. 147}

5 June 1909 • Saturday

Ida has been in and out leaves tonight I believe with President Lund and party to go to Buffalo [New York] to the Conference of Charities and Corrections I did not see her at the last perhaps it is just as well

In the evening I went to Whitney Hall to the entertainment for Primary– sat by President Jos. F. Smith the whole evening it was a very pleasant party Rebecca E. Little member of Board died to day at her home on East first South in Little Home in this City, she had been insane for some time1 [p. 156] {p. 148}

6 June 1909 • Sunday

Emily Richards left on 12 m. train today for Toronto via Buffalo Today was the funeral of Whitney Rynder[s] in the 18th. Ward meeting house Ort Whitney preached a fine sermon I attended the funeral & afterwards went with Sister Farnsworth to Assembly Hall to a lecture by Dr. James E. Talmage for opening of commencement, fine music, [p. 157] {p. 149}

9 June 1909 • Wednesday

Today is the Wells party Hannah’s of the family and one or two others I had written a poem or some verses for it and June had a sketch of her life he called Leaves from her life taking it in tens beginning with ten years then twenty and so on. It was quite an elaborate affair in all ways Victor [P. Wells] came from New York City all her own family were there and all the boys and girls nearly– President Joseph F. Smith and Alice Kimball Smith and we had a very good time, fine refreshments [p. 160] {p. 150}

10 June 1909 • Thursday

Meeting of the D.R. new officers elected Alice M. Horne Regent E. [p. 161] {p. 151}

11 June 1909 • Friday

Elijah Knapp Fuller born June 11. 1811 in New York married my sister in 1851. He was a Pioneer of 1847, and went to California in the early days bringing home supplies on pack animals [p. 162] {p. 152}

12 June 1909 • Saturday

Mrs. Webber gave a party for her mother Charlotte Fox Richards for the old friends of her mother a fine luncheon, Bathsheba W. Smith Hannah Richards Mrs. Samuel [Mary Ann Parker] Richards, Hannah C. Wells, these were at one table where I was seated next to Sister B. W. Smith Sister Richards hostess at the head. Besides us there were Vilate [Douglas] Romney Mrs. Curry [Mary Douglass Currie] Mrs. Latimer2 Phyllis [Phillis Hardie] Ferguson May Joe [Mary Ann J. Ayers] Young, Maria Franciis, Priscialla Jennings, Elizabeth Neslen Tucher [Tucker], Phebe [Neslen] Ottinger, Eunice [Neslen] Foster Esther Neslen [Dean] Mrs. Johnson Sophia [Smith] Sharp [p. 163] {p. 153}

13 June 1909 • Sunday

This morning I kept my room & tried to recover myself from the strenuous week I had and get my nerves under control Irene [Haskell] Pomeroy died at my home in 1860 on this date and I with a young babe had to make necessary arrangements for sending to Little Cottonwood caňon to let her husband3 and mother4 know and look after many of the details [p. 164] {p. 154}

14 June 1909 • Monday

Today the Reaper’s Club met and had an excellent time and good papers and a good feeling, much that was appreciated by all present and an adjounmnt to the 15th. of September was taken at the close It is the birthday anniversary of Irene Pomeroys twin girls Ella [Amelia Pomeroy Rich] and Emma [Adelia Pomeroy Grimmett] and both lived to be married and are now dead. [p. 165] {p. 155}

17 June 1909 • Thursday

This is a busy day Emme [Emmeline Cannon]– is here getting ready for the mailing and the room has to be cleared for the meeting so Betsy came up for that and sisters from a distance were here to make inquiries however we got ready and the meeting convened George D. Pyper who had been to Seattle made his report which was sort of a disappointment in that we had so little space for the exhibit after all our work to prepare it & all the time and money spent on it. This is the birthday of Sister Julia C. [Cruse] Howe she is 85 I think today and if Sister [Maria W. Richards] Wilcox had lived she would be 82. today so time flies onward Susie Gates came home and Mrs. McCune have had a successful visit and looked up on school matters. [p. 168] {p. 156}

18 June 1909 • Friday

<Our R.S. Board meeting only 11. members> Today is the regular meeting which nowadays I seem to dread, there are so many who criticise and find fault and who want to control matters beyond all reason– Sister Smith came early and when she read what I had written she seemed very pleased and would do anything for me. She wanted me to go anywhere and have anything I desired. In all I have written for her she has never seemed so pleased before– Susa came in she has come home from her trip East and brought me a letter to read which she had received from Toronto Canada from Mrs. Emily [Short] Cummings the Chairman of the Central Committee who had the say in the choice of speakers, and she excused herself by saying too many names were sent in from the National Council of the U. S. and it was difficult to choose from the large number– [p. 169] {p. 157}

19 June 1909 • Saturday

Went off early expecting to do so much but very little accomplished after all, Emm. came and others telephone messages etc and letters that had to be replied to and the day seemed short but we did get a few things done and mailed some papers, it seemed so slow. The old Deseret News that has been built sixty years is gone now, it was so strongly bui[l]t that it had to be wrecked with dynamite all the old tithing office is down now,5 not that one need mourn but to me who has seen it all built up and watched it year after year and lived behind the dear old wall and had so many tender recollections of the familiar places– it brings to mind such vivid pictures of the past that it strikes deep into the innermost crevices of my being. But one cannot go mourning over lost hopes or even friends who are gone however dear but one must act in the living present and go on as best they may [p. 170] {p. 158}

20 June 1909 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed to rest but did not really rest because I was in great pain and therefore I decided to do some reading and go to the Tabernacle and made myself ready to go to Belle’s afterwards Dr. Jame[s] E. Talmage preached a fine sermon on one’s own agency and responsibility. I sat by Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. [Susan Paul] Brooks her sister. Had dinner at Belle’s and visited with Dot and the family. Sep. [Septimus Whitney Sears] was at home to dinner and there were only Belle Dot Sep Herman [S. Herman Buchholz] and myself– five of us we had a pleasant time together and Dot came with me to the car– saw Sister Empey met her niece Mrs. [Alice Adams] Wood– home alone Betsy had not returned from her visit to some of her English friends, came home later Last night June 19. we had the U.W.P.C.6 meeting in my office and poems from Mary A. [Burnham] Freeze and Ruth M. Fox– Current items from Sister Maria Francis. [p. 171] {p. 159}

21 June 1909 • Monday

This is the shortest longest day in the year and is also my sister Pallas Eliza [Woodward Clark]’s birthday she would have been ninety years old today. I went to Louis R. Wells to dinner and Lydia Ann who is very seriously afflicted was there and Susan and Hannah also Kate & May [Wells Whitney] we had an excellent dinner and a pleasant time Everything was agreeable afterwards we had a ride up to Federal Heights and came back to the office and looked up on a few things. Sister [Rosaline Lancashire] Leary one of Betsy’s friends died today following an operation,7 I am very tired I had the meeting of the Delegation and we transacted considerable business and adjourned until Tuesday July 6. at eleven A.M. I had an important letter from Mrs. Hollister and sent her a note and also wrote to her at Toronto and worked at my mailing as hard as I could considering what I had to do otherwise, so many things to see to– [p. 172] {p. 160}

22 June 1909 • Tuesday

Today is quite hot but we have done our best Betsy was here and we had many callers, and hindrances, Sister Smith came and I went with her to the Bee Hive coming away I met some strangers from Pennsylvania named Port mother and two daughters, had a long talk with them, and felt I had done a little good at least. Dot and Herman spent the day at the farm had a good visit came home late. Wrote to Sister [Williamina Morrison] Erickson Mt. Pleasant and to Bishop Echersley [Joseph Eckersley] Loa Wayne Co. on business Also to Mrs. Cummings of Toronto about the delegation that are coming here in July [p. 173] {p. 161}

23 June 1909 • Wednesday

Today I went to Louis R. Wells he had invited six of us to dinner Lydia Ann Susan Hannah & myself then Kate and May. It was a fine dinner and pleasant afternoon and afterwards a long ride up to Federal Heights in Nett Culmer’s automobile no very particular news have been busy telephoning sisters to visit Ensign & Liberty Stakes so many are away and others occupied with home duties and Stake work, sent off letter written last evening to Mrs. Willoughby Cummings Toronto Canada wrote letter to Mrs. Martha [Walker] Mayhew, Glines, Utah. Postal card from Dr. Roberts Kirtland Temple on it. visited Whitney House & Whitney Store, Came home usual time but found the house alone. Betsy came later very close & warm music across the way. Jean Spencer was married to day to Morrell [blank] [Morrill N.] Farr– 62 marriages in the Temple [p. 174] {p. 162}

24 June 1909 • Thursday

Went up late rather but had a very strenuous day, was disappointed about Phebe going with Sister [Sarah Jenne] Cannon and had to find a substitute, which required earnestness courage and strength. Had Emmeline & Betsy helping me with mailing and Cavendish part of the time, Heber J. Grant came and got 13 more papers containing In Memoriam of his mother’s death.8 John Q. has been in two or threes.9 Mrs. Jennings first caller a pleasant hour or so, Susa Y. Gates in the afternoon, telling me of her trip East and about Charlotte Perkins Gilman, who has now a handsome home in New York City and her daughter with her is an artist etc. Letter from Rigby Idaho about wheat answered also one from Ogden Stake about washing and anointing the sick and expectant mothers. Answered with postal until I can write letter– sent by Lowes etc [p. 175] {p. 163}

25 June 1909 • Friday

<Sister Hale [Sarah McKinney Hales] and daughter Matilda [Hales] came from Bountiful with Br. Hale [Henry W. Hales] dead taking him home to Deseret–> This morning dark a fierce night with thunder lightning wind & so on. Had no sleep scarcely but went off as usual. Letter from Emily S. Richards about Charlotte Perkins Gilman and asking me to do more things for the public, so many callers, Conference in Ensign & Liberty Stakes one yesterday one today. Lula [Louisa Greene] Richards came and invited me to go with her to see Sister Eliza [Norgren] Truelson & told me Sister Truelson remembered me quite well coming with Eliza R. Snow to her home in Malad [Idaho] 30 years ago– I went and had a good restful evening, met new people and enjoyed some fine music Miss Vi [Mary Elvira] Truelson sung “My Faith In Thee,” and Miss Crawford played fine piano selections, Lula read a sketch of Sister Truelson’s life. Went over next door to see Mae Nystrom’s new home, very pretty and comfortable, half-bungalow style– so many events transpiring around. Came home after midnight [p. 176] {p. 164}

26 June 1909 • Saturday

Went up very early worked all day indefatigably did not rest at all. Had many people who wanted things and hindered me. Emmeline and Betsy both there to help mee Heber [J.] Grant came and invited me to go for an Automobile ride at seven. Alice & Lizzie both came to get information about the Triennial in Seattle of the National Council of Women. We prepared their Credentials and signed them, Sister Bathsheba insisted on my going but I am not going at all. When I really desired to go to Toronto I was not encouraged and now when others have been named I am not going to be forced into it when others are ready, it requires clothes and much thought and I am not in the mood. Wrote letters to Mrs. Hollister tonight about the Council [p. 177] {p. 165}

27 June 1909 • Sunday

Worked on the poem Sing us the old Songs wrote one or two letters & several verses [p. 178] {p. 166}

28 June 1909 • Monday

Today I have done quite a lot of work more than usual and feel better satisfied than usual finished up my poem I had been trying to get ready for Old Folks Day and went over to [Charles] Kent’s station showed him two verses came back finished it and took it over also lent him one of my books of poems [p. 179] {p. 167}

29 June 1909 • Tuesday

This is Old Folks day the City is in their hands, and they are being honored especially those from country places, North and South, Bishop Nibley and the Committee are busy Automobiles flying here and there giving them rides John Q. and Annie have fine tables for Pioneer Stake and entertained many from the country– Services were held in the Tabernacle, Bishop Nibley Chairman, speeches songs and music a variety President Smiths was very appropriate, Mayor [John S.] Bransford seemed at a loss though his was written, Governor [William] Spry had notes and made a little better impression– no woman on the speaker’s stand tho’ I really had a conspicuous seat [p. 180] {p. 168}

30 June 1909 • Wednesday

Very ill all night fainting no heart pulsation scarcely and it is Grace’s wedding day I made a great exertion to go and succeeded in dressing and getting to the Temple in good time. H. J. Grant and Augusta Brother [Thomas B.] and Sister [Ruth Blair] Evans and son Jos. Evans the bride Grace Grant and bridegroom Israel [Isaac] Blair Evans Tom & Edna Sloan, Jos. & Mamie Wells Mary Wells Alice Wells Kate Wells Edith Grant Florence Grant Dessie Grant Boyle Breakfast at one o’clock at Tom & Edna’s I sat between Augusta Grant & Joseph Wells 16 at table. Reception after at Dessie [Grant]’s about fifty or more came Sylvester Q. Cannon wife10 and children11 returned to night from Holland 3 children [p. 181] {p. 169}

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June 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1909/1909-06


  1. [1]Rebecca E. Mantle Little died on 29 May 1909 rather than on 5 June 1909. The next day, EBW went to call at the home. (See EBW, Diary, 30 May 1909.) Rebecca Little’s death certificate noted that she died of pneumonia with a contributory diagnosis of general paresis. This is a neuropsychiatric disease caused by an untreated bacterial infection with symptoms similar to dementia, including memory problems and language lapses as well as delusions, hallucinations, and inappropriate behavior that might have been generally classified as insanity. For other diary entries expressing concern for this sister whom they admired and worried about in her last illness, see EBW, Diary, 6 Oct. 1908. (“Rebecca Ellen Little Death Certificate,” 21 Dec. 1903, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/memories/KWVQ-51B; “General Paresis,” Medline Plus, accessed 24 June 2022, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000748.htm.)

  2. [2]Perhaps Annie Hardy Latimer.

  3. [3]Francis M. Pomeroy.

  4. [4]Ursula Hastings Haskell.

  5. [5]The buildings were demolished to make space for the Hotel Utah, which was constructed between 1909 and 1911. (Arrington and Swinton, The Hotel: Salt Lake’s Classy Lady, 9–11.)

  6. [6]Utah Woman’s Press Club.

  7. [7]Rosalind Leary died on 23 June rather than 21 June 1909. Since EBW refers to the same visit to Louis R. Wells on two dates, 21 and 23 June 1909, she may have recorded these entries later and confused the days. (“Utah Deaths and Burials, 1888–1946,” FamilySearch, accessed 7 Jan. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F85J-8JY; “Funeral Notice,” Inter-mountain Republican [Salt Lake City], 27 June 1909, 12.)

  8. [8]“In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1909, 37:52–53.

  9. [9]text: Here EBW conflates “three” and “times”.

  10. [10]Winnifred Saville Cannon.

  11. [11]Julian S. Cannon, Elinor Cannon, and Winfield Q. Cannon.