October 1900

1 October 1900 • Monday

Annual Business Meeting of the N.W.R.S.1 in the Assembly Hall at 2. p.m. Sister Zina presiding‒ both her Counselors and other officers present and money matters gone over fully. Some questions rather impertinent were asked but answered without giving offence‒ several ladies called to talk over matters of importance relating to the work of the Relief Society‒ particularly Sister Louisa B. Benson of Onieda Stake‒ I am so full of work and so exhausted all the time that it is all I can do to keep myself in condition to do the work required with heart and brain. There seems to be so much devolving upon me personally and so little recognition from those who are totally unable to perform their own duties {p. 269}

2 October 1900 • Tuesday

<Dr. [John R.] Park’s funeral in the assembly Hall today at 2 p.m.> Special meeting at eleven A.M. etc to amend by-laws, and President Snow sent L. John Nuttall to tell us to keep the Corporation articles in tact, afterwards we changed the word quadrennial to qu[i]nquennial. At noon we had lunch in the office‒ and Sister M. Isabella Horne pronounced the blessing upon the food. Those present at table were Zina D. H. Young, Jane S. Richards, Bathsheba W. Smith, Sarah J. Cannon, Emmeline B. Wells, M. Isabella Horne Emma Woodruff, Julina L. Smith, Emily S. Richards, Rebecca [Smith] Standring Helena E. Madsen, Susan Grant.

Regular Board meeting after lunch‒ long and very trying the committee who went to see about buying the corner from Sister the L.D.S. College got word that the Church would give us a piece of the Historian’s Office property‒ so we were content {p. 270}

3 October 1900 • Wednesday

Of course we were all elated over the gift of the land and felt we could build now with a good heart‒ each one who spoke to the other of the sisters were greatly delighted with this gift of land, although we all felt that we had earned it by our labors in other ways‒ in helping to build Temples tabernacles meeting and Ward houses and in helping to furnish them etc. We were busy getting ready for our Conference Sister Jane S. Richards was with me the whole day long, and I really devoted my time almost entirely to listening to her long stories of her own experiences, I came home so thoroughly over done with such nonsensical stuff that I needed complete quiet and silence to recuperate my powers of thought and action {p. 271}

4 October 1900 • Thursday

This morning hurried off to the Conference and took my place as Secretary‒ called the roll & read the minutes, and listened to the speeches, attended to business between meetings, read my letters and hurried back without a bite to eat. Such a busy life as totally unfits me for genuine work of merit‒ it seems to me things grow worse in this respect‒ will it ever change? At noon had the office full of people asking for information and wanting explanations made about matters and things. Sister Josie [Coates] Childs of Orangeville told me of her many difficulties among the people there‒ The afternoon meeting was very full and no time really for instruction. I did get some beautiful flowers for decorating the stands & we had excellent singing. {p. 272}

5 October 1900 • Friday

Went to the Tabernacle this morning Seventieth semi-annual Conference of the Church President Lorenzo Snow 86 years of age‒ made the opening address and seemed as young in spirit as forty years ago‒ several others spoke a few minutes and the Spirit was excellent In the afternoon at the close of the meeting we had a meeting of Presidents of Stakes and the officers up stairs in the Lecture Hall of the Salt Lake Business College, the attendance was very large indeed there was scarcely room to sit‒ discussed the building and how we should raise the money to build‒ decided to issue Circular Letters and ask for one third of the money on hand in the Relief Society‒ {p. 273}

6 October 1900 • Saturday

<Q. came home from his Southern trip> Today is the important anniversary of the semi-annual Conference the Seventieth year since it was organized. It is a beautiful day and there are many people in the City from outside places. A number of sisters come to me for counsel and my time seems almost wholly occupied in giving advice to the Relief Society and other public work and interests of women. There seems to be so much that is important to do and to consider and at present we have the election on hand and work to do in the interest of the Republican party, I am more than ever interested in the re-election of Hebe [Heber M. Wells]‒ he has made an excellent record as Governor and I want him to carry the election victoriously {p. 274}

7 October 1900 • Sunday

I attended Conference all day‒ went over to the office at noon Sister Richards came and Br. Doxie [Samuel B. Doxey] the architect who is to plan the sisters hall for Ogden The afternoon services were grand Prest. George Q. Cannon delivered a powerful address and the singing by the magnificent choir was heavenly. I felt the influence powerfully and so must everyone who believed in the inspirational gift of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday evening was given to the Sunday School Union President George Q. Cannon in the Chair or presiding over the vast assembly‒ This morning at the Tabernacle the presiding officers of all the Church organizations were sustained by vote {p. 275}

8 October 1900 • Monday

This is a busy day for me we had two meetings here one for the Building Committee which was rather difficult because of the difference of opinions in regard to the movement. Much time was spent in expressing opinions, and there were many views exchanged all no doubt beneficial‒ it was positively decided to issue a circular letter to all Presidents of Stakes in regard to money on hand. We spend much time in talking over matters and coming to an understanding and it seems positively necessary to do so. There is much going on and the Presidency of the Church seem more occupied than ever before, work of a spiritual nature accumulates as well as that which is more temporal {p. 276}

9 October 1900 • Tuesday

Today most of the Conference people have gone home and things seem to be taking the regular course more than when the City is full of strangers As for me there seems no opportunity to have time to think or to compose anything in prose or poetry and I am so anxious to do that work. I have some very important writing to do, but cannot get the time even to begin it, yet it is something that must be done. I am reading Marie Correlli’s new book “The Master Christian” and find in it so many things that agree with my own private opinions on several subjects. The Fair has been a great success this year my folks got a good few prizes. {p. 277}

10 October 1900 • Wednesday

This day in 1852 was one of the turning points in my life–2 There are days that prove almost epoch in one’s history and this one forty eight years ago was such an one to me. What a wonderful life I have had‒ the half could never be written. I had hoped I might keep this day in some solemn way but things crowd so heavily, upon me I am obliged to submit to the inevitable however much I rebel in my feelings. Perhaps when 50 years have passed I may get the opportunity I so much desire. Even the evening was wholly taken up by strangers so that until nearly midnight I could not have rest my things were put in shape to go to the Temple in the morning and I tried to sleep and dream‒ {p. 278}

11 October 1900 • Thursday

This morning hurried off to the Temple with my robes etc. gave a dollar to the Temple‒ Ort and May came later‒ we attended the morning service‒ Apostle H. [Heber] J. Grant was the speaker. Afterwards we dressed in our Temple clothing and went to the celestial room and from there to the sealing room and the marriage ceremony was performed at the Altar by Bishop John R. Winder although they had been united in marriage 12 years before in Mexico by Apostle Moses Thatcher‒ then we repaired to the Room for [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] and there May officiated after Ort for herself and Zina [Smoot Whitney] and I stood for Emmie and Fannie Adele McBride [Cole]‒ for whom I had been sealed in the Manti Temple July 13, 1888‒ Br. Naisbett sent me “The Master Christian” from England‒ a present {p. 279}

12 October 1900 • Friday

Today I have had many very peculiar thoughts, and feelings, I was as before when officiating for Mrs. Cole very strongly wrought upon and I know she wants to be in communication with her son Frank how I wish he would make an effort to see his mother’s relatives. The Lord has wonderfully favored her in allowing her to receive such great blessings even though she had not gone for herself in her lifetime. John Q. came home this morning from his hunting trip, Tonight Margaret came and stayed all night with me. I would have been lonely without her‒ the wind moaned and sighed so melancholy‒ and I had to sit up and write tho’ Margaret slept. {p. 280}

13 October 1900 • Saturday

Went early to the office and deposited Sister Julia Howe’s ten dollars in the bank these are times of anxiety, it does take courage to pull through them and feel comfortable. I am looking up on the history of suffrage in Utah and trying to get together facts in relation to the work in years gone by‒ it is a Herculean work and one cannot help feeling how little such labor is appreciated by our own women‒ who never lend a hand in any way to assist. but if we were left out they would feel insulted & think they were denied representation in a work where women of other states were made more or less conspicuous so I feel I must do this work whether my efforts are recognized or not‒ {p. 281}

14 October 1900 • Sunday

Wrote letters all morning Zina D. H. Young Jane S. Richards, Bathsheba W. Smith, Sarah Jane Cannon M. Isabella Horne, and to Emma S. Woodruff Julina L. Smith Emily S. Richards and Mrs. E. S. Taylor & Louie B. Felt. Went to Tabernacle‒ sermons by Elder Louis Kelch [Louis A. Kelsch], Anthon H. Lund & Rudger Clawson‒ the sermons were impressive John Q. & George Q. were both there. I came home and soon after Mrs. Wightman and her sister Georgie who is here from Indianapolis came down for a call‒ Then Dot came in a minute and told me of Mrs. [Mary Winters] Freeman’s death, in our own neighborhood her babe was born last evening and she died between one & two today‒ leaves 8 children the eldest 16. she was born at Pleasant Grove. A young girl died in the ward this morning very suddenly with heart disease‒ Emma Sprowl [Sproul] {p. 282}

15 October 1900 • Monday

Today had letter from Mrs. [Lillie Moore] Pardee Canton Ohio, also telegram announcing the birth of a son3 to Daisie Allen making three boys. Reaper’s Club met and elected officers and paper read by Sister Mary L. Morris, on New England‒ Press Club met also at 1/2 past three and made arrangements to celebrate the Annual on the 31st will meet at Mrs. Schiller’s and represent Authors‒ went to State Kindergarten meeting at the office of Supt. of Public Instruction in the City & County Building had lots of callers and much confusion‒ a very hard day for me‒ came home weary but had to prepare copy went over to Dot’s first then home‒ so dark‒ Lucile was with me‒ commenced reading a new book (A Friend of Caeser’s {p. 283}

16 October 1900 • Tuesday

Today was Winnie’s [Winnifred Woods] birthday. she would be, she would be 25 years old were she living; Dear little fragile creature, but now undoubtedly happy and perfect. I have worked very hard all day at my mailing and feel more exhausted than I can describe. Such a nice letter from Daisie written just before her confinement, went to see Annie this morning. The babies are doing fine‒ This is the most perfect October weather‒ a veritable Indian summer‒ warm and sunny. Leaves falling a soft carpet and such beautiful autumnal colors on hill and mountain gardens and everywhere. Several good letters from the sisters one from Louisa B. Benson Whitney one from Sister E. [Elizabeth Robinson] Wall Santaquin and one from Helena E. Madsen Gunnison‒ {p. 284}

17 October 1900 • Wednesday

This morning early had several callers, Sarah Jane Cannon Jane S. Richards Annie L. Johnson E. J. Stevenson and others‒ Worked at the mailing and then made ready for the meeting of R.S. Y.L.N.M.I.A. and P.A.4 At this meeting Mrs. Zina D. H. Young presided. There was a great deal of talking pro- and con and a few motions were carried‒ Committees decided upon and the sisters walked over to take a view of the land selected Sister Minnie J. Snow and Sister Ruth M. Fox went with me to call upon Mrs. J. Ellen Foster at the Knutsford we met there Judge [George E.] Chandler who has been speaking in the State on Republicanism and spent an hour pleasantly in in an informal conversation on the political situation in Utah, Mrs. [Lucretia Houston] Boynton a bright young woman of Wellsville is traveling with Mrs. Foster‒ {p. 285}

18 October 1900 • Thursday

I really tried to get my head level after the confusion yesterday went up in good time, had Sister Johnson then Sister Stevenson‒ then Sister Caine, then Junius Lucile, Annie Miss Sherman and this one and that one until I really could hardly finish my work‒ however I wrote a letter to Ellen at Butte Montana and one to Sister [Anna Young] Duke at Heber and postal to Mrs. Pardee at Canton, Illinois Ohio sent her my Book of Poems for which she had paid, then sent Aurelia Rogers book to Ellen, so felt I had accomplished something worth while‒ also sent off my birthday present for Mell’s 50th. Anniversary a gong of bells Chinese for which I gave four dollars and express seventy five cents‒ {p. 286}

19 October 1900 • Friday

<Charles Dudley Warner died today‒> This morning the wind is very high and indications of a storm, I went to the office awhile then went out and selected a birthday gift for Dot‒ Mrs. Buchholz‒ and went down to her house and took it to her‒ a half-dozen china cups and saucers, her mother and sisters had given her a very handsome writing desk‒ and her father kid gloves and other presents from husband and brothers‒ she is 28 today‒ I took the car back directly and found on reaching town that the Constitution Building had been on fire and there was a serious commotion, but the damage was comparatively light. Mary went home today to stay all night‒ the storm that had been threatening all day came on at evening and soon after I came home grew terrible I did not make a fire and was very cold‒ the wind grew fierce and I became {p. 287} alarmed‒ at last I blew out all my lights and waited here alone for the wind to subside the rain still pouring in torrents and thunder and lightening heavy finally I ventured out and reached Belle’s house.

20 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday Oct. 20. Today has been cold and dismal, I have had many callers, Alfred Lambourne came (the artist‒ other callers, and hindrances, Wrote to Sister Wall of Santaquin asking her to look after Sister Horne who was coming to Conference there and to Sister Childs of Orangeville to ask about the Emery Relief Society Conference Could not go to Mrs. Richard’s reception because of a meeting of the Building Committee and sent cards and a note of apology Meeting at 4.30. Mrs. Taylor, and Ann M. Cannon extra also Miss Aggie [Agnes Stewart] Campbell, called on Dr. Pratt and Miss Parinthia Snow in Constitution Building came home thoroughly exhausted {p. 288}

21 October 1900 • Sunday

This morning was rather dismal‒ looking but grew brighter as the day advanced, I went over to Belle’s and took Eugene the pretty neck-tie I intended to have given him on his 18th. birthday Sep. 14th. Saw Belle, Dot, Lucile Marian and baby Lucile‒ Marian with her grandpa5 carrying his spade into the garden to dig around the rose bushes. he seems to adore the child. I arranged papers of National & International Council, and Daughters of the Revolution. Wrote a letter of congratulation to Daisie and commenced my work on Suffrage in Utah. Went to evening meeting in the 18th. Ward‒ home missionaries joined [Louis C.] Duncan who came home from Europe when I came. I went to Aunt Zina’s to tell her to be at the President’s office tomorrow morning at half-past ten. Dreamed last night of my brothers Manson [J. Woodward] & Hiram {p. 289}

22 October 1900 • Monday

<Mr. Sears was very ill last night folks had been up with him all night suffered terribly> Went off early and reached the office in good time, found cards of new baby Harry [Henry] R. Allen for myself and Belle also letter from Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer, and Mrs. Rich of Morgan and special delivery from Josie E. Childs of Orangeville‒ saw Sister Taylor and heard the report of the interview with Prest. L. Snow very favorable. Callers today were E. S. Taylor M. H. [Permelia Horne] James, Alfred Lambourne, A. L. Johnson and others went to the Republican Rally in the theatre this evening‒ heard George Sutherland & Tom [J. Thomas] Fitch‒ Heber M. Wells presided‒ a crowded house sat with Judge [James A.] & Mrs. [Hattie Baker] Miner‒ Dr. Pratt and myself went to the Vienna café to lunch together, saw Bishop O. F. Whitney there‒ went to the Republican Headquarters for a few minutes think there is a great deal of active work being done {p. 290}

23 October 1900 • Tuesday

This morning I came up very early and tried to get on with my work Sister M. Isabella Horne came to see about tickets callers were Annie T. Hyde Alfred Lambourne, W. H. [William S.] Hedges, M. E. Bassett‒ Mrs. Glines, Julia S. Woolley, L. L. Greene Richards, Levi W. Richards, and several others. I tried hard to manage the Circular Letter but could not accomplish it. Wrote some letters one to Susan Grant about Onieda Stake Conference Went home in the rain and tried to write on the Suffrage Chapter‒ and felt very ill and queer, the wind blew like a tempest and seemed filled with human voices, yet they were like those in dire distress; I dreamed about my little baby Eugene who died in Nauvoo‒ and my heart was bursting with the most intense love‒ {p. 291}

24 October 1900 • Wednesday

Today I have been awfully busy and worked incessantly I wrote to Susan Grant and to Louisa B. Benson and prepared my letter for the Presidents of Stakes and hunted up photo’s and Answers to Questions upon Washing and Anointing also wrote to Sister Wall at Santaquin and sent a dispatch in reference to Sister Horne’s coming there to attend Conference. Read proofs & prepared more copy and felt very ill my head ached badly and my callers were not of the helpful sort. I had cards from Daisie and baby’s name Henry Richmond to be nicknamed Dick. Have had Annie T. Hyde, M. I. Horne M. A. Caine, H. T. Badger, May Anderson Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze and Rachel Grant and Junius and half a dozen others Mrs. M. D. [Helen Langmaid] Moore among the number‒ {p. 292}

25 October 1900 • Thursday

After coming up early I went to see Minnie Snow and my head was awful‒ went up to Sister Mary A. Lambert’s and took some sewing to her‒ Mr. Lambourne came to see me and I gave him a list of names, of ladies I thought could afford to buy his book‒ promised to write a letter of introduction for him later‒ Meeting of Building Committee, Mrs. Jennings reception for the Federation was this afternoon but I could not possibly go. At the meeting I acted as Chairman and presented the plans that had been drawn for me for the house‒ there were Mrs. Dougall, Mrs. Snow Aggie Campbell and Mrs. Richards of my Committee and Mrs. Burnham Olive Derbage and Lillie Freeze besides May Anderson of the P.A. I was completely exhausted {p. 293}

26 October 1900 • Friday

Last night sat up late getting my clothing ready to go to the Temple this morning, slept very little‒ rose early and went off took the name Jemima Treat who married a Chapin some of the other names were Mary and Joanna Treat‒ Emily Cadwell Betsy Brown Dorothy Root Thankful Prior Frances Wells all Chapins in a way; there were 65 women & 7 men went through for the Wells family. We were there until three o’clock and very weary, quite a little sealing was done by Junius & Emily Joseph [Smith Wells] & Annie S. [Sears Wells] Victor [Pennington Wells] and Nett [Susan Annette Wells] Culmer I was urged to go to Ogden tomorrow to speak at a Republican meeting, but had to refuse. Mr. O. J. Salisbury came to see me today, went to Annie’s and spent the evening, Q. is still at Westover‒ gathering fruit had a letter from Verona {p. 294}

27 October 1900 • Saturday

This morning could scarcely make up my mind about dressing for the Birthday party Gen. [Daniel H.] Wells would have been 86 today had he been living. I decided to go in my plain dress from the office‒ did some errands, answered some letters sent off copy of Circular Letter to each of the presiding officers of the Relief Society‒ for approval‒ Sister Smith came to see me later and said she approved. We had quite a talk over the House & its affairs. Afterwards Sister Taylor came and then Julina Smith and Emily Richards. It really seemed difficult to get away. I went early to the party at Lyde’s house and found Annie there, every preparation had been made. The house is very commodious, and soon the family came and about seven the programme {p. 295} begun. The children did beautifully and the tableaux were an excellent feature printed programs with the picture of Daniel H. Wells on the outside had been printed. Prayer was offered by Jos. S. Wells and the program proceeded. Refreshments were served after the exercises were over and when we were ready to go. Rulon S. Wells pronounced the benediction‒ I reached home at 12. midnight, house all alone Mary had gone home to Taylorsville.

28 October 1900 • Sunday

<Olive Hicks the new girl came to night> This morning rose very late and commenced writing. A dismal and windy day I was alone until late in the afternoon Annie came with David and Katharine, George Q. driving, she stayed only few minutes and went over to Belle’s. I have hunted up items and written 12 pages of manuscript. for my Chapter on Suffrage for the 4th. Volume. {p. 296}

29 October 1900 • Monday

During the night a heavy snow fell and this morning the storm was still heavy and one dreaded to go out. Intensely cold too for the time of year, went on with my work and Reaper’s Club met informally at 2 p.m. tho’ only five members were present‒ callers today C. C. R. Wells M. A. Caine, Emily S. Richards & several others‒ one letter today was from The Library of American Literature‒ (Bureau) Chicago asking for material to use in books to be published; finished up lecture for Cleofan and tonight am going on with Suffrage Chapter‒ very dismal night the two girls6 are both here. Must answer Mell’s letter‒ wrote letter to Mell and sent Magazine D.A.R. and Colonial Dames book also Utah D.R. Constitution & Madame [Kathleen O’Meara] Mohl‒ read Eleanor in November Harper’s. saw the new moon over right shoulder. {p. 297}

30 October 1900 • Tuesday

<Mr. O. J. Salisbury called and left his card‒ for the third time.> This morning Sister Brockbank came very early and told me some of her troubles, she is unlike her mother in many respects, but yet a very fine woman. I am very sorry she takes life so hard. Kate Hall finished my paper very roughly though and after a severe struggle with this one and that one I attempted to dress in the office for going to the Cleofan Visitors seemed to pour in upon me and hinder my time away. At last I started off and was in fairly good time, read my paper and felt quite well satisfied with it considering. The Club met at Charlie’s [Charles H.] Wells house and after the meeting adjourned tea and cake was served to the ladies. I bought little Lucile a cloth rabbit she is a year old today. Dr. Pratts mother7 is very ill‒ suffers great pain {p. 298}

31 October 1900 • Wednesday

<A very good letter from Em.> This is the annual meeting of the Press Club and I have been all day trying to get others to do something creditable‒ I felt very much upset by a letter that came to Belle and Septimus‒ Annie came up with Cavendish to have his teeth treated. I have been here and there looking up on books and trying to get things fixed. sent off Madame Mohl to Mell and some other matter‒ I had a dream about Belle that her yard was full of great fat turkeys and 2 peacocks strutting about. among them also many fat hens‒ I told her this morning. Went to Press Club at Mrs Schiller’s house‒ pleasant affair‒ had the character of Marie Correlli and received a letter from Margaret Fuller Ossile‒ written by R. B. P. [Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose] I wrote to Beatrice Horridan [Harraden] Mrs. Schiller. Saw Mr. Salisbury today‒ {p. 299}

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October 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-10


  1. [1]National Woman’s Relief Society.

  2. [2]On 10 October 1852, EBW married Daniel H. Wells, becoming his sixth plural wife. (EBW, Diary, 1862 or Later, “Births”; Madsen, Intimate History, 504; “Wells, Daniel Hanmer,” in Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1238.)

  3. [3]Henry R. Allen. (Henry Richmond Allen, Birth Record, 15 Oct. 1900.)

  4. [4]Primary Association.

  5. [5]Septimus Wagstaff Sears.

  6. [6]Olive Hicks and Mary Piepgras. (EBW, Diary, 17 Sept. and 28 Oct. 1900.)

  7. [7]Esther Mendenhall Bunnell. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 235A, accessed 24 May 2021, https://www.familysearch.org.)