February 1916

1 February 1916 • Tuesday

<Cavendish Cannons birhday> This month is one which has ben the birth month of some celebrated men. George Washington & Abraham Lincolm [Lincoln]– it is the odd month in whch there are odd days and hours whn in four yearrs th[e]y make up losst time by one more day {p. 64}

2 February 1916 • Wednesday

Tday is very stormy and disagreeable and it is not good to go out in– we feel best to sit by the firee and in a mood of reververie [reverie] rather than rejoicing yet we have much reason to be grateful to our Fathr in heaven for his blessimgs to His people I [illegible] {p. 65}

3 February 1916 • Thursday

Today is our meeting we sometimes dread not knowing what will take place, but Lucile is very ill and Isabel may not come up– she is very much occupied and has to be very careeful about herr arm meeting was very good indeed & satisfactory1 {p. 66}

4 February 1916 • Friday

I went down to Emm’s and had a fine evening tho the ride was verry cold, this morning came up late and found a leetter from Ida [Bowman] Smith President of R.S.2 British Mission It w[a]s a very good letter

and as it it is Pres. Penrosee birthday I sent him a boo[k] of po[e]ms Tennyson handsmely bound {p. 67}

5 February 1916 • Saturday

This is a busy day so mucch going on and also raini[n]g but I am never prevneted form going ouut even by heavy storms so as usu◊al I go in and out, I am staying at the Hoetel and do not feel at all happy to get up on Sund[a]y fast day {p. 68}

6 February 1916 • Sunday

I went to Fast meting in the Tenple and President Smith spoke at some length bearing a strong testmony, there were six of the Apostlees presesnt– at the meeting went to Jode [Joseph S. Wells]’s & sacramnt meeting in the aftenoon & thn to the evening meeting in the 20th. Ward {p. 69}

7 February 1916 • Monday

Cane over late & found all as ussual here at the officee the confusion and bustle and coming and going damp weather and my feet always wet I am not feeling well have been t[r]ying to write a poem {p. 70}

8 February 1916 • Tuesday

I am sure thiis is not practical weather the sun never shines any more yet conditions are comfortable and I have had a letter from England last Friday that pleased me very nuch I took it to the Bee Hive and left it wth Julina to show to President Smit [Smith] {p. 71}

9 February 1916 • Wednesday

A very dull day had many callerrs Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards left for California and expecets to be away a few weeks, all is well heree and on the meeting day I intend to cut the wonderful cake whetherr Emm. is sicck or not– she cannot be mu[c]h longer {p. 72}

10 February 1916 • Thursday

This is an importan[t] day early this morning Mr. Martineau called me at the Hotel and informd me Emm had a baby girl born at 8 o’clock3– all well as possiible under the circumstances. There is always so much going on here that it is scarccely possiible to tell what is worth while to rec[o]rd orr what no[t] {p. 73}

11 February 1916 • Friday

I came over early and Isabel soon came in from the Tenple and I had breakfast and went out to seee Emm’s baby we were after seeing Emm. went to seee Winnifred [Smith Cannon] Den [Daniel Cannon]’s wife and then back h[o]me and Annie had just left tu[r]ned bak with me {p. 74}

12 February 1916 • Saturday

Abraham Linclon [Lincoln]’s birthday today and many are celebrating Baby is gettng along fine and we are all del[i]ghted that thngs have come on so well so much hair the little one has, I am busy as ususual, there is much to bothr me, m[e]antime Annie is troubled about Miss [Maud May] Babcock’s offen[se] [office?]4 She is so weary that it is painful to think any one couuld be so crueel & unfeeling {p. 75}

13 February 1916 • Sunday

I rose late but went to the meeting in the Assmbly hall Steph [Stephen]. L. Richards spoke thn President Smith spoke with great power spiritualley– rem[i]nded me of the P[r]ophet Joseeph [Smith] more than ever before I went up to Emeline [Y.] Wells and had dinner then we went to see Talitha Smiith [Free Smith] whose acciident was so terrible some time ago then to the evening meeting in the 11th. Wa[r]d {p. 76}

14 February 1916 • Monday

This monng [morning] I [c]ame over late and things crowded very much but I had a little reading by Isabel– she is not well and Susa Gatees [Young Gates] is also ill– however I did not acomplish much and had no one to help me no letters from my friends I called in the Primary rooms May Anderson is ailing quite seriously {p. 77}

15 February 1916 • Tuesday

I had a bad night & feel badly this morning I am going to attend the Friendly Club at Mrs. Lymn [Lyman]’s by invitati[o]n– the ladiees are all quite up in their work– celebrated Sarah by speeeches readings etc. delicious lunch was served and many things said that were instructiive. went to see Emm afterwards came home very [illegible] {p. 78}

16 February 1916 • Wednesday

The usual things at the officce and very cold and not much ambition went down to see Emn and baby came out rather disappointed Mr. Martineu came home and asked mee to stay– and have dinnerr but I felt I neeed not So mny things arre on the [illegible] for mee went to the Press Culub [Club] at the Social Hall and was presented with a handsome book and all the ladiees {p. 79} reprsnted great authorrs Anniee Madame du [Germaine de] Stael Ellis R. Shipp Mrs. [Felicia Browne] Hemans Mrs. [Mary Francis Kelly] Pye Mrs. [blank] Mrs. [Maria Banks] Francis Presented me with a basket of flowers as well as the book many honors seem to come late in life better late than never– Alice [L.] Reynolds came {p. 80} and stayed all night

18 February 1916 • Friday

today we had meeting and the sisters talked of my celebration I do not kn[o]w what was decided upon but somethng good I am quite sure I had an important letter from England and took it up to Julina hwever I am surre it will be unique and do not troudle [trouble] about the affaiir at all {p. 81}

19 February 1916 • Saturday

Isabel read some to me and thn Mrs. [Margaret Mitchell] Caine c[a]me and we had supper and thn went to the Theatrre and I was so weary I could scarceely sit thro’ the play came home and talkd over matters and went to bed {p. 82}

20 February 1916 • Sunday

Tday I have not been well had no importan[t] letters one fron Emma Barnes Lake Heron one from Mrs. Philip More [Eva Perry Moore] of St. Louis [Missouri] Presidnt N.C.W.5 This evening went to the Junior Sons & Daughtrs Rvolutin [Revolution] many tributees paid to me by the children good musice and good speaking Sister Maria Carruth came {p. 83}

21 February 1916 • Monday

I have made a mistake in dates today is Monday whereas I have counted it as Sunday I hope I shall not again make such an error Went down to Emmm today and we talked of the baby name but Em was rather nervoous, she favored Gene [Jeanne] and I did not it is all right for bady [baby] but not for {p. 84} a won [woman]

22 February 1916 • Tuesday

Ramona birthday Have been to Br. [Harold R.] Smoots home– who married Rhea Nibly [Nibley]6 th[e]re were present Julina & May Smith, R. N. <Rbeecca [Rebecca]> Nibley Mrs. John [T.] McDonald [Amelia Crossland McDonald] Sua [Susa] Y. Gates Amy B. Lyman Maria [Burnham] Winder Rachel [Evans] Campbell The menu was vry good and the party enjoyable nothing unpleasant took place and all semed very happy

Had a delightful experience with a lecturer am to hear him tonorro[w] night {p. 85}

23 February 1916 • Wednesday

Today wnt down to see Emm and the nwe baby, it is not yet named– th[e]y cannot decide but hope th[e]y will soon– it is a beautiful child with lots of dark hair I stayed until Winnfr[ed] came and Mrs. W cane hone just as I was leaving I was very cold– evening {p. 86} wnt to the Theatere & took Margaret Cainee

24 February 1916 • Thursday

Tdy [Today] is our meeting but we are not doing much because the [com]mittee for my birrthday celebatin [celebration] are meeting to take [talk] over their affairs and Clarssa [Clarissa] is ill and not able to come, She is suffering with throat trouble I have had a vry few letters of lat[e] {p. 87}

25 February 1916 • Friday

Things are moving rapidly. An Auto came early to take me with a few others to the Capitol7 to see the Govenor8 about some action he was taking on certain matters p[e]nding and he was most gracious but Mrs. Shingler [Shugler?] who is about to is[s]ue a magazine wanted our pictures taken by the Builaing [Building] for her m[a]gaazinee {p. 88}

26 February 1916 • Saturday

We are to go at one oclock to see Augusta [Winters] Grant at her new [own?] home She had a fine affairr excellnt refeshments Isabel and Annie both went Julina took me also Amy and brought us all bak to the Hotel I took Margaret Cain to supper afeter we came home– {p. 89}

27 February 1916 • Sunday

Slept well and rose in go[o]d tine [time] wnt to the Assembly Hall, a very gool [good] meeting Mr. Mllerr [Austin P. Miller] of the L.D.S. College spoke I was to go to Annie and stay all night but th[e] storm prevents me One becomes so weary of trying to make varieety in one’s daily life that one falls back upon daily scenarios {p. 90}

28 February 1916 • Monday

The day was gloomy and snow fell but Katharine [Cannon] came and all changed and gloom dispelled before the sunshine of her pr[e]ssence sh[e] is indeed typi[c]al of brightness; like the sunshine, her personality is wonderful and she read well poet[r]y etc. she read Tennyson’s In Menoriam [Memoriam] and Lngfellow [Longfellow], and we had supper dwn stairs together {p. 91}

29 February 1916 • Tuesday

This morning telegrams came from Countetss of Aberrdeen & Mrs I am completely overwhelmed with gifts and with Love We are all exhausted with the party and I am really hngry for some of the good things to eat that we had today– I love intellectualiity and there was little of it tod[a]y yet much music & wit etc. {p. 92}

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February 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1916/1916-02


  1. [1]At this meeting, Clarissa S. Williams presented her report on the National Council of Women meetings in Washington, DC. EBW was likely very interested in the details of the council actions. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 3 Feb. 1916, vol. 7, 14–17.)

  2. [2]Relief Society.

  3. [3]Jeanne Martineau.

  4. [4]It is not clear why Maud May Babcock’s action would trouble Annie Wells Cannon. It is possible the issue was political since Annie had completed a term in the legislature from 1913 to 1915. In her 1917 diary, EBW refers to pleasant relations between Annie and Maud Babcock. (See EBW, Diary, 11 Mar. 1917.)

  5. [5]National Council of Women.

  6. [6]Rhea is an error. Alice Nibley Smoot, Rhea’s sister, married Harold R. Smoot.

  7. [7]The Utah State Capitol was erected between 1912 and 1916. It was formally dedicated on 9 October 1916. (“Dedicate New Capitol Monday,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 8 Oct. 1916, [50]; “Opening of Capitol Takes Place Today,” Salt Lake Tribune, 9 Oct. 1916, 14.)

  8. [8]William Spry.