February 1901

1 February 1901 • Friday

This morning many things to put away and settle up‒ and it is my grandson’s birthday Cavendish is six years old today and I hope to get him something pretty and go down to dinner. A meeting of the Utah State Council of Women assembled here today and decided on Memorializing the Legislature about the 16th. Amendment to Congress‒ Afterwards I made myself ready and went out to look for a present for Cavendish but had to settle on a simple necktie for him of gay colors. I reached there in time for dinner and spent the evening Q. & Louise both went out to parties, and as John Q. was away Annie and myself were alone with Margaret, Daniel [H. Cannon], Emmeline Cavendish Katharine and the twins, Emmeline came home with me to stay all night. {p. 68}

2 February 1901 • Saturday

Went up early to the 13th. Ward to attend the Annual Meeting of the State Kindergarten Association, paid my annual fee for this year. Had lots of callers, Jane S. Richards L. John Nuttall, Rachel Siegel Bertha Bamburger, Sarah J. Cannon Martha [Stringfellow] Morris, Fanny Woolley Lydia Ann [Alley] Wells Ann C. Burtosh [Cutliffe Bertoch] & daughter Miss Hall, Mr. Benson, Wrote a number of letters, answered many questions, and did a number of errands. Mrs. H. S. Young [L. Georgianna Fox Young] came about Committee work before the Legislature. I was late in reaching home and too much fatigued to even go over to see Belle[.] Annie Louise & Cavendish have been in today to see me {p. 69}

3 February 1901 • Sunday

Heavy snow last night and this is Temple Fast Day. I was up early and off in time, sat in the usual seat behind Sister Smith and by Sarah Jane Cannon. Presidents Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F. Smith were present Bishop J. R. Winder presided‒ Hymn ‘Lord we come before thee now” prayer Jos. E. Taylor, sung God moves in a mysterious <way> speakers were L. L. [Louisa Lula] Greene Richards, Vilate [Douglas] Romney, Elizabeth [Downes] Langton [blank] Beebe1 Clara [Woodruff] Beebe Adolph Madsen, Mary [Francis] Kelly John Galligher [Gallacher] Elizabeth J. Stevensen, Julia [Gutke] Brixon Helen W. Woodruff Nellie C. [Ellen Colebrook] Taylor C. C. R. [Caroline Curtis Raleigh] Wells Ann M. Cannon Zina H. [Hyde] Bull M. C. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, Lizzie [Elizabeth Ogden] Decker Lizzie McDonald Rob [Robert P.] Van Dyke “Who are these arrayed in white[”] Anthon H. Lund, Jos. F. Smith George Q. Cannon, sung Doxology & prayer by John Henry Smith‒ John Q. had the chills today {p. 70}

4 February 1901 • Monday

Went to see Bishop Whitney with Mrs. Sal Siegel and talk about vaccination‒ Susa came from Provo this morning is writing a sketch of my life for King & Queens of the Range Kansas Mo. Meeting Reaper’s Club‒ paper by Georgie [Lucy Georgiana Fox] Young [on?] Hawthorne‒ paper by Annie T. Hyde on the 19th. Century from January McClure’s good attendance‒ I went to Mrs. Hill on 5th. East St. she has promised to make my new dress. Had many callers and came home early very weary and found Nellie gone her sick sister and little one to help. A bird flew in last night‒ some say a bad omen we shall see if it be or not. Wrote to Mrs. [Hannah Johnston] Bailey of Maine and Susan B. Anthony long letters Felt very weary and full of pain. {p. 71}

5 February 1901 • Tuesday

This is Bishop Newel K. Whitney’s birthday, and he would be one hundred and six if he were living‒ had a call at the Governor’s office this morning and then went to the Prest. office for R.R.2 Ticket for Mrs. E. J. [Emma J. Holman] Bennett‒ meeting at 3. Utah State Council and Committee meeting of P.A.3 after‒ then dressed and went to Mrs. Siegel’s to dinner‒ had a fine dinner and then Mrs. Siegel presented me with a silk waist pattern Persian pattern‒ and a pair of kid gloves. Mrs. Bamberger came over and we had a pleasant time‒ came home alone at half-past ten. Sat and read a little while and tried to rest my brain. I am so anxious to hear from my dear ones in Idaho {p. 72}

6 February 1901 • Wednesday

This morning went up and tried to get to work but was greatly hindered‒ finally Mrs. H. S. Young and Mrs. W. S. McCornick came and we went down to the Legislative halls and first called on Mr. [Andrew C.] Nelson Superintendent of Public Instruction and talked of what we wanted done in Kindergarten and in Domestic Science and then went in to the joint session of the Legislature to hear the Eulogies on Dr. J. [John] R. Park by E. [Edward] M. Alison and Bishop O. F. Whitney– There was quite a severe storm but we got back all right and I worked so diligently in the office that it was an outrage and I came home exhaused exhausted to the degree of giving up. {p. 73}

7 February 1901 • Thursday

This morning went up in good time Mrs. Young was on hand to be prompt with the bill but I had sent mine last evening to Mr. Alison. I also wrote a letter to Hebe to try to encourage him and sent it by a messenger‒ made the office ready for the meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution and left an excuse and went over to the Dedication of the Latter day Saints College Building just recently completed. The exercises were conducted in the Lecture Hall where I had spoken to the girl students. Prest. Lorenzo Snow & President George Q. Cannon were there Prest. Snow made an address Geo. Q. offered the dedicatory prayer‒ singing was good and fine selections Prof. [Joshua H.] Paul carried himself well & did finely & Evan Stephens {p. 74} <had charge of the music>

8 February 1901 • Friday

A terrific wind was blowing this morning so nearly a blizzard that one could scarcely venture out‒ cars were hindered by snow-drifts and even on the way up <town> had to be cleared away. I went to the office first and then to the annual meeting of the Kindergarten Association in the 13th. Ward‒ where I stayed until time to go to the Temple. John Q., Annie, Louise, Emmeline, Cavendish and myself were there the only other Wilford Woodruff [Jr.] son of President [Wilford Woodruff]4 Emmeline’s baptism was beautiful in her own white flannel robe & her dear little slender white figure it was very impressive, the great bronze font on the bronze oxen‒ afterwards we went to the Office of the President of the Church and she was confirmed by President Jos. F. Smith and those laying on hands with him were Bishop [Albert W.] Davis and Henry P. Richards & her father. {p. 75} then I went to Sister Stevenson’s birthday party‒ there were at table Zina D. H. Young who asked the blessing, Jane S. Richards & Bathsheba W. Smith‒ Julia C. [Cruse] Howe, Maria W. [Richards] Wilcox, Maria Y. Dougall, Annie T. Hyde, Romania B. Pratt Julia P. M. [Murdock] Farnsworth, Emma S. [Smith] Woodruff Emily S. Richards, Julina L. Smith Elizabeth J. Stevenson & Emmeline B. Wells‒ these were the ladies present‒ the dinner was very fine and altogether the whole affair‒ I gave Sister Stevenson a Birthday Book in which we all wrote our names. Left the party and went down to Annie’s to spend the evening‒ stayed all night gave Emmeline, a plaid dress pattern‒

9 February 1901 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 9. was late getting up and found much to do and to get ready for meeting of State Council many ladies came and prolonged discussion over memorial to the Legislature. Wrote a letter to President Snow and to Miss [Jessie] Neel & Daisie [Dunford Allen] came home weary exhausted and troubled did some writing and reading. {p. 76}

10 February 1901 • Sunday

Stayed in bed to rest until late‒ then went to the Tabernacle, Henry [S.] Tanner was the first speaker then Brigham Young & afterwards Geo. Q. Cannon[.] came home and did some writing the day was sort of misty. {p. 77}

11 February 1901 • Monday

Today tried hard to do a lot of work and finally the Ladies Council Committee met and went over the important matters of the petition to the Legislature. {p. 78}

12 February 1901 • Tuesday

I had promised to go to Provo to the Bazar of the Y.L.M.I.A.5 of the 4th. Ward with the Governor but had to attend a meeting in the office at 10.30 and then go to the dress makers to have my dress tried on‒ then hurried off to get a cup of tea & when a Committee Meeting of the P.A. was in session the Governor called with a carriage and we drove to the depot, we were met in Provo by [A.] Inez Knight and went to Jesse [Knight]6 house and stayed until 8 then to the Bazar‒ looked it over and at 10. or 11‒ banquet <exercises> began with toasts <music> after that speeches in which I made one and then banquet where we had to respond to toasts. After midnight {p. 79}

13 February 1901 • Wednesday

Slept at Susa [Susan Young] Gates in the Library went to bed about 3. A.M. Hebe went up to the Asylum, had a talk with Susa about Washington affairs and the inauguration, she is invited by Mrs. J. Ellen [Horton] Foster to respond to a toast at the banquet of the Woman’s Rep. Ass’n National Chauncy M. Depew the guest of honor. went to the insane Asylum and through it had banquet in the Chapel and then to the B.Y. Academy where there was music and speeches, then home on the train‒ and came to the office in carriage with the Governor‒ {p. 80}

14 February 1901 • Thursday

This morning went to see Annie little Abram [Abraham H. Cannon] has been sick did a lot of mailing, went up to Mabel Sanborne [R. Mabel Young Sanborn]’s to see about a girl for Annie had some callers but the ladies had been told that I was gone for some days It does not seem like Valentine day to me, not as it always has before I am so behind with my work I feel nervous and have not the strength to do much myself and the girl7 is half-sick which is very annoying, She has gone out to night and I am here alone but too weary to enjoy the quiet‒ I have before me the faces of those unfortunate women at the Asylum {p. 81}

15 February 1901 • Friday

<Dr. [Karl G.] Maeser’s sudden death was the first news this morning> A fine morning and O so busy visitors Jane S. Richards, L. L. Greene Richards, Sarah J. Cannon, E. J. Stevenson, Annie T. Hyde, Jessie Neel Margaret & Katharine Cannon editorial to write proofs to read and mailing to finish such a lot of questions to answer. Sister Mary E. Gardner son and daughter from West Jordan a new subscriber for the paper and a new President of the Society‒ Miss Swann8 was very polite about the telephone etc. I intended going at evening to see my sister but felt too weary Gershom [B. F. Wells] came with the Governor’s letter telling me I was to be sure and go to Washington to the inauguration of President McKinley {p. 82}

16 February 1901 • Saturday

This morning went up in good time after seeing Belle‒ Mrs. Bennett from Idaho came and spent some hours talking with me over Relief Society matters, Annie came and Cavendish, Charlotte Wilson came from Hunter, Miss Katz and Miss Madsen, and several others. In the evening about 5, I went to the Cannon House to see my Sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings]‒ found her much better and more cheerful‒ told her Ellen [Woodward Fuller] would be here on the 20th. I asked her about the house where I was born and she described it‒ all of us nearly were born in the same house and the same room South East front room North East room was the parlor‒ asked her to draw the outline– Emily Read & M[r]s. Hagar came and spent an hour with me at the office {p. 83}

17 February 1901 • Sunday

Rose fairly early went over to see Belle and the folks, Marian is there and Will, Dot & Lucile came to dinner‒ Margaret came down and brought David‒ I went to the Tabernacle, Br. Robert Sherwood who has returned from his mission to England spoke a short time, then young Lyman [Francis M. Lyman Jr.]‒ then President Angus M. Cannon, singing was “Lo, the mighty God appearing” prayer Elder C. [Charles] J. Thomas, sung Earth with her ten thousand flowers, last [“]Our God we raise to thee”– benediction C. W. Penrose[.] Young Lyman was possessed of a queer spirit, something uncanny. Osburn [Osborne J. P.] Widtsoe and his mother9 and Aunt10 called at the Templeton, he has come home from the Society Islands. Letter from Mrs. [Jennie Judge] Kearns <I> wrote to her and Mrs. [Frances Humphreys] Gaffney Mell‒ Mrs. [Elizabeth Conant] West of the Maccabees‒ {p. 84}

18 February 1901 • Monday

This morning went up early meeting at 11 A.M. of Kindergarten Committee‒ Mrs. McCornick and Mrs. [Georgiana Fox] Young‒ finished editorial matter and read my letters one from Daisie and one from Senator Kearns Washington D.C. and others Reapers Club at 2. p.m. extra good attendance. Wrote postals to Building Committee also Kindergarten Com. and read proof etc. Mrs. Joe [Joseph S.] Hyde [Janette Acord Hyde] called to enlist my services in getting her husband appointed land commissioner and Mamie Cannon came on Daughters of the Revolution business. Wrote Fanny Graehl Brigham and Harriet [Lee] Whitby Marion, Idaho. the Governor called I showed him the letter from Washington and we decided to call on Mrs. Kearns tomorrow {p. 85}

19 February 1901 • Tuesday

This morning had to go to the Dressmaker’s Mrs. Hill 516. S. 5th. East mud very deep‒ meeting at the office at 3. p.m. and quite a number of people came‒ much discussion over many matters‒ Aunt Zina Sister Smith Sister S. J. Cannon Sister Emma Woodruff Emily S. Richards, Julina L. Smith and Julia P. M. Farnsworth‒ I had to work very hard to get my paper ready and was in doubt about many matters was to call with Hebe but he could not go to Mrs. Kearns {p. 86}

20 February 1901 • Wednesday

Susa came in as usual full of suggestions and wanted me to go to Prest. Snow which I did after some time and we had a lovely talk with him about our trip, he was most agreeable and manifested great interest in the occasion advised us by all means to go and do all we could in the trust of the Church in general, he talked very freely and looked almost as tho’ transfigured his eyes were bright, form erect, and his whole bearing that of sublime and perfect manhood Went with the Governor to call on Mrs. Kearns, had a very pleasant call and went back to the office to work‒ home late and sat up nearly all night {p. 87}

21 February 1901 • Thursday

This morning hurried off again saw Susa and had a talk about many things, went out on business and about 3 to the President’s office and President Joseph F. Smith and Anthon H. Lund set us apart Prest. Smith set me apart and gave me a wonderful blessing‒ among other things he prayed that the Lord would give me favor with men‒ and that seemed remarkable Br. Lund blessed Susa and both of us were promised to go in peace and return in safety and every word was encouraging. Stayed and worked late and had some work accomplished, looked up Receipt books and accounts {p. 88}

22 February 1901 • Friday

In the morning went to the D.R. at Claire [Clara] Clawson’s fine decorations and good paper by Mrs. Farnsworth did nothing unusual except in the way of work several people called to say Good Bye. I wanted very much to see Aunt Zina but could not get there, it was quite impossible I made ready all that I could in the office and saw the Governor and Gershom‒ Mrs. Cannon came promised to do all she could in my absence and I saw Bishop Whitney, Martha [Harris] Wells came in and several other women‒ tried to get off mail etc. {p. 89}

23 February 1901 • Saturday

Went up early and over to the meeting of the daughters of the Revolution at Claire Clawson’s, Mrs. Farnsworth gave a paper on Valley Forge, and the decorations of the room were superb‒ then went round doing errands and to the meeting of the educational committee. have had many callers the Governor Miss Katz Edna Sloan, Annie, Louise, Ort, and many ladies Mrs. Siegel‒ my sister11 came from the North this morning which complicated matters a little she went to see Lucy and then came back to the office I had many things to see to and arrange Emeline [Young Wells] came and promised to keep the office for me, which was a great relief. called at Annie’s and at Dr. Pratts a minute {p. 90}

24 February 1901 • Sunday

Rose very early at 4 o’clock and made the fire and began putting up my things & dressing called Alice, and she made me a cup of tea and some toast and then I read a little and talked to my sister and a gale blew up and hail came down furiously and it was very dark and looked ominous but finally the storm blew over and the carriage came and Gershom with it and off we went to the depot and were early Mrs. Kearns and company had not arrived but came soon and off we set very agreeable morning and lunched about Granger very fine had a long talk with Rudger Clawson on the train {p. 91}

25 February 1901 • Monday

Journey tedious children not well, Mrs. Kearns ill, her mother12 not well‒ tried to write but no thoughts would come suitable to such an occasion and so gave up and wrote to Annie did not feel very well {p. 92}

26 February 1901 • Tuesday

We arrived in Chicago and went to the Great Northern Hotel where Mrs Kearns took a parlor for the party, we had breakfast together in the handsome dining room and then I telephoned to Mr. [Theron R.] Woodward and to George Snider [George E. Snyder] and finally George came and I had a little talk with him he told me Lucy was to be cremated in Chicago and her ashes put in an iron box. On the train Penn R.R. wrote my article sat up late to finish‒ {p. 93}

27 February 1901 • Wednesday

This morning we passed a wreck somewhere about Fort Wayne Indiana, and it made us an hour and a half later met with Mrs. Siegel and her boy Horace [U. Siegel] on the train and by and bye we went into the same car with her, she got off at Baltimore and we kept on to Washington. The Senator T. Kearns met us at Baltimore and we had his company until we arrived, then Mr. Oman met us and took us to the Shoreham and he went back to the Capital‒ we had lunch and then went up to our rooms. {p. 94}

28 February 1901 • Thursday

This is my birthday tho’ no one here knows it except Susa last night Susa & myself went to the Republican banquit at the Rigg’s House and Susa made a speech that greatly disappointed me she entirely lost her voice for the moment, there were about 200 people present among whom were many whom we know‒ Mary S. [Smith] Lockwood,‒ Clara B. [Bewick] Colby, Sarah J. [Andrews] Spencer Ellen Spencer Massey Abby Baker Cynthia Westover Aldon [Alden] and others Marshall Parsons & wife, Today went up to the Capital and sat in Senate <Gallery>‒ then to Riggs House in the evening to Whitey Club and the Business meeting of the Press {p. 95}

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February 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1901/1901-02


  1. [1]Probably Ovando C. Beebe.

  2. [2]Railroad.

  3. [3]Primary Association.

  4. [4]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  5. [5]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  6. [6]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  7. [7]Olive Hicks.

  8. [8]Perhaps Mary Swan or Barbara E. Swan.

  9. [9]Anna Gaarden Widtsoe.

  10. [10]Petroline Gaarden.

  11. [11]Ellen Woodward Fuller.

  12. [12]Sarah Pattinson Judge.