August 1909

1 August 1909 • Sunday

Telephone from Dr. R. S. Gilchrist at the Wilson Hotel went immediately to the Hotel and we went to the Bureau [of Information] where we met Mrs. Schultess [Schulthess] who was more than kind to us showed us all around explained everything and then we came back to the office and talked went to Hotel and lunched then back to Tabernacle then to Annie’s in carriage where we had tea and cake and currant pie and talked then to 17th. Ward meeting then to the Hotel again until near midnight– I introduced the two ladies to President Smith and they heard him speak a few minutes I left them late Dr. R. L. G. came to the car with me. I gave them the day. [p. 213] {p. 194}

2 August 1909 • Monday

Today Marian [Buchholz] would have been eleven years old. Dot is very much grieved.1 Will had to go to Bingham the Circus is here. I have written letters to E. [Elizabeth Williams] Layton Thatcher Arizona to Bishop [Stephen S.] Barton Paragoonah [Paragonah] to Bishop [Carl A.] Mattsson Salina to Mrs. Hampton Seattle Letters from LaGrande Mrs. M. E. [Mary Ord] Schofield, E. Layton Thatcher, E. C. [Elvira Crompton] Steele, Iona, Idaho, Ida was here talking of her affairs and Earl her son Cavendish for his music Ellis R. Shipp brought me flowers sweet peas and Marigolds etc. I have tried to do some real work on my copy etc. [p. 214] {p. 195}

3 August 1909 • Tuesday

So weary I could scarcely get home after a day of work Dr. Margaret Roberts invited me to lunch, we went to the Cafateeria on 3rd. South St. and had a delicious lunch. I wrote to Emma Shurts [Emma Norton Shurtz] Central Arizona Rosalie Nielsen Blackfoot Idaho to Mell and to one or two others. Went up to the Bee Hive Julina gave me her photo. I prepared copy and also took the [Woman’s Exponent] papers of 3 years to be bound in Des. News bindery, one lot for Belle one for Annie and one for myself. Hattie Harker and Ben. [Harker] were here and Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall who complimented me on my success as toastmistress at Saltair. I saw Bishop Nibley and chatted with him also John T. Caine, & Margaret A. Caine, Ruth Young Healy Ann M. Cannon Kate Thomas Alfred Lambourne an<d> many more Catharine C. [Culmer] Roberts [p. 215] {p. 196}

4 August 1909 • Wednesday

First thing a young woman came to get the origin and destiny of Woman by President John Taylor2 wanted it for her mother to give a lecture in Mother’s outline gave her some extra copies of the Woman’s Exponents with good articles Brother Mathias F. Cowley he wanted information about his grandmother [Beulah Thompson] Woodruff where she was born, talked of Madame [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford being baptized and sealed to President W. Woodruff etc. Later came Sarah E. Russell of Mexico a writer and old maid and her niece Miss Grey [Mary W. Gray] then word of Lydia Ann dying went up there had supper over at Jode’s [p. 216] {p. 197}

5 August 1909 • Thursday

Today has been very full too went to see Isabel who is going away to California and will leave tomorrow. Ida S. Dusenberry and children go today to Las Angelos [Los Angeles] for the benefit of Earl her boy of 16. who is suffering from nervous prostration, and she expects to come home by way of St. John’s [Arizona] & Snowflake [Arizona] to attend Conferences, Sister Smith was upset to have her go and will be more so if it proves a failure. There are indications of serious results of Lydia Ann’s illness, she has been worse all this week has had to have watchers at night, it is pitiable, and seems too bad to have our circle broken into again by another one going hence Susan seems quite composed notwithstanding their life long association ever since they were born [p. 217] {p. 198}

6 August 1909 • Friday

This morning soon after reaching the office Clarissa S. Williams came and while we were chatting a telephone message came to say Lydia Ann Wells was dying & I immediately answered the summons and hastened up there, but she had breathed her last just before I arrived. I was in time to see all the family and know the particulars– She had suffered so much of late that it was a relief to her to pass away and the folks felt it was so even tho’ they will miss her sadly. The sexton came to do his duty and soon the room was closed. Apostle O. F. Whitney wrote for the Des. News an announcement of the death and after we had talked things over I went back to the office, and felt too depressed to work, then went to Belle’s to say Good Bye to her and came away feeling very sorrowful [p. 218] {p. 199}

7 August 1909 • Saturday

This morning there is news of Naamah Twiss Young’s demise and it does seem strange that a wife of President Young’s and of President Wells should go so near together. Twiss was 88 last March and Lydia Ann 81. on New Year’s day this year. It is gloomy, funerals both decided on Sunday ours at eleven A.M. Twiss at 4. p.m. Lydia Ann’s things are very beautiful and everything will be of the best material. I went up to see Kate & May and Susan this morning and there was more of a reconciled feeling than I had expected. I was there a short time and Kate came out to the car with me feeling quite comforted. I went again at evening and saw Lydia Ann for the last time as I supposed but I may be there early enough in the morning– it seems very depressing I went over to Sister Smiths to let her know about the funeral [p. 219] {p. 200}

8 August 1909 • Sunday

This morning went off early and arrived in time to see the deceased in full dress in the casket she looked very happy and restful much more so than for many weeks past. The flowers were very lovely and the family seemed satisfied All arrangements had been made and we were seated very near. The casket was in the parlor and looked handsome, the mantle of roses and sweet peas the gift of the girls was exquisite. Bishop [George] Romney presided, John R. Winder was the first speaker, then Bishop Romney then H. J. Grant and last President Jos. F. Smith, hymns were Farewell all earthly honors, Resignation and O, My Father and Who are these arrayed in white prayers were Anthony W. Ivins and Nephi Y. Schofield. Afternoon went to 18th. Ward chapel to Twiss funeral Pres. Smith spoke there also and I went to the grave in his carriage with him and Julina and had quite a nice visit with them [p. 220] {p. 201}

9 August 1909 • Monday

This morning to the Des. News first the City is very full of people and coming and going all the time and letters to be answered and my paper to attend to and missionaries to send out3 and one gets really dizzy with all the excitement and fatigue, and yet one must go on and on whatever comes, there really is so much to do and so many hindrances and what seems imperative to do has to be neglected often. I am so weary and yet I try to persevere and do much more than I am able [p. 221] {p. 202}

10 August 1909 • Tuesday

George Reynolds died today and he was such an old friend that it makes one more depressed. I have a letter from Mrs. Maria Ogilvie Gordon from Aberdeen Scotland giving me official notice of my election to Quinquennial Patron of the International Council of Women also Susie Y. Gates– letter from Mell with check for my trip to Spokane and Coeur d’Alene City I have written so many letters of late and have had no replies scarcely Abram H. Cannon a young man died today of Hemorrhage of the lungs, he contracted lung trouble while in Holland on his mission and he leaves a young wife4 bride of a few months [p. 222] {p. 203}

11 August 1909 • Wednesday

Today is the birthday anniversary of Hebe Wells and Charlie Earl. Hebe half a century old, well we are now in the very thick of the G.A.R. encampment and the city very crowded today more of a pageant than any other day, one can scarcely get along the streets, the Living Flag has been given on South Main a number of girls fainted, the heat overcame them. I went to the funeral of Junior as he was familearly called, A. H. Cannon in Pioneer Stake hall. Very sad indeed so young with a young wife and every prospect of happiness. I went over to see Louise after the services were over had supper there and saw the twins by daylight– came back to work as I must hasten if I am to go North to see Mell [p. 223] {p. 204}

12 August 1909 • Thursday

This morning at eleven went to Elder Geo. Reynolds funeral and was very glad to hear B H. Roberts mention his Book of Abraham5 which is certainly a very good work and Meritorious. Prof. Barfoot helped him in that work President Smith spoke afterwards and as on all occasions when he speaks he made some very remarkable utterances. I was very fond of George Reynolds and he was somewhat connected with my affairs in days of Brigham Young more particularly. Carrie S. Thomas and Lizzie S. Wilcox went to North Weber R.S. Conference. Afternoon I went to Sister Laura [Hyde] Miner’s funeral President Jos. F. Smith spoke there also. W. [William] W. Riter was the first speaker, Letter from my sister Delia [Cordelia Woodward Holden] quite sad.6 [p. 224] {p. 205}

13 August 1909 • Friday

Hurried off and found all quiet and peaceful, much the same news of Eastern women and of importance and yet not in accord with my ideas of things, but the day was very noisy and busy and music and bands and veterans calling and fireworks displayed at night watching it from my room is rather pleasant even if tiresome people coming in to look out. A G.A.R. from Ohio today from Carthage a suburb of Cincinnati– introduced by Thos. Dill who in former days had been interested in Mormonism had a sister named Emeline Wells, rather a strange coincidence the man had been a friend of the families of Knowltons and Coreys.7 Went home very late on crowded car [p. 225] {p. 206}

14 August 1909 • Saturday

<Susan Grant came today from Bountiful> This morning Mrs. Wallace of Chicago came to see me, had been here all the week, and so occupied she could not call before, expects to leave tonight for home, I introduced her to J. J. McLeland [John J. McClellan] and took her to the bureau and to Tabernacle to hear the Recital. Sister Julia Brixon [Brixen] went over and sat with her and I hope was nice to her. I finished Lydia Ann’s sketch last night and took it over today, am writing of Sister Miner & find some difficulty in getting data. Emmeline Cannon is here and Ruth Fuller my grand-niece and Virgil Bushman from Arizona to be married in the Temple. I took them to Franklin’s to lunch They went back to relatives at Centreville to night. Betsy came to watch the fire works but too late to see the Living flag– wrote several letters Jode Wells came in to see me Spence Clawson and others. [p. 226] {p. 207}

15 August 1909 • Sunday

Sunday have been writing all day trying to prepare copy for my paper. A cooler day and signs of a storm, thunder etc. Wrote to Ida Dusenberry at Venice [California] Long Beach or Ocean Park telling her about Arizona that they could not have the Conference and it puts us in a dilemma Betsy went to the Tabernacle Nephi L. Morris was the speaker later I went to see Dot and Will[.] Karl Buchholz is here from Arizona on his way home he brought little Lucile from Las Angelos [Los Angeles]– had a nice visit came home at 9.30– now feel I must do some writing. am very weary, did some copy [p. 227] {p. 208}

16 August 1909 • Monday

<Letter from Dr. Gilchrist Ashtabula Ohio took it to Jos. F. Smith> A very hot busy day and no work accomplished only copy still going Annie Lynch was here and I read what I had written about Lydia Ann the couple I had expected came from Arizona and called on me at the office Ruth Fuller[,] Manson [J. Fuller]’s daughter and Ruth [Campkin] Randall’s [grand]daughter[;] Virgil Bushman he is related to Eliza Foscue Lee who is Lu [Lucinda Lee] Dalton’s mother and also Ellen [Lee] Jakeman’s mother & Rose Sutherland’s, she is now in Manti has taken the name of Wells and goes by it. These young people went back to Centerville last night, will come down and go to Annie’s tomorrow night– I took them to dinner at Franklins lower house. [p. 228] {p. 209}

17 August 1909 • Tuesday

Today a lot of mail and work and people, strangers and others Emmeline did not come up, she was helping her mother Virgil and Ruth came and went down to Annie’s for the night going to the Temple in the morning to go through and be married[.] of course I wanted to go and could not– go– Clarissa <Williams> came and then Susa Gates and it seemed impossible to get over to Johnson’s– Mrs. Samantha Brimhall Foley from Mexico called about her Spanish Class and Sunday morning class in Spanish [p. 229] {p. 210}

18 August 1909 • Wednesday

This is Mell’s birthday8 and I felt awfully annoyed to think I could not even get time to write to her how many recollections the day brings to mind of the past when she was born and our conditions [p. 230] {p. 211}

19 August 1909 • Thursday

<sent letter to Maria M. Ogilvie Gordon Aberdeen Scotland> Such a tedious day Susa again with schemes and plans not feasible at all, Phebe too and others. Susa gave me her five dollars to send to the International Council and I went to the Post Office for a foreign money order and wrote a letter and mailed it, wrote to Flo Jamison Miller and to Mell saying I would start Sunday Noon Certainly I must copy all in but proofs behindhand, so much going on Cavendish getting ready to go away with Cadets to Seattle wrote to Mell & C. S. Williams [p. 231] {p. 212}

20 August 1909 • Friday

Went up early no letters except bill for Barratt Hall Mrs. Gilman’s lecture, read proof & and had callers Cavendish came, he goes to Seattle with the high school cadets tomorrow, Emmeline is here helping me, Dot came to see me Phebe Beatie and Lizzie Wilcox had a letter from Verona Joseph Kimball came and then Virgil and Ruth the bride and bridegroom, John Q. came in and one or two others, and the day was very hot, at evening Louise came and the twins and Richard, she brought me a picture of the babies and one for her Aunt Mell– I wrote several letters and sent away Receipts and got through quite a lot of work [p. 232] {p. 213}

21 August 1909 • Saturday

Today went to lunch at Dot’s also Emmeline with me. saw the account of forest fires in the Coeur d’Alene nearly fainted, work still lingering and aggravating almost beyond endurance. Cavendish went off with High School Cadets and Annie & Emmeline were at the station to say Good Bye. I sent off several letters and papers, trying to get off myself as soon as possible. I am suffering in mind extremely, but must endure whatever strain is possible with what resignation and humility I can. There are so many things I want to do and now my allotted time seems so short that I can never do all. I have had many blessings, such as I never expected and yet not the ones I so much desired. I feel I must publish one more book and have tried to save money for it but the money goes and time too. Tonight a terrific thunder & lightning storm no sleep for me– too tired to write or even to read my favorite pastime– [p. 233] {p. 214}

22 August 1909 • Sunday

Sent off several letters yesterday and three postals this morning one to Isabel– one to Ellen C. Fuller and one to Delia M. Holden am in a very nervous state, am going to the Tabernacle this afternoon and to see Amelia Young I went to Tabernacle and heard Apostle Anthony H. Ivins discourse on the Book of Mormon then with Sister Bathsheba W. Smith to Amelia Young’s, had dinner & visited with Amelia & Frank [Frances Folsom] Wallace and Burdett Fulsom [W. Burdette Folsom] her sister and brother and came home in her buggy. Moses Thatcher died last night, in Logan he left a large estate was once an Apostle in the Church, thunder storm today was wet in going to meeting took a long walk since visiting Amelia, feel very weary, Louise Goss is dying, wrote to Dr. R. C. Gilchrist tonight [p. 234] {p. 215}

23 August 1909 • Monday

Went early to the office and had many hindrances callers on various errands and many questions to answer C. C. R. Wells talking of uncommon marriages and printers slow with work– Letter from Aberdeen Scotland of Quinquennial in Toronto Miss Louise Goss Professional Nurse dead from Erisypelas. child of George B. Emery drowned in Jordan river–9 George Q. Jr. very sick Ruby brought him to the Doctor [p. 235] {p. 216}

24 August 1909 • Tuesday

<Benjamin Blodgett Heywood died aged 54.> Today sent telegram to the folks at the Lake10 to say I could not come until Thursday night could not get a berth wrote the same night, paper not yet out no new<s> from North Emily Richards came from New York, callers and callers went over to Johnson’s about the Album, Spence Clawson promised but did not appear– was there hours to arrange [photos], my strength seems gone, my head whirls, made an appointment with Spence to go again tomorrow Susa came to see me and talked of changing conditions and putting women into office instead of men both in City Council and the State [p. 236] {p. 217}

25 August 1909 • Wednesday

We went over and finished a great part of the picture affair bought my tickets and paid for them and lost five dollars a gold piece, hunted everywhere and was terribly upset could not do my work, at evening went over to see Sister B. W. Smith and tell her about going to Idaho, she was very kind and willing, but Sister Merrill was there and spoke against Aunt Presendia [Huntington Kimball] being on the page with the Smiths, and rather annoyed me, I hurried back and wrote one or two letters and went home to fix more names for the album, O, so tired and most unhappy, [p. 237] {p. 218}

26 August 1909 • Thursday

Today is my last at home for some time, Sister Smith came to the office for the order book and John Q. and Spence Clawson were there also one or two more, we were arranging the pictures finally– I am not satisfied but have taken great pains to do what has been done, I hope Emm. and Betsy will be all right until I get back home Went aboard train late car no. 2. Montgomery [p. 238] {p. 219}

27 August 1909 • Friday

<changed cars at Nampa [Idaho]> We were up early and had breakfast also Miss Lucile Friedman a young girl going home to Hailey Idaho after having visited relatives in Salt Lake City a Jewess, we had a good visit with her but not a very nice porter very curt and unobliging, and I had not slept well and that added to my discomfort After we had luncheon I felt some better and we met Mrs. [Mary Douglass] McLellan and had a talk with her, she was going on to Seattle and her mother11 with her This is my daughter Lulu [Louise Wells Cannon]s birthday and she would be 47 years old, how strange it seems to be so long lived and to have seen so much

at Nampa Idaho changed to Guthrie in some respects a better car [p. 239] {p. 220}

28 August 1909 • Saturday

Late train no excuse given by conductors, make us late Jeremiah H. Gilman U.SA credited with ordering the first rifle shot in the civil war died at Oriental Hotel Manhattan beach [California] today 79 yea<rs> tried to get breakfast & could not have time poor little Katharine only had a slice of bread & butter, and we had to pay 1.00, Arrived in Spokane 1.30 C. [Charles] W. Betts, Verona’s husband waiting with a carriage took us to Palmerston Hotel then to dine at Davenports then back to Hotel Mr. B. & Katharine went to see the town then we went for a car ride and to the Palm and had tea Katharine had <ice> cream and then we went for a walk to see the illuminations of the City, got the Atlantic Monthly Sep. No. had a fine bath, and then to bed. Slept miserably bad dreams. [p. 240] {p. 221}

29 August 1909 • Sunday

<wrote from <Spokane> here last night to Sister Bathsheba W. Smith> Went to Davenports for breakfast C. W. Betts Katharine and myself then packed off to the electric train in a carriage for the Coeur d’alene City started at Nine A.M. P 12|When we arrived at Coeur d’Alene City. Will [Woods] was there with his new launch & Tom [S. Thompson Allen]. Soon got to Mells home Beach craft, she was delighted met us at the landing also Daisie and Martin [W. Allen], spent the day Verona came at evening also Dr. France an invalid and his wife Mrs. Hargans played Daisies accompanim◊s she sung for me all the old songs, Dr. Dietrich was with him there, he is an invalid and living out of doors for treatment, they are Christian Scientists and feel he must recover, I am enchanted with the House Mell has built, Bungalow 2 stories on long in front, Verona came on over to say How do you do & was gone in a jiffy Today wrote Emmeline [p. 241] {p. 222}

30 August 1909 • Monday

Have written letters to several one to Annie, to Margaret, to Clarissa to Alice Merrill Horne to Julina L. Smith to Priscilla P. Jennings, Postal Cards to Sarah Jenne Cannon, letter to Mrs. F. [Franklin] S. Richards [Emily Tanner Richards] postal to Kate Wells, visiit and, the sick man his wife Dr. Dietrich and a friend Howard Mc’Bride who used to live in Salt Lake came and had much to say about the young folks he knew when he lived there and was school boy, another one I met was Dr. [blank] I handed the letter from Bishop of Salina to Mell today to read, she was rather shocked and I cannot see how she could help it, She will show it to Will when she thinks best, waiting for a good opportunity [p. 242] {p. 223}

31 August 1909 • Tuesday

<Last day of summer this year> Fully expected Verona all day but she did not come All day reading and visiting with Daisie she had not yet returned from Coeur d’Alene City Today the birthday party for Louise’s twins at the Cannon Farm, they will be ha[v]ing a fine time, hope it will be satisfactory and that all will come whom she has invited, and it will be an event to record and to tell the boys when they are old enough to appreciate it the folks from Dr. France’s camp came over in the evening and we had fine music Of course I enjoy the singing of the old songs my girls used to sing in days gone by, so full of melody and of sweetness [p. 243] {p. 224}

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August 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]EBW’s great-granddaughter Marian Buchholz died on 17 December 1907 at age nine. She was the daughter of Seraph Isabel Sears and Charles William Buchholz.

  2. [2][John Taylor], “Origin, Object, and Destiny of Women,” Mormon (New York City), 29 Aug. 1857, [2].

  3. [3]“Missionaries” was the term given to representatives of the general Relief Society presidency who visited women’s conferences in outlying stakes. EBW kept track of their assignments in “Missionary Record 1907,” and she also noted preparing for their trips in her diaries. (See EBW, Diary, 11 Mar. 1908, footnote 6; 9 Apr. 1908; 18 and 30 June 1908; 17 Aug. 1908; 29 July 1909.)

  4. [4]Bertha Hansen Cannon.

  5. [5]George Reynolds, The Book of Abraham: Its Authenticity Established as a Divine and Ancient Record (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1879). (See Van Orden, Prisoner for Conscience’ Sake, 142–143, 145n32.)

  6. [6]EBW’s sister Cordelia Woodward Holden, who probably suffered from dementia as well as rheumatism, was living in a sanitarium in Swampscott, Massachusetts. (EBW, Diary, 10 June 1899; 8 Dec. 1900; 8 Dec. 1908.)

  7. [7]Howard Coray (1817–1908) married Martha Jane Knowlton in 1841. Martha Knowlton (1822–1881) was born in Covington, Kentucky, across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, Ohio. (“Coray, Howard,” Joseph Smith Papers, accessed 14 Jan. 2021,

  8. [8]text: There is a stroke before the b here, possibly for another letter or a capital b.

  9. [9]Clarence W. Emery.

  10. [10]Daughter Melvina Whitney Woods and family at Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho.

  11. [11]Emma Dixon Douglass.

  12. [12]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.