August 1881

1 August 1881 • Monday

To day has been fearfully hot I went to look for a nurse for Lile, Mrs. Shipley had to leave to attend her daughter1 who is very ill. Mrs. [Martha] Ellsmore has gone Mellie is up there constantly. We are getting ready for Annie to move2 The cow pen is made & the things many of them at least are already come.

2 August 1881 • Tuesday

Annie moved over here today. John Q has left the office. We are all in confusion. Lile is very bad, I rode up there to night with Rob and walked back, the girls came part way. Lile kissed me and called me Aunt Em. I felt very sad when she passed away.3 My faith was poured strong that she would live. [p. 130] {p. 134}

3 August 1881 • Wednesday

Mell sent for me early to help fix Lile. She is put in the ice-box for the dead. The baby took sick today and is not expected to live. Mell is having a hard time indeed. We all feel bad about Lile. Mother Whitney is very ill indeed The weather is very hot John Q. is working hard to get ready to go away

4 August 1881 • Thursday

Went up to help dress Lile– She was in a bad condition but looked pretty well after she was dressed. Funeral was at 4 o clock p.m. at St. Mark’s Church. Mr. [Reynold M.] Kirby officiated. There was quite a large attendance we all went up to the grave– Hannah [Free Wells] was taken sick to night [p. 131] {p. 135}

5 August 1881 • Friday

Lile’s baby is very bad much worse Mell has taken it home 4|it is named Mabel Blanche [Wallin]. at evening I went up and it was dead. Mell could not find me and she washed it and laid it out herself. Mrs. Vandercook came from Ogden. Mell made me feel dreadful bad. Br. Staines was buried today.5

6 August 1881 • Saturday

At nine o’clock A.M. baby was buried. We went up John Q. and Annie went too. Such a busy day. Belle came down at night, brought Lucile & Sep.

She is not very well and Lucile will have to go to the doctors tomorrow. Belle seems very much pleased to be at home once more with us. [p. 132] {p. 136}

7 August 1881 • Sunday

I staid home all day with Belle. John Q. & Annie went out to dinner at his Uncle John [Hoagland]’s– Gustave has gone and Maria began work yesterday. Louie went to meeting. Mr. Sears came and Will & Mell. Percival’s curls are all cut off, Mell feels dreadful bad about it. It is stormy too. Belle intends going home in the morning.

8 August 1881 • Monday

Belle got up and went off by the morning train This is Sister Pratt’s birthday she is 42 years old the ladies have got a ring for her. I contributed but could not go to the party sent her an address.6 John Q. leaves tomorrow there is so much thunder about it is frightful, Hannah is very sick We all feel sad about John Q. [p. 133] {p. 137}

9 August 1881 • Tuesday

We got up early and all came down to eat with John Q. Annie is very heroic indeed, few women would bear it as well as she does. Off he went by the street cars to the depot. I am so sorry for Annie & baby. It has been lonesome today. We all loved him very much indeed.

10 August 1881 • Wednesday

Today is another gloomy day and so hot and so much lightning about. We feel so lonesome. Most of our folks are up the caňon. Dr. Ferguson is getting ready to go away. There are a good many things to be done and I question whether she is doing all for the best rain rain rain [p. 134] {p. 138}

11 August 1881 • Thursday

Went to a meeting in the 21st ward. just poured with rain– had a good meeting and took supper at Mrs. [J.] Fewson Smith’s7 came home on the street car did not get very wet to-day is more pleasant lots of visitors. Keetie [Lucretia] Heywood is very ill dangerous. There has been more deaths this month than ever before at this season.

12 August 1881 • Friday

Louie getting on with her painting pretty well. She is to have a lesson in colors next week. Baby is fine had one letter from John Q. written at Grand Island. Mattie Horne [Martha Horne Tingey] has not yet recovered from her fall on the 5th. Sister Howard is up here for a day or two [p. 135] {p. 139}

13 August 1881 • Saturday

Too busy to go to meeting lots of hindrances. There is a great deal of sickness and the intense heat keeps up. lots of rain and floods in the caňons. The paper is behind time. I have tried very hard to keep it going. Hannah is very sick. I went up after dark to see her, she was much pleased to see me

14 August 1881 • Sunday

Not a very nice day but went to meeting scarce any one there, so many out of town and all the brethren away attending conferences, etc. The nights are very brilliant indeed. the heavens seem illuminated. I have never seen such glorious views. I went to see mother found her much better [p. 136] {p. 140}

15 August 1881 • Monday

Pres. Garfield is in a very dangerous condition there is great excitement many people do not think he will live. Sister Pratt took me for a ride called on Sister [Sarepta Blodgett] Heywood saw Keetie and the young man who was hurt. Miss Claridge has come home from Cotton Wood, and is here with us.

16 August 1881 • Tuesday

Pres. Garfield very bad news that Belle is ill came by telephone, went after Mrs. Newton to go up and wait upon her. Got her off by the train went to the depot with her. I was much affected– a great sob came in my throat, and I could not get it away John Q. sailed this morning on the Wyoming [p. 137] {p. 141}

17 August 1881 • Wednesday

Papers issued Annie Louie & Miss Claridge all helping me with mailing– Worked hard all day came home late Louie is not well got word Belle is better Tomorrow will be Mell’s birthday– I think of going to Ogden to see Belle. All pretty well at home–

18 August 1881 • Thursday

Today Mellie’s birthday I gave her a handsome cape– chenille & silk net Louie gave her a painting and Annie gave a satchel with her name in gold letters. I went to Ogden Belle was just like a corpse my heart was nearly bursting– death seemed to be in the house. came home at evening. went to bid Mrs. Ferguson Good bye [p. 138] {p. 142}

19 August 1881 • Friday

Went up to see Aunt Eliza the first thing have felt uncomfortable all day long– had a great many callers worked very hard Louie is going away tomorrow morning to stay a day or two with Belle– Do not remember of feeling more sad or sorrowful at any time than today. Mrs. [Betsy Chase] Eldredge died this morning

20 August 1881 • Saturday

An adventurous day Sister Zina & Ferguson did not get the permission for half-fare and so they staid over. Dr. F. was in Ogden Sister Richards came down & we went to see Mrs. [Priscilla Paul] Jenning’s, Mrs. Eldredge was buried today at evening Sister Smith Dr. Pratt and I went to see Mrs. [Elizabeth Robinson] Cutler & then to bid Aunt Zina Good bye [p. 139] {p. 143}

21 August 1881 • Sunday

Aunt Zina & Willard [Young]8 went away this morning– Annie & I have been to meeting Elder [Henry] Naisbett and Br. Cannon preached. In the evening we were alone and retired early. Maria went out Rob was here a few minutes. I had gloomy forebodings Pres. Garfield was worse to day, new symptoms have appear<ed>

22 August 1881 • Monday

Today we have heard bad news from Belle, she has been nigh unto death, and we did not know it. I telegraphed but got no answer. I went to Mrs. Amelia F. [Folsom] Young’s to dinner with a party of ladies, had a lovely time came home and got a letter saying Belle was better Annie spent the day with <Lena> [Helena Fobes Wells] [p. 140] {p. 144}

23 August 1881 • Tuesday

Today has been hot and sultry and we have been feeling bad about Belle Annie is lonesome & lowspirited. She went out for a walk up to Keetie Heywoods and her aunt Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s– I have not felt very well. At night I was ill and had to get Annie up in the middle of the night. it seemed as if I would die

24 August 1881 • Wednesday

Today the brethren left town to go South on a preaching tour thro’ Utah Co. The city is dull better news from Belle. I wrote to Provo telling the sisters I could not attend the Conference as they had invited me. Sickness has not abated much. Mellie is not well at all. [p. 141] {p. 145}

25 August 1881 • Thursday

Today we expect Louie home– we have been rather anxious all day at evening she came Annie spent the day at Dwyers and had but just returned home She told us good news about Lucile, that her face was better so much better. She has had a hard time, and is not well

26 August 1881 • Friday

Lou was sick all night this morning I had to go after Dr. Pratt. Louie & I were both kept busy all the forenoon attending to her. In the evening she rode out a few minutes. but did not feel very well. I am weak as water. Sister Pratt has been very nice to take me out in her buggy. Louie is a little better. [p. 142] {p. 146}

27 August 1881 • Saturday

Louie is nineteen today Annie & I gave her a handsome easel for her painting. Mell a pair of white kid gloves six buttons. She had to go off to Ogden by the afternoon train Sister Shipley went with her and Sister Newton came home. Pres. Garfield is reported to be dying– sad very sad indeed

28 August 1881 • Sunday

I remained at home all day, did some letter writing, looked over some old manuscripts, was very lonesome indeed at evening Annie & I went up town to see if we could ascertain the news, We felt so bad about Belle. The night was lovely and stars seem brighter than ever. [p. 143] {p. 147}

29 August 1881 • Monday

We were anxious all day about Louie coming & really expected to see her but she did not come. The paper was nearly ready and I went out with Dr. Pratt. I was trying to get my dress made Annie went to Mother’s and all over nearly to try and get my dress made

30 August 1881 • Tuesday

Grace [Rose] Richardson died today. Mrs. [Mary Wallace] Sloan is going to make my dress Louie & Rob came home at noon. Lou. took her painting lesson. The Esquire came to see me, we had a pleasant time, I did not get home very early we had too much to do. I am very weary. [p. 144] {p. 148}

31 August 1881 • Wednesday

Eva Fay or Mrs. Pingree of London9 called on me. She is the sweetest creature I about ever saw the most fascinating brilliant woman, I took her and introduced her to my husband and others She is quite a star in the world acquainted with all the literary people, [Thomas H.] Huxley, [John] Tindall, Victor Hugo.

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August 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Sarah Shipley.

  2. [2]While her husband, John Q. Cannon, served a church mission in Great Britain and Germany, Annie and her baby, George Q., returned to live with EBW. (“Cannon, John Quayle,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:243, 4:387; EBW, Diary, 2 and 9 Aug. 1881.)

  3. [3]After giving birth, Eliza Woods Wallin, niece of Daniel H. Wells and sister-in-law of Melvina Whitney Woods, contracted “puerperal peritonitis” and died on 3 August. The baby daughter, Mabel B. Wallin, died on 5 August. (EBW, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1881, 10:45; “Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records, 1849–1949,” accessed 7 Aug. 2020,

  4. [4]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  5. [5]EBW, “A Good Man Gone to Rest,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1881, 10:45.

  6. [6]The party for Romania B. Pratt was described in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1881, 10:52. The reporter mentions “a letter from one who was unavoidably absent.” (Italics in original.)

  7. [7]Christiana Vernon Smith.

  8. [8]“Mrs. Zina D. Young and Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson arrived safely in New York City. They traveled in company with Lieut. Willard Young.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1881, 10:52.)

  9. [9]“Annie Eva Fay Pingree, known as ‘Eva Fay’ among literary and scientific people, is spending a few days in this city. She will give two of her special scientific entertainments in the Theatre, Friday and Saturday evenings.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1881, 10:52.)