January 1912


20 February

EBW noted that she had received many comments on her recent editorial “Progress of Women in the Last Seventy Years.” In the essay, she described worldwide advances since Joseph Smith turned the key for women in 1842.

24 and 28 February

The Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the Utah Woman’s Press Club sponsored events in honor of EBW’s eighty-fourth birthday.

29 February

President Joseph F. Smith conferred on EBW an honorary doctor of literature degree from Brigham Young University, the first honorary doctorate awarded to a woman by that institution. EBW visited the BYU campus in Provo on 13 March to receive congratulations from President George H. Brimhall, faculty, and students.

17 March

The seventieth anniversary of the founding of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo was celebrated in the Tabernacle. EBW spoke on Relief Society women’s charitable contributions.

3 June

EBW’s Relief Society counselors Clarissa S. Williams and Julina L. Smith came to talk with her about the Woman’s Exponent.

18 October

EBW’s daughter Annie Wells Cannon was nominated by the Republican Party to serve in the Utah legislature. She was elected and served from 1913 to 1915.

1 January 1912 • Monday

1Monday Jan. 1, 1912

Was down at Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]s had a most deligh [p. 1] {p. 5}

4 January 1912 • Thursday

Thursday Jan. 4, 1912

Q [ George Q. Cannon]’s birrthday he is in Snyderville and we would be glad to see him but this <Utah Day> although there is no sort of celebratiom [p. 4] {p. 8}

6 January 1912 • Saturday

2January Saturday 6 1912 [p. 6] {p. 8}

7 January 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 7 1912 January

This morning went early to the Temple, Isabel [Whitney Sears] was there alreadey none of President [Joseph F.] Smiths family came Sister Lynan [Rhoda Taylor Lyman] sat on my right and Sister Pnrose [Romania Bunnell Penrose] on my left, C. [Charles] W. Penrose presided Joseph F. Smith had gon to Rexburg to dedicate a meeting house, there were a great many speakers and all very good. I spoke a few wo[r]ds the first time for 3 or 4 years. Went up to H. C. [Hannah Free] Wells had a fine dinner nearly perished coming home [p. 7] {p. 9}

3Sunday 7. 1912

<Emmeline B. Wells> Went to Temple fast meeting. C. W. Penrose presiding spoke in the meeting and bore testimony of Joseph the Prophet. went with Junius [F. Wells] after meeting and had dinner with Hannah and Abbie [Wells] and thn came home almost frozen, had a lonely evening and tried to recall many incidemts of my chiladhoods experimence and the early days [p. 7] {p. 10}

8 January 1912 • Monday

January Monday 8 1912

Cam[e] late this morning was not really able to come at all, but felt it imperative, there are so many things that need attention and mail to be replied to &c. My work is all right if I could only attend to it [p. 8] {p. 10}

4Monday, Jan. 8 1912

Today had several callerrs and have been feeling miserable Susannah [Alvey] Heaps from Esalante [Escalante], Anniee came and the Reapers Club met & had a fine program, the City of Munich by Julia Druuce [Jinks Druce] Sisster M. A. A. Lambert came and we had a fine visit. Teelegam [telegram] for Barrie [Barrymore Hillard] fowarded to Stanford5 Letter from6 Verrona [Verona Dunford Betts] & from Riverdale Utah [p. 8] {p. 11}

9 January 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday 9 1912 January

Am working away at the copy have about finished Emm [Emmeline Cannon] is here with me– no news from Verona, John Q. [Cannon] is quite ill have had mny callers, feel very low-spirited– hope soon to be cheered up meetings in wa[r]ds today and much report of people suffering for want of coal food and clothing. As a p[e]ople we are greatly blest Telegram from Verona to Barry cane this morning we sent it off in a letter to him [p. 9] {p. 11}

7Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1912

Today Orson Arnold & son Frank [Arnold] called, he had just returned from a mission. to Germany & Switzerland, ta[l]ked of R.S.8 in Berlin and his father of Nauvoo [Illinois] & Emma Smith– told me things I had not known about [Lewis C.] Bidemon[.] Don Carlos Young Jr. came in he had been on a mission to Germany & Switzerland Others who came were Olive [Derbidge] Christensen & Joan [Millar] Campbell Ed [Edward H.] Anderson <[J.] Golden Kimball & others ladiees John Q. Cannon [illegible] Cannon Atherton Barlow> [p. 9] {p. 12}

10 January 1912 • Wednesday

9January 10 Wednsday

<Edna [Lambson] Smith came to see me today> This morning had much to do & felt uneasy so many things crowded in at once had to go to the Presidents10 office and Sister [Emma Adams] Empey came to give me the check and therre were telephone messges to answer finally we started off and at Brigham City meet sisterrs & brethrn arrived in good time had supper and spent a pleasant evening going over early reminiscences, had a good place to stay at Mosiah Evans home in Garland [p. 10] {p. 12}

11Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1912

<Letters> T-day started for aftrnoon train to Bear Rver Stake in Garland– Edna Mary Davis went with me. We went direct to Sister Evams [Catherine Carter Evans] housse, they are very well off and very hospitable and we had supper and sat up late– went early to the Relief Society Conference and good attendancee [p. 10] {p. 13}

11 January 1912 • Thursday

1211 Thursday January 11

Rose in good time and went off in a sleigh to the hall to attend the Conference of the Relief Society A fine attendance, speakers were Julia A. [Peterson] Richards Emilie [Emilia Dahlgreen] Madsen Edna May Davis Job Welling13 Pres of Stake & myseelf luncheon at noon in Hall Aftenoon new President Selected Mrs. [Margaret Wilcox] Manning former Secretary very satisfactory, some Counselors sustained all set apart spoke nearly an hour. after meeting we had a sleigh ride went to the Sugar factory & library very niice had a pleasant time [p. 11] {p. 13}

14Thursday, Jan. 11, 1912

Conference in Amusement hall in the Amusment hall at Garland, President Julia A. Richards presided, forenoon had reports &c and I spoke at some length also Sister Edna May Davis & Emila [Emilia] Madsen of Brigham City and the President, lunch was served in the hall & Br. [Milton H.] Welling released Sister Richards & appointed [p. 11] {p. 14} <Magaret M. Mannig [Margaret Wilcox Manning] I [illegible15] They were all set apart by the Stake Presidency>

12 January 1912 • Friday

January 12 Friday 1912

<Made up the paper today> Rose very early and had breakfast carriage came and we were soon on our way to the train morning very cold and Mrs. Evans went with us to the Station, ride home very nice arrived safe at noon. Went direct to the office and began to look over mail– Emm– came and we went to the Hotel Utah for lunch, saw Mrs. H. [Heber] M. Wells [Emily Katz Wells], and J. J. McLelland [John J. McClellan] who sent me a Message Mr [Orange J.] Salisbury & Mrs. [Margaret Mitchell] Caine came over to speak to me had many callers Mormon Mormon Battalion16 in the rooms [p. 12] {p. 14}

17Friday, Jan. 12, 1912

Arrived home at Noon found all well and lots of mail– Em. came & we made up the paper Mormon Battalion met here today and had a fine program and refreshments, Made up the paper today and lunched with Emmie at Hotel Utah, and very weary scarcely know whether to go home or not [p. 12] {p. 15}

13 January 1912 • Saturday

13 Saturday January [19]12

<snt off letter to Verona today Sent Circular to Sistr Cutle [Cutler]> This morning came late to the office, Mary A, [Burnham] Freeze a very dear friend is very ill, it is sad to hear of her suffering so intemsely. Emma [Smith] Woodruff is also very sick, her complaint is most serious, we have had many callerrs today and this evening strangers form Clveland Ohio– asking all manner of questioms. Have had the revise today and feel very glad to have it off my mind. So many conflicting dutiees [p. 13] {p. 15}

18Saturday, Jan. 13. 1912

Came up feeling fairly well this morning, but find myself exhausted have had many callers today and in spirit Mrs. [Elizabeth Pugsley] Hayward, Mrs. Dehlin [Eda Dehlin Shipp] Mrs. Fitz Snow Morrs [Morris], went to the Book store and looked up in Books of pioneers [p. 13] {p. 16}

14 January 1912 • Sunday

January 14 Sunday 1912

<w[r]ong date>19

A very beautiful day, sunny and bright almost like Spring I had invited Louise [Cannon Andrew] & Magaret [Margaret Cannon Clayton] to come over, also Daniel [H. Cannon], and Brent [E. Brenton Sears] & Inez [Van Sant Sears] were to come but only Louise & baby Elzabeth [Elizabeth Andrew] and Mrs. [Mary Croxall] Andrew came and Margarret and Billie [D. William Clayton]. we had a light lunch and pleasant time in the parlor by a fine fire in the grate. Daniel went to Ogdem [p. 14] {p. 16}

15 January 1912 • Monday

20Monday Jan. 14 [15], 1912

three meetings today at eleven A.M. Julina [Lambson Smith] Sarah McLelland & myself presiding Joan Campbell Secretary Sarah M. Ruth [May] Fox M. H. [Martha Horne] Tingey May [Mae Taylor] Nystrom Julia Brixon [Gutke Brixen] then called to Presidents office to talk over district nursing, thn Board of Directors of Women’s Store21 [p. 14] {p. 17}

16 January 1912 • Tuesday

1912 15 [16] Monday [Tuesday] January

Today have had viviid experiences had slept at the office and soon had visitors– D.R.22 met today & several callers Mr. & Mrrs. Desmond of Batan [Boston] introduced by Apostle Gorge [George] A. Smith Mr. Hanans23 of New York who is here in the interest of Appleton Co. Encyclopedia had a long talk with him this is the 3rd conversation with him, I am very much depressed at present but must hope for the recovery of my sight [p. 15] {p. 17}

24January 16 Tuesday

Today is the 16th and I had thought it was the 15th. but have just found out my error– how difficult it is when one cannot see well to keep correct on all topics. Met Apostle James E. Talmage who was most kind and tender and respectful. Golden Kimball came to see me and offered any assistance he could render. I am indeed blest with many excellent friends [p. 16] {p. 18}

25Tuesday Jan 15 [16]. 1912

This moning Telephome calls, then went to the Historian’s office to see Will Lund, he was not there– John Q. came with revise and I went to the Desereet News Daughterrs of the Revolution met, Sister Woodruff very low Mary Freeze also Sarah Smith Coton [Colton] died today <in Provo> [p. 15] {p. 18}

26Tuesday Jan. 16, 1912

Daughters of the Revolution meet [met] today had a very good meeting Geo. A. Smith came in and introduced Mr. & Mrs. Desmond f[r]om Bo[s]ton had a pleasant interview with Them– a very interestimg time [p. 16] {p. 19}

17 January 1912 • Wednesday

17 Wednesday January [191]2

Wednsday I was busy with all sorts of things and had many callers particularly strangerrs, p[e]ople of some standing and free from prejudice, Mr. Hammis27 came and I had a long talk with him, he gave me a favorable opinion of my poems in fact eulogized and considered them for [illegible] classical Mr. Lewis Elza [Eliza R. Snow]’s [p. 17] {p. 19}

28Wednsday Jan. 17, 1912

Leter frrom Ruby D. [Derr] Cannon sent roses to Clarissa S. [Smith] Williams Called on Bishops In the evening went to the party in the 14th Ward Jos. Harrris anniversary to be celebrated properly the children grand & great-grand and one great great Grandchild [p. 17] {p. 20}

18 January 1912 • Thursday

January 18 1912

Thursday Mr. Hammis29 is a critic and did not consider the relgious plasce of E. R. Snow’s At 3. P.M. we met in Board of Directors meeting and went thro’ the regular routine, a little unpleasantmess occurred again about Outlines,30 and we had a Resolution passed that we wait until the Aprril Conference. [p. 18] {p. 20}

31Thursday, Jan. 18, 1912

This morning was not very early but had much on my mind knowing the meeting of the Gneral Board would be at 3. P.M. and we had a pretty good number present altogether uncomfortable and left an impression of melancholy <Lewis Freeze & Woodruff very ill> [p. 18] {p. 21}

19 January 1912 • Friday

1912 19 Friday January

The ilneess of Sister Emma S. Woodruff and Mary A. Freeze seems to be very serious and it is very depressing indeed to think of these two of our foremost sisters being so near the other shorre, yet they may recover. The newspaper has come in today <yesterday> and I think it very good, hope our sisters will be pleased [p. 19] {p. 21}

32Friday Jan. 19, 1912

<M[a]ny callerrs today> hearrd that Eugeme Searrs [Eugene S. Sears] & wife33 would be h[o]me Sunday I am to speak tomorrow to the Daughters of the Pioneers on Sisterr Eliza R. Snow, herr life and worrk I hope I shall be able to do credit to the subjecct [p. 19] {p. 22}

20 January 1912 • Saturday

January Saturday 20 1912

Sister M. H. Tingey and myself went to see the President this morning and we arre very well satisfied with the advicce received. We find President Smith feeels much as we do about the reform work34 I spoke in the Pioneerr meeting at 3. P.M. on Sister Eliza R. Snow her life her writing her remarkable personaliity, President Jos. F. Smith was one of the speakerrs [p. 20] {p. 22}

21 January 1912 • Sunday

35Sunday 21, 1912 [p. 21] {p. 23}

24 January 1912 • Wednesday

January Wednsday 24 1912

<Eleanor [A.] Cannon’s birthday also W. [William] W. Woods> Today has been very pleasant and yet there are sorrows in our hearts, Little Edna [H.] Cannon is to be buried today and also Sister Mary A. Freeze– whom I loved very much and who was in some respects a protege of mine– her mother was my friend in Nauvoo– the funeral was very satisfa[c]tory, Presidents Smith & Penrose were both there and spoke also Susa Y. [Young] Gates Matha H. Tingey, Dr. S. [Seymour] B. Young Bishop [George Q.] Morris President C. W. Penrse & Jseph [Joseph] F. <Smith> singing very good also prayers spen[t] the evening with the Penroses [p. 24] {p. 26}

25 January 1912 • Thursday

1912 Thursday 25 January

Clarissa S. Williams camee to see me this forenoon Mrs. Eda Dehlin came and John Q. for a minute, Alice [Merrill] Horne Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox Martha H. Tingey Ruth Fox Mrs. Brixon [Julia Gutke Brixen] Mrs. Wood Miss Lillian W. Nesbitt [Naisbitt] to the Temple saw several sisters one who told me wonderful things I am much exercised over my affairs, talked with Junius who was very comforting in his counsel [p. 25] {p. 27}

26 January 1912 • Friday

Friday Jan. 26. 1912

Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears]’s birthday went up to dinner Attended Ensinn Stake36 R.S. Conference [p. 26] {p. 28}

27 January 1912 • Saturday

1912 Saturday 27 January

Yesterday a very full day went in the morning to see Sister Emmie S. Woodruff with Julina in the Church carriage Clarssa Williams went also. She is a very sick woman (Sister Woodruff) Went to R.S. Conference Ensign Stake Julina with mee and to see Susan [Alley] Wells aftewards There seems so much sickness and death Louise [Louisa] King Spencer is dead was quite a shock to me She has been a favorite of mine many of my friends seem to be passing away [p. 27] {p. 29} This morning felt I would go and see the Spncer family but was hindered from doing so, but I do feel the loss very much Have had Sister Christenson37 for hours also Junius who often comes in and a Miss Fife advertising the New Chautauqua she took up very much time with explanatioms– Sent letters to Minerva E. R. [Richards] Knowlton and Lucretia West about Conferennces Margaret Miles Sharp died this morning I have had many hindrances and annoyances today. Daniel came in to see me [p. 28] {p. 30}

28 January 1912 • Sunday

Sunday January 28, 1912

Rested this morning was composing verses in bed a beautiful morning Katharine [Cannon] came over and we looked over books and pictures

29 January 1912 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 29, 1912

called at Spencer residence to see Mrs. Louise K. Spencer in her robes in coffin she looked like a bride. Attended funral services in Meeting house. [p. 29] {p. 31} had an auto ride with President Smith & Julina[;] Alfred Brent called on me

30 January 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday 30. 1912

Today have had many callers very lovely this morning Emm. was late, went to the bank E. was with me, called at the Book Store, bought a gift book for Zina [Young] Card– Junius came Hannah [Settle] Lapish [Claudius] Victor Spencer and Jacob [T. Spencer]’s wife38 brought me beautiful flowers in remembance of Louisa King Spencer, Mrs. Marie from the Wilson Hotel Mrs. Edna Tibbetts [Clawson Tibbitts] stayed nearly all afternoon, many telephone mesages & callers on businesss [p. 30] {p. 32}

31 January 1912 • Wednesday

Wdnesday 31. 1912

This is the anniversary of the birth of Aunt Zina [Diantha Huntington] Young and Jane S. [Snyder] Richards and I selected a bouquet of roses for Sister Richards who is still living and sent them to Ogden– spent the evening with Aunt Zina’s family at her old home, made a little speech– it was a pleasant party went and came in Automobile [p. 31] {p. 33}

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January 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1912/1912-01


  1. [1]text: This and the next entry come from volume 37 of the diary. EBW wrote entries for the year 1912 in three diaries—volumes 37, 38, and 39. Entries have been pulled from those diaries and arranged here into chronological order. Unless otherwise noted, entries come from volume 38 of the diary, her primary diary for 1912. As EBW’s eyesight worsened, her handwriting became less legible. She also sometimes lost track of where she was in some words. Words with extra strokes are represented as closely to the manuscript as possible. Letters with missing strokes are represented as complete.

  2. [2]text: There is no content in this entry other than the date.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]EBW’s great-grandson Barrymore Hillard, son of Verona Dunford Hillard Betts, was attending Stanford University. (See EBW, Diary, 21 Aug. 1911.)

  6. [6]text: It appears that EBW began writing the word came and then changed it to from.

  7. [7]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  8. [8]Relief Society.

  9. [9]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page in volume 38 but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  10. [10]Church president Joseph F. Smith.

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  12. [12]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page in volume 38 but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  13. [13]This probably refers to Milton H. Welling, president of the Bear River Stake in Utah and son of Job Welling who died in 1886. (Margaret W. Manning, “Bear River Stake,” Woman’s Exponent, Midwinter Number [Jan.–Feb.] 1912, 40:6.)

  14. [14]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  15. [15]text: The illegible word is possibly “wouldn’t”.

  16. [16]Daughters of the Mormon Battalion. (See also EBW, Diary, 12 Feb. and 12 Apr. 1912.) A sample of a meeting announcement from this group appeared in “News of the Woman’s Clubs,” Salt Lake Tribune, 9 June 1912, 12.

  17. [17]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  18. [18]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  19. [19]text: The preprinted diary page in volume 38 was dated Friday, 14 January 1910, but EBW changed the “Friday” to “Sunday” and the “1910” to “1912”, suggesting she intended the date to be Sunday, 14 January 1912.

  20. [20]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  21. [21]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  22. [22]Daughters of the Revolution, as noted in the two entries below for the same date from volume 37.

  23. [23]EBW referred to this person as Mr. Hammis in EBW, Diary, 17 and 18 January 1912.

  24. [24]text: This is a second entry from volume 38 of the diary. EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  25. [25]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  26. [26]text: This is a second entry from volume 37 of the diary.

  27. [27]This is the same person EBW named Mr. Hanans of New York above. (EBW, Diary, 15 Jan. 1912.)

  28. [28]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. The preprinted date on this page is “Monday, Jan. 17, 1910”. EBW struck through “Monday” and provided her own date of “Wednsday 1912”. She evidently intended the date to be 17 January 1912, a Wednesday.

  29. [29]This is the same person EBW named Mr. Hanans of New York above. (EBW, Diary, 15 Jan. 1912.)

  30. [30]Outlines refer to Relief Society lesson outlines published by the general board of the Relief Society. (Minutes of the General Board of Relief Society, Relief Society General Board Minutes, 19 Oct. 1911 and 18 Jan. 1912, vol. 3, 37–38, 54.)

  31. [31]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  32. [32]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  33. [33]Eleanor Rhein Sears.

  34. [34]The church had long used the Sunday School, Primary, Young Men’s, and Young Ladies’ organizations to encourage strong moral development and good behavior. (“Joseph F. Smith,” Church History Topics, accessed 25 May 2022, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/joseph-f-smith?lang=eng; “Primary,” Church History Topics, accessed 25 May 2022, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/primary?lang=eng; “Young Men Organizations,” Church History Topics, accessed 25 May 2022, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/young-men-organizations?lang=eng; “Young Women Organizations,” Church History Topics, accessed 25 May 2022, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/young-women-organizations?lang=eng.) Reform work encouraged public-spirited citizens to help boys and girls “inclined to be wayward” to establish a more positive direction for their lives. (“Salt Lake’s New Chief of Police,” Evening Standard [Ogden], 25 Dec. 1911, 6.)

  35. [35]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. There is no content in this entry other than the date. EBW wrote the date “Sunday 21, 1912” but did not otherwise supply any content for the entry. She likely intended the date to be 21 January 1912, which was a Sunday. She had written a number of entries in volume 37 earlier in January 1912.

  36. [36]Probably Salt Lake Ensign Stake, organized in 1904, as in the following entry of 27 January 1912. (Deseret News 1975 Church Almanac, C10.)

  37. [37]Likely Olive Derbidge Christensen, secretary to the Relief Society general board under EBW. (EBW, Diary, 22 May 1911.)

  38. [38]Ann Middleton Spencer.