April 1889

1 April 1889 • Monday

This morning worked hard to get mailing done. Minnie Christenson helped with the folding. John Q. came down and told me for sure his case was to be dismissed1 and he was to go to Turkey on the 30th of April. In the evening I walked down to my own dear old gardens after I returned my husband came to see me, and we had a pleasant evening together–

2 April 1889 • Tuesday

This morning Emeline went on with mailing and I commenced copy; have had a disagreeable day Sister Howard was here and I had my interest divided between the two rooms, but in the evening I sat down to my work and finished the mailing. Held a meeting at the Hospital today considerable business transacted– wrote several letters in the evening [p. 46] {p. 73}

3 April 1889 • Wednesday

Today I rushed around and got ready to go to Ogden to spend Margaret’s birthday. I took up a cloak for her for summer wear. White cashmere– had a nice time and a pleasant evening Baby is well and Annie much improved. Margaret’s father gave her a gold ring with a small diamond in it, Annie a new dress and all the children something useful.

4 April 1889 • Thursday

Came home and tried very hard to finish all the mailing finally succeeded. Had lost [lots] of conference folks in. great preparations are being made for the Conference theatres etc. A Committee takes charge of the visitors entertainment. It will be an immense gathering and a First Presidency will be chosen to take charge of the Church. [p. 47] {p. 74}

5 April 1889 • Friday

This day two years ago on a Tuesday was an event that has cast a shadow over my whole life. A babe was born in San Francisco, a boy, and under the most painful and distressing circumstances of both mother mind and body. The mother2 aff[l]icted with an ailment that was both painful and agonizing and her mind under pressure of circumstances wrought to the highest pitch of nervous excitement.

6 April 1889 • Saturday

Today Apr. 6 Conference begins in this City. Crowds of people are in attendance. I was busily engaged with an article for Sister Zina D. & could not possibly go. Had a dozen ladies to lunch rain pouring down– Aunt Zina Jane Richards & Sarah Kimball all giving opinions about the Conference in the evening which was held in the Assembly <Hall> [p. 48] {p. 75}

7 April 1889 • Sunday

<I Read the General Instructions.> This morning went to the Tabernacle, and several ladies came home with me to dine. Went back in the afternoon to the Conference, house full to overflowing. sat in front in the gallery. Dr. Pratt & E. S. Taylor near me. The priesthood in order voted for a first Presidency, then the people men & women. Wilford Woodruff Pres’t, Geo. Q. Cannon & Jos. F. Smith Counselors. Spent the night with my husband

8 April 1889 • Monday

Went out to get a present in China for Belle’s anniversary bought bone plates 3½ per dozen. Went to meeting in the afternoon Conference closed much good counsel had been given. Had a party from the North Idaho besides several ladies– could not do half as much as I expected to. Conference adjourned for six months. Many people in the city and much going on in the way of business [p. 49] {p. 76}

9 April 1889 • Tuesday

<Called at the presses in the afternoon. Called on Mrs. Caine & Zine [Smoot Whitney]> Today I have had to apply myself in order to speak at the Suffrage meeting this afternoon– went to meeting but found it necessary to adjourn. Invited Penrose & Ort to come into the Office parlor and a few ladies; we had ice-cream & cake & conversation on Suffrage– Penrose Ort. E. S. Richards, R. B. Pratt S. M. Kimball L. D. [Lydia Dunford] Alder, M. Y. Dougall, Nellie Wibber [Ellen Richards Webber] E. J. [Emma Jane Holman] Bennett & M. E. [Mary E. Shepherd] Ashworth Rachel [Newman] Tanner, & myself– had an agreeable conversation and enjoyed it very much indeed.

10 April 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday 10. yesterday we sent off some other presents for Belle a set of salade dishes for Annie and myself as the 11th is her China Wedding and we are anxious. John Q. came to meet me at the depot and we had a fine dinner [p. 50] {p. 77}

11 April 1889 • Thursday

Went down on the morning train, found many of the ladies anxious about the meeting3 but really had too much to do. to attend There was a good attendance Geo. Q. Cannon O. F. Whitney and C. W. Penrose were among the speakers also Dr. [Martha] Hughes Ida [Snow] Gibbs Nellie Webber & Emily Richards, Mrs. L. D. Alder presided– had a very interesting evening.

12 April 1889 • Friday

Today have been especially busy, finishing up copy etc. sent off a lot of letters to people wrote to Belle & Verona, Mrs. Spoffod [Jane Snow Spofford] for a book for Sister Pitchforth and my own membership to the N.W.S.A4 for 1889. Also sent money to Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby 6,50 wrote to Lucy Stone some time ago. and sent money for the Woman’s Journal for Mrs. Richards, went to Lena’s and saw Lucy [Stringham] Grant & other ladies. [p. 51] {p. 78}

13 April 1889 • Saturday

This morning is Emeline’s Birthday she is 32. born in 1857 I gave her a gold ring with a ruby and 2 pearls in it. I had a very busy day, paper went to press, Ladies came to talk about Mrs. [Mary Rice] Livermore’s coming, and arrange some sort of programme. Took the D. & R. G. train for Ogden Arrived here and found the San Francisco party Brs. Woodruff & Cannon had just left– had dined at Annie’s

14 April 1889 • Sunday

Baby cried last night until 3 in the morning then John Q. came and I went to bed. Today I have been visiting with Annie and the children had a very nice dinner, Mrs. F. D. Richards came to see me in the evening. Rained so last night that today has been chilly, so we could not go out riding. Annie is quite weary and upset too about John Q. going <away.> [p. 52] {p. 79}

15 April 1889 • Monday

Geo. Q. and Annie came with me to the depot. John Q. came down on the D. & R. G. A letter from Belle telling me of her China presents and Mr. Woodmancy of Cincinnati also called upon me today. He had just returned from San Francisco– My husband came in for an hour or so, he expects to leave town tomorrow morning. Grand Concert & Organ Recital in the Tabernacle tonight I attended.

16 April 1889 • Tuesday

This morning about there was a big fire in Main Street. Bells ringing furiously woke me & engine plainly heard too. Letter from Verona today. Gave my husband “The Fair God” and two neckties yesterday, also a photo of Belle. The wind blows fiercely tonight and I am here alone. Have been writing to Mell, a long letter. Such a lonely evening. wind furious [p. 53] {p. 80}

17 April 1889 • Wednesday

Today I have been making inquiries about the Raymond excursion coming, in which it is expected Mrs. Mary A. Livermore is traveling. Had a long letter from Belle. Suffrage ladies met here this evening to mature some plan of welcome for Mrs. Livermore. Mesdames, Caine, Alder, Richards, Webber, [Priscilla Jennings] Riter, [Cornelia Horne] Clayton, [Rebecca Mantle] Little, Dougall, Miss [Florence] Alder. Had a pleasant interview and talked up what seemed wisest to do.

18 April 1889 • Thursday

<Went to the Gardo to see Joseph F. Smith> Today I have been busy, did some errands in the morning then went to the meeting at the 18th Ward schoolhouse, organized a Primary Association in connection with Bishop Whitney and Sister Ellen C. Clawson– Afterwards went down town and selected a birthday gift for John Q. and a sweet little spoon for baby Daniel, paid for Verona’s wedding present & brought it away [p. 54] {p. 81}

19 April 1889 • Friday

Rose early this morning and walked to the depot– took the train for Ogden– John Q. met me with the carriage and I had breakfast with the family– spent the day with Annie and the children. Annie gave John Q. a gold watch chain (short gentleman’s chain) had dinner and then went for a ride and took train for home– felt much fatigued. Conference at Farmington Aunt Zina & Sister Richards attended.

20 April 1889 • Saturday

This morning had lots of callers, some strangers, Mrs. Livermore of Boston arrived in our city today with the Raymond excursionists. Called on Aunt Zina this evening. Had a long visit from Bishop Whitney this morning. Dr. Pratt this afternoon. Had a letter from Lucy Stone this morning. also from Mell. [p. 55] {p. 82}

21 April 1889 • Sunday

Easter Sunday. Went to the Walker House with Aunt Zina S. M. Kimball and Dr. Pratt. to call on Mary A. Livermore, a very distinguished woman lecturer. Attended service at Tabernacle Elder Wm. Spry addressed the meeting. Fannie B. Warde the correspondent and litterateur called and conversed with me. Went to hear Mrs. Livermore in the evening. Subject was the night of Death no morning?

22 April 1889 • Monday

Monday Mrs. Warde & daughter came & met Aunt Zina Sister Horne & Kimball, Emily S. Richards, M. A. [Mary Ann Burham] Freeze & Jane [Granter Freeze] & Lillie [Tuckett Freeze] & Dr Maggie C Shipp and R. B. Pratt. also Maria Y. Dougall. The interview was a special one accorded Mrs. Warde who is a newspaper correspondent of the New York Sun & Philadelphia Record. In the afternoon the lady met here in my parlor C. W. Penrose editor of the Deseret [p. 56] {p. 83} News.”

23 April 1889 • Tuesday

Last evening Dr. Pratt and Br. Penrose were here and we had quite a nice time; ice cream and fruits. Today I have been arranging to go to Ogden on the afternoon train. Arrived there all right found the folks well; baby growing fine and place looking so lovely. Annie and I were alone in the evening and talked over many things. baby was very nervous and so was Annie

24 April 1889 • Wednesday

Today has been a sort of languid day and I have enjoyed the rest– in the afternoon we went for a ride up in the Eastern part of Ogden orchards were all in bloom and the air redolent of the perfume. Missed the train & had to stay over night again. Another evening alone with Annie and baby– the house is a very pleasant one and it seems too bad for her to <leave it.> [p. 57] {p. 84}

25 April 1889 • Thursday

Came down from Ogden this morning and found Aunt Zina, <had been> here in the office wanting me. Nothing special in the way of mail waiting for me. prepared editorial copy– called on Sister Louie [Louisa King] Spencer and walked past my old home. Took my darling Louie’s necklace to the jewelers to be brightened. Was alone in the evening, wrote a letter to Mrs.[Emma Barrows] Brown of Wasatch Stake.

26 April 1889 • Friday

<Pres. Woodruff & Geo. Q. came home from San Francisco today> This morning Susan came down and we had a little talk– Ort was here awhile. then Sister Layton5 and Zine Whitney went down town with her to get Verona a wedding present. She selected a silver syrup cup– went to the annual meeting of the Primary in the 13th Ward Miss Kate Wells presiding. Aunt Zina, Bathsheba, Ellen Clawson Lillie Freeze Camilla [Mieth] Cobb and others [p. 58] {p. 85}

27 April 1889 • Saturday

Have had a miserable night & do not feel very well this morning; ordinary duties occupied the morning, and in the afternoon went to Ogden. it was a disagreeable day with wind and dust, found Annie and all of them well. Ort & Zine have both been in, also Kate & Nett. Went up on the D. & R. G. the birds sang sweetly in the fields as the train passed on. John Q. has been released for the present.6

28 April 1889 • Sunday

This morning John Q. came to Salt Lake I stayed with Annie, After dinner we went for a ride, away up on the bench– we then met John Q. at the depot and he went up with the folks and I took the train for home. Mamie Richards came down her mother is very ill.7 wrote to Belle tonight– also to Mrs. Spofford for a book for Mrs. E. [Elizabeth Francis] Yates of Scipio– [p. 59] {p. 86}

29 April 1889 • Monday

This morning I reached home & found the paper just ready and worked to get the papers for the City off. This is the last day before the wedding of my darling Verona.8 This evening I went down and sent a telegram to the bridal pair It makes me feel rather sad to think of her, as a wife, as she seems such a child. No doubt her mother is very much excited tonight–

30 April 1889 • Tuesday

This morning was a beautiful day for the marriage ceremony and no doubt the bells were ringing all over the United States. So glad they were married on a National day–9 I took the morning train for Ogden & was on the way when the bells were ringing everywhere. I arrived in good time to breakfast with them, and we had a fine ride over the bench and a pleasant evening with Annie & John Q. tho he went to the <office as usual> [p. 60] {p. 87}

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April 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1889/1889-04


  1. [1]“In the Courts,” Salt Lake Herald, 13 Apr. 1889, 5. For background on this case, the charges of cohabitation against John Q. Cannon, and postponements of his trial, see EBW, Diary, 4 and 19 Apr. 1887; 5 Oct. 1887; 24 Feb. and 1 May 1888; 9 Sept. 1888; and accompanying footnotes.

  2. [2]Louisa Wells Cannon.

  3. [3]“Woman Suffrage in Ogden,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1889, 17:189.

  4. [4]National Woman Suffrage Association.

  5. [5]Perhaps Sarah B. Layton of Kaysville, Utah. (1880 U.S. Census, Kaysville, Utah Territory, 321C, accessed 11 Dec. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYBJ-Z8X?i=26&wc=X4HK-N38%3A1589415070%2C1589403056%2C1589415677%2C1589395219&cc=1417683.)

  6. [6]This may refer to John Q. Cannon’s being released from a mission call to Turkey, since no further mention is made of that assignment. (EBW, Diary, 20 Mar. and 1 Apr. 1889.)

  7. [7]Probably Mary Alice Richards, daughter of Franklin D. Richards and Mary Thompson Richards and wife of Joseph E. Stevenson. (“Funeral to Be in Farmington,” Ogden Standard-Examiner, 15 Feb. 1926, 3.)

  8. [8]EBW described the marriage of her granddaughter Verona M. Woods to Barry N. Hillard in Murray, Idaho, in “Wedding Bells,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1889, 17:188.

  9. [9]On 30 April 1889, the United States celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of President George Washington. (“Centennial Day Here,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 30 Apr. 1889, 6; “Washington’s Inauguration,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1889, 17:188.)