December 1912

1 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 1. 1912 rose early and went to the Salt Lake Templ to Fast Meeeting– my cold was very bad but I persevered and sat through the meeting Presidents Jos. F. Smith Anthon H. Lund & C. W. Penose were there, the speakers were President Jos. F. Smith– Apostle Amthony Ivinss [Anthony W. Ivins] President F. M. Lyman Jose. E. Taylor and Dr. S. B. Young. Very excellent meeting; went to 18th. Ward in the aftenoon called to see Hannah Wells, din[e]d at Joseph Wells and spent the evening with Susan Wells [p. 335] {p. 238}

2 December 1912 • Monday

Monday Dec. 2.1 Dot came to help me with my accounts and stayed all day we had a pleasant day and Emm. stayed all night– we went out to supper and she read to mee from the Bible magazines etc. [p. 336] {p. 239}

3 December 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec. 32 Dot came to help and I went off to Centerville to a meeeting to inrtoduce Gnealogy into the Relief Socieety Clarissa Williams went with me and Susa Gates & Anna Lynch– we had a good meeting but very tiresome to me because of my cold [p. 337] {p. 240}

21 December 1912 • Saturday

Today Saturday Dec, 22. [21] 1912 Emery [Emory M.] Hedges and Emma [blank] [Haueter] were marrried at the home of father and motherr of the bridegroom,3 Joseph S. Wells perf[o]rming the ceremony, Annie & Daniel and myself were present had a fine time Emm had gone to the Hotel Utah with Martinea◊ [Lyman R. Martineau] [p. 355] {p. 247}

22 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 23. [22] 1912

Rose late and dressed to go to Miss Maude May Babcock’s dinner party a very pleasant affairr Jacob Gatees and wife som and daughter were to be therre but Susa did not come Prof [Jakob] Bolin & wife4 and sisters5 were guests a pleasant party, fine dinner & happy evening in conversation [p. 356] {p. 248}

23 December 1912 • Monday

Monday Dec. 23. 1912

This is the birthday of the Prophet Joseph Smith born in 1905,6 in Sha[r]on Ve[r]mont [p. 357] {p. 249}

24 December 1912 • Tuesday

December 24, 1912

Tuesday we were busy in the officee and at last Emm. and myself started off to the Cannon Home– bitter cold [p. 358] {p. 250}

25 December 1912 • Wednesday

Monday Wednesday December 25 1912

Went to Anniee’s was there all day, children nearly all at homee Cavendish went to the Park7 to spend Xmas with Gorge [George] Q. and family, Margaret and David and Billie came over Louise & Richard came later, had a fine dinnerr and pleasant evening afterward’ss [p. 359] {p. 251}

26 December 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 26, 1912

The birthday annversary of Elizabeth Ann Whitney & Sarah G. [Griffith] Richards Emm and myself stayed at the B[i]shop’s Building weather extremely cold we were very late retirring– reading and talking [p. 360] {p. 252}

27 December 1912 • Friday

Friday 27, 1912 May Earl [Mary Earl Cross]’s birrthday she is 53 today just 20 days younger than Anmie– had a busy day in the office was not very well– several deaths not much news but a number of callerss Emm has gone with Daniel to the Missionary hall at Hoteel Utah John Q. and Anmie are at the theatrre [ms. misnumbered p. 261] {p. 253}

28 December 1912 • Saturday

Saturday Dec. 28. 1912

Wemt up early found that Annie was not will & had a weary day wrote to Mrs. Adeline B. [Adelina Brunson] Smith of Millard Stake Sent off several cards & booklets had no important letters Commttee from Pioneer held meeeting here about celebration came home usual time Emm. went to Party in Granite Stake [p. 362] {p. 254}

29 December 1912 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 29. 1912 Dot’s wedding day– have not heard from them. went to Tabrnaclee, Salt Lake Stake Confernce, Nephi Morrris [L. Morris] presiding, Elder Jos. McMurrrim [Joseph W. McMurrin] preached & Andrw [Andrew] Jenson (historian) also fine musicc, went to Anmies and had dinner she is sick– bad cold and has hurt her side– came home late [p. 363] {p. 255}

30 December 1912 • Monday

December Monday 30, 1912

Have had a bad night, this moning the wind blew a heavy gale, and salt covered the windows, housse shook, but it passed off and I went to the office as usual, a very disag[r]eeable day in many ways, Em. fixed her papers for the D.R. and at last we read and copieed ny [my] editorial, no impo[r]tant n[e]ws for meee several letterrs Kate Wells Julina L. Smith Sarah Mc.Lelland Mr. & Mrs. Carlson Libbie [Elizabeth Rich] Pratt and others were here on business, Abran Cannon David [A.] Smith & others. [p. 364] {p. 257}8

31 December 1912 • Tuesday

Tusday the last day of 1812 [1912] and the good year is about to vanish Emme [Emma] Lucy Gates Concert will be in the Tabenacle and no doudt will be a success in all ways [p. 365] {p. 256}

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December 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: EBW did not give a year for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended year is 1912.

  2. [2]text: EBW did not give a year for this entry, but it appears from handwriting and context that the intended year is 1912.

  3. [3]William S. Hedges and Clara Wells Hedges.

  4. [4]Hedvig Lindbom Bolin.

  5. [5]Jacob Bolin’s sisters included Sofia Augusta Bolin (1855–1943), Klara Dorothea Bolin (1857–1940), Sigrid Carolina Bolin (1859–1928), Anna Bolin Haglund (1862–1934), and Teckla Amalia Bolin (1865–1935). (“Jakob Bolin,” FamilySearch, accessed 17 Mar. 2022,

  6. [6]Joseph Smith Jr. was born in 1805 rather than 1905.

  7. [7]Park City, Utah.

  8. [8]text: Digital image is out of order.