April 1910

1 April 1910 • Friday

<Frank D. Kimball’s birthday & Lucy Fuller [Davies] born 1854–> Our Conference opened at 2. p.m. Pres. B. W. Smith presiding, we had quite a goodly number present and good music, reception at 7. to 10– p.m. many of the brethren and sisters came, a dreadful storm came up, we were not prepared for it1

2 April 1910 • Saturday

Our Conference convened at 10. and adjourned at 11. A.M. for the Building in Dept. meetings, Sat. Afternoon I spoke for some time A grand reception in the evening with Music Harman Band and about a thousand people called– a terrific storm came on and I stayed in the building.

3 April 1910 • Sunday

Went up to Belle’s and had breakfast then to the Tabernacle opening of Conference, went to the Bee Hive at Noon in the Carriage with Julina & Sister B. W. Smith & the President– went back with him then came home, Margaret had gone to the Cannon Farm and went to evening meeting. {p. 67}

4 April 1910 • Monday

Another day of Conference and Sister Smith and myself present I also went at noon to the office and Annie and many people came and went through the rooms. I had Margaret here to answer calls & transact business attended meeting all day

5 April 1910 • Tuesday

Today there has not been any meeting except ours and it was a special adjourned until Friday semi-annual– but many people came– Mary Wells is very sick indeed– Annie has so much to do, she can scarcely get through all the work & take care of home

6 April 1910 • Wednesday

This is the day of days and we were in good time the crowd was very telling, all went off well overflow meetings all through the Conference, at noon we went and had lunch Annie & myself and John Q. could not leave the office John Henry Smith was chosen Counselor and Joseph F. Smith Jr. an Apostle. {p. 68}

7 April 1910 • Thursday

<Genealogical party in Social Hall I was present very fine affair> Belle was on the Committee Conference is over and conjecture is at an end. the people know now who has been chosen and there is much discussion of the matter among the people I have been very much occupied and could scarcely think so many have been in to ask questions

8 April 1910 • Friday

This is the anniversary of the death of my darling Emmie [Emeline W. Wells] and I have a meeting and am also on a Committee to see about Z.C.M.I.2 who have refused to close at 6. p.m. to accommodate the girls who serve at the Counter,3 Annie will take my minutes at meeting

9 April 1910 • Saturday

Today is busy, Mary Wells died 20 minutes past one this morning, it seems as if Martha’s family is going more than others. George H. Alley is to be buried today– he is Lydia Ann’s brother, very old though, it is a fine day Annie came and went to see Edna [Wells Sloan] & the family– called here {p. 69}

10 April 1910 • Sunday

I wrote all morning and then went to Edna’s to see Mary and afterwards called at Willard Youngs and Kate Wells and Susie [Susan Riter] Wells saw all the Wells family nearly then went to Rulon’s and he came down street with me, saw Mary’s beautiful fine apparel– for the grave

11 April 1910 • Monday

Belle’s wedding day and the funeral of Mary B. Wells, Hebe [Heber M. Wells]’s daughter. sad[.] Orson F. Whitney preached a very poetical sermon, singing was very good, I became very weary towards evening, but kept on at my work as usual– letter from Daniel a very good one & long.

12 April 1910 • Tuesday

Went to see Sister B. W. Smith this evening, found her well and having her supper, wrote to Sister Becraft of Ogden. David Clayton was here spending the evening with Margaret Sister M. Winder called today and several ladies, and brethren too {p. 70}

13 April 1910 • Wednesday

This is Emmeline [Young] Wells birthday she is 53. years old and unmarried Junius [F. Wells] has come home, came last Friday, he has been in to see me today, looks quite pale. I am glad he is home again he is a very great comfort to us all I think.

14 April 1910 • Thursday

Today I had a chill and cramp in my hands and arms and felt rather alarmed, perhaps unnecessarily, felt better in the afternoon Sister B. W. Smith and her daughter Bathsheba [Smith Merrill] came, Sister Smith looked very ill. I made her some tea and she felt better.

15 April 1910 • Friday

It is Arbor day and a public holiday nevertheless I went to the office and busied myself all day with my work, had several callers even tho’ the doors were closed. I was alone in the great building almost entirely. No mail came, I am weary tonight Annie began census work today. I am so sorry she has to do it. {p. 71}

16 April 1910 • Saturday

<Pioneer Stake Hall dedicated at the Stake Conference> Annie is working again today but has her buggy and Cavendish to drive so it will be a little easier for her, it is too bad the D.R. met in Room 29. I do not care much for the Meetings now a paper on medicine by E. R. [Elizabeth Richards] Wright but taken from a magazine article

17 April 1910 • Sunday

I finished my revise and then went up to see Lyde [Eliza Free Wells] & Emeline[.] Cal. [Clara E. Wells Hedges] lives there now and the house seems so full, Melvin [D. Wells] came in Sanford [W. Hedges] & wife4 and 2. babies5 and Ruby and her baby6 and Cal’s Clara [W. Hedges] and altogether it gave me a chance to see many of the family–

7Today I remained at home reading and writing trying to rest my brain and nerves and relieve if possible the terrible strain of the week, the two maids went out and I was left alone– in my own house. Finally I decided I would go and see Lyde Wells who has been ill three weeks with pneumonia, and went up to the house found the rooms very full Will [William S.] Hedges and family, Col. and Clara[,] Sanford Hedges wife and two babies and Ruby and her new baby and four of Melvin D. Wells children, Emeline and finally Melvin came back from meeting I had supper there and enjoyed seeing so many of the family, afterwards went up to see Lyde who certainly looks very ill indeed, yet she had been up that day for the first time. Our family of Wells’s is growing rapidly Hailey’s Comet is in the heavens somewhere in promixity to the earth. I am much interested in these mysterious bodies, erratic too– yet one feels more or less exercised when there is new heavenly bodies even tho’ at immense distances away [p. 107] {p. 109}

18 April 1910 • Monday

News this morning of the Dynamite explosion of Utah Hotel very alarming and many adjacent buildings damaged & glass broken–8 the Reaper’s Social met today– and Sister Smith & myself both had letters from Dr. Penrose, Sister Winder came & June Wells & others {p. 72} <Wrote to Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs in Amsterdam today 18th.>

9Today Sister Ellen <William[s]> Draper called this morning, she told me of a girl named Lilly Zabriskie from Mary’svale– that we had helped [i]n the Relief Society– bought baby clothes for etc. Letters today one from Dr. R. B. Penrose and one from Rigby Stake Office Grady Ass’t Sec. about hospital money– and one for B. W. Smith from <Dr.> Penrose answered one from Rigby Stake prepared Mrs. [Samantha Brimhall] Foley’s copy about Mexico [p. 108] {p. 46}

19 April 1910 • Tuesday

John Q. Cannon’s birthday and D.R. Society celebrate Battle of Lexington in Relief Society Rooms Bishop’s Building. Julia [Farnsworth] Lund made a pretty speech in my honor– to which I responded Five ladies from Lehi present[.] delicious refreshments–

10Daughters of the Revolution met in special session to celebrate the Battle of Lexington and to honor the Guests of the Matilda [Thomas] Evans Chapter of Lehi– a very pleasant affair and fine music and refreshments and handsome women assembled– went to Annie’s after the meeting and had a pleasant evening with the family– John Q’s birthday, and we had a fire in the parlor and chatted of various things past and present I took a box of candy and Emerson’s Poems to John Q. The night was glorious and I enjoyed the visit although very weary. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was at the D.R. party yesterday and made an appropriate speech– [p. 109] {p. 47}

20 April 1910 • Wednesday

We had Miss Bina [Sabina] M. West <&> mother11 also Mrs. [Alice B.] Locke of the Maccabees at an informal gathering in the Reception Room at the Relief Society headquarters and some of the Board of R.S. Y.L. and P.A. present– also Junius Wells our young literary author and traveler speaker & champion

12Mrs. Locke of the Maccabees was here this morning and we arranged for an interview with Miss Bina M. West and Mrs. [Elizabeth Conant] West between 3 & 4 this afternoon, and I telephoned and got several ladies together to meet them, Julia P. M. Farnsworth Phebe Young Beatie, Elizabeth S. Wilcox, Augusta W. Grant, May E. Talmage Mae T. Nystrom, May Anderson, Junius F. Wells, and we enjoyed it very much indeed, [p. 110] {p. 48}

13Today had message from Knutsford hotel– about Supreme Record keeper of Ladies of the Maccabees14– & her mother Mrs. E. West and Mrs. Locke Field worker in this division, called up a number of our organizations to come and meet them also Junius F. Wells, who is a fine entertainer and always helps one out under trying or embarrassing circumstances where there are people who are unacquainted that cannot get very near to each other even in ideas– he is a very genial person and conversant with topics of the day and knows what to say and how to say things agreeably, never seems at a loss, helps one wonderfully in leading It is a good thing to be able to strike the right key and it always helps if just one person can do it. I really feel myself most unlike the generality of people I do not belong in the ordinary category. I am quite sure of that. out socially. The ladies came and we had a pleasant interview and made a good impression I am sure, hope it may prove of some value, as the majority of people have strong prejudices against our Church [p. 110] {p. 112}

21 April 1910 • Thursday

Today dreadfully busy many callers, letters from here and there news of all sorts lovely flowers & old fashioned lilacs violet [Lloyd] & Minnie [Shelley] helping with the mailing. Clarissa S. Williams birthday 51 today {p. 73}

15<Mrs. C. S. Williams birthday 51. today> Today has been so full that one can scarcely sum it up from early until late callers, Mrs. Julia C. [Cruse] Howe and her attendant Mrs. Andrews came and spent a couple of hours or more, she is a great admirer of me– Mrs. Jos. [S.] Horne of Richfield16 was here all the forenoon and I read aloud the manuscript she brought me of Sister [Margaret Cruickshank] Morrison, one very great-souled woman but in a sense obscure, came of a fine Scotch family, Mary A. Freeze Dr. M. C. Roberts [p. 111] {p. 49}

17This morning the paper is out at last after all the pleading for what one has to pay down for, it is so difficult to be amiable over such annoyances, O, the visitors today, went to the President’s office first of all saw Harold [G.] Reynolds, got the permit for Sisters Grant and Farnsworth to go to Provo tomorrow, the first Conference this year Sister Martha [Morrison] Horne of Richfield brought me a long article about Sister Morrison of Mt. Pleasant and insisted on my reading it aloud to her– meantime Sister [Maria Banks] Francis came to have a talk with me and two ladies called Mrs. Alice B. Locke and Miss Hedge of the Maccabees, and Junius came to see me and I was anxious to talk to him about a literary coterie we had in mind and before I could finish with one or two callers more came, Sister Julia C. Howe and a Mrs. Andrew recently from London with her, and then Mrs. [Elizabeth Pugsley] Hayward and her sister Barbara with more questions to be answered and wanting my opinion on the split in the W.S.A. Convention at Washington and the D.A.R.18 quarrel, such a full day with telephone calls and so forth, finally a message fron the President’s office about non-Mormons being members of the Relief Society.– I promised to look up our minutes of the decision some weeks ago.19 Letters to Fillmore and Pocatello [Idaho] President Bathsheba W. Smith sick today in the Temple [p. 111] {p. 113}

22 April 1910 • Friday

Emily Wells birthday meant Grant[;] call today from Mrs. Blanche Mackintosh Rykhart very pleasant, also Emily S. [Tanner] Richards & Rebecca Nibley, very fine day no letters worth while, went over to the Temple Susa came to see me also John Q. Cannon

20Went over to the Temple to see Sister Bathsheba W. Smith who has been ill she went home in the carriage & I came back, her daughter Sister Merrrill [Merrill] is with her, Sister Nibley came and made me a little visit also Sisterr Emily S. Richards, Mrs. Blanche Rykart [Rykhart] came and stayed a couple of hours and told me some of her plans, she goes from here to Canada then to Folkestone [United Kingdom] for the summer no important mail today. [p. 112] {p. 50}

21This morning felt very weak scarcely able to go to the office but on arriving found very little mail[.] answered telephone messages and finally Susa Gates came, she brought me a pretty soft crepé like scarf for a gift, and we had some confidential conversation– I gave her my advice, and she may take it. I spoke to her of Mary Johnston’s article in the Atlantic Monthly entitled “Woman’s War”– and it is making its power felt. Dr. or Mrs. I should say Rhyhart [Rykhart] cane [came] and passed a couple of hours with me, we had several subjects on the carpets and she told me some of her plans, she intends when leaving for Canada she will remain there awhile, then go to Folkestone for the summer, it is an old romantic bathing place, situated in Kent– on the straits of Dover S.W. of Dover, it is a subport, had once Roman defences & <texture> arches I went over to the Salt Lake Temple to see Sister Bathsheba W. Smith who was ill, she is feeling better and went over home in a carriage, and I went back to the office, later Louise came and took me to the [p. 112] {p. 114}

23 April 1910 • Saturday

Mailing Emm. Cannon helping also Violet & Minnie & myself many callers and hindrances, in the evening went over to see Sister B. W. Smith and had a rather long call was very weary–

24 April 1910 • Sunday

Wrote to Mell on Percival [Woods]’s birthday mailed it today and went to Sister Maria B. Francis to dine with Sister Julia [Jinks] Druce and Sister Julia C. Howe and Sister Andrews [Mary Croxall Andrew] and May [Mary Francis] Kelly Pye– was taken ill and fainted Kate came over & waited on me & Jode {p. 74} <Wells came and took me for a ride with his wife and baby22>

25 April 1910 • Monday

Slept well for me and felt better this morning, reached the office and found Mrs. Webber and Farnsworth there at the D.R. chest and finished mailing today, went to the Prest’s office and was highly complimented by George [F.] Gibbs & Will [William C.] Spence

23Sister Emily [Hinckley] Holbrook 1.00 sent by J. P. M. Farnsworth from Provo for Woman’s Exponnt [Exponent] [p. 115] {p. 51}

26 April 1910 • Tuesday

Special meeting to prepare for Sister Bathsheba Smith’s birthday celebration, and Ida was made Chairman of Arrangements and all went off nicely. agreeably, better than we could have expected. Tomorrow several weddings will taks place, I am somewhat troubled about it

24Jane [Manning] Skolfield 1.00 [p. 116] {p. 52}

27 April 1910 • Wednesday

There are many things to be done and I am all the time notifying members. Geo. A. Smith is about coming home from St. George. It will be a miracle if he recovers, he is a fine man and very useful in his Church work but the Lord rules and overrules all things as seemeth best {p. 75}

25Held meeting in Room 29, 1910– Bathsheba W. Smith presiding 13. members present [p. 117] {p. 53}

28 April 1910 • Thursday

<significant dream> Isabel went to the Temple and was endowed for my sister Adeline Emily Woodward Pallas Eliza Woodward married name, C – Clark[.] I am so grateful that Isabel has taken hold of this work for me, it seems such hard work to get people interested in it. I had a strange dream I/ I dreamed President Lund gave me a roll of bills (money) a key and lock I think it significant very indeed

29 April 1910 • Friday

I worked as usual and had the regular routine, Annie came up and Emmeline ran in from school and Sister B. W. Smith & others, coming and going and the preparations for the party.

30 April 1910 • Saturday

Today was Leslie [Dunford]’s birthday and I am sure Mell would be thinking of it as I am or more so it is not a very pleasant day yet comparatively so. I am too busy to think much of days or reminders of the past as we have much to tax our time and energy Annie has the program ready {p. 76}

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April 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1910/1910-04


  1. [1]The reception, which EBW describes in two entries, was held on Saturday, 2 April 1910. (“Relief Society in Conference,” Deseret Evening News, 1 Apr. 1910, 5.)

  2. [2]Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution.

  3. [3]Retail clerks in Salt Lake City campaigned to have stores close early on Saturday evening—at 9:00 p.m. or even 6:00 p.m. rather than 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. With the support of the YLMIA, the Federation of Women’s Clubs, and other organizations, most stores had agreed to early closing by 1 April 1910. ZCMI was the last to adjust its hours and did so only after its managers were called upon by a committee that included club women, representatives of the Retail Merchants Association, the pastor of the Congregational church, and, notably, EBW, Emily Tanner Richards, and Lydia D. Alder. (“Early Closing Shops Gain New Recruits,” Salt Lake Evening Telegram, 14 Apr. 1910, 3; “Nearly All Stores Will Close Earlier, Saturday Nights,” Salt Lake Evening Telegram, 1 Apr. 1910, 7; “Early Closing Going into Effect,” Salt Lake Tribune, 3 Apr. 1910, 22.)

  4. [4]Sarah Coulam Hedges.

  5. [5]William S. Hedges and Paul G. Hedges.

  6. [6]Jeanne Morse.

  7. [7]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  8. [8]Disgruntled ironworkers planted dynamite during construction of the Hotel Utah to protest the use of nonunion labor. (Arrington and Swinton, The Hotel: Salt Lake’s Classy Lady, 16–18; “Construction Bombings: Hotel Utah,” J. Willard Marriott Library Digital Exhibits, accessed 6 Aug. 2020, https://exhibits.lib.utah.edu/s/hotelutah/page/construction-bombings; “Hotel Utah Dynamited,” Deseret Evening News, 18 Apr. 1910, 1.)

  9. [9]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  10. [10]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  11. [11]Elizabeth Conant West.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  13. [13]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  14. [14]Sabina West.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  16. [16]Martha Morrison Horne read the account of her father’s first wife.

  17. [17]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  18. [18]Daughters of the American Revolution.

  19. [19]The question of who could hold membership in the Relief Society was raised in a general board meeting on 3 December 1909. A committee was sent to ask the ruling of the First Presidency, who at first said that women who were not members of the church “might become members but could not hold office or be permitted to vote.” To validate this opinion, President Joseph F. Smith called for “the daily journal” to be brought into the meeting room and found that a delegation under Relief Society president Zina D. H. Young had asked the same question of President Lorenzo Snow. President Snow’s answer “at that time was decidedly no. Then President Smith said let that decision stand for the present.” (Meeting of General Board, Minutes of the Relief Society General Board, 3 Dec. 1909, volume 2, 135.) At this point in Relief Society history, women chose to become members and signaled their decision by paying dues. Membership in the church did not automatically bring membership in the society. Because the minute book does not contain an entry for a 21 April 1910 meeting, it is not known whether the earlier policy was affirmed or changed by President Smith.

  20. [20]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  21. [21]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  22. [22]Mamie Lovell Wells and Margaret Wells.

  23. [23]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  24. [24]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  25. [25]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.