June 1891

1 June 1891 • Monday

Felt very ill all day long, and yet had to work as much as I could, have had lots of hindrances, Sister E. S. Taylor came to see me after an absence of some time. I had an invitation to go to a party on Thursday evening, at Mrs. [Catherine Woolley] Eardley’s. This is June Wells birthday and also Emma Wells Sears she is 13 years old today; born in 1878 just after the d[e]ath of her Aunt Emmie [Emeline W. Wells] for whom she is named. The Musical contest was held tonight in the great Tabernacle in this City I attended June having sent me a ticket and I sat by Bishop Nelson Empey and Mrs. Judd of St. George where I heard for the first time of the engagemnt between Nelson & [p. 182] {p. 179} Miss [Emma] Adams of Nephi.

2 June 1891 • Tuesday

This is the anniversary of the birth of my sister Ellen’s Eldest daughter Harriet Ellen [Fuller] now Mrs. Wm. Laney. I am very weary we are having the most peculiar weather imaginable, cold and damp, rain wind and hail, somewhat gloomy and yet to me it is more satisfactory than the brightest weather could possibly be. The division into two political parties of the Peoples’ Party is the principal subject under discussion at present and considerable feeling is manifested and some ill will, or dissension is being developed already. It seems too po bad that it should be so. [p. 183] {p. 180}

3 June 1891 • Wednesday

Each day brings new developments on the political aspect of the question of politics and men in high standing in the Church seem ready to declare themselves and try to make converts to their side which causes much gossip and almost brings them into disrepute.1 I have had so many callers today and Lena came to invite me up there tomorrow & my work and all seemed to hinder me. I continually meet new people, not always interesting though sometimes far from it, but one has to face the public when carrying on a newspaper enterprise [p. 184] {p. 181}

4 June 1891 • Thursday

The paper ought to be ready and I have tried hard to get it but it still drags on. I went up to June’s to dinner, Martha, Lydia Ann, Susan & Hannah were all there and we had so much talk over the old times and then the sudden and almost unexpected death of Pres. Wells.

In the evening I went to Sister Eardley’s there was a goodly company present and among them were John W. Taylor the Apostle B. H. Roberts, Jos. E. Taylor Dr. [Charles F.] Wilcox Rodney Badger and many ladies of intelligence and talent some excellent singing and talks upon politics were the order of the day and evening. Refreshments in profusion and late breaking up. [p. 185] {p. 182}

5 June 1891 • Friday

Daisie’s birthday also the birthday of a little girl of Clara Hedges the youngest daughter of Louisa F. Wells. Dear Daisie how glad I should be to see her. Cal’s baby is very beautiful indeed– this makes three children she has. They have a new house at Darlington Place and the little one was born in the new home– it is a beautiful month always in our country flowers and roses and fresh blossoms of all kinds and the air always laden with sweet perfumes, and the birds singing and waters murmuring too– nature in her most joyous gladness [p. 186] {p. 183}

6 June 1891 • Saturday

Always a day of toil is the last day of the week yet it ought not to be and why do we toil on and on as we do– why cannot we rest in our feelings at least. I remember when a child that we had all our work put away on Saturday afternoon to prepare for the Sabbath– but in these hurrying times we work all day and late on into the night. I have tried to get through some necessary things and go off to Annie’s to Ogden succeeded only in catching a late train and found them all upset when I arrived, girl gone Annie trying to bathe the little flock and I seem so useless in all these matters so out of practise [p. 187] {p. 184}

7 June 1891 • Sunday

I lay in bed quite late and when I did get up it was only to help with the work, though we visited at our work– Annie is nearly worn out baby so young and no help– it seems such a trouble to get and to keep a girl in both Ogden and Salt Lake. Sweetie and Q. are both very good but too young even to attend to baby regularly. John Q. is not good for much on Sunday as he works so hard all the week and it is his day of days for resting. The family are too delighted to have him with them & at evening it is like a festival of enjoyment I like to stay and participate. [p. 188] {p. 185}

8 June 1891 • Monday

Last evening we enjoyed a pleasant conversation and the children thoroughly appreciated the company of father and grandma as well as the ice cream and candy. baby Eleanor is growing nicely and Daniel is a very fine little fellow– his arm is about well now. I have not been up so much of late and I would not have come just now if I had known Br. Cannon was coming, as it much nicer to have us one at a time. Annie is so lonely up here I [k]now she is almost isolated from the rest of us and I am left very lonely too without her and the children– [p. 189] {p. 186}

9 June 1891 • Tuesday

Today Zina Y. Card once Zina Young and afterwards Zina Williams had a little girl born to her in Canada, she was once my companion to Washington on an important mission– Hannah Wells birthday she is 62 I think, Abbie [Wells Chapin] her daughter has gone away recently, it leaves her very lonely– it is a lovely day and warm enough to be comfortable. There is quite an excitement in the city and country our politics, the Peoples’ Party breaking up and dividing into Democrats and Republicans; it is creating considerable feeling and some bitterness. it is well enough to look into both parties and see what are the fundamental principles [p. 190] {p. 187}

10 June 1891 • Wednesday

This is a fine day but when one’s spirits are depressed all days are similar, and I might add all days are dark. There are great preparations going on for the Festival. The University exercises are today and tonight but I do not feel like attending. Will is here and he called with Emeline for me, and Vic [Victor P. Wells] called with Lyde [Eliza Free Wells]. I did not go after all I am not in any mood for the company of the young and gay at present nor yet for the elderly– and indeed I fear not for any; still I ought to be with pleasant people & have some moderate excitement for my nerves are terribly shaken and to be alone is not good for me [p. 191] {p. 188}

11 June 1891 • Thursday

Nothing has happened of an exciting or stimulating character to my nervous system today for a wonder. The weather is very warm & the trees and vines and plants are looking luxurious– roses everywhere– Salt Lake a garden indeed in this beautiful month, I hear from Belle that they think of coming home soon– how strange it seems, how good it will be if they come all right those dear children so long since I have seen them. I suppose they are much changed especially the older ones. I wish it might be that they would all come feeling well and happy and settle here and never go away again. [p. 192] {p. 189}

12 June 1891 • Friday

Letters from Mell & Verona– Mell thinks of coming to Salt Lake on a visit. She too has been long away– Verona mourns incessantly for little Helen and cannot be comforted. Mell writes very nice letters she has an excellent mind and expresses herself very clearly and intelligently. She has an unbounded stock of information upon some special subjects and really knows how to make the most of it. I wish she would write the book she thought of doing. I am sure she could make a success of such a work. I am not feeling very well– [p. 193] {p. 190}

13 June 1891 • Saturday

<This is the closing night of the Festival.> Today I made everything count as far as I could to get ready to go to Ogden and succeeded in getting off in time, but found on arriving at the depot that the train was three hours late, so I took the car back again and waited until evening and even then I had to wait some time. At the depot– saw coming off the Southern train June returning from Manti where he had been the day before and also, Pres. [Canute] Peterson and wife who had come up to Sister Olsen [Elizabeth Olson]’s funeral. Shure Olsen [Olson]’s wife. The rain has been very heavy today reached Ogden safe after nine at night [p. 194] {p. 191}

14 June 1891 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed ever so late. Annie had to prepare breakfast herself for there was no one to help and with the little ones it was quite an undertaking. After I did get up I took baby which was some help and in the afternoon the new girl came Katie Clark. John Q. went out for a buggy and I came away and took the train for home. Arrived all right and did my work of preparing editorial copy and reading up on some matters and as I felt very low-spirited I could not do the letter-writing I anticipated but read some and tried to find consolation in the Bible– the Savior’s teachings [p. 195] {p. 192}

15 June 1891 • Monday

Today what hard work it was to get away from the office to fulfill an appointment, Sister Jane S. Richards came from Grantsville just as I was leaving the house and we came back to talk over some matters pertaining to generalities & it was late ere we rea[c]hed the meeting in the 16th. Ward schoolhouse, but we both spoke and afterwards went to the residence of the Pres. Deana [Diana Davidson] Reid and had supper. Thence to depot– where Sister Richards took train for Ogden and I came back to work. Spent the evening in preparing copy editorial and finishing up for this issue of the paper [p. 196] {p. 193}

16 June 1891 • Tuesday

This morning had lots of callers, a letter from Dr. Gilchrist was one of the important features of the Day. Called upon Pres. Woodruff at the Gardo to ask in reference to my mother having her [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance]= stated the case and found it was admissible. Went to the 22nd ward in the afternoon and spoke in the meeting. They have a new meeting house very handsome outside and in Went over to Sister Maria [Dilworth] Nebeker’s to supper, every thing in apple-pie order, and beautiful flowers on the table and in the parlor Returned home and did some writing and sent off receipts & so forth and did not sleep at all– [p. 197] {p. 194}

17 June 1891 • Wednesday

This morning I was quite ill and could scarcely read my proofs and could not get ready to go to the Memorial gathering at Sister S. M. Kimball’s– however I went about 4 o’clock and found them seated at the table– Sister S. M. Kimball at the head, Sister M. I. Horne next. Emily H. Woodmansee, Elizabeth [Jardine] Mc’Farlane, Alice [Daniels] Weinel, Elizabeth Howard Louisa [King] Spencer, Mrs. J. [John] F. Smith [Christiana Vernon Smith] and myself each of us had a bouquet of flowers tied with ribbon at our plate and a card on which was written the name and date and a verse from one of the Psalms of David. We had reminescences of Sister [Hannah Tapfield] King verses etc, and when we rose from the table there was an expression of a sentiment from each one. [p. 198] {p. 195}

18 June 1891 • Thursday

Started off early this morning on the train with the Old Folks excursion bound for Springville, there were about nine hundred passengers in fourteen cars. some of the old people were ninety and over. Many between 80 & 90– and more between 70. & 80. They all seemed in excellent spirits and enjoyed the ride and scenery. The people welcomed the Old Folks grandly– with everything to make the affair a success. The tables groaned with the weight of the feast and all passed off pleasantly, though there was a little rain & wind All arrived home safe and no accident befell any one, On arriving heard that Mamie Cannon had a son born that morning. [p. 199] {p. 196}

19 June 1891 • Friday

Hurried off on errands & tried to get the paper on the press. In the afternoon went to the Relief Society Conference in the 14th Ward Hall– spoke there about 20 minutes. Helen was there and spoke also– Dr. Conger was there and spoke about 20 minutes. Went over to the Primary Fair after meeting. the children have a fine display of their work. Had a letter from Charles Wells Moulton of Buffalo N.Y. and yesterday one from Dr. Etta Gilchrist. I wish I could do more work, but it seems I cannot hold out I tried to go over some old letters in the evening that upset me terribly and I do not remember of ever being nearer going out of my mind. [p. 200] {p. 197}

20 June 1891 • Saturday

Bishop Alexander Mc’Rae is lying dying today, and Bishop Geo. H. Taylor is a very sick man, little Clara Groesbeck died today– a sweet young girl. Went over to the Fair, and took notes nearly all the afternoon. There are many very beautiful things on exhibition made by the children. Sister Ellen Clawson & Lydia Ann Wells have worked very hard also some of the other Presidents of Ward P.A. Towards evening Ort & Zine came to take me out riding, we went round past Bishop Taylor’s and found him better, then drove down the West drive and back through the east one– came home & wrote two letters. [p. 201] {p. 198}

21 June 1891 • Sunday

This is my sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] birthday and also little Wilford [Woodruff Wells] Lydia Ann’s babe that died in infancy. It is the longest day in the year and has been a beautiful day to us here in Utah– mild and calm and serene. I went to the Tabernacle and heard Bishop O. F. Whitney preach– and then took dinner up at Lydia Ann’s and Susan’s and we had a nice time afterwards Hannah came too and we went over many things together– Kate & May went with me to Charles [E.] Ellis lecture in the theatre and came home with me after. It is indeed a glorious night. Pres. Woodruff and Cannon went to San Fran [p. 202] {p. 199} last night Saturday June 20.

22 June 1891 • Monday

Today I sent off letters to Daisie and Verona and went to the Tabernacle. Bishop Whitney preached an excellent discourse. Went up to the 20th. Ward afterwards and dined at Lydia Ann’s and Susan’s, after some little time decided to go to hear Charles Ellis lecture in the Theatre Kate and May both went with me. I was not so well pleased with it as formerly. This mo[r]ning went over to the Fair and decided on prizes for essays gave one to Maude Bowring 7th Ward Mrs. Heman’s Poems, and to Blanche [Kendall] Thomas same ward Dolls Playhouse. In the afternoon went to make some calls and do some work on paper intending to go to Ogden next day. [p. 203] {p. 200}

23 June 1891 • Tuesday

Went to depot this morning missed the Ogden train and came back and went to work preparing copy. Went off on 1/2 past 3 train got into the Grand Opera House in time to see the closing exercises of the exhibition, saw Louise and Margaret in fairy costume Annie & John Q. were there also Geo. Q. and baby. Poor little Daniel was at home with his broken arm, in a sling. When the exercises closed Judge [Henry P.] Henderson made a speech which was a very poor one indeed for a man of his calibre. We all went home together and had dinner then John Q. went to the Office and we went into the over to Mrs. Brownings and afterwards spent the evening in conversation [p. 204] {p. 201}

24 June 1891 • Wednesday

This morning the first thing came the news that the Reform School had burned down. Had breakfast with John Q. and Annie, Mrs. Langsderff, Wallace, Emmett and Stephens called on Annie, we had a very pleasant day, going over many matters of interest. Had a delicious dinner of Spring chicken young beets strawberries and cream, cake pie etc. Such sweet children, Geo. Q. came to the depot with me, dear little fellow, so bright & so good. Rulon came in to see me and talk over family matters. Spoke of Frank [Frances Louisa Wells]’s condition as amounting to insanity almost. Letter from Belle good news. Sat & wrote all alone until after midnight. [p. 205] {p. 202}

25 June 1891 • Thursday

This morning June came to say good-bye and I was up early, to see them off so many callers too early in the day and I was trying to get my mailing done. Sisters Horne, [Maria Richards] Wilcox and Raleigh also Sister Thomas were here and the afternoon passed quickly; May & Kate came in and repeated over what had transpired at the meeting on Tuesday evening. I am more than ever convinced it was providential I was not there or Annie either. In the evening I worked at the mailing as long as I could and Zina [S. Hanson] took the papers to the Post Office. Then I sat preparing editorial copy until the night was over and morning of another day dawning, and was not at all sleepy. [p. 206] {p. 203}

26 June 1891 • Friday

This has been a disturbed day. Zina & baby were to go away and I scarce know how to get her off. She seemed so unwilling to leave me; she went however about 4 o’clock in a buggy with Sister Silcock’s grandson a young man. I have had a letter today from Aunt Zina, she is well and thinks Zina [Young Card] improving slowly. Maria Dougall does not improve very fast, she is still in delicate health. Sister Smith has been here today, she is not well at all, has been quite sick. Bishop Mc’Rae’s funeral was yesterday. Politics are raging, political meetings every night somewhere, both parties trying to win, It is lonely here to night Etta came in to sleep– [p. 207] {p. 204}

27 June 1891 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hiram [Hyrum] Smith. How well I remember that day and time. How dark the clouds seemed to hang over the city of Nauvoo, it was as though the sun could not shine. 47 years ago and it is as vivid in memory as though it had just transpired. The day has been a fine one, and also a busy one. The President W. Woodruff and wife and Br. Cannon returned this morning from San Francisco; Sister Howard, Mrs. Mc’Vickor [Emma Kelly McVicker] Mrs. Boyden, Bishop Whitney Kate & May and ever so many more have been in to see me, I have been more than busy, and have not felt very well. Gershom came in this evening [p. 208] {p. 205}

28 June 1891 • Sunday

This morning I tried to rest and afterwards to send off some papers etc. then to go off to Ogden to see Annie and the children, the train was behind time & I had to wait. Elder C. W. Penrose preached today a fine sermon– in the Tabernacle. Bishop Geo. H. Taylor is very ill. The ride to Ogden was sultry and when I arrived at Annie’s found the hired girl very sick with sore throat. Dr. [Haymond J.] Powers came by her request and pronounced it guinzey. She slept very little the night previous or Annie either. It made the house gloomy, We sat up late had ice cream & candy. Louise slept with me. In the evening we had pleasant time [p. 209] {p. 206}

29 June 1891 • Monday

This morning was too late for the train and had to stay until 5. P.M. Annie had all the work to do I helped with the baby. Louise played for me on the organ, she is only six years old. Geo. Q. mowed the lawn. Poor little Daniel and his broken arm are quite pitiful. Eleanor is growing fast, she was very good with me. Geo. Q. came to the depot with me. On the way home on the cars I was reading “The Fair God” by Lew Wallace. Since coming home I have been working steady at my mailing Letters were here from Daisie, Mrs. [Ruth Welton] Tyler, Beaver, & one or two or three more. It is now past midnight. Etta [Cannon Lambert] is sleeping here for company– [p. 210] {p. 207}

30 June 1891 • Tuesday

This morning I went down to Rulon the very first thing and had the note fixed up– as per agreement all was satisfactory; then afterwards May came and insisted on my going up to dinner which I did. Had a pleasant time and called on Louisa’s girls at Mell’s old home on the way back, then at Mrs. Mc’Vickor’s and left the “Story of an African Farm.” at home I found Emma Kofod had returned. She helped me with my work which was a great blessing to me. I have worked so steady today that I am more than weary. It is currently reported that Bishop Geo. H. Taylor is very low. I have written tonight to Sisters Pitchforth & [Elizabeth Stewart] Stickney and sent them Woman Suffrage Leaflets– [p. 211] {p. 208}

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June 1891, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1891/1891-06


  1. [1]In this year, in order to improve the chances of Utah achieving statehood, church leaders encouraged members to join national political parties, either the Democrats or the Republicans. Members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other church officials spoke publicly about their own political preferences. (See EBW, Diary, 9 June 1891; and Lyman, Finally Statehood, 263–293.)