February 1898

1 February 1898 • Tuesday

wea.ther dark & threatening

I had been terribly upset at the Club several things happened contrawise– Mrs. [Isabel Cameron] Brown an objectionable woman on account of her forwardness was appointed a Delegate to Denver and our own faithful members ignored– and some other grievances. I slept restlessly and awoke much depressed– in spirit. Went to the office no mail to speak of and run over to see Mrs. Gates. learned about the Social Purity women, who had written from Denver. Went to the meeting at Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury’s, had lunch there– Mrs. Allen presided Miss [Hester] Harkness Secretary only a few came. Cavendish is three years old today I went to Annie’s to dinner turkey and other luxuries spent the evening with Annie, and came home alone as usual. Many calamities are transpiring in the world outside [p. 64] {p. 56}

2 February 1898 • Wednesday

wea. sleet and fine snow. cold

I felt very ill and was late in going up to the Office, however I managed to get an article in the news and to attend to business and hold a meeting in the afternoon of the Daughters of the Revolution about a dozen ladies present. I had many callers among them Dr. E. R. Shipp, Lizzie S. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox, and several other friends– there was a meeting of the Cannon Ward which Sister [Mary Cannon] Lambert attended. There are so many things going on all around that it is impossible to do it all.

This evening wrote out answers to questions sent from Stanford University by Newel Harris Bullock Psychological in a way. I felt rather nervous in recalling instances and incidents. Sister [May Booth] Talmage was one of my callers today– she read me a thought for a symposium [p. 65] {p. 57}

3 February 1898 • Thursday

wea.ther fine but cold

This morning called on Dr. [John R.] Park with Mrs. Bamberger1 in reference to Memorial Fund2 he had looked up the law and found no objection to asking the school children either through teachers or otherwise. Mrs. Lake and Dr. Giesel arrived– Mrs. Gates brought them to see me, and we took them to the News and had a notice of them published– then I went with them to the Chief of Police Br. [George] Buckle City Councilman went with me. We heard some plain facts. I took them to get lunch, Mr. Jameson called upon me to read me an article he had written about our people. I have been dreadfully hindered in my work– several applicants came for charity today. At evening I was completely worn out could scarcely drag myself home [p. 66] {p. 58}

4 February 1898 • Friday

wea.ther fine

This is the birthday of <Joshua H.> little Newel [M. Whitney] as we always called him– <was born Feb. 6> Mother Whitney’s boy born when she was forty six years old in Winter Quarters on the Missouri river after we had left Nauvoo and were journeying Westward. O, those were times of trial and of difficulty that it is hardly possible for our children to conceive of. Today has been busy in many ways Mrs. Allen came and told me Mrs. Salisbury was ill in New York City which nearly makes me faint to think of. She is such a gracious character in every way, and has been so lovely to me always ever since I knew her. The Kindergarten meeting in the afternoon was scarcely what was expected but Cal. [Clara Wells Hedges] came in place of Emeline [Young Wells] & said she was sick. Annie sent for me to go to dinner and I rushed off, Louise came home with me. [p. 67] {p. 59}

5 February 1898 • Saturday

wea.ther fine

<Editorial by the First Presidency3 causes great excitement about Ike Trumbo4>– This is the anniversary of the birth of Newel K. Whitney, Bishop and Trustee in Trust of the Church at the time of his death in September 23rd 1850, he was born in Marlboro, Wyndham Co. Vermont Feb. 5. 1895.5 and consequently would be if he were living to day 103 years old. It is a very fin day had a call from Jos. E. Taylor in reference to the Tabernacle for the Rescue women to speak in. Primary officers meeting here this morning. About forty or more were present. At three p.m. went to the Washington Memorial meeting at Mrs. Salisbury’s– very few present Mrs. Allen presided. Reports from committees were heard and an address to the public presented and voted upon. After returning worked hard at my mailing and came home late and very weary, too much so to work at all. [p. 68] {p. 60}

6 February 1898 • Sunday

wea.ther fine

This is little Newel’s birthday I do not know how many remember it as I do– I know so well what no one else living now could know. The people present <then> are all dead. Bishop [Newell K.] Whitney, Mother [Patty Bartlett] Sessions, Vilate [Murray] Kimball, Sarah Ann [Whitney] Kimball and myself. <living> It is a very beautiful day, but I am not well and do not know if I can even get some letters finished that I have on hand.

I tried to rest and recuperate Annie came down a little while and <brought me some nice chicken> made my bed and so forth Emmie came over too and Brent brought my dinner– I wrote letters to May Wright Sewall 2. One for the Society and one for myself– also to Mrs. M. B. Salisbury, to Mrs. Emma [West] Smith, to Mrs. Eliza<be>th Phillips Lima Montana and three other letters– I was very weary and it was two o’clock in the morning when I went to bed and slept very little indeed. In fact I was quite ill [p. 69] {p. 61}

7 February 1898 • Monday

I went up as early as possible and attended to business, but my lungs ached and I ought not to have done even what I could I did try to do. My head aches, the lights flash in my eyes, and my brain fairly reels and yet I work on and on– I sent off some mail that had been lying over and I was in such pain and overcome as it were with my desire to hurry. I seem so far behind with my work that it makes me uncomfortable. and not like myself at all. I came home thoroughly out of sorts and had to wait so long for a car that I was quite exhausted. Read some in the new Family Herald and wrote letters to Mrs. ([Lucinda Howd] Murdock Minersville & to Miss [Amelia] Graehl Brigham City and to Mrs. [Artemesia Snow] Seegmiller Kanab– [p. 70] {p. 62}

8 February 1898 • Tuesday

The day was gloomy in the morning but later on was very fine and even brilliant, it is little Emmeline Cannon’s birthday she is five years old and has a doll– party with printed invitations– about twenty five or more little girls with dolls from five to seven years old. Annie is waiting upon them beautifully I went down for a few minutes, to see them felt very ill indeed. Mrs. E. J. Stevenson is sixty to day and her daughter Mrs. Wilcox has given a party for her at her own house and invited about sixty ladies. I could not go until very late as I was so ill and had so much to do– but found all very pleasant when I arrived. I had been invited to read one of my own poems but was too hoarse– Mrs. Wilcox read the Dear Old Garden– had a long talk with Dr. Shipp [p. 71] {p. 63}

9 February 1898 • Wednesday

Today Em came over and waited upon me– did not get up town until noon– was behind. Mrs. [Jane Mair] Kingsbury came and gave me some messages. Went up to the meeting– decided on an entertainment at Mrs. [Elizabeth Faber] Downey’s ladies to dress in Colonial costume– I was asked to speak to the Governor about representing George Washington–

I have been very ill all day. Mrs Walker served tea and wafers after the meeting. Adjourned to the call of the President. The Addresses came and were distributed. I had dinner at Mr. [Orange J.] Salisbury’s. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. [Ellen Salisbury] Cash were both present. I am very ill and low-spirited and can scarcely keep up at all. Have had some encouraging letters and some satisfaction in talking to people. Could not get to the entertainment [p. 72] {p. 64}

10 February 1898 • Thursday

This is the day of Mrs. Jennings party–6 Gentlemen are invited, it will be a fine affair presumably,– A 5 o’clock tea. I had many hindrances, but at last set off– Arriving found quite a number had not yet come Presidents Woodruff, Cannon, and Lorenzo Snow were guests, also Bishop Winder and the Bishopric of the ward Whitney [Robert] Patrick and [William B.] Barton. George D. Pyper who sung some sweet songs, and at last the Holy City and O, My Father. Presidents Woodruff and Cannon both made congratulatory remarks and also spoke of conditions at the Present Time. Mrs. [Priscilla Jennings] Riter & Miss [Sarah E.] Dwyer sung and Mrs. Suzie Jennings. & Margie Jennings gave instrumental <piano> music. Other gentlemen were W. W. Riter H. [Henry] Dinwoodey, Dr. J. E. [Joseph A.] Jennings Phil. Brooks, J. [James] Dwyer, H. [Henry] W. Naisbett, Heber J. Grant & T. J. [Thomas G.] Webber [p. 73] {p. 65}

11 February 1898 • Friday

The day is dreary and I am really ill– had to go to the University to a meeting of the State Kindergarten Association– and then tried to dress and get up to Junius [F. Wells]’s to dinner– all his father’s wives were invited– I felt so ill that I was not like myself– and it seemed too bad because Lena had done so much to make us feel happy and the dinner was excellent. Evening very pleasant– hurried away to meet Margaret who was to sleep at my house. John Q. is very ill– I do feel almost alarmed about him. I did not sleep much because of that fact and Margaret not coming– sent off many addresses to women in various parts of the state [p. 74] {p. 66}

12 February 1898 • Saturday

Was late in reaching the office as Em. was there mailing and my cold was bad. Mrs. Ballantyne came about going East & stayed all the afternoon. Had a letter from my brother Hiram and he sent money for one of my books. Many things unpleasant are transpiring. I am trying very hard to make payments on my paper and on my book and to keep up with all my work. I am really very much depressed, it seems as if one works on and on and others come in for the benefits. However considering all things past and present I ought not to repine. Margaret came home with me and it was a great pleasure I had been invited to take part in the Woman’s Republican League Rally but could not go, I was so ill. [p. 75] {p. 67}

13 February 1898 • Sunday

Margaret went home early this morning– Em. came over and except that I have been alone so far it is now past three p.m. I have written to Mrs. Morton [May Davis] Lindley, San Francisco, Mrs. Clinton [Alice White] Smith Washington D. C. Mrs. Belva [Bennett] Lockwood Washington D.C. and am now waiting anxiously to hear from John Q.– will make a fire in the parlor–

Louise came with repast and said her father seemed better. Em. came over with dinner & brought up coal for me I also wrote to Miss [Mrs.] Helen M. Winslow and sent one dollar for “The Club Woman” one year also to Susan B. Anthony to Regent Hotel Washington D.C. to Mell and sent away Receipts and notes to subscribers, [p. 76] {p. 68}

14 February 1898 • Monday

Em. went up this morning and I was late– feeling very miserable and dreading the meeting of the Reaper’s Club, lest proposals should be made to have a gathering in my honor on my birthday or the nearest day to it vig. [viz.] the 28th. of Feb. I do not know why I dread it so much– however I know I am sensitive about those things. I took a nervous chill and had no sort of warmth in me, and could not get warm any way at all. The ladies came and there was quite a full gathering and we voted to join the General Federation– and the ladies all seemed quite willing and I was elected Delegate to Denver to the Convention of the General Federation (Mrs. Ella W. Hyde alternate. I was too ill to go to Ogden to the celebration of Lincoln’s birthday and came home quite upset Valentines sent to the grandchildren [p. 77] {p. 69}

15 February 1898 • Tuesday

<John Q. came up town today he is not much better–> Yesterday– I did not feel well enough when I returned to write in my journal and so must dot [jot] down some items this morning before going to the office– I had a sweet letter from Alice Reynolds– she seems to be fond of me though she does not even know me except casually and through her father.7 It did me a great deal of good to get it I even wept to think there was real appreciation like that I persisted in getting off Receipts and think now I am about strait in that respect. However I have many letters to answer yet and I am determined to do them also books to send which I have promised. Mrs. Salisbury returned on the 10th. I went up to see her about 8. p.m. She was just the same sweet gracious friend. Mentioned that Mrs. [Ellen M.] Richardson & a woman from South Carolina sent love to me– [p. 78] {p. 70}

16 February 1898 • Wednesday

I almost dragged myself to the office today and had chills all day long, shivering and nervous, Susie came from Provo and Mrs. Lake the Reserve Worker called and told us Dr. Giesel had hemorhage of the lungs, quite severe. Mrs. Sarah F. [Farr] Smith and Annie Belle and Dot came and Priscilla Smith later. We could not have a meeting as there were not a sufficient number at once. Susie is rather an extremist and makes herself offensive to some people but means well– she is thought to neglect her family and children and men look upon her as a specimen of the new woman when in reality she is only herself as she is naturally. I went to Annies and had dinner and stayed all night. John Q. is some better Daniel had the tooth ache President [George C.] Parkinson of Oneida came to see me today– [p. 79] {p. 71}

17 February 1898 • Thursday

<Sent dispatch to International Press Congress per Hannah B. [Bassett] Sperry Prest.> I came down home this morning before going to the office, Lucile is quite ill– looks very bad. Belle seems low-spirited, they are all going to Mrs. Beck’s the embroidery club meets there this time. I had no letters worth mentioning today. Susie came this morning, insisted on my being the first President I had decided on Annie– I think her much more suitable C. C. R. [Caroline C. Raleigh Wells] came and and several others, Georgie Young to talk of the Kindergarten movement and wished me to go with her to the Presidency but I am not well enough to bear any strain. Margaret Caine came and told me Mrs. Salisbury was too ill to see any one. I am very sorry as we depend on her for the head of affairs in the G. W. Fund8 Worked so constantly all evening that I was too weary to write went to bed before midnight [p. 80] {p. 72}

18 February 1898 • Friday

Today is dismal again for me I am so chilly and nervous. I went up to Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards]’s to get some old-fashioned things, but she was not at home– I was quite shocked with the appearance of her house, especially the front steps. No comfort of a home to all appearance, the little boys doing the work. Came back the Kindergarten in session and Lula at the office waiting for me– We had a long talk over matters and finally arranged that I should go up next day at eleven. I worked all I could and came home exhausted. [p. 81] {p. 73}

19 February 1898 • Saturday

A very warm day for the time of year– went up to Lula’s and brought away some laces etc. had many callers and people on business, Mrs. Shepard & Jones, [Julia Ann Morris] Golightly, [Margaret Farquhar] Steele, Alder and others. Had to rush home Emmie came to help me and we hurried very much finally I started– at the office I picked up went to Mrs. Gerretts9 found I was late, and at last had my hair dressed and powdered. At last we set off Dr. Pratt Mrs. M. A. Caine with me, and at the Governors we were joined by the Gov. & his staff also Annie & Mrs. [Sybella Johnson] Clayton– arrived found all in progress– house so beautifully decorated with flags and banners and the band from the Fort in the hall playing. Every thing was very lovely, none of our people except our own crowd10 [p. 82] {p. 74}

20 February 1898 • Sunday

Tried to rest this morning– Margaret has croup– Emmie has had a bad spell of fainting last evening– so they are all upset at Belles & at Annie’s too– and it is so depressing. I wrote for the Spirit of 76. also to Daisie for there is no news from them of late and it is very queer– sent off several more addresses to the sisters and then went up to Annie’s Margaret is seriously ill, John Q. quite so too– and Mr. Sears– I spent the evening at Annie’s and came home half past ten Q. went to the evening meeting– last night he was ordained a Priest.11 The wind is high and the night dismal I tried to rest and read. My home is quiet and peaceful and I do enjoy the change from the bustle of the City, and I know I have many blessings. [p. 83] {p. 75}

21 February 1898 • Monday

This morning went off as soon as I could– first wrote a letter to a distant cousin in Chicago, inquiring after some family matters and put a special stamp on it so that I might know it was delivered immediately. At the office I found a letter from Mell– containing a P.O. order for 1.25 for papers containing the Article on songs etc. In the afternoon I had a letter from Mrs. Salisbury– and Br. [George] Goddard came to see me about the women who are here to do Rescue work– Annie & Emmie have both been up today though Emmie had another fainting spell last night. I went to the Assembly Hall and sort of took charge of the meeting– there was about a hundred ladies present. Came home quite exhausted [p. 84] {p. 76}

22 February 1898 • Tuesday

This is a legal holiday and I wanted to rest– a fine sunny day, bright and clear but almost too warm for this time of year. Last night I wrote four pages of letter paper to Zina Card and today I must finish it. Em came with breakfast and made my fire, and fixed tea etc. After I had breakfast I wrote– eleven and a half pages– explaining all I could for her– and then after some little homely duties dressed and went to Annie’s found John Q. & Annie had gone to Col. [Nephi W.] Clayton’s to an oyster supper– Geo. Q. to the Ward party– I went on up to the Assembly Hall and had to take charge again of the meeting, men almost entirely a few women– Dr. Geisel spoke first and Mrs. Lake made the real address of the evening– two men rose and said a few words, Br. White and Dr. [Archibald A.] Kerr. [p. 85] {p. 77}

23 February 1898 • Wednesday

Today I have had hard work to keep going– Mrs. Lake came and I gave her the three dollars, I do not know how I am to get it again but hope it is right for me to do it. I had some conversation with Mrs. Lake and gave her my picture, and wrote a sentiment for her on it. I came home so weary that I really could not rest aching in my waist [wrist] and trying hard to write– Margaret is better– for which I am truly grateful and indeed I do feel glad we are as well off as we are– I have been writing wrappers, and cannot do what I feel positively necessary [p. 86] {p. 78}

24 February 1898 • Thursday

Today I hurried but Mrs. Lake did not come as I expected she would. I hindered away time in waiting for her Annie came in and reminded me that I was invited to Lyde [Eliza Free Wells]’s to dinner and I had to go without going home to dress– my spirits were very low and I went away sort of sorrowful– When I reached there Lydia Ann, Susan [Alley Wells] Martha & Hannah [Free Wells] were there also Lena & Jote [Josephine Beatie Wells] Abbie [Young Chapin] & Josephine [L. Wells]– we had a fine dinner– Emeline & Cal were there and Richie12 who lives with Lyde– Col [Samuel A.] Merritt came after dinner and chatted Hannah & myself came away together– It is all mystifying– one does not know what to think of the matter at all–

This is Will [William] C. Hendrie’s birthday he is over fifty years old now [p. 87] {p. 79}

25 February 1898 • Friday

This is a dismal day to me and I can hardly keep up to do my work– I have been so ill this winter more than any one thinks I am sure– and the annoyance of the different people whom one has to explain simple matters to is beyond endurance almost– the Kindergarten Association are puzzled to get means to keep the affairs up at all and Emeline seems quite low-spirited over it. She has worked so hard and tried to succeed with the little ones and there is so little encouragement for her– I am so sorry Margaret is better and I am so glad. [p. 88] {p. 80}

26 February 1898 • Saturday

Today has been more pleasant– I went home to dress and succeeded in getting up to Sister Shipps about the right time, though the parlors were pretty well filled when I arrived It was a great ovation to me– or in my honor on the coming out of my book. Dr. Shipp and Dr. Pratt were the principal parties in the affair. The perfume of sweet flowers was most delightful. It was a pleasant sensation. The party was in charge of Dr. Pratt and the ladies present gave sentiments from my poems. Then Mrs. Alder had an elaborate address quoting largely from my songs and the girls sung Our Mountain home so dear and– Lizzie H. [Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp sung Love’s Revelry– Ellis read the Happy Maiden– and seven little girls in white sung “Little children love the Savior” [p. 89] {p. 81}

27 February 1898 • Sunday

I stayed at home and tried to rest today after the brilliant party given me last evening– cake ice cream chocolate and sandwiches were served to all the guests. It was very prettily arranged and managed Nearly one hundred were present I am sure– It was fatiguing and embarrassing in the extreme, and sort of trying to say the least– an ordeal. If some less demonstrative gift or honor, delicately handled had been made it would not embarrass one so much. Annie came down in the evening Tomorrow– a dinner is to be given me at Belle’s The love token made me at Dr. Shipp’s of a sort of autograph from friends– is the most unique and handsome remembrance I have ever had at any time. [p. 90] {p. 82}

28 February 1898 • Monday

I hope to get through the day happily– eighteen ladies are expected– I went up for my mail and brought home flowers Em. was with me– I dressed and was ready in good time. The children gave me each something Belle’s three girls a changable silk waist– Gene & Brent a fine teapot, and Mell has sent to New York for a brown silk dress. The ladies came in good time my sister Adaline [Woodward Earl] the only one of my very own family at home– Sister Elizabeth H. [Harrison] Goddard was the oldest lady and Sister Mary Isabella Horne the next then Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Lydia Ann Wells Hannah C. Susan & Martha Wells– Emma Woodruff, Sarah Jane Cannon– Dr. Pratt– Dr. Shipp Lula Greene Richards & Elizabeth J. Stevenson– fourteen seated at table, two turkeys, plum pudding and every luxury Sister Goddard pronounced the blessing– [p. 91] {p. 83}

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February 1898, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1898/1898-02


  1. [1]Likely Bertha Greenewald Bamberger or Ida Maas Bamberger.

  2. [2]Civic-minded Utah women participated in a nationwide drive to erect the George Washington Memorial Building in downtown Washington, DC, as part of a national university in honor of the first president of the United States, who had envisioned such an educational institution. A cornerstone was laid in 1921, but the project was never completed because of lack of funds. Instead, Congress reappropriated the site for the National Gallery of Art, and the unused donations were passed on to the George Washington University. (“George Washington Memorial Building,” last modified 2 May 2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Memorial_Building.) In her diaries, EBW refers to the project variously as Memorial Fund, G. W. Fund, Memorial University, and Washington Memorial. In an editorial written to promote the project, EBW summarized, “The George Washington Memorial Committee desires to raise a fund of $250,000 for a building, the administrative home for a National University, and they wish every man, woman and child in the United States to hear of Washington’s bequest, and to have the opportunity of giving a small sum for this memorial. February 22, 1898, has been selected as the Offering Day to the memory of our honored first president.” (“Woman’s Memorial Building,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1898, 26:244.)

  3. [3]Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, “An Explanation to the Public,” Deseret Evening News, 5 Feb. 1898, 4.

  4. [4]Isaac Trumbo (1858–1912) was a political negotiator in California who backed statehood for Utah. (Lyman, “Isaac Trumbo and the Politics of Utah Statehood,” 128–149.)

  5. [5]EBW should have written the birth year of Newel K. Whitney as 1795. (“Newel K. Whitney,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:222.)

  6. [6]“An Interesting Party,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1898, 26:253.

  7. [7]George Reynolds.

  8. [8]George Washington Fund.

  9. [9]Likely Mary Wallace Garrett.

  10. [10]This event was a colonial celebration planned by the committee for the George Washington Memorial Association. EBW borrowed antique laces and had her hair powdered to fit in with the colonial theme. (“The Colonial Tea,” Salt Lake Herald, 20 Feb. 1898, 6; “Society,” Salt Lake Tribune, 20 Feb. 1898, 10.)

  11. [11]Priest is an office in the Aaronic Priesthood of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ordination to this office includes responsibilities to “preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize, and administer the sacrament.” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:46.)

  12. [12]Perhaps Richard H. Wells.