July 1893

2 July 1893 • Sunday

Today I went up in time to go to the Tabernacle and heard O. F. [Whitney] preach as usual he did excellently well a sermon I should be glad to send out to the world Went back to office and wrote some letters then home [p. 203] {p. 122}

3 July 1893 • Monday

Received a letter from Mary Frost Ormsby of New York– [p. 204] {p. 123}

9 July 1893 • Sunday

Slept at Annie’s and rose very late went with Louise to dine at Mrs. Salisbury or rather took Louise with me. Mr. Riel of Bingham was there we had a fine dinner two kinds of wine, and a nice chat with Mrs. Salisbury after Louise played with Stella and enjoyed it very much indeed [p. 210] {p. 124}

10 July 1893 • Monday

This morning was the Reaper’s Club and I spoke about rent decided to pay 1.00 each meeting– not too much– Sister Lucy B. [Bigelow] Young came and spoke about the dedication of her new house on Centre St. and invited me to be present. I tried very hard to get ready in time and I went late as usual. Called at Hannah [Free Wells]’s on my way and she began about family affairs, which made me feel very unpleasant indeed and I felt I could not go into company but determined not to yield to that feeling. Joseph F. Smith made the dedicatory prayer and the ladies present all spoke also the men had a fine dinner & some music1 [p. 211] {p. 125}

11 July 1893 • Tuesday

This morning came up early attended to business matters, went to depot with Sister Annie [Taylor] Hyde & took D. & R.G.2 train for Ogden with Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Boots of Ashtabula was on the train with her uncle from California going out to East Caňon on the Weber for summer vacation. I sat by a Mrs. H. E. Kibby, who calls herself a scientist and gives lectures. We went direct to Mrs. [Elvira Blaisdell] Harris with the silk worm eggs, and she promised to attend to them. Then we called on Jane S. Richards, and then dined at a French restaurant and called at Mrs. Whalen’s who was out. We sauntered in Lester Park and talked of good books and travels then called at Frank Cannon’s and caught the evening train had altogether a pleasant day of it, but felt weary [p. 212] {p. 126}

12 July 1893 • Wednesday

Last night I was very ill one of those dreadful nights, no sleep and a sense of utter failure of every power. sort of stagnation or heart failure I called Belle at last, and she came and gave me a remedy but I did not tell her how I felt else I should frighten her– I rubbed myself into a little feeling today I have been cold and queer. Dr. Pratt came and I told her she gave me digatulus [digitalis], and I believe I needed it. Dr. Gilchrist gave me the same in Chicago. I have had so many round me, and have had much to do– no time to think of illness, no letters worth mentioning, the city seems sort of paralyzed in business etc. have been unusually occupied and not equal to the work. Wrote some letters prepared copy and finally went home tired out. [p. 213] {p. 127}

13 July 1893 • Thursday

This is a peculiar day I am better and am trying to finish up copy for the paper. So many thoughts crowd in on me that I can not find time to put in proper shape, but work must be done. saw Abby [Abbie Wells Young Chapin] today, her mother [Hannah Free Wells] is ill from that fall she had lately. After a hard days work in the Office I wrote in Sister Sarah M. Kimballs album– I had promised her a long time– then I called on her and took the book, she looks feeble but is up and feels better– I went home afterwards and found Dot had visitors and refreshments. Edna & Florence [Beatie Thatcher] and some of the boys & I soon went up stairs and took up my reading as usual when down there. I have been going over one of the most curiously written books Tricotrim [Tricotrin] the tittle [title]. [p. 214] {p. 128}

14 July 1893 • Friday

I recall all these hot July days with strange memories after all these fifty years– half a century. Is it indeed possible? Can it be real? How vividly those shady lanes and meadows rich with hay, and buttercups and dainty shrubbery and gorgeous peonies and berries fully ripe and all those sweet pastoral scenes haunt me at this season of the year and more than ever now at the half century of a lifetime such a mile stone on the way– all day long my mind has been there among those hills and vales and by the shady brooks and the blue sky only overhead, and nature in her loveliest robes around me and I could scarce believe I was here in this pent up office with only dull uninteresting people coming and going, and I so longing to be out among the hills [p. 215] {p. 129}

15 July 1893 • Saturday

I went to Annie’s last night but we talked of common place things. I told her I had been over to the Temple to speak to Aunt Zina about some business never of the place where my thoughts had been all day long, in the scenes of girlhood, where the pine trees whispered to me & the brooks sang and birds caroled and the perfume of hemlock in the air was sweeter than the odors of India– but in spirit I have been there. It comes over me like a vision and wraps me in a mystic cloud of enchantment and I am not in a real world of sorrow and suffering but reveling in beauty like a child who knows no care or hardship or trouble how hard it is to come back to this cold dreary world after such dreams of Elysium. [p. 216] {p. 130}

16 July 1893 • Sunday

All morning I have rested yesterday I had a letter from Daisie and during this summer week so fraught with remembrances I have had a letter from Mell and photo’s of little Robert my great grandson. Came up here at noon to the office– and went to the Tabernacle. Bishop O. F. Whitney preached & after meeting went up to Lydia Ann’s and Susan’s had dinner heard all their story of trials & grievances and about Louis [R. Wells] who is on a mission in Kentucky told them about the World’s Fair & the Congress of women, they persuaded me to stay the evening instead of going to the meeting in the 18th Ward which I had planned to do– when Kate came home from meeting Kate & May [Mary Wells Whitney] went with me to the Bishop’s [p. 217] {p. 131}

18 July 1893 • Tuesday

This is old folk’s day and the excursion to Ogden–3 I went in good time to the depot and saw many old friends and particularly old ladies, who were delighted to see me [p. 219] {p. 132}

26 July 1893 • Wednesday

Today I went to Mrs. [Anna Dewing] Lowe’s about eleven o’clock to a final preliminary meeting & all was arranged for the Mass Meeting. I had borrowed flags to decorate the theatre before going and had a talk with Mrs. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings.

The Silver meeting4 opened at 2. p.m. in the theatre and I was elected chairman by unanimous vote Mrs. June [Spencer] Daggett Secretary. House handsomely decorated and crowded with people, women principally. I made an opening speech thanking the ladies for the honor etc. telegrams were read from several places outside, the Memorial which had been prepared was read by Mrs. [Mary C.] Norris, and speeches were made by several ladies. A thunder storm came up causing the meeting to close abruptly. I wore buff pongee and white silk shawl– [p. 227] {p. 133}

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July 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1893/1893-07


  1. [1]For a report, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1893, 22:12.

  2. [2]Denver & Rio Grande Railroad.

  3. [3]For a report, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1893, 22:12.

  4. [4]This rally petitioned Congress to “increase the use of silver as money and enhance the price of silver bullion.” (“Woman’s Silver Meeting,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1893, 22:12.)