March 1902

1 March 1902 • Saturday

Left Washington today‒ Recived note from White House saying President [Theodore] Roosevelt would see me at one o’clock and made myself ready wore the dress in which I went to see the Queen Many were waiting to see him he dismissed one after another all cordially received and among them nine Indians Finally I had my opportunity and presented the message of Col. Cannon & Governor Wells. Then fixed everything and left Hotel to catch 5.05 train‒ high water so we could not get into Philadelphia and had to go on to New York went to the Savoy Hotel and stayed all night‒ [p. 92] {p. 89}

2 March 1902 • Sunday

Slept some was very faint in the night, then had breakfast facing the park and drove to Verona’s. <The Broyman> She was delighted to see me and we had a happy day. and pleasant evening, she played and sung some of the old songs Josephine and others of Louies [Louisa Wells Cannon] favorites. She telephoned to Charlie Granger1 and found my brother Hiram [W. Clark] was there from Massachusetts and his wife2 also, said he would come over in the morning I was very glad to know I could see him while here in New York as I could not afford to go to New England to see him. One can not go on side trips with out means. The evening was very pleasant with the children and my own dear Verona [p. 93] {p. 90}

3 March 1902 • Monday

Soon after breakfast Hiram came, he has not changed much is about the same as when I saw in 1900. now nearly two years ago. Carrie did not come with him. We visited only in thought one might say as there is always too much to say when one’s heart is very full as ours were on meeting I am sure. He spoke of Pallas [Woodward Clark] and Delia [Cordelia Woodward Holden] only and of his expectation of coming west perhaps next year‒ we parted at 1/2 past 12‒ and perhaps we may never meet again yet there was no demonstration. All the day we visited Barry [Barrymore N. Hillard] came home to dinner and we had a very pleasant evening. He thinks of going to Boston soon. I have written one or two letters to the folks at home. [p. 94] {p. 91}

4 March 1902 • Tuesday

Today one year ago was Inauguration day in Washington and rain pouring down all day long while ceremonies were taking place‒ one might look upon it as an omen or presentiment of what followed last summer only six months after‒ yet no one then would have guessed it‒ I was in charge of Mr. Will Lipman‒ today I went to John W. Young’s in his home in 103 W. 58th. St. Miss Conlon nurse went with me‒ found Mamie [Mary Merza Young] at home stayed until after dinner and saw her brother Will [Wilford V. Young], then we went to the meeting at Mrs. Laine’s and saw all the Utah people and the Elders meeting in double parlors, Br. McQuanie [John G. McQuarrie] & Br. Goff spoke first then I occupied 40 minutes then Sisters Hyde Dusenberry & Taylor [p. 95] {p. 92}

5 March 1902 • Wednesday

This morning we went out for a ride and then to some large stores down town looking at goods and at bonnets particularly, but they were too expensive for me and even Verona thought so too‒ afterwards we looked at laces and she purchased a piece for a waist she is to have made we enjoyed the day though it was very cold‒ we dismissed the automobile and took a hack from Martin’s cafe where we had lunch and rode for awhile then came home again and had dinner and Barry took us to see Robinhood at the Madison Ave. theatre, we had bought tickets while down town‒ it was quite entertaining and I was very glad to go with them in fact they have spared no pains or money to entertain me. [p. 96] {p. 93}

6 March 1902 • Thursday

<[M.] Ada Dwyer took the part of Fanchette in the play tonight> Today Verona and myself went out for a drive thro’ Central Park and to the Casino a handsome resort and had lunch there in one of the pretty glass rooms on the sunny side such a charming view and delicious lunch for which I care nothing at all and Verona does not eat any of the nice things eats dry toast and drinks milk and hot water‒ some baked apples and raw ones also bananas and oranges‒ it makes me seem wretched. came home and had dinner then went to the theatre Wallack’s with F. Granger Clark my brother’s son‒ the play was A Gentleman From France afterwards went to Rector’s a grand restaurant fitted up & decorated recently for Prince Henry‒ [p. 97] {p. 94}

7 March 1902 • Friday

Today Mrs. A. F. Young and Miss Mamie Young called and Mrs. Susa Y. Gates came and stayed for some time, she seemed in great trouble and is without doubt very much disappointed in her affairs, and also had her feelings much hurt by some of the sisters‒ Dr Kelly came to see Verona and to vaccinate the boys but the mother had made up her mind not to have it done and so he stayed and talked, Miss Doherty was here calling on Verona and we had a sort of pleasant afternoon and Barry and myself had a little visit in the evening. Verona retired early and had a severe attack of head ache‒ I wrote some letters and read in a book I found here to try and interest myself until I could fall asleep‒ [p. 98] {p. 95}

8 March 1902 • Saturday

<Mrs. Annie T. Hyde came to see me. Miss Mamie Young telephoned> A dark morning and Barry took the boys out to see the animals at Madison Square Gardens and to lunch, then Verona and myself went to ride in a hansom & we went thro’ the Central Park and to C. H. Granger’s and took baby Josephine [K. Clark] for a ride, brought her home with us and had her fed then went back and home in a pouring rain‒ Verona had another bad spell and went to bed. boys came home and played, I wrote to A. [Asahel] H. Woodruff in Chicago and we had dinner Barry brought me a beautiful box of carnations and pinks with ferns, Ada Patterson came to see me and we had a long talk on Utah affairs generally. May our Father in heaven help Verona to recover her usual health [p. 99] {p. 96}

9 March 1902 • Sunday

<Wrote to Belle & Mell today> All day long spent in prayer, food almost choked me. Barry took the boys out for the day‒ afternoon took a coupé‚ by Verona’s request <Mollie with me> and called Mrs. Gaffney and at John W. Young’s where I saw Sisters Dougall Beatie Burton & Mrs. Amelia F. Young and Miss Mamie Young. Verona chatted a little with myself and Barrie [Barry] in the <evening> [p. 100] {p. 97}

10 March 1902 • Monday

<took Verona some sweet peas Barry gave me flowers> This morning sisters called early‒ V. very ill wrote to Daniel a birthday letter went out to buy a present found nothing suitable had my watch repaired‒ Sister Hyde came and I told her I would go Tuesday at 1.15. stayed in all day with Verona, wrote one or two notes and read a little Barry & myself talked a little. He spoke very touchingly of Helen [L. Hillard] and talked to the boys of her. Invitation from Major Pond and from Susa‒ Daniels Birthday [p. 101] {p. 98}

11 March 1902 • Tuesday

This morning had letter from Susa which I answered and went out with Barry in an automobile to get ticket and berth‒ had a fine ride tho’ a sort of thrilling one. went home had lunch with Verona and went for a ride in a hansom round the park and on Riverside Went to the Bank with Verona in morning came to station V. with me she came over on the boat also Barry met Sisters Hyde & Dusenberry [p. 102] {p. 99}

12 March 1902 • Wednesday

<sent telegram to A. H. Woodruff> came on train talked all last evening slept late this morning, had lunch in dining room, wrote letter to Verona, mailed at Ft. Wayne Indiana Had a miserable day with talk talk talk about nothing, it wears one completely out. I feel as though I must do something to make myself understood by those whose right it is to judge. We were late in reaching Chicago passed thro Painesville [Ohio] saw the seminary from a distance. It seemed almost sacred ground so near Kirtland [Ohio], and made me feel solemn. Arrived at station found Elders waiting A. H. Woodruff C. Layton Br. Peterson & Ludlow. Went to Palmer House [p. 103] {p. 100}

13 March 1902 • Thursday

Room 536. 534. 532 on 5th. floor. I had the one between Sisters Hyde & Dusenberry on one side and Cannon & Cannon on the other‒ I retired between one & two and slept some. This morning John Henry Smith and Ben Rich arrived and I was delighted to see them. Of course we all had some talk in the parlor, there were present the two mentioned Elders Woodruff Layton Ludlow & Crandall‒ besides Ann M. & Addie Cannon‒ afterwards came Annie T. Hyde and Ida S. Dusenberry. called on George Snyder and Heber [J.] Sears and Eugene came to see me. sent telegram to Belle & wrote to Em. May Earl Cross T. [Theron] R. Woodward & Sister [Rebecca Beesley] Doolan went to Hull House and thro’ it Jack [John G.] Roberts his brother3 and Eugene came to see me. [p. 104] {p. 101}

14 March 1902 • Friday

This morning went with sisters H. & D. to stores called on Theron R. Woodward at 315. Manhattan Dearborn St. Expect Emmie today. At one o’clock Ja◊ck [Jack] came up as he had promised and said Em. could not come until Saturday Yesterday <at Hull House> went with Ann M. and Addie Cannon to Hull House. we were shown through by Miss [Clara] Landsberg who had only been two years in the establishment. We saw the Sloyd,4 the modeling the textile dept. the basket weaving and gymnasium, the music rooms the restaurant, the grounds, the printing & publishing [p. 105] {p. 102}

15 March 1902 • Saturday

Mr. & Mrs. Woodward came last evening and I went with them to the Press Club banquet & entertainment very interesting and came home in carriage left at ten, met Mr. O. R. Young whose grandmother knew Jos. Smith and lived at Palmyra when he found the Book of Mormon plates her name was Dains’ he thinks he is related to Brigham Young comes from Boston, also met Miss Helen Maria Woodward of Taunton Mass. Today rain and anxiety waiting for Em. came past 4. beautiful baby5 So good natured & lovely [p. 106] {p. 103}

16 March 1902 • Sunday

<had a two hour visit went out with her to buy> her father a present for his birthday a purse, we had dinner in the room for which Em. paid. Jack George & Gene went out for theirs. came on 8 o’clock train car Sheffield‒ Today we were in Omaha soon after breakfast, so many recollections loom up when in this locality. Very unpleasant chat concerning Relief Society Conference. I did a great deal of thinking, and was very much upset with the conversation and felt greatly depressed although I said nothing [p. 107] {p. 104}

17 March 1902 • Monday

This is the 60th. Anniversary of the organization of the Relief Society by the Prophet Joseph and in all the world where we have organizations they are expected to celebrate in some appropriate way. Arrived home late as the train did not make good time found all well as usual, no special news was very weary went strait to Annie’s found all at the Relief Society meeting. I had been put on for a speech so had the opportunity to speak as soon as I reached home slept at Annies and came over from the meeting so very weary. Baby has grown wonderfully [p. 108] {p. 105}

18 March 1902 • Tuesday

This morning came up to the office and Louise came in from school to show me the letters and tell me about them Went to see Sister Bathsheba W. Smith our new President. [p. 109] {p. 106}

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March 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]EBW seems to have conflated the names of two nephews, Charles H. Clark and F. Granger Clark. She visited Charles H. Clark and his family in New York City in 1899, 1900, and 1902. (EBW, Diary, 6 June 1899; 27 Apr. 1900; 2 Mar. 1902.) She also repeatedly met with F. Granger Clark in New York City. (EBW, Diary, 24 June 1898; 28 Apr. 1900; 13 Mar. 1901; 6 Mar. 1902.)

  2. [2]Caroline Fuller Clark.

  3. [3]George B. Roberts.

  4. [4]Sloyd was a Swedish term for “crafts”; the word also refers to a special crafting knife and to a system for training students in handiwork. (“New Tools,” Blue Spruce Toolworks; “Hull House, Chicago,” Woman’s Exponent, Apr. 1902, 30:92.)

  5. [5]Margaret Roberts.