January 1899


11 February

At the meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington, DC, EBW and other delegates from Utah were pressured to condemn the seating of B. H. Roberts in the U.S. Congress.

9–11 June

EBW visited three of her siblings in Massachusetts before traveling by steamer to meetings of the International Council of Women (ICW) in London.

23 June

On her arrival in London, EBW fulfilled “one of the dreams of [her] life” in visiting Westminster Abbey. She later traveled to Paris and through England and Scotland.

1 July

EBW presented her paper on the history and philanthropy of the Relief Society in an ICW session.

2, 9, and 13 July

After learning that the Relief Society in the branch at 36 Penton St., London, had “died out,” she helped the members reorganize.

7 November

EBW arrived in Wallace, Idaho, for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of her daughter and son-in-law Melvina and William Woods. She stayed until 3 December.

1 January 1899 • Sunday

Jan. 1. 1899.

Slept at home and Emmie [Emma W. Sears] with me– did not rest very well, many disturbing noises. Had breakfast in my room, then set about writing in my record. Sarah M. [Granger] Kimballs sketch and death, and the last board meeting on Dec. 12. Had a fine fire in the parlor all day– George Q. [Cannon] <my grandson> came down in the afternoon and spent an hour or so. The first new year for many long years that no one has given me anything at all. I gave Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears] “Samantha at Saratoga” one of Marietta Holley’s funny books. Dined at Belles, Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears did not get home was out making calls, turkey and all sorts of things for the occasion Baby Marian [Buchholz] fine and gay– Louise [Cannon] came down to sleep– Emmie also– I came from Belle’s about 1/2 past seven and continued writing– [p. 65] {p. 30}

2 January 1899 • Monday

Jan. 2. 1899–

Commenced writing early and finished a letter to Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods]– then read a little and had a severe pain in my side could scarcely sit– the wind blew fiercely and whistled with a thousand voices– poetic but almost too wild. Had lunch here alone then went up to Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s towards evening– Came home in a terrific gale Lucile [Sears] and Emmie came over and Em. fainted on the parlor floor; the first time in my house. <Jan. 4. on page 114.> [p. 65]

3 January 1899 • Tuesday

Jan. 3.

Wind blew all night long terribly and one could get very little sleep, this morning snow fell and wind blew I went to the office about ten– Susa Y. [Young] Gates came to see me then Ellis [Reynolds] Shipp, then callers on business, and later Annie, Josephine Spencer Emily W. [Wells] Grant, Minnie [Ephramina Jensen Snow] and Mabelle Snow– the new management at the Deseret News Office took possession today.1 Ort [Orson F. Whitney] called on Annie & I went in while he was there, we came down together [p. 66] {p. 31}

<January 3, 1899– Wrote a letter of condolence to Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury after the death of her sister Mrs. Fiske [Julia Walker Fisk] of Helena, Mont.>

4 January 1899 • Wednesday

Jan. 4. How happy we all were 18 years ago today and how wretched some of us are today– Annie’s winter has been hard for so many reasons one cannot write down– baby not well Cavendish [Cannon] not very well– and many causes– I am not equal to the struggle of my business and domestic relations– If I had not this little home I know not what I could do to get quiet enough to rest my brain. This morning I attended to some work in the office and went to a meeting at 2 p.m. at Dr. [James M.] Dart’s of the Ex Com.2 of the Mother’s Congress– then to Annie’s and had dinner– staid until late– came home & made out bills for Mrs. R. [Richard] K. Thomas [Caroline Stockdale Thomas] three years from <June> 1896 to 1899– (3.75 to Mrs. C. [Charles] W. Bennett [Isabella Fisher Bennett] April 1896 to Dec. 1898 (3.40 Mrs. J. [Jacob] E. Bamberger [Bertha Greenewald Bamberger] from June 1897 to June 1899 2.50 to Mary R. Glover West Jordan two years from May 1895 to May 1897– 2.00 [p. 114] {p. 65}

5 January 1899 • Thursday

Jan. 5. 1899–

Went up to office early to meet Mrs. Winnifred [Sweet] Black a New York yellow journalist <accompanied by Susa> who is here interviewing our people on the [Brigham H.] Roberts question3 and other matters, I had a meeting of the General Board at the office at one o’clock <Zina D. H. [Huntington] Young & B. W. [Bathsheba Bigler] Smith> and we decided on a few matters. Had a call from President [Charles O.] Card of Canada along with Zina Y. [Young Card] his wife. Later Amelia F. [Folsom] Young, Sisters Elmina S. [Shepard] Taylor, Maria Y. [Young] Dougall, and two or three more. I came home too weary to stir almost, yet had to begin my address for the Meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution State Society of Utah, wrote until I was really too weary to do any more– Annie came in a few minutes John Q. [Cannon] had a terrible chill this morning. Brigham Young [Jr.] the Apostle is seriously ill with rheumatism. Charles [M.] Cannon very <bad> [p. 115] {p. 66}

6 January 1899 • Friday

Jan. 6. Stayed at home writing all morning– Em. [Kofod] went to the office with the to go on with the mailing. I finished my Address and arrived at Mrs. George Harris where the meeting was to be held at 2 p.m. Miss Mabelle Snow came soon after then Mrs. [Alice Merrill] Horne herself who is a teacher came in from the schoolroom– she informed us she would have to go to a caucus of Democrats preliminary to the assembling of the Legislature– afterwards Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall and Mrs. Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith, then the Secretary Miss [Julia P. M.] Farnsworth, after some deliberation we decided to adjourn to Mrs. Dougall’s and try to get members enough to hold a meeting so as to adopt the Constitution, but we failed in it and adjourned until Monday Jan. 16. at my office. I only stayed a few minutes afterwards. Mrs. [Priscilla Mogridge] Staines was buried today from the 14th. Ward Hall. Heber J. Grant Jos. F. Smith & John Nicholsen [p. 116] {p. 67} were the speakers; all spoke highly of her integrity and virtues.

Margaret [Cannon] is here to sleep with me, Emmie is not well to-night. I went over to Belle’s a few minutes, saw Mr. Sears who is not at all well, neither is Belle. Ort was on the car with me again coming to Beck’s I suppose; that is three times this week he has come down to meet with the Stayners4

7 January 1899 • Saturday

Jan. 7. This morning hurried to the office Margaret went with me on the car to their Avenue Primary Officers meeting, room very crowded– many callers 14th. Ward meeting today, Annie [Taylor] Hyde Sister M [Margaret Farquhar] Steele. E. J. [Elizabeth J. DuFresne] Stevenson C. S. Thomas, Amelia Young Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder, and <M L [Mary Lois Walker] Morris> others called on the afternoon Zina Y. Card came and we had a long talk about matters and Washington [p. 117] {p. 68} and the Triennial, gave her <official> papers and she fixed them for the General Society of the Daughters of the Revolution and had them mailed from here today lunched at Gallighers– stayed in the evening and mailed papers, wrote a letter to Mrs. Carrie F. Thomas, about writing a paper for the Triennial– came home late and looked over my address & the Constitution. Commenced a book “Story Untold Love” by P. L. Ford. [p. 118] {p. 69}

8 January 1899 • Sunday

Jan. 8 Sunday I wrote in the Relief Society Record, had a very bad pain in my side and could scarcely sit up. had a lovely fire in the parlor looked grand– wrote a letter to Daisie [Dunford Allen] to Mary Ann [Wilson] Lunt Cedar City to Elizabeth F. [Francis] Yates Scipio to W. [Willie] S. Delano Lee Park Nebraska, finished the book a beautiful story, well worth reading finely written had a mustard plaster on my side tonight– my nerves somewhat rested hope to have a favorable day tomorrow. [p. 119] {p. 70}

9 January 1899 • Monday

Jan. 9. Went up early Em. already there working at the mailing– no letters minutes of Daughters of the Revolution from Boston, and other printed matter, later mail letters May Wright Sewall Indianapolis Indiana S. [Sullivan] C. Richardson Colonia Diaz Mexico, Mary F. [Olsen] Crowther Sanford Colorado and note from Miss [Belle] Evans with pincushion very pretty, Meeting of Reapers Club5 nine members present, decided to keep in the Woman’s Council Lydia D. Alder brought me the picture of Salt Lake R. S. Board ready framed for the office Book of Mormon class begins tonight Prof. [John M.] Mills lecturer. I heard today that Br. [Richard] & Sister [Jane Cusson] Birkbeck had celebrated their golden wedding in Cedar City [p. 120] {p. 71}

10 January 1899 • Tuesday

Jan. 10. Came up late and found a message from Aunt Zina made an appointment for 5, o’clock she was to send for me, had <a> call from Lula G. [Louisa Lula Greene] Richards and a visit from Sister E. S. Taylor, and a call from Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt, Miss Evans called to speak about the work. wrote a letter to President Lorenzo Snow– at our meeting of the Board we decided on (E. B. Wells) myself proxy for the President Zina Y. Card Delegate Carrie S. Thomas Alternate for Delegate subjects The Truest Philanthropy one subject Home & Children one Silk Industry one Sister Zina also appointed me a Committee on Consideration Emmie is not very well tonight [p. 121] {p. 72}

11 January 1899 • Wednesday

This morning at ten minutes past six Charles M Cannon died at his home in this City. He was a fine young man highly esteemed. Today is Prest. Geo. Q Cannon’s birthday and the party will be held tho’ it will not be very joyful on account of the demise of one of the family of his brother.6 I received some good word today favorable to my business. I trust it may be a blessing in very deed, there are so many trials to be met with one does not know just what is best always. I have been greatly depressed in spirit and unable to rise above conditions. My health has not been as <good as> usual even though I was never robust. Annie took all her children to the Farm to celebrate Prest. Cannon’s birthday. John Q is still ailing and low-spirited evidently; why I cannot see. Belle seems getting on well with her French {p. 47}

12 January 1899 • Thursday

Today I was a little late & had many hindrances. Geo. Goddard died this morning just after midnight, he is 83 years old, is a very good man and an earnest Latter-day saint, and an indefatigable worker in the Sunday School He has gone as a shock of corn fully ripe. I was all day planning and doing to get out a paper, and waiting on people who came in. Very much upset too. Aunt Zina and Zina Card came and we decided on several things about Washington, I came home and wrote the letter to Mrs. Sewall seven pages finely written or closely written one should say I was very weary and low-spirited, and there is so much sickness at Belle’s Brent [Brenton M. Sears] is sick to night and Lucile is quite ill. {p. 48}

13 January 1899 • Friday

This morning had many letters to read and reply to, and matters to adjust– went up late, and worked hard. Sister [Johannah] Marie Hastrup Widerborg is dead, she was a musician and a Lady in her own right in Norway received the Gospel and lost all her property and came to America and made many sacrifices for her religion Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson came in and we talked over the situation. Lulu [C. Louine] Clawson Young has her third baby–7 Belle and Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] went up to French today. De Lora is some what discouraged not having students enough to keep up the expense. Annie came up and called on Ida [Daynes] Cannon on her way, found her alone– I wrote Mrs. [Mary Ann Greening] Till of Provo and worked hard at my books. {p. 49}

14 January 1899 • Saturday

An awfully hard day for me in the office, so much of a strain all the time expecting news from the President about the indebtedness. hope against hope all the time. have had some encouraging letters from a distance and some discouraging weather quite unpleasant and gloomy. Prest. Angus M. Cannon looks very much depressed and the mother8 is nearly broken-hearted as well as the wife.9 Dorothy [Cannon] the little girl does not and cannot realize the loss. It is sad indeed and a heavy blow look at it as we may. We cannot understand the divine workings in our lives, but it must be all right when we solve the problem of life’s mysteries {p. 50}

15 January 1899 • Sunday

This is a gloomy day and I am so miserable I cannot summon courage to go to either of the funerals, George Goddards or Charles M. Cannon’s both are held in the Assembly Hall Charles Cannon’s at 12. M. & Br. Goddard’s at 2. p.m. the Sunday Schools, teachers and children turned out in great numbers to attend his funeral services. I wrote my address or rather revised it and copied it again. I am not very well satisfied with it but must make it do as it is not possible to take time to write another, and I must not put it off. I cannot understand why Miss [Sarah E.] Hunt did not answer my letter, it really seems a mystery. I have not heard one word from Annie’s today. John Q. & Annie went to Charles’ funeral. It was very affecting to see the grief Read The Story of an Unwritten Love– a very pretty book. {p. 51}

16 January 1899 • Monday

A very unpleasant foggy day went up early, suffering terribly with neuralgia and cleared up the office for the Daughters of, the Revolution meeting and fixed copy etc. Meeting opened at 3. p.m. I had prepared the gavel presented by Mrs. P Y [Phoebe Young] Beatie with the buff and blue Continental colors. Read my inaugural address, and we voted on the Constitution and adopted it as a whole. Appointed the State Council and two Committees and adjourned to meet on the 16th. of February, preparatory to the Annual Meeting. The meeting was a very pleasant one, the members present were Mrs. M Y Dougall, Mrs. Phebe Y. Beatie, Mrs. Sarah F [Farr] Smith, Mrs. Ella W. [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde, Miss Claire [Clara] Clawson Miss Mabelle Snow, Mrs. Lucy W Smith, Miss Julia A Farnsworth and myself– nine members Mrs. Augusta W [Winters] Grant came in and was invited to stay, as she expects to join. Historical Society met. {p. 52}

17 January 1899 • Tuesday

This morning was bright but it snowed in the night, and the ground is white and the houses look beautiful. I had a hard day preparing copy and so forth, John Q. is not well at all has chills and Annie has a hard time of it with sickness poor help and children going to school. The Legislature opened today sort of preliminary. Of course there are two women in the Legislature one in the Senate Dr. Mattie [Martha] Hughes Cannon and Mrs. Alice M. Horne in the House– nearly every one Democrats a very few Republicans. Such a poor selection of members, it seems too bad to have such poor representatives. Went to Annie’s in the evening had supper there John Q. came to the car with me, and we had a little talk about Frank J [Cannon] being elected to Congress. {p. 53}

18 January 1899 • Wednesday

This is a day of hurry and bustle trying to get things ready for the paper and keep up with my work in accounts & letters etc. Zina [Young Card] came and [H.] Chariton Jacobs, she is going to the South with her husband10 to get settlers for Canada. Oliver [B.] Huntington is here besides Chariton– I have deposited money in the Bank to day fifteen dollars. and put away Tithing orders in the safety box 31. dollars. I prepared the Relief Society and Delegate’s money and went to Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne’s on my way home to give it to her– Nineteen dollars and fifty cents, seven & a half of it is for Washington and 12– twelve for regular dues. Sister Horne is very miserable still & looks as if she had suffered terribly– Clara [Horne] James is not very well– our baby Katharine [Cannon] is not well at all has a severe cold, Margaret is ailing too & Brent Sears, it is an epidemic of colds & influenza– {p. 54}

19 January 1899 • Thursday

Today I went as early as possible to the office found copy needed, was very busy all day and had callers that hindered me some Mrs. [Ellen Lee] Jakeman of Provo talking of a trip to California. I went over to Dr. Pratt had lunch there We talked of the Council, went in to see Dr. E. R. Shipp afterwards and she promised to write her paper Education or “Domestic Life and the Professions.” She thinks she can go to East Bountiful to the Davis Stake Conference on Thursday the 26th– it will be the birthday of Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears].– I do not now think I can possibly go, and have not yet looked after any one. I was too weary after coming home to do much of anything looked up on a few things, and made up my daily record of expenses. Brent is quite sick. I have neuralgia in my head shocking. tried chloral & camphor rubbed into a liquid, seemed to ease the pain somewhat– {p. 55}

20 January 1899 • Friday

This was a foggy morning and I was late rather in going up, found Miss Evans out of sorts having had to wait, and felt rather unpleasant myself. I worked hard all day long at proofs and waiting upon people who came in to see me and make personal inquiries, Mrs. Badell from Herriman Mrs. A W Grant, Mrs. Helen W [Winters] Woodruff Mrs. M A. [Margaret Ann Mitchell] Caine, Mrs. R. B. Pratt Mrs. A T Hyde Mrs. Ruth M. [May] Fox, Mrs. I M Sears Mrs. Isabel Buchholz Louise & Margaret Cannon Shirley Seddon– etc Mr. Till. I had letters from Washington D.C. from Sam [Samuel K.] Hall & Belva A. Lockwood, about places to stay in for the ladies going down to the Council. Louise came down to sleep with me and Emmie came also. Voting on the Senator was continued to day with about the same results as previously. Mr. Sears has sold the 14th. Ward place today for 9.000 to Johnnie Bennett– {p. 56}

21 January 1899 • Saturday

This is Sister Eliza R. Snow’s birthday anniversary, she would have been 95. years old today I wanted to keep her birthday every year but cannot do so this time. Busy making up the paper– have been to Union Pacific office to get advertising and to the Oregon Short Line also. Both very gracious– have had a number of people in the office and have been looking up old accounts as usual. Tonight came home early and wrote letters to Mrs. [Martha D.] Lincoln Washington D.C. Miss [Mary C.] May City Mrs. [Mila Tupper] Maynard and Mrs. [Helen Langmaid] Moore. also to Susa [Young] Gates Provo, Mrs. Lockwood Washington D.C. & Theron R. Woodward Chicago. Felt very weary and neuralgia very severe.

Senator voted for as scattering <with votes> as it has been all the week. Many funerals and much sickness prevailing– How differently people affect me– some annoy some depress, others exhilarate– {p. 57}

22 January 1899 • Sunday

This morning I sat reading and trying to rest– the pain in my head was severe still, and yet I felt I would go to the Tabernacle today, about eleven o’clock Sister [Katherine Howard] Brockbank came, and as usual full of trouble, she seems to cling to me now since her mother’s11 death, and between husband12 and wife, one can say very little as it seems wrong even to give an opinion. I wish women could carry themselves more dignified in trouble and not ask for sympathy. We had lunch together and went to meeting and sat by each other. five returned missionaries reported their labors among them Br. [Theodore] Nystrom who had been in France then Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon spoke with mighty power, his voice and manner are both superb, no one can help feeling the force of his eloquence and accompanied as it is by the power of the Spirit of the Lord. Went to Annie’s and had dinner and spent the evening, came home about nine {p. 58}

23 January 1899 • Monday

This morning found paper not gone to press, went up to the foreman and across the long bridge dubbed by Budd [Horace G. Whitney] the “bridge of sighs” and later on out on some errands and then the Reapers’ Club convened and we had a very excellent historical paper by Annie T. Hyde.

Irene [Smith] Merrill came for items concerning the Relief Society and Kate Thomas for club information, she is to report the Clubs for the Herald on Sunday morning. Josephine Spencer for items for the Deseret News. I have corrected my revise and taken it back to the office; have given orders for five hundred less numbers– and I went over the books to see who was owing that must be notified and paper discontinued. Have had a number of people in for this and that and a rather hard day. Weather very cold and yet sun shining. A good day of business. Wrote Miss Anthony and Jane S. [Snyder] Richards mailed them today. also to Mrs. Eliza [Muir] Oram– {p. 59}

24 January 1899 • Tuesday

This was little Eleanor [A. Cannon]’s birthday, she would be eight years old if living, a most remarkable child, and one doubtless who would have endeared herself very greatly to us all. I was very busy with letters and accounts, paid printers bill and deposited ten dollars more. Paper came over and Emmie came up to help with mailing Sister Annie D. Taylor & Alice M. Horne came to see me. I went to have my new silk waist fitted and Annie came up and looked for Ort. but without success. I wrote several letters and sent off Receipts also bills, came home and wrote more also read some was extremely nervous. Emmie was not at all well, and did not sleep much neither did I was very wide awake, read all night nearly, Every one seems to think we will have a hard time in Washington with all the opposition. {p. 60}

25 January 1899 • Wednesday

This morning went rather late found letter from Mell from San Francisco all well. Verona [Dunford Hillard] and children13 staying in the same house. Belle came to her French today which seems encouraging. Caroline Raleigh came early and made me nervous as she always does. She is too positive in her opinions. I went up to Aunt Zina’s found her fairly well but Zina Card quite sick in bed. LaGrippe in a violent form. Aunt Zina signed our credentials– Ellis R. Shipp M.D. and Sister Stevenson go to Bountiful tomorrow to the Relief Society Conference of Davis Stake. Zina is having her silk dress home made one made over and black lace over it, white silk front, and silk lace homemade trimming. Drove with Jos [Joseph Y.] Card to Sister Smith’s to see her and then to Maria Dougalls– then back– stayed late at the office– {p. 61}

26 January 1899 • Thursday

This morning wrote in a book to present to Septimus on his birthday The Makers of Venice– he seemed pleased and came to the office and invited me to dinner– I was very busy all day and hurried off to Belle’s in time for six o clock dinner– turkey & dressing plum pudding and dainties– a very pleasant gathering of the family, but in the midst of it Emmie fainted away, I remained all the evening until nine p.m. then came home and did some writing and looked over my new magazines. Wrote some letters today and did some hunting through drawers for Resolutions written for Omaha Council.

I feel greatly annoyed at not finding those papers when they are wanted. The time spent in hunting for things is a total loss Nervousness is a great detriment to anyone. {p. 62}

27 January 1899 • Friday

This morning was another lovely one, too warm for this season went off in good time, took three cups and saucers to Ferdinand Anderson the Janitor for a present, he was quite pleased. No mail except business. Prepared copy and fixed accounts and waited on callers, then went up to Aunt Zina’s to talk over matters with her and with Zina Card. Meda Snow [C. Armeda Snow Young] was there and her daughter and baby.14 The interview was not very satisfactory– came home in the carriage with Meda Snow and her daughter Mrs. Pond, and baby. Annie went to Julia Clark [Taylor]’s Kensington Tea this afternoon. Margaret came down to sleep with me– Lucile was here with Emmie. I sat and wrote wrappers for mailing until about one o’clock then did some reading in magazines and was very nervous in deed. A glorious night, full moon and beautiful fleecy clouds. {p. 63}

28 January 1899 • Saturday

This morning Margaret went up with me. Em. had given her one of her dresses to make over. I found several letters waiting for me and went direct to Miss Evans with copy, then to do some errands. Had many callers and much confusion. Sister E S Taylor came to see me and talk over the Washington affairs and so on. Em. finished the mailing and that was a great relief. In the evening went up to see Mrs. [Rachel Ullman] Seigel and had dinner there roast turkey and all sorts of accompaniments, flowers on the table carnations a variety of colors, and company to dinner two other ladies beside myself. After dinner several gentlemen came and there was music vocal and instrumental and a pleasant time in conversation with Mrs. Seigel herself who is a most interesting person– she expects to go to New Orleans very soon about the 7th.– {p. 64}

29 January 1899 • Sunday

This morning wrote five pages to Miss Sarah E. Hunt State Regent of Mass. & Vice Regent General Society Daughters of the Revolution. Mailed it today. Had baby Marion over here and Lucile– she was very sweet and bright and lovely My great-grand-daughter. She is improving all the time. I went to the Tabernacle and heard Elder Jos. Mc’Murrin [Joseph W. McMurrin] who was one of Rulon [S. Wells]’s assistants in the British Mission. He gave an excellent discourse but spoke rather too loud. After meeting went to Annie’s to dinner and then to the meeting in the 18th ward. Q. went with me, two Elders just home from Tasmania were there as missionaries Andrew Smith and Orson Allen. After meeting Ort told me a dream he had about Emmie [Emma W. Wells], how delighted she was to see him and said Annie’s dream meant good for him also that his course was approved over there. {p. 65}

31 January 1899 • Tuesday

This is Aunt Zina’s birthday she is 78 years old– the girls are making a family party of her immediate family and Zina Card is very ill has given up going East altogether {p. 67}

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January 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1899/1899-01


  1. [1]The church took control of the newspaper from Cannon & Sons and named Charles W. Penrose as editor and Horace G. Whitney as business manager, both to assume their duties on 1 January 1899. (“Deseret News Change,” Salt Lake Herald, 3 Dec. 1898, 1; Lorenzo Snow, “Official Announcement,” Deseret Evening News, 22 Dec. 1898, 4.) EBW urged subscribers to the Woman’s Exponent to pay delinquent bills, stating, “This becomes an absolute necessity on account of the change that takes place in the management of the Deseret Evening News.” (“A Christmas Thought,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1898, 27:76.) The following January, she urged again, “At the present time there are great deficiencies to be met in closing up old accounts, and starting with the new management of the Deseret News Company, even if it is possible to pull through, but the Relief Society and those who believe in an official organ for its advancement should make strenuous efforts to secure sufficient subscriptions to tide over the crisis.” (“A New Year’s Greeting,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Jan. 1899, 27:84.)

  2. [2]Executive Committee.

  3. [3]Many women in Utah opposed the nomination of B. H. Roberts as United States congressman because he fought against women’s suffrage in the state, trying to keep it out of the constitution in 1895. (EBW, Diary, 15 Sept. 1898.) He was elected anyway. Around the country, members of women’s groups opposed seating Roberts as a congressman because he was a polygamist and thus, in their eyes, a lawbreaker. EBW faced a wave of negative sentiment when she attended meetings of the National Council of Women in February. (EBW, Diary, 11 Feb. 1899.)

  4. [4]For several years, including 1899, Orson F. Whitney met with John Beck, Charles W. Stayner, Arthur Stayner, and others believing in theosophy and reincarnation. (See Horne, Life of Orson F. Whitney, 167–169, 177–179.)

    text: EBW made another entry for this date in her 1899 diary. It reads: “Mrs. [Priscilla Mogridge] Staines funeral at eleven from the 14th. Ward Assembly rooms. {p. 42}” (EBW, Diary, vol. 24, 6 Jan. 1899, accessed 15 July 2021, https://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/digital/collection/p15999coll20/id/43694/rec/29.)

  5. [5]EBW founded a women’s group called Reapers’ Club in October 1892; the club met twice a month. (EBW, Diary, 26 July and 17 Oct. 1892).

  6. [6]Angus M. Cannon.

  7. [7]Hiram C. Young.

  8. [8]Ann Mousley Cannon.

  9. [9]Ida Daynes Cannon.

  10. [10]Charles O. Card.

  11. [11]Elizabeth Anderson Howard.

  12. [12]Isaac Brockbank Jr.

  13. [13]Robert C. Hillard and Barrymore Hillard.

  14. [14]Celestia Armeda Snow Young, Alice Young Pond, Noah S. Pond.