March 1914

1 March 1914 • Sunday

Wnt to the Temple and spoke in the Fast Meeting thn to the 20th. Ward with Kate and the Bishop invited me to the stand and requested mee to speak and thn had supper with Susan Wells & Kate and went with Dessiee [M. Deseret Wells Read]’s husband1 to 18th Chapeel and heard Levi Edgar Young who spoke on the Indianss etc paid me preat [great] complimemts,2 went home in an Auto [p. 60] {p. 25}

8 March 1914 • Sunday

Went to the Tabnacle and hea[r]d B[i]shop Ivrson [Heber C. Iverson] and Apostle Talmage [p. 67] {p. 26}

10 March 1914 • Tuesday

Tuesday Daniel [H.] Cannon’s birthday went down to supper and spent the evening and stayed all night, sleept with Katharine [Cannon] pleasant timee Daniel stayed at home; his father and mother gave him an elegant blanket– like a sea-rug. we conversed very freely I gave Daniel the books by Van Dyke– he seemed to enjoy the conversation vry much indeed [p. 69] {p. 27}

11 March 1914 • Wednesday

Tday has been crowded very full– meeting in hall up stairrs– to make arrangements for March 17, we had a good spirrit in the meeeting and had a succeessful meeting with a good spirrit we sung Now let us rejoice prayer Sarah Jenne Canmon [Cannon] considrable business transacted. went out to dinmer with Anmie she stayed untiil time to visiit school [p. 70] {p. 28}

15 March 1914 • Sunday

Went to the Tabrnacle heard B. [Brigham] H. Roberts the Gen[er]al of the Grand Army of the Republi[c]3 was on the S[t]and & aftr meeting wnt to see Sarah J. Cannon h[a]d dinner with Alonzo E. Irwin [Irvine] & wife4 and John C. [Q.] Critchlow husband of Florence Snow, Pres. Lozo [Lorenzo] Snow’s daughter and Pres. [Wilford] Woodruffs grand-daughteer [p. 74] {p. 29}

16 March 1914 • Monday

Went to Mill Creek to the funeral of Sister Frances [Booth] Hansen had to speak, rode with Sitser [Sister] T. [Thomas] R. Cutler [Laura Coons Cutler] in her Auto, Lieut Lewis [H.] Kempton also who spok[e] went down to see Emm in the evening and came home late rather dsappointed, did not feel happy but gloomy M[r]. Matineau [Lyman R. Martineau] was out somewhere Mrs. Martineau took me to the car– bright starlight night. [p. 75] {p. 30}

17 March 1914 • Tuesday

Today we are to celebrate the anniversarry of the organization of the Relief Soc◊ieeety in Nauvoo, Illnoiis [Illinois] March 1842. 72 years ago Presdent Joseph F. Smith and President Anthon H. Lund were pressent & spoke, a crowded housse in Salt Lake Assembly Hall on Tenple Block speakers were there two great men & myself5 Spent evning at Andrew burrows. [p. 76] {p. 31}

18 March 1914 • Wednesday

Today is beautiful in every respect The Genarl Board met togetherr to have pictures taken in a gorup [group] and aftrwards to Hotel Utah to dinner by invitation of Sister [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley[.] Bishop Nibley President Smith Lund & Penrosee [Charles W. Penrose] were at the dinner, aftrwards Sister Sarah J. Cannn [Cannon] & myself went to Cannon Ward meeting anniversary and had lunch therre, came homee went down to Emm. and came home late [p. 77] {p. 32}

19 March 1914 • Thursday

Today was ourr regular meeting had ge[n]ealogical lesson first– thn meeting and then to 13th. Ward & 12th to party– h[a]d supper and dancing– but we were convrsing with old friends, Joseph [S.] Hyde and Jennie went with me and I came back with Alberta Barton & herr nother [mother], it was a fine party mny old fri[e]nds, the weather has been verrry fine indeed yet the wind blows furiously [p. 78] {p. 33}

20 March 1914 • Friday

Today have been to see Emm, had lunch there, Annie came and stayed aftenoon Isabel is very ill & I feel very down-heartd Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] wnt down and Ruby went over, Sister [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth came herre this evening to read me an address she had prepared for one of the wards It is n[o]w midnight [p. 79] {p. 34}

21 March 1914 • Saturday

Little Hebert [Herbert W. Sears]’s birrthday renenber it very well Isabel is ill today and I feel very much alarned abo◊ut her, Annie came up and stayed some time, Jacob [F.] Gates has come home from South today– I am very nervous cannot rest at all Jaob Gatees [Jacob Gates] came home this morning [p. 80] {p. 35}

22 March 1914 • Sunday

<Heard today that A. W. Bobbett [Almon W. Babbitt] bapttizd D. [Daniel] H. Wells August 6, 18466> Went over to see Isabel this fornoon thn to the Assmbly Hall to meeting Levi Edgar Young spoke thn Rudger Clawson one of the Apstles went to Mrs. Jennings and had dinner thn to the evening meeting with her and h[e]r sisterr Susan [Paul Brooks] Frederic [R.] Woolley was the speaker– thn over to Jode Wells and had a pleasant time [p. 81] {p. 36}

23 March 1914 • Monday

Came early. to the office meetng of Committee on Conference, and a very pleasant affair Julina was here and meantime the little girl Thelma Robinson was talked of and she bcame quite exercised over the affair, we had a busy day Enmelime camee up and wee went to dinner together at the Coop, she semed very nerovus [nervous] with her teeeth Mr. Matinau [Martineau] came home [p. 82] {p. 37}

24 March 1914 • Tuesday

Mny things have happned today, interesting to note[.] M[r]s. Amelia [Crossland] McDonald gav a party to celebrate her birthdy aniversary, aboout 30 people were presnt to do her honor th[e]y had some music, very sweet and a grand and delicious refrshmnts– President Jos. F. Smith called and paid his respects and I was askd to pornounce the blessing on the refrsh)mnts) Clawson came and we sent a night letter to Mrs. Berratt [Kate Waller Barrett] for crdentials [p. 83] {p. 38}

25 March 1914 • Wednesday

Early in the morning sveral callers for this & that Louisa Norris Decker was buried today from the 7th. Ward she was a martyr’s daughter & suffered great indigntiies at the hands of the mob in Nauvoo– went to Br. [William W.] & Sister [Priscilla Jennings] Riter’s in honor of Priscilla Jnnings birrthday 76 yearrs old. wa[s] in carriage with Presidents Smith & Lund also Bshop Nibley have ben much ann[o]yed today [p. 84] {p. 39}

26 March 1914 • Thursday

Today has been busy and important, I went out and had lunch and coming home met Ruby & Emm Isabel came up also and wnt to the Temple and then came in again at noon and went back and was quite ill but stayed here until the meetiing was nearly over We had a very important meeting but some unpleasant incidents transpired things happned sent off letter to Sarah Eddinton [Eddington] sent letter to Mrs. Berratt tonight went to moving picturres of Wales etc. [p. 85] {p. 40}

27 March 1914 • Friday

<Had several visitors> This moning Isabel went to the Tenple thn came over here and stayed awhile– not feeling well at all, thn after going back to the Tenple felt fa◊int and could not do her work– soon went home– have not felt well all day but went to the Liberty Theatre tomight and took Joan Campbell– have not heard from Annie tonight [p. 86] {p. 41}

28 March 1914 • Saturday

Kate Wells birthday and I w[e]nt to see her and took her a bo[o]k of vesess [verses]– she is 61– years old today– but she is not old in h[e]r self [p. 87] {p. 42}

29 March 1914 • Sunday

I wnt to see Emn & had a long auto ride This was Fast day in the Tenple and President Smith bore a very strong testimony I was sorry that Junius [Junius F. Wells] was not there because I am sure he woould have heard him7 I wnt home with Kate & she went with me to the 18th. Ward and then I wnt to see Isabel in the nw home in the orcha[r]d [p. 88] {p. 43}

30 March 1914 • Monday

I came here and was very busy all day. [p. 89] {p. 44}

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March 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Charles Read.

  2. [2]EBW’s birthday was celebrated by the Relief Society general board with a luncheon in the Bishop’s Building, followed by an afternoon reception open to the public; four hundred people were reported to have attended. A dinner party was also sponsored by the Utah Woman’s Press Club on the preceding Wednesday. (“News of the Woman’s Clubs,” Salt Lake Tribune, 1 Mar. 1914, [31].)

  3. [3]Washington Gardner.

  4. [4]Rosannah Cannon Irvine.

  5. [5]The program for the anniversary meeting included reading a roll of honor naming “Nauvoo veterans and women who were prominent in the early days and helped to lay the foundation of the church.” Remarks were given by Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and EBW. (“Relief Society 72nd Anniversary,” Relief Society General Board Minutes, 17 Mar. 1914, vol. 5, 46–80.)

  6. [6]Daniel H. Wells asked Almon W. Babbitt to baptize him in Nauvoo, Illinois. (Wells, Defender, 84–85.)

  7. [7]Since Junius F. Wells had lost much of his hearing, EBW observes that he would have enjoyed physically hearing President Smith’s strong delivery. For evidence of his hearing loss, see EBW, Diary, 25 Jan. 1908 and 18 Dec. 1911.