August 1900

1 August 1900 • Wednesday

Mrs. Elizabeth Micklejohn [Elizabeth Sanders Meiklejohn] came this morning to help me etc. and her little girl Sarah [Meiklejohn] is with her. I kept her in the office with me until I came home myself, she prepared supper and did some watering etc. She is in trouble because her boy1 has enlisted for a soldier to go to China. I went to Mrs. Salisbury’s today and had lunch with her, and Stella [Salisbury] and Mrs. J. [James] B. Walker [Mary Scannell Walker] and little girl Helen [M. Walker] and Miss Rosencrans of Montana. Had a long talk with Mrs. Salisbury about the political situation, and also other matters of importance to us. She leaves for Europe early in September to be absent one year expects to visit Italy and Egypt and the holy land‒ I feel glad of the woman tonight because there seems a storm brewing {p. 217}

2 August 1900 • Thursday

<King of Italy has been assassinated> Two years ago today little Marian Buchholz was born‒ she is a very beautiful child and exceedingly bright‒ we are all going out to the Lake and have lunch there. I meant to go with Belle and all the family on the 4.15. train, but had to go down home because Sister Micklejohn went to Annie’s and there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woman’s Co-op in my office and kept me until 6.15. it was a perfect day. The Lake was never more beautiful, the sunset fine and the whole panorama perfect. Belle, Will, Dot, Lucile Em. and Eugene and myself & the two babies were the entire party. Very few people there that we knew. I gave Marian a box of building blocks and she had many presents of value‒ ten dollars from her grandpa Sears. Letter from Daisie today‒ {p. 218}

3 August 1900 • Friday

This morning went off early to the office with copy, worked hard at my desk all day, letter from Ellen at Butte Montana. Mrs. Rhodes came to see me, and Junius who talked over the political situation with me. A letter from E. [Emily] Crane Watson of Parowan was rather interesting and a number of papers that contained news of some moment. The Shah of Persia has had an attempt made upon his life since being in Paris. the cane in his own hands and the great strength of his body guard saved him. He must be a fatalist as he says his time had not come or he would not have escaped. There has been a little rain today and signs of more this evening. Belle came in to see me just for a minute or two. I am very lonely, and do not feel like staying here alone tonight {p. 219}

4 August 1900 • Saturday

Went up early and commenced work had some callers and later on the Primary officers meeting, storm came up thunder & lightning & rain. Wrote letters to Sister Mary Ann [Wilson] Lunt Cedar City and to Hannah A. [Bunker] Crosby Panguitch‒ about Conferences Sister [Elizabeth Francis] Yates President Millard Stake came to see me, and ask some questions about washing & anointing‒ Reported President [Francis M.] Lyman’s counsel to her in that stake. Sister Stevensen also came in regard to going to Parowan‒ wrote to Mary A. [Ann Burnham] Freeze asking her to accompany her. Sister Nellie Little who is going to Europe came to ask me about my experiences I came home very cold in this August weather. Emily gave a lunch today one year since she was married. I gave her fine china cream pitcher, wrote to Daisie tonight and read in Garth‒ by Julian Hawthorne {p. 220}

5 August 1900 • Sunday

I really felt too ill to get up. Emily came over and I tried to get strength to get about and prepare some breakfast and then get ready for Fast Meeting in the 18th. Ward. I succeeded although I was very late, but felt better for going‒ after the blessing of babes and confirming, when there was opportunity for testimony Apostle Clawson spoke upon the sacredness of our places of public worship and the offices of the holy priesthood, a young brother Emory spoke in the gift of tongues, Morgan Richards Jr. was another who spoke with power also two or three sisters. I went home with Martha Wells and had dinner then to the office and wrote to Sister Jane S. Richards. While away Mr. [John] & Mrs. McVicker called on me, went over to Belle’s after coming home, then to my writing‒ {p. 221}

6 August 1900 • Monday

Hurried off early Mrs. McVicker came on political business relating to her name being on State Ticket for Superintendent of Schools‒ Mrs. Little who is going to Europe wanted some information and introductions to ladies‒ Went down to Sister Horne with R. R. tickets for her and her sister2 to go Park City to a R.S.3 Meeting then to Mrs. Caine’s asking her to go to Parowan to R.S. Conference & then to Sister Stevenson to notify her about going‒ then to Republican day at the Lake Gov. Wells presided, speeches were disappointments and yet on the whole there was a nice crowd. I came home after the Executive Committee meeting very weary and nervous‒ a little displeased with myself. {p. 222}

7 August 1900 • Tuesday

Hurried off in the morning found Sister [Jane S.] Richards and Sister Josephine R. West waiting for me then went to Sister Lydia [Spencer] Clawson’s where we had promised to go to wash and anoint for confinement‒ waited for Aunt Zina who did not put in an appearance, so I excused myself and went up to her house. She was very lame & felt she could not go, went back and told Sister Clawson we would come next day‒ Sister Smith and myself. Then came back to the office and looked after affairs then to Sister Sarah J. Cannon’s Cannon Ward to a meeting. There were Sister Z. D. H. Young, B. W. Smith, J. S. Richards, E. B. Wells, E. T. Webb, M. A. Freeze, P. Y. Beatie besides the members, refreshments were served afterwards, I went to the depot with Sister Richards and West. read my proofs and came home exhausted {p. 223}

8 August 1900 • Wednesday

This is Dr. Pratt’s birthday, she is sixty one years old‒ she has gone to Midway with Br. Penrose. I bought her a green and gilt vase for flowers‒ and was inviteed to dinner but could not go. Callers in abundance Mrs. W. R. Wightman [Rose Sipple Wightman] and Mrs. [Georgie Sipple] Winn her sister from Indianapolis, then Sister Smith came and we went to Sister [Lydia Dunford] Alder’s, Sister Ellen Barton was there, and we attended to the ordinance of washing and anointing Sister Julia Deane Alder for her confinement‒ from there we went over to Rudger Clawson’s and attended to the same ordinance for her. then we came away feeling we had done some little good, I came down home and wrote to Mrs. Sewall in Paris for Mrs. Little and gave her my card for six other people introducing her. The Elks of this <State> are having what they call purple day {p. 224}

9 August 1900 • Thursday

<Wrote a good letter of explanations to Mrs. Jane S. Richards today> This is Louisa [Free] Wells’ birthday I think she would be 75 or maybe more‒ I presume her children remember it, Emeline Lyde and Cal are up at Brighton, Rule’s family too‒ it seems a long time since she died, but one has many such episodes to record and we grow more or less accustomed to our dear ones passing away Heber [A.] Bowman who used to live with me came today; it was a surprise as I had not heard from him for four years or more. I went with him to the Vienna Café and had lunch‒ later on after my work was finished which was very tiresome making up the paper, and having too much copy, as usual nowadays, I went down to Annie’s and had dinner and spent the evening, came home about, ten, felt very chilly slept very little and felt restless. {p. 225}

10 August 1900 • Friday

<Pacific & South Sea Islands at Saltair today. Louise & Margaret went out.> I was very ill and faint in the morning but hurried off thinking there might be something important by mail or that ther revise would be ready‒ however found Susa Y. Gates and Sister E. H. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard waiting to see me, and soon after Lucy A. Clark of Farmington. Others too came in <Junius &c> and I did not get away until between two and three in the afternoon; went to the Drug Store and bought paregoric and took some in the Store‒ Parley P. P. [Pratt III] fixed it for me‒ and as soon as I could I took the car for home, meantime I saw Ort on the street who would have come with me but was going to Farmington to see his twins. I fainted on the car before we left Main Street, Mrs. W. H. Jones [Jeannie Jones] stopped her carriage and offered to take me home but I felt I could not move‒ the ladies {p. 226} on the car were very nice and I reached home somehow‒ Miss Emma Lunt, came to my own house and helped me‒ the conductor Stout went to tell Mrs. Sears who came quickly, we used all simple remedies and I was soon in bed stayed thro’ the night.

11 August 1900 • Saturday

Very sick all day could not sit up or have much rest‒ managed to eat a little‒ This is the Governor’s forty-first birthday and Charlie [J. Charles] Earls forty-sixth. if I were well I should congratulate the Governor‒ Annie and all the girls have been to see me and tried to do all in their power to help me‒ John Q. and Sep have both been in, Eugene is quite sick in bed for a whole week Louise stays with me tonight‒ we are quite comfortable {p. 227}

12 August 1900 • Sunday

This morning Louise woke herself in fairly good time, and fixed my breakfast and her own‒ Em. came too with some little delicacy and John Q. with Katharine in the buggy after having taken the children to Sunday School. They have had a letter from Nogales Arizona saying the company were still there that, as they had to furnish money for Beckstead to return because of his wife’s illness, they were scarce of food but one of their men shot a deer and one a bear and so the Lord had provided something for them. Annie came down in the afternoon and brought David and Emmeline and Em. <S. R.> took the buggy and went for a ride. We had a pleasant time Dot. came too‒ so the day passed tho’ I felt sick and weak‒ Belle came over later, Em too‒ Margaret came to stay all night. I felt very nervous and tried hard to overcome the feeling‒ {p. 228}

13 August 1900 • Monday

<Wrote to Aimie Schieller, Grace Anderson, Luella Rhodes & Emma [Howell] Jenson> I passed a terrible night, but even tho’ I had no sleep scarcely I feel better now it is daylight Margaret prepared my breakfast, and afterwards Dot came and Belle with things for my dainty appetite, and then Annie David and Katharine then Annie took me for a ride thro Liberty Park, and I saw the old Chase house where so many sleighing parties had gone for dancing; hospitable entertainment in those early days. the flowers the deer and ducks in the Park are very beautiful. Belle came over again and Em. brought me broth which was very appetizing, Annie read to me and I tried to sleep but could not, although I so much needed it‒ later Ort and May came and Ort administered to me, and then they called at Belle’s. Lucile and Em. brought me supper Louise came to sleep here. Letters came from Susan B. Anthony Hannah A. Crosby & Mabel [McBride] Tate {p. 229}

14 August 1900 • Tuesday

Last night the Battle of Manilla played at Calder’s Park kept there up such a noise and shook the house so it was impossible to be quiet I did not sleep until after 2. A.M. I keep repeating all the hymns and poems I know. then the multiplication table forwards and backwards. I read until I am exhausted & pray hour after hour as I lie on my bed. Annie came again to take me for a ride and I thoroughly enjoyed driving past the old farm and over to 7th. East where I think I had never been before. Weary when I came home though. Mrs. Woodruff & Mrs. McVicker have called today. package of books from Miss Pennington by express Wrote letters to H. A. [Hannah] Crosby Panguitch and Susan [Noble] Grant Wood’s Cross. Mr. Sears John Q. Belle & Daniel came and Margaret to stay all night. {p. 230}

15 August 1900 • Wednesday

I felt better this morning because I had really slept more. There was scarcely any mail, Margaret brought me home the papers and I saw that Sister Toronto had died on Tuesday Aug. 14. with gastritis, aged 76 years & four months. Annie’s children all went to the circus. and I stayed at home Belle brought me a bowl of chicken broth, and I enjoyed it very much wrote a long letter to Susan B. Anthony and a letter of three pages to Mell‒ the day was hot and windy Belle Lucile and Em. went over to Dot’s to dinner or lunch, & I was left alone‒ to do my writing Em. brought over broiled steak before going Annie had sent it down for me. Miss Evans came and stayed for hours and after that Belle, Annie John Q. Daniel Sister Woodruff, Clara James and Henry [C. James] and children then Em. with my supper, I am very much better‒ {p. 231}

16 August 1900 • Thursday

I went out for a ride with Annie she took me thro the Park and then to the office, while there Lula G. R. came Ella Hyde and others, and I was so weary and finally we came home, I was so tired I fell asleep on the bed and felt so wretched aching and feverish, towards evening Margaret Caine, came and Em. brought my dinner, Margaret recounted the Iron County visit, not so very pleasant, Louise came at last and John Q. to cut more sweet-clover‒ I went to bed after ten when Mrs. Caine had gone home and the cannons began for the Battle of Manilla was being reenacted down at Calder’s and shook the house. I wrote to Mrs. L. B. [Louisa Ballif] Benson Whitney Idaho President R.S. Oneida Stake and to Alice [Tyler] Tanner Beaver {p. 232}

17 August 1900 • Friday

Slept well, went out riding first thing called at Dot’s, went to the office‒ came back found Sister Richard’s and Sarah J. Cannon here, Sister Richards stayed for hours, the new girl came Flossie Luker, Sister Richards told me of her trip to Malad whither Josephine West accompanied her and also to Farmington with Sister Herrick. We also talked of Relief Society affairs in general. After that I tried to rest and in the evening Sister Stevenson came and some of Annie’s folks and Margaret to stay all night‒ so many thoughts come crowding upon me, and I am worrying so about the work in the office, and so many things I have planned to do and to say <to the sisters> that I am almost overwhelmed. Tomorrow will be fifty years since Mell was born and I do not know what I can send her, I am glad to have some one to help <in the house if not very competent> {p. 233}

18 August 1900 • Saturday

<wrote letters to Jane S. Richards & to Hannah A. Crosby Panguitch> Went to the office to work this morning felt very weak, and not quite equal to the exertion, saw Junius, Lydia Ann, Sisters Doolan, Gardner, [Mary Knight] Bassett, Golighly [Julia Morris Golightly] and McKean4 and [Ottilie Mieth] Schoenfeld and some others, Annie came to bring me home in the buggy. Sent telegram to Mell‒ Congratulations, may health, peace prosperity and happiness attend you always‒ She is fifty years old today and I have not heard one word from her nor any of them. So hot on the day she was born and not one shade tree for shelter‒ such a terrible confinement‒ how much has transpired since then, what changes in various ways, in Church in family in the world the civil war, the Cuban war the Phillipine war and now of late the South African & the Chinese war. John Q. Belle and Annie have all been here this evening. {p. 234}

19 August 1900 • Sunday

This morning stayed in bed to rest but wrote Sister [Alvira Coolidge] Cox Manti and Sister [Cedaressa Cartwright] Shepherd Beaver and to Margaret Caine and Georgie [Lucy Georgiana Fox] Young‒ Josephine West came to see me‒ Annie was here for a while <& Abram>‒ In the afternoon Belle Dot‒ Marian & Lucile [Buchholz]‒ I felt quite better in the afternoon went thro’ some of my drawers and did some odd writing. I am hardly equal to so much work with my brain & head. It seems strange Daisie does not come or send word. I hope she is coming because I do want to hear her sing again. Daniel came this evening to milk the cow‒ which he has left here for a few days to eat the grass in my garden. The day has been very hot and tonight there is a high wind, I am reading Nicholas Nickleby by Dickens, I have had many magazines this summer & enjoyed them very much indeed‒ {p. 235}

20 August 1900 • Monday

<Em had a dispatch this morning that Jack [John G. Roberts]’s sister had died at Indianapolis‒> Isabel brought me Senator North <by Gertrude Atherton> to read and I lent Will [Buchholz] “The Owl’s Nest”‒ this morning I felt very miserable indeed and hardly able to get up, but made the effort and went to the office with Annie in her buggy and thro’ the Park and up to 13th. East‒ On reaching the office I found a card from Sister Susan Grant saying she could not go to Panguitch so sent off direct to Sister Stevenson who could not go because of the serious illness of Will. [T. William] Stevenson’s young wife‒5 they were only married last Winter. It is very sad. Sister Grant’s uncle Joseph Bates Noble is dead 90 years old one of the intimate friends of Joseph the Prophet. Sister Caine will go to Panguitch and perhaps Sister [Mary Rutherford] Irvine‒ Sisters came to see me, Susan Grant, Margaret Caine, Emeline Wells Budd Whitney and Emory [M.] Hedges. I worked very hard all day & came home thoroughly exhausted {p. 236}

21 August 1900 • Tuesday

It is another fine day but the thought of Em. going away makes me feel sad for we never know how long the parting may be; her health seems uncertain and I am not very strong. I know that I shall feel sorrowful at parting with her. I went over a few minutes this morning and then to the office, there was no mail, no word from anywhere. During the day C. C. R. Wells and Br. [L. John] Nuttall came and in the late mail a letter from Ellen Powell Thompson, who is up in the Alleghanies recruiting etc. I wrote to Jane S. Richards, Lucy S. Cardon Lydia [Pond] Rich, Susan [Lufkin] Phippen, Jos. E. Taylor, Sarah [LeDuc] Pope, prepared copy for Editorial and so forth. Went out a few minutes to get a cup of tea & worked steadily the whole day Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury drove down to the house to see me, Georgie Young came late Annie had been before I came home, and I went over to see Em. a few minutes {p. 237}

22 August 1900 • Wednesday

Early in the day worked very hard and later came Sister Stevenson, Lucy Clark, Sister Anderson, Mr. [George M.] Bridwell, Georgie Young, <Margaret Cannon> and others on business and I kept on work until time to go <to> the Meeting of the Rep.6 State Committee‒ There was not a very good attendance but registration was again explained and insisted upon‒ Mr. [Frank P.] Bennett of Boston was there and he talked with me over Utah affairs and finally we became aware that he had served in the Legislature with my brother Hiram. He is the Vice Prest. of the National Wool-Growers Association. After the meeting I went up to the office and found a letter from Verona, <from Hingham Mass.> Em. & Lucile called to see me, and I spent the evening alone reading, as I was too weary to write‒ Emmie goes back to Detroit soon and it makes me very sad to think of it, she is young and frail and no one of her own folks near to advise with, It is not right to me to think of her going alone, all the way. {p. 238}

23 August 1900 • Thursday

This morning I lingered not feeling at all well, and Belle came over for a few minutes. reaching the office I found a letter from Daisie saying they were not coming; it was such a disappointment I longed so to hear her sing; and expected many nice visits and trips to the Lake with her and Harry. Visitors Sister E. S. Taylor, G. F. Young, M. L. Morris, R. B. Pratt, Julia A. Druce, C. M. Hannibal, Annie T. Hyde, M. W. Wilcox, E. J. Stevenson, and others. Margaret came up and had her hair cut, Emmeline & Katharine stayed with me while this was going on. I had a letter from Susa enclosing one from Rachel Foster Avery which I felt she had done right to answer as she did, I wrote her and Mrs. [Mary Geigus] Coulter today and returned Mrs. Avery’s letter to Susa This evening went over to see Em. & Belle’s folks. Have been reading Nicholas Nickleby one of Dickens Stories {p. 239}

24 August 1900 • Friday

This morning went off in good time went over to see Em. a few minutes first and on reaching the office found a letter from [E.] Franklin Woolley son of Frank [Franklin D.] Woolley who used to go to school to me; he was about my own age‒ married Olive Foss, lives in Dayton Idaho. Miss Evans did not come, we worked on with the mailing Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton and Cathie [Catherine Macswain] Dougall came and then Mrs. Salisbury, who went with me to have lunch and we had a long talk over matters and I promised to go and dine there before she leaves the city The rain last night and this morning was most refreshing and every one seems invigorated. Em. is making final preparations to go home, and Belle of course feels it very much as do all of them. I feel too that perhaps I shall never see her again as I am in such a very peculiar way at present. My head is very queer‒ {p. 240}

25 August 1900 • Saturday

I rose in time to see Em. go all the folks were up and at the doors except Dot who stayed and bade her Good Bye last night. She cried very much herself‒ so did Belle‒ Little Marian was there‒ Mr. Sears went as far as Ogden Lucile to the depot. I worked very hard all day in the office and had lots of visitors wrote several letters to ladies about the excursion came home just nearly worn out I have been reading a great deal in magazines of late and find myself very much improved by it. We all feel Em’s going away, traveling alone too so far. I think Nicholas Nickleby is certainly one of Dickens best novels. It is a beautiful night and if I were not so weary it would be the sort of night for writing {p. 241}

26 August 1900 • Sunday

I remained in bed to get a rest as I feel I must recruit after my illness‒ However I had visitors in bed. Annie came and Katharine and then Margaret & Emmeline and Daniel, and later Dot and baby Lucile, and finally I dressed and wrote two letters. One of three pages to Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer and one not so long to Kate Waller Barrett of Washington‒ Corresponding Secretary of the National Council of Women‒ I hope to get replies to both‒ we seem to have so little communication with the Council nowadays. In the evening John Q. and Annie and Abram came and having had so many visitors the day passed pleasantly, tho’ I was very weary and still had editorial matter to write‒ kept me late. {p. 242}

27 August 1900 • Monday

<My darling Louie’s birthday 38 years this morning early before sunrise.> Well I have finished Nicholas Nickleby and begun Senator North‒ last night. Went off very early this morning and had lots of mail to look over‒ Current Literature for September came. Mrs. McVicker took me to lunch and we went to the Republican headquarters together talked to the Chairman, introduced Mrs. McVicker‒ who spoke of her candidacy for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ladies today Georgie Young Emmie Young [Nebeker], Katie Hall, Belle Evans, Emma McVicker Mrs. Kershaw7 and half a dozen more‒ letters from Mrs. Coulter of Ogden Mrs. Boreham of Provo about the Club excursion Aspirants for office who have come to me to day Judge [John R.] Bowdle & young John M. Whittaker, sent off letters to Mrs. A. W. Taylor & Jane S. Richards received one from Mrs. Taylor {p. 243}

28 August 1900 • Tuesday

Very early at the office Mrs. [Sarah Stem] Nelden and Mrs. King already there waiting afterwards Mrs. Young and Mrs. Rhodes came, later Lula G. Richards and M. I. Horne and B. W. Smith and Annie T. Hyde <Mrs. & Miss Seaman & Julia A. Druce> also Mary P. Silver, who spoke to me of my poem “Ode To Deseret” written soon after coming to the valley and to suit my weird fancy concerning the wind, but was not half-satisfactory‒ no one can quite put into words that rapturous charm‒ there are no words in our language to express it. No one can understand how I miss the words of appreciation I used to receive from my husband.8 It seems awfully conceited to say so but it is true nevertheless. Annie John Q. David and Daniel were here when I came home. Sent telegram to Mr. Salisbury to Chicago in answer to one received this morning {p. 244}

29 August 1900 • Wednesday

Went off early again and had such a tiresome day, hot too[.] callers, Luella Rhodes E. Webb, E. J. Stevenson, L. L. G. Richards, Miss Wieler, Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Shepherd, M. E. Kimball Lucy A. Clark, Letters from Ellen and M. E. Ward wrote to Ellen C. Fuller, Butte, Montana Prof. Geo. [George H.] Brimhall, Provo, Mrs. [Emma Robinson] Jones Cedar City, Mrs. Ellen L. [Lundblad] Fullmer Circleville, Mrs. Schiller Mrs. Anderson, Miss Rhodes.

Sent Recipts to Lucinda [Howell] Hoskins Portage, Alice [Black] Rappleye Kanosh L. [Lewis] S. Pond Gentile Valley Idaho I had my revise to read and correct and take over, the day has been very full of hard work and yet I do not seem to catch up with what I most desire. I long so to do some fine writing and I must my feeling is so intense on this subject that I cannot restrain it much longer‒ {p. 245}

30 August 1900 • Thursday

Went to the Lake after much running about and going down to Annie’s, saw her a few minutes in the buggy‒ she took the children to the train, and I went on the car and missed her. Over there the ladies were all lovely to me and I had a pleasant time only felt so worried about my work, it was a lovely day and I hope we have made some money to help start the Free Kindergarten. Not much mail and I feel so anxious both about George Q. and Mell’s folks. Have finished Senator North a novel of modern times by Gertrude Atherton, very r[e]alistic, having lots of bother over getting women missionaries out to the Sisters Conferences. Came home too weary to do anything Sister Richards had been to see me while I was at the Lake. Went to Rep. Primary <Made a speech at Primary for Mrs. McVicker as Supt.> {p. 246}

31 August 1900 • Friday

Today the paper is out and so many things going on Sister Richards here before I came in the morning‒ spent the whole day here nearly. We went to the Vienna cafe to dinner together, afterwards she went to the Thatchers and I attended to some other matters wrote a lot of letters and sent off and had a chance to read those that came with the morning mail. One from Mell containing a draft for fifteen dollars. and the news of Will [William W. Woods]’s illness of hemorhage of the head. I was so exhausted on reaching home I really could not sit up, but had to lie down and read the night was hot and I felt very unable to go to the Conference next day as I had promised. the last day of the summer of 1900 is now past. {p. 247}

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August 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Robert W. Meiklejohn.

  2. [2]Harriet Hales Ellis.

  3. [3]Relief Society.

  4. [4]Perhaps Sophia Lane McKean.

  5. [5]Anna Hedquist Stevenson. (“Death of Mrs. Stevenson,” Salt Lake Herald, 22 Aug. 1900, 5.)

  6. [6]Republican.

  7. [7]Perhaps Amelia Starley Kershaw.

  8. [8]Daniel H. Wells.