March 1889

1 March 1889 • Friday

George Q. came up here last evening after I came and dined with us. It was a treat to see him after his dreary exile and imprisonment– this morning he left on the earliest train and I came down on the later one. Annie is feeling rather more comfortable. Sister Lewis went up on the 26th. It is 47 years today since I was baptized by Elder Mc’Ginn [Eli P. Maginn]. [p. 30] {p. 57}

2 March 1889 • Saturday

This is a day long to be remembered– Lucile [Sears]’s birthday I sent her a scarf or sash of handsome colors, by express I hurried and went to the President’s office to notify Geo. Q. of the sisters meeting. Went to the 14th Ward Hall was invited to speak and occupied a few minutes. Geo. Q. came and spoke about an hour. All were well pleased. Flowers came from San Francisco.

3 March 1889 • Sunday

Went up to Annie’s on Mid-day train found all as usual, Br. W. Woodruff and Geo. Q. Cannon have gone to Provo to attend Conference A box of flowers came from San Francisco Mr. Hilliard [Barry N. Hillard] sent them; took some of them to Annie– lovely buds. had a pleasant afternoon and evening, Annie in very poor spirits, pain in her side very severe– [p. 31] {p. 58}

4 March 1889 • Monday

Letters from Belle & Mell & Verona. No word from my sister1 about her illness. Stayed in Ogden until , came down then and found lots of things waiting. No word from Lucy. prepared report for Hospital. Sat up late and worked to get copy and report ready. The workmen are taking down the big house on the corner.2

5 March 1889 • Tuesday

Hurry and bustle, had some calls to make and then walk to the Hospital, but Mrs. Clawson came along and took me in her buggy. Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne gave me a pretty little olive wood box. Very pretty and I prized the gift for the giver. Had some visitors same evening. dined at Lydia Ann’s had a nice time. My sister’s3 golden wedding today. Remember 50 years so well.4 [p. 32] {p. 59}

6 March 1889 • Wednesday

Hard work trying to accomplish something creditable constant anxiety about Annie– shall feel much relieved when all is over. Sister Lewis is very competent and that is a great comfort. Cares are always increasing with mothers & grandmothers. Esther has left off work and gone into the country and that is another change in my affairs.

7 March 1889 • Thursday

This is a cold and unpleasant day and yet it matters little as my work is always just about the same. Copy, copy, and letters and callers etc. Our folks are very much exercised about the house, lest they should lose the opportunity of purchasing it. How I do wish we all had homes to settle down in and means for our support. But, alas, it is not so. [p. 33] {p. 60}

8 March 1889 • Friday

Mr Septimus Sears birthday, I suppose he will have a grand time today with his family and friends I have not sent him any gift although I do feel as though I could never repay him for his attention to my darling,5 in our time of trouble. I have been thinking so much of Belle today I feel sure she is not well she is suffering with some sort of illness

9 March 1889 • Saturday

I had such a busy day I could not get off to Ogden was hindered with copy and other matters, besides I was not well. The Suffrage meeting in the Social Hall for one thing where I was to be Chaplain, but as Heber Grant was there, he consented to pray and so I was excused After meeting some of the ladies came in to see me. & talk over further proceedings [p. 34] {p. 61}

10 March 1889 • Sunday

This morning at 5. A.M. A little prince6 came into our home and hearts. weighed 9 pounds; blue eyes and dark hair– mother in awful pain– came up on the morning train and was met at the depot with a carriage John Q. and the children, Louise told me she had a little brother M. E. [Margaret Curtis] Shipp attended her– I was much rejoiced to know all was over

11 March 1889 • Monday

This morning I stayed in bed late, tho’ John Q. did not rest well, he rose early and came down to the City on the morning train I stayed with Annie for company and to help her. Sister Lewis is very good and very competent and I feel Annie is safe in her hands went down on the evening train, found all right. [p. 35] {p. 62}

12 March 1889 • Tuesday

This morning a letter containing a picture of my eldest brother7 was received. He is a very fine looking man, and so particularly sympathetic. I felt glad of the picture but did not like the letter, it was from his wife8 and very unpleasant. She says Lucy is better. This is Abram [H.] Cannon’s birthday, Mina [Wilhelmina Cannon Cannon] had a dinner party at the farm–

13 March 1889 • Wednesday

This is Frank [Frances Wells]’s birthday & I bought her a book poems illustrated. She is 37 years old today– I remember well when she was born– it was about the time when the first of our courtship begun. with The Esquire was very demonstrative in those days. I took the afternoon train for Ogden found all right Annie still having after-pains. baby is well. [p. 36] {p. 63}

14 March 1889 • Thursday

This morning I came down on <went to> the train and it was <Conference> storming had to take a carriage, Had Margaret with me; bought her a new dress pattern of peacock green cashmere. <spoke in the morning meeting a short time and also in the afternoon> I am so full of work the paper is left to Charlie [Charles H.] Abbott and Sarah Mc Murrin Esther is not coming back any more, her health will not admit of her type setting.

15 March 1889 • Friday

Came down on the morning train had helped Mrs. Richards all I could the day previous, dined there with Bishop [Thomas] Wallace and gone up to Annie’s in a heavy rain storm. It is the Conference in Salt Lake, young ladies today– lots of people coming in and out all the time there seems much conjecture about the Church offices. [p. 37] {p. 64}

16 March 1889 • Saturday

This would have been Sister [Hannah Tapfield] Kings birthday. We used to be in the habit of seeing her and celebrating it in some way. John Q. was down today and bought Annie a diamond ring very handsome one too. He seems to be in good spirits I have heard he is to go on a mission but have not learned the particulars nor do I know if it be true, or where it is to be.

17 March 1889 • Sunday

Nine years today since we had the grand wedding reception, it was a notable affair for us, never to be forgotten, but since then how many things have happened and how much we have endured. It brings to mind many sad things that have transpired. I went up and took Annie a magnificent Medical book–. [p. 38] {p. 65}

18 March 1889 • Monday

Went down on the morning train and work was waiting and people coming, and so much to do that it is impossible to fill every call. Ort & Br. [Arthur] Stayner have been in and talked to me about literary affairs. I enjoyed it very much. Amelia has been in to see me. I called at the Continental to see Mrs. Sanford [Sandford], she had been to Provo to the Insane Asylum

19 March 1889 • Tuesday

Rainy day and O so busy, but went to the 8th Ward Meeting at Assembly Rooms. Spoke in the meeting, pic nic served, Miss [Sarah Ann] Hawkins of that ward was married to young Mr. [William G.] Keiser– had a nice quiet evening afterwards and sent off some letters to Presidents of Stakes to invite them to the General Conference of the Relief Society; to be held on the 6th of April. [p. 39] {p. 66}

20 March 1889 • Wednesday

Have been busy with copy & letters of some consequence. Time speeds swiftly onward. There seems to be more of a spirit of peace and justice toward us than of late, however we can scarcely tell what will be when the new administration makes appointments for Utah. Have heard a rumor that John Q. was to be sent on a mission to Turkey do not know if it is true or not.

21 March 1889 • Thursday

This was Herbert [W. Sears]’s birthday so many years ago. 18 of the long years since he was born on the old City Creek road. So many things come up in my mind on such occasions. Annie is doing very nicely indeed, she has such a nice baby. Went up to Annie’s and found baby had been blest and named, by his father called Daniel Hoagland. after Annie’s father and John Q’s grandfather. [p. 40] {p. 67}

22 March 1889 • Friday

Br. Cannon came up to Ogden the day after John Q. had blest the baby and also blest and confirmed the blessings, and promises, and blest Annie too. She is improving very well. Mrs. Lewis is quite devoted to her and Ray is a good servant. Olive [Browning Wallace] too is such a nice neighbor. The children keep pretty well. Carrie Granger [Snyder]’s birthday today.

23 March 1889 • Saturday

Came down home yesterday and expect to stay home over Sunday this time. Went to the meeting in the 14th Ward and felt very much annoyed at the minutes that were read there, of the remarks of Geo. Q. Cannon. Strange that those ladies, none of them observed the errors except Sister E. S. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor and myself and we did not vote. [p. 41] {p. 68}

24 March 1889 • Sunday

Went to the Tabernacle and heard John Morgan & John Nicholsen [Nicholson], preach, then went up to Ort’s to dinner and to the Ward meeting in the evening. Home missionaries9 spoke Br. Davis of the 17th, Ward and Br. F. [Frederick] A. Mitchell– spoke upon practical matters– came home and wrote until in the morning. My mind full of ideas & could not sleep.

25 March 1889 • Monday

The time of the Conference draws near I have just sent off the last letters to the Presidents of Relief Society who are to be specially invited to attend the Relief Society Conference in the Assembly Hall on the 6th of April. Quite an event for the women of Zion. Lots of strangers in the City & many callers. [p. 42] {p. 69}

26 March 1889 • Tuesday

Every day seems so full of work that one cannot find leisure to call on one’s friends and be polite even to those who call on us. So many unpleasant and difficult affairs to meet from day to day. The Committee have asked me to speak at the Suffrage meeting on the 9th of April. I have partly consented.

27 March 1889 • Wednesday

Today I hurried off to Ogden left Emeline to give Kate her present Belle sent so long ago– a crochet beaded purse. it is very pretty. I am sorry but I must go up to Annie’s, she is so much alone, away up there from all her young friends and her own family. She has no one to go in and help pass away the time now she is convalescent. [p. 43] {p. 70}

28 March 1889 • Thursday

Kate is 36 today and here I am in Ogden and no chance of purchasing any thing for her, but I will when I go home. Stayed all day in the house with Annie & the children, after dinner went to the depot and took the train came home and found all well, and lots of work waiting, some mail too to be attended to.

29 March 1889 • Friday

Went down town looking for a present for Kate after looking over a lot of bric a brac decided on a pretty vase kind of a pitcher blue & gilt cost 2 1/2 dollars, although a little thing, hope it will please her as it was certainly a very unique thing, the rubbish is just about cleared away from the corner now, and looks so desolate. [p. 44] {p. 71}

30 March 1889 • Saturday

Looks like a storm, dust perfectly stifling, and ruinous to one’s clothes. Visitors in abundance in town. Hiram [Clawson] has gone to San Francisco & will not be at home just yet but all the same we will hold the meeting at the Hospital on the day set for it. Sister Howard has been helping to prepare a report, but I cannot get the whole ready unless Hiram comes home.

31 March 1889 • Sunday

Made haste and went off to Ogden on the afternoon train, John Q. came to the depot to meet me as usual. Such a disagreeable day. Once within the house one forgets, for Annie is setting up and baby is in best attire and all going on swimmingly. Louise and Margaret are both so cunning. & I enjoy their prattle very much. [p. 45] {p. 72}

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March 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Lucy Woodward Hewlings.

  2. [2]Daniel H. Wells sold his large residence at 8 South Temple, located on the southeast corner of Main and South Temple Streets in Salt Lake City. The Templeton Building was soon erected on this prime site and stood until 1959. It was replaced by the Kennecott Building in 1965, which was remodeled as the Zions Bank Building and is currently called Gateway Tower East. (Wells, Defender, 412–413; “Then and Now,” Deseret Morning News, 17 Aug. 2007; “Zions Tower to Get Fresh Look,” Deseret Morning News, 7 Oct. 2003.)

  3. [3]Pallas Woodward Clark.

  4. [4]EBW described the anniversary celebration in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1889, 17:164.

  5. [5]Louisa Wells Cannon died in San Francisco at the home of Belle and Septimus Sears on 16 May 1887. (See EBW, Diary, 8, 11, and 12 Apr. 1887; 16 May 1887.)

  6. [6]Daniel H. Cannon.

  7. [7]Manson J. Woodward.

  8. [8]Fanny Abell Woodward.

  9. [9]Home missionaries were local church members called to speak, teach, and render service within their stakes.