October 1889

1 October 1889 • Tuesday

Today it is 22 years since Mell and Billie [William Dunford] were married such a dreary day for me not only then but the remembrance thereof. Nothing pleasant about it except the dear girls Daisie and Verona I am busy revising my story Ort has been in talking to me about the Twelve. This is going to be an exciting Conference I am sure [p. 137] {p. 164}

2 October 1889 • Wednesday

Such a busy day reading proof and working vigorously to get paper out on time. Emeline has so many engagements– Dr. Linch is here from Indiana & paying his addresses to Lyde and Mrs. Davis of Terre Haute is stopping at Cal’s [Clara Wells Hedges] and altogether Emeline has more than her hands full– she is the head of her mother’s1 family.

3 October 1889 • Thursday

<Lyde Wells is 30 today–> Lots of ladies been here and disappointed over the Suffrage meeting to which they had been notified to come Lots of questions asked, some new subscribers & a little money taken in Sister Richards is down from Ogden and Aunt Zina and her Counselors and so on have to hold a meeting, previous to the Conference of the R.S. [p. 138] {p. 165} Went to Ogden on evening train

4 October 1889 • Friday

Conference opened this morning I had intended being present but could not get down from Ogden in time, and then I was needed to read my revise– House full of folks and it keeps me going to attend to their wants. Had quite a number of sisters to dine with me– and tonight there is Sisters [Harriet A.] Snow, Hunsaker2 and Christenson to stay here

5 October 1889 • Saturday

<Ort preached a grand sermon on charity–> My husband came home and called on his way from the depot last night and wanted to stay with me. However as I had underground3 people here I went up to his room and stayed there with him, came home before morning dawned. How dreadful. tonight [Samuel R.] Thurmond & wife4 are here– and lots of other people. Crowded to the utmost capacity– [p. 139] {p. 166}

6 October 1889 • Sunday

This is an anniversary long to be remembered for many reasons. My baby [Eugene H. Harris] died on the Conference morning in Nauvoo and so many times I have gone over it all in my mind. How sad it was that scene! This morning in the Tabernacle the Authorities were presented and the names of [Marriner W.] Merrill & [Anthon H.] Lund & A. [Abram] H. Cannon were called and they were sustained as Apostles

7 October 1889 • Monday

Such an exciting day for me– so much expected of me. Went in good time, took notes & so on. Had a pretty good Conference and took lots of ladies home at to lunch with me. Went to the Suffrage Convention in the afternoon and my husband came here and had his dinner– Conference in the evening spoke about fifteen minutes– went with Sister Zina home [p. 140] {p. 167}

8 October 1889 • Tuesday

This morning went with Mrs. Harriet A. Snow to the depot helped her off on the train to Manti– saw my husband for a moment– had such an exhausting day– lots of callers. Talked with Ort about Libbie Pond Whitney [Lewis] etc. Went to Ogden in the evening Sister J. [Jane] S. Richards and Mrs. Judge Henderson [Josephine Turner Henderson]5 on the train. Found Annie so nervous, no girl, working so hard with four little children.

9 October 1889 • Wednesday

Came down from Ogden this morning John Q. with me. Heard of the death of Emma Jennings Carlisle– died in child bed– a daughter born and living. Mrs. Pitchforth and Mrs. [Mary Pitchforth] May and baby6 lunched with me. Julia Y. [Young] Burton & Charlie her husband left for England this morning. I am so weary– and my work is so behind hand. I have been busy preparing copy– today and to night– letter from Mell. [p. 141] {p. 168}

10 October 1889 • Thursday

Thirty seven years ago to day since I was married to Gen. Daniel H. Wells. I recall with particulars the facts. I remember my hair was very thick and heavy and it was put up high and stylish for that period. also that I wore a handsome dress of blue and grey striped– and laces that were old and fine. gold beads too. The day was very dusty wind blew it was the last day of October Conference. Esquire Wells came up to Auntie’s7 for me with the big carriage & Steve Taylor drove, there was a span of horses on The ceremony was performed in the front room in where my office is now. Brigham Young officiated. We had dinner and then walked back to Auntie’s [p. 142] {p. 169}

12 October 1889 • Saturday

Have been writing to my husband today– mentioned the anniversary of our marriage it has been so busy. So many ladies in; all the Conference folks are not gone home yet. The city has been very full. Went up to Annie’s on the 1/2 past seven train found all well and baby growing so fast.

13 October 1889 • Sunday

Annie and I had a ride, went a long distance such a lovely day. called on Sister Jane Richards. We talked about the late Conference of the Relief Society, she does not seem to think it much of a success. I think we did as well as possible with the material we have to use– [p. 143] {p. 170}

14 October 1889 • Monday

Staid all day with Annie and helped her with the children and had a nice visit. We do not have much opportu[nity] to talk with each other except at night when the children are asleep. I always have so much on my mind & Annie is so occupied with the little ones. Came down on the Evening train Annie went to the depot with me cold today

15 October 1889 • Tuesday

Paper late, very annoying. Copy comes in slowly and it is hard work to keep the matter up to a high standard. Our sisters are not inclined to be literary at least not many of them. Had a call today from the Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury [Anna Cockerell Chetwynd-Talbot] and the Countess of Selkirk [Cecily Grey-Egerton Douglas].8 Quite an event to have them seek me [p. 144] {p. 171} in such a humble home went with them to the Tabernacle & other places.

16 October 1889 • Wednesday

Today is Mamie’s Cannons birthday 22 and would have been Winnie [Winifred Woods]’s if she were living. I remember distinctly her birth in 1875, dear little Winnie. I would have gone to her grave if possible. We have had our first snow. I am almost pushed to the very extreme with daily duties & cares.

17 October 1889 • Thursday

Today some of the ladies from the Woman’s Congress, which met this year in Denver arrived in this City and registered at the Cullen. I suppose Mrs. Froiseth will fill them full of Mormon slanders. so it will be little use for us to try to make any impression towards removing prejudice [p. 145] {p. 172}

18 October 1889 • Friday

It has been a disagreeable day raining and dark, but I determined to call so at evening after waiting quite late for Aunt Zina Sarah Kimball & Dr. Pratt I went and took Emeline & Lyde. The parlors were full of ladies and gentlemen & we were the only Mormons. Met Major [Henry C.] Goodspeed there liked the ladies pretty well, tho Mrs. Froiseth did not let us have any opportunity to talk.9

19 October 1889 • Saturday

Finished mailing and went off to Ogden in the afternoon Minnie had already gone home and I was alone. Annie was so glad of course she is without a girl and has been since Conference. when Miss Kate Nesbaitt left and went home. Very stormy and unpleasant. No letters at all satisfactory. [p. 146] {p. 173}

20 October 1889 • Sunday

<Dot’s birthday yesterday sweet seventeen– and today> two years since Percival [Woods]’s death his mother will of course grieve very much it is so sad these anniversaries of our loved ones passing away. Such a sad death his was. I did not get a chance to write Dot a letter nor have I written Mell. I suppose Daisie is on the way <arrived>. Went to the Opera House tonight came down in time to hear the Suffrage ladies lecture Geo. Q. & party started for Canada.

21 October 1889 • Monday

Monday the three ladies Rev. Antoinette Brown Blackwell Mrs. Henrietta [Eustis] Wolcott and Miss Emily Howland called at this place and in my parlor had the pleasure of meeting Aunt Zina and Br. Penrose– quite an interesting interview. James Anderson came and took notes for the news. [p. 147] {p. 174}

22 October 1889 • Tuesday

This morning Aunt Zina & I called on the ladies at the hotel early and presented them with Key To Theology Voice of Warning and Mormon Doctrine.10 I had already given them my paper & poems. Mrs. Froiseth was very insulting to us. It was a dismal day. Went to Provo in afternoon train, preliminary meeting at Sister John’s. About 30 ladies present.

23 October 1889 • Wednesday

Had arrangements perfected last night, slept alone in Mrs. John’s parlor chamber Two great East Windows opened into the orchard a pretty room. Meetings at 10. A.M. and 1/2 past 1. p.m. had a good attendance and finished the organization Mrs. [Mary Jane Mount] Tanner President, took train at close of meeting & came home same evening [p. 148] {p. 175}

24 October 1889 • Thursday

Daisie came from Ogden today. I went to the depot to meet her and brought her up. She is very much delighted to be here again. We had a nice evening and she sung for me. So good to have one of my own to be with me. I am wild almost with the verses needed for the birthday. Kate [Wells] is quite exercised.

25 October 1889 • Friday

Pres. Wells came from Sanpete today. It is dismal weather– Rebie [Rubie Wells] went to meet him and the horse ran away and smashed the buggy all to pieces. No harm done to the occupants. Daisie has taken such a severe cold she cannot sing a note nor even speak. It will be a great disappointment– I have given $5.00 [p. 149] {p. 176}

26 October 1889 • Saturday

Annie and all the children came down had a carriage from the depot. we had lunch & waited train was late Daisie and I were ready & were looking for a long time, when they came we got into the carriage and drove down to the 12th Ward house. Came home about 12 we had a good entertainment The Esquire asked me to come up to June’s and stay with him but I found I could not– he waited for me & was disappointed.

27 October 1889 • Sunday

It was a dark and dismal night. Rainy too and wind blew. Sunday. Annie stayed all day and we had lots of callers, tho it was very stormy. This was the real birthday and yet we did not see the Gen.11 he went to meeting. [p. 150] {p. 177}

28 October 1889 • Monday

Such a storm sleet as well as rain John Q. came down for the folks. Annie dined over with Talula– We kept the children, it was such a disagreeable day. They left on the afternoon train and soon afterwards the Esquire came and sent June in to say he wanted to see me. Of course he wanted me to fulfill the promise of Saturday night and we arranged it. I went up at about 10 minutes to eleven & we had a very good visit in the little room up stairs where we have met so often– I risked fright and every thing to go and come. No one knows what I suffer in my feelings to run such risks.

29 October 1889 • Tuesday

This morning he went away to the Temple: it was not quite so stormy, I felt very anxious about him though but he will be all right can sleep on the <way> [p. 151] {p. 178}

30 October 1889 • Wednesday

This is a more agreeable day than any previous one since the storm begun. Daisie’s cold is still very bad. We have tried so much to get remedies for her but it does seem obstinate, she suffers with it too very much. I quite enjoy her society and she has made quite a revolution in the house and put things in order. Ellen [Hitchings] has been here a part of the time.

31 October 1889 • Thursday

Today is Hallow e’en and Daisie has been recounting some of the tricks the girls play at the Conservatory on each other and on the disagreeable teachers and helps. We enjoyed the evening very much, and I sat up late writing my story which was behind on account of so many hindrances. copy comes in very slow [p. 152] {p. 179}

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October 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1889/1889-10


  1. [1]Louisa Free Wells.

  2. [2]Perhaps Harriet Beckstead Hunsaker. (1870 U.S. Census, Box Elder, Utah Territory, 86A, accessed 11 Dec. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-D183-5DK?i=6&wc=KKT5-2NL%3A518653001%2C518664401%2C518715401&cc=1438024; 1900 U.S. Census, Honeyville, Utah, 90A, accessed 11 Dec. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-68KP-48?i=6&wc=9BWW-G5Z%3A1030550201%2C1030561401%2C1030573901&cc=1325221; “Abraham Hunsaker,” Find a Grave, accessed 28 Mar. 2018, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/17309406/abraham-hunsaker.)

  3. [3]Women helping their husbands avoid prosecution for polygamy or cohabitation often went into hiding, sometimes changing their names and staying with friends or relatives in other towns. Such a network of hideouts was called the “underground.” EBW refers to helping others in a later entry. (EBW, Diary, 14 Dec. 1889; see also James, “‘Between Two Fires,’” Journal of Mormon History, 49–61; and Allen and Leonard, Story of the Latter-day Saints, 396–400.)

  4. [4]Probably Victoria Hodgert Thurman. (EBW, Diary, 30 Nov. 1889.)

  5. [5]Henry P. Henderson was associate justice of the Utah Supreme Court. (“Shining Lights: How They Acquired Brightness,” Contributor, Mar. 1895, 280–283.)

  6. [6]Margueritte O. May.

  7. [7]Olive Bishop Whitney.

  8. [8]Both were British travelers who intended to publish their impressions of women’s lives in Utah. (Morin and Guelke, “Strategies of Representation,” 436–462.)

  9. [9]The Salt Lake Daily Tribune mentions four visitors from the Women’s Congress: Henrietta T. L. Wolcott of Boston; Rev. Antoinette Brown Blackwell of Elizabeth, New Jersey; Mrs. F. P. Lawlor of Williamsport, Pennsylvania; and Miss Emily Howland of western New York. (“The Advancement of Women,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 19 Oct. 1889, 4.)

  10. [10]Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology (1855, 1883); Parley P. Pratt, A Voice of Warning (1837, 1887); and Charles W. Penrose, “Mormon” Doctrine, Plain and Simple (1882, 1888). (See Flake and Draper, Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930, 2:70, 119, 123, 125.)

  11. [11]Daniel H. Wells.