May 1894

1 May 1894 • Tuesday

<May 1. 1894> next morning we had Woman Suffrage Convention1 Lunch at noon in the Hall for very many people– afternoon speeches again– and later a meeting of the [p. 149] {p. 152} Relief Society–2 however we had to leave before it closed to catch the train for American Fork– We went direct to Sister Clark [Ellen Gemmell Clarke]’s where quite a party had gathered and had a delicious dinner Bishop [William D.] Robinson and wife3 were present also Sister [Jane Robinson] Hindley the President of Relief Society American Fork for the last 25 years– Sister [Emma Smith] Featherstone the Secretary was also there– at seven the meeting was held in the Meeting house– quite a large gathering mostly ladies– the wind blew furiously. We could scarcely stand outside and the night was very dark indeed. We sat a long time talking over matters after our return as we invariably do when we go out into the country there are so many questions to be answered and so much that requires discussion– We had a very nice cosy room to sleep in but Aunt Zina kept the windows up– [p. 150] {p. 153} and the cold wind swept in.

2 May 1894 • Wednesday

May 2. 1894. We rose early and had a warm breakfast– left early about ten minutes to 8 o’clock for home– at Lehi– Br. [Charles R.] Savage came on the train told us about the Midwinter Fair Exhibit in San Francisco and the transparencies taken at the Lick Observatory of the stars, the moon, the Milky Way etc. at Murray we came past the Carter Industrials– so many young boys among them it was very depressing.4 We reached home at nine o’clock and fifteen minutes. I went direct to the office but soon after hearing that Mr. Sears was worse came down home to see him. found he was alarmingly ill. Worked until time to go to the 14th. Ward hall to the Sociable of the Guide Class.5 The hall was very handsomely decorated and the perfume of flowers was most delightful. [p. 151] {p. 154} The first exercise was by Mrs. Emma [Nield] Goddard illustrating their work– the second Miss Rose Wallace on Joseph Smith the Prophet his life and mission, the third Dr. Maggie C. Shipp the Circulation of the blood (physiological) next music omitted causing disappointment– then an address from President W. Woodruff also from Jos. F. Smith then Lorenzo Snow <& Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor>– after which the benediction was pronounced by Elder James P. Freeze– his wife Mrs. Mary A. Freeze presided her Counselors were seated with her on the stand– the refreshments were delicious and in great profusion, also conversation charming accompanied by the warm greetings of friends. I rode home in President Woodruff’s carriage with him and his wife Emma had a pleasant time– found Mr. Sears very bad– [p. 152] {p. 155}

3 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Morning May 3– this is Bobbie [Robert C. Hilliard]’s birthday two years old, and also Susan Wells 64– and Bathsheba Smith 72– I went up to the Temple to have Septimus prayed for and saw several of the workers: left his name and have great faith in the efficacy of circle prayers.–6 worked away as usual Annie was up– went up to 323– second St. to dinner. It was first tea-party for some time and very congenial people– Sisters Zina D. H. Young,– <M. Isabella Horne> Bathsheba W. Smith, Rachel R. [Ivins] Grant, Helen M. Whitney, Emma Ally [Emma Turner Alley], Evie Y. Davis, Camilla C. Cobb– Martha G. & Hannah C. Wells besides myself and the household. A very pleasant party and a choice menu. We spent the evening. I came home alone found Mr. Sears not so much better but still somewhat improved– Lucile came over and slept with me– I was reading “Marcella” by Mrs. [p. 153] {p. 156} Humphrey Ward in which I am greatly interested. It is certainly the book of the season– it deals admirably with the questions of the day– and time. putting much fine and emotional feeling into the homely everyday subjects. I have sat up late to read and have spent all the morning too on it except the hour devoted to prayer and reading the Psalms.

4 May 1894 • Friday

Friday Morning <May 4–> My heart is sad with thoughts of the pain Mr. Sears is suffering– Dr. Benedict has brought others to see him– I cannot half do my office work I am so wrought upon– such severe pain calls out my intense sympathy and unfits me for business– the day wore away between this and that and I came down home and found Mr. Sears much better– he has had Br. [John] Nicholson today– Br. & Sister Penrose yesterday with several [p. 154] {p. 157} other friends and relatives; have finished reading Marcella today– Current Literature and the Cycle for May are my next intelletual feast–

5 May 1894 • Saturday

Sat. May 5. Went up to see Br. [Alfred] Lambourne had a nice talk about books and nature– he has some peculiar notions about clubs and organized work– he is certainly a genius of his kind and most devoted to art. We talked of books freely and of poets etc. Lambourne prefers the standard works of the dead to the modern writers of the day. Mrs. Caroline Raleigh came to speak to me of Mrs. [Emma Clark] Bird who had the trouble with Dr. Pratt; she feels herself much aggrieved and wants me to hear her side of the story of the difficulty between them and to convince me that she did not write those abusive letters addressed to me and to Mrs. [Zina D. H.] Young7 [p. 155] {p. 158} We had been discussing Club– colors Dr. Shipp Dr. Pratt, Dr. Ferguson and myself and finally decided on pale green and heliotrope– combination– Caroline Raleigh and myself took up the ribbon to make the bows to Dr. Ferguson– afterwards I came home so very weary– Em– came over with me and stayed all night– I read until 12 M.

6 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday May 6. A very beautiful morning– Em– brought over my breakfast and we made some changes in the rooms– by and bye Elise came to help with sweeping and then Annie– Mr. Sears is much better I dressed and went home with Annie had dinner there– John Q. took the little girls to Ogden with him Annie and I went to the Tabernacle [p. 156] {p. 159} together– the anthem Daughter of Zion was beautifully rendered by the choir– a young missionary was the first speaker– afterwards Elder C. W. Penrose delivered an eloquent discourse Sep and Allie came down on the same car with us– they looked very handsome and very happy– I went in to see Mr. Sears, he looks very worn and thin and is exceedingly nervous. Dr. Ferguson called here on some club business pertaining to the badges. I have been writing most of the day. On Thursday I had a cheery letter from Mell. My lace curtains have come from New York– I am to speak at the Federation of Clubs on Thursday May 10– “How far should Home Talent be cultivated and to what extent should Outside Talent8 be introduced” [p. 157] {p. 160}

7 May 1894 • Monday

Monday May 7. A very bright day and warm, Mr. Sears is better and that makes a great difference with everything else– I am trying to get out the paper which is far behind time and the pictures we are to use will make quite a difference in making up the form–9 there has been a number of strangers in the City and many things of importance are transpiring. Lectures by eminent speakers– Dr. [James E.] Talmage’s lecture Sunday night is receiving very great praise. Our <Press> Club held a Business meeting tonight–

8 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday <May 8> morning almost before I had begun my work Mr. & Mrs. [C. Edward] Wallin of Chicago called, they were just from the coast and I was very agreeably surprised. Mrs. Wallin is a lovely woman– and he is a very good man– I went out with them for awhile and as I had a meeting coming on, could not be spared very long. They decided to come to the [Hotel] Templeton so as to be near to me– [p. 158] {p. 161} Mrs. Salisbury Mrs. Allen and myself talked about silk read some letters and decided that we would hold our next meeting on the 22nd of May. I have been giving considerable thought to the subjects of the Federation and devoted some time to the matter of speaking there without notes. Made up the paper and had some off the press gave copies to Mrs. Wallin.

9 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 9. Annie and myself went with the Wallins to the cemetery to visit the grave of Lile and Tommie– we had considerable conversation with them– tomorrow I shall not be able to see them as I shall be so occupied with the Federation; we wanted them to come down to Waterloo and Belle arranged to entertain them but they had an engagement for the evening and only Dot of all the [p. 159] {p. 162} family had even the opportunity of an introduction. Sep went North on the train today– John Q. saw him at the depot & Allie was there too–

10 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday May 10. A memorable day Murray’s birthday, May Wells’ boy two years old today– well the day was clear and bright and I was early at the Club Rooms,10 only a few people had gathered when Dr. Shipp & myself arrived– I had to report our Club and was appointed on the nominating committee as well– we got through somehow long after time however and went home to lunch Several of our Press Club attended in the afternoon and other Clubs were well represented– I was the second on the program and had the most difficult subject of all– I occupied about fifteen minutes. [p. 160] {p. 163} I had never felt more dissatisfied with myself than at this time– there was something depressing in the atmosphere of the room it seemed and I could not recall anything I had previously intended to say.11 Miss [Josephine] Kellogg of Provo a young lawyer handled her subject to good advantage and Mrs. Little who followed me seemed to have hers by heart. I was glad when it was all over and we could once more get out into the free air and follow our own bent. In the evening the session was held in the First Congregational Church– the platform was profusely decorated with flowers and vines etc. the music was very good and the speeches were certainly excellent– Mrs. May Farlowe [May Jennings Farlow] was first then Mrs. [Ida D.] Patton of Ogden and Mrs. Allen last.12 [p. 161] {p. 164}

11 May 1894 • Friday

Friday May 11– Received word from the National Woman’s Press Association that the party would reach here at seven A.M.– published the notice in the Deseret News so as to reach all the members of our Club; we did our best to spread the news in other ways and to hit upon some plan to receive them even on Sunday Grant Smith and Kennett Karr [Kenneth C. Kerr] of the Salt Lake Press Club were to assist– we met and met again– we telephoned to each other and nothing could be quite satisfactorily completed– some had to go here and there and at the last moment failed to keep the promise of assisting. I have not been well at all and it has been such hard work even to keep out of bed. [p. 162] {p. 165}

12 May 1894 • Saturday

Sat. May 12. I have had an awful night– sometimes I felt I must put a light in the window as a signal for some one to come to me– All day today I have really worked hard to have everything orderly tomorrow– we have engaged the big Utah– with two span of horses that will hold nearly thirty and Mrs. Mc’Cune will use her carriage and we shall meet the train bring the ladies from the depot to the Hotel and drive with them around the City– then go to the Tabernacle and to Saltair Beach– at evening Dr. Pratt finding how ill I was urged me to go home with her and stay all night, so we could go to the depot together– she came down home with me while I dressed & arranged my apparel– Belle and Mrs. Pratt in the Parlor chatting. [p. 163] {p. 166} We went up to her house and had a nice warm supper visited a little and then retired– the hour was late, but we were very talkative–

13 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday May 13– a beautiful day so fine and bright– we were late getting to the depot because the electric cars were delayed– found Dr. Shipp Caroline Raleigh and many of the Press Club there before us– Mrs. [Mary E.] Lockwood Mrs. [H. W.] Ralston Mrs. [Ellen M.] Richardson, Mrs. [Julia A.] Anderson and so many more all waiting for me to arrive– there were only three or four whom I had met before Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. [Elvira Bliss] Sheldon, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Ralston these were all I believe–13 Mrs. Richardson is quite famous in art circles and is up in technique a charming conversationalist have an immense bunch of red carnations [p. 164] {p. 167} Mrs. [B. W.] Moses was the wealthy woman of the party, which she herself displayed, and was very talkative– we drove to the Templeton– made some arrangements with the proprietor about prices etc. and then went on with the ride– we went up on the bench then down to the Park, pointing out places of special interest and conversing freely upon the country, its settlement its institutions and the circumstances of our people. At noon we stopped at Hotel Templeton and lunched then went to the Beehive house and showed the party through– then to the Tabernacle– President Joseph F. Smith preached a real Gospel sermon, and the singing was very fine– [p. 165] {p. 168} From the services in the Tabernacle we went on the electric cars to the depot and took the Lake train– at Saltair the wind blew furiously and there was not any opportunity for bathing; however as it was Sunday no one seemed inclined to the bath– and the party sauntered about the elegant pavition [pavilion] and conversed freely with our ladies. Finding we should have sufficient time for some exercises we obtained leave from Manager [Nephi W.] Clayton to use an empty room and Miss Babcock and Mrs. Boyden each gave a suitable recitation– then we sang O, my Father and I made a brief address of welcome quite impromptu, telling the ladies how glad we were to see them and how ardently we had looked forward to their coming. [p. 166] {p. 169} Mrs. Lockwood responded and then we commenced wandering up and down again and waited for the incoming of the train, on board we were chatting with those nearest and on reaching town rushed to the Hotel dined and were off in the omnibus to the depot to say Good Bye and God speed to the friends of a day.

14 May 1894 • Monday

Monday Morning <May 14> repaired to the office in time to prepare for the work in hand and as it was the day of the Reaper’s Club to see about clearing away. The papers were well prepared Mrs. Wilcox14 giving Scripture women and Mrs. Little current Literature but she took Longfellow giving orally his life his books his best and most popular works, the items of current events were specially terrible and the principal business was was the buying of more chairs and the collection of dues. Many things were considered in this connection and we were all free to express our views. The evening was fine, perfect moonlight and heavens resplendent with beauty [p. 167] {p. 170}

15 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday <May 15> more mailing and hard work and at 2 p.m. went to the meeting at Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune’s– the W.S.A. exercises good, made a short speech and after adjournment we had delicate refreshments served as the hostess expects to leave very soon for Montana, where they will pass the summer. The Association decided to hold meetings hereafter regularly on the third Tuesday in the month in the 14th. Ward Relief Society Hall which place had been offered them at very little expense. No particular news except that the Commonweal15 is still making a commotion in the various sections of the country. Went to bed well comparatively but woke in dreadful distress and had a very sick night alone

16 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 16. This is a memorial day to me– my heart aches terribly [p. 168] {p. 171} and I am wrought upon to the very extreme went over to the Temple to ask that Sister Pitchforth be prayed for, she is suffering from sciatica and muscular rheumatism– then went up to see Aunt Zina who has hurt her knee and is suffering from lameness, we had been invited to go to Murray to an annual meeting and I wanted to know if she could keep her appointment– her house is beautifully located, the creek flows clear and with that soft rippling music that soothes one’s nerves, and the trees are clothed with the fresh verdure of Spring. Even the birds were pouring forth their sweetest notes and her home seemed in its situation and surroundings the embodiment of the poet’s ideal. [p. 169] {p. 172}

17 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday May 17– I have several times gone to the annual meeting of the Relief Society of South Cotton Wood on this anniversary the 17th. of May. I left the house early and waited at 7th. South for the Murray car– expecting Aunt Zina or if she should fail that Phebe Beatie would come in her place– I waited in vain neither of the two made an appearance. I rather enjoyed the ride, the morning was bright and the air redolent of sweet perfumes from fruit and vine blossoms. At the station Bishop [Joseph S.] Rawlins and wife [Mary Frost Rawlins] were wa[i]ting to take us over to the meeting house– we were early and the sisters were just coming [p. 170] {p. 173} in wagons and buggies, one after another load of dear old ladies, who were in the habit of coming regularly every month– and a few younger women and here and there a man– we had a good meeting a very good spirit. I spoke nearly one hour explaining the National Council of Women, the advantages it gave to the Relief Society, also the silk work and the organization, what we hoped to accomplish and the benefits to be derived therefrom. At noon we drove a mile or two to Brother B– a German family who seemed very prosperous and also hospitable where we had a very comfortable dinner and pleasant chat and then drove back to the [p. 171] {p. 174} afternoon meeting– I occupied part of the afternoon but succeeded in getting several local sisters to speak, the Bishop and one of his Counselors also spoke to us and the meeting was an enjoyable one. From the meeting house we drove rapidly to the Station and the lovely green country was a picture to gaze upon as we flew along. Arriving home I dressed for the evening and repaired to the Social Hall to hear Miss Chapin16 lecture upon Kindergarten work child-science and so on. The speaker is an old maid without doubt and has an impediment in her speech which detracts very much from her “talks.” She is most likely of the same Chapin stock as President [p. 172] {p. 175} [Daniel H.] Wells mother Catharine Chapin– I had to wait long for a car and felt very chilly.

18 May 1894 • Friday

Friday May 18. This morning I woke with a fearful cold and my head aching terribly; I went to the office but the day was tedious. In the afternoon Mrs. Beers [Josephine Taylor Beer] came to ask my assistance for Mrs. McAllister who was at the County Infirmary and too ill to be there– I told her I would see if she could be got to the Hospital at the expense of the County– Everything seemed against my getting anything done that evening. I came home thoroughly tired out and with such a cold I could scarcely breathe.–

19 May 1894 • Saturday

Saturday May 19. the first caller almost was Mrs. Ninette [Ninetta Wiley] Eames– writer for the Overland Monthly of the [p. 173] {p. 176} Coast, Golden Gate City– she is an interesting person and quite astonished me by telling me that she knew me very well when a child, and had lived next door, in that old house of E. M. Cart’s. Her maiden name was Wiley and the family had stopped over on the way to the Gold regions of California. She means to show up our silk work in an illustrated article– Mrs. Jennings Dr. Pratt and others called and talked about Home Industries also Mrs. Jennings spoke of establishing a sewing circle for girls to instructed in such branches of needlework as will help them to make and mend for a family or for their individual needs. She has an [p. 174] {p. 177} out house, summer shop like and there she will receive and train them beginning with a few a dozen or so. Afterwards Dr. Pratt and myself went to see Dr. [Union] Worthington the County Doctor who promised to help us what he could, then we drove here and there trying to find Mr. [Herman] Bamberger the County Supt. but failed to get hold of him.

20 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday May 20. One year ago today I was presiding at the Woman’s Congress in Chicago, and Mrs. Lazier [Jennie de la Montagnie Lozier] of New York President of Sorosis sat on the platform by my request, Mrs. [Ellen Martin] Henrotin came in during the session and spoke of those who failed to put in an appearance after allowing their names to appear declared it was something that ought not to be overlooked. I was to meet Dr. Pratt at Mr. Bamberger’s but was late for the appointment as I [p. 175] {p. 178} was not well– Dr. Pratt had been and the questions asked and an affirmative answer given– I went on and called to see Mrs. Bertha [Greenewald] Bamberger who has a little girl born April 11– named Dorothy– she is very well and baby very like her papa–17 had a pleasant call– discussed books and journals, I was feeling very miserable and scarcely knew how to get home again. Came to Annie’s found them all gone up the caňon except Hildah the girl–18 I lay down in the parlor and rested until they came then we had dinner and later I came home– I went to bed in pretty good time feeling very miserable

21 May 1894 • Monday

Monday morning <May 21.> went up town very late– such hard work to get through the day. <went to the County Infirmary & St. Marks Hospital> tried to be entertaining to all callers but must have succeeded very poorly– several sisters came and all seemed to think I ought not to try to keep up,– <Succeeded in getting Sister Mc’Allister into the Hospital>19 answered [p. 176] {p. 179} some letters, but accomplished very little. It was a sad anniversary–

22 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 22– Early in the morning Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Allen & Mrs. Young came and we went through the form of a meeting– Mrs. Salisbury’s father Major [Robert C.] Walker is very dangerously ill– and she watches him constantly, it is telling upon her very seriously. she expressed great concern for me & said she must send me some medicine if not able to come down herself– Another weary day and the news of the sad death of Edward W. Tullidge was simply terrible.

23 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 23. Aunt Zina came in this morning and we talked over our affairs Amelia [Folsom Young] was here and Mrs. Jennings and Lizzie Shipp and lots of others Mrs. Salisbury’s maid Julia came and Blaine [G. Salisbury] the youngest boy. At 3. p.m. I went to the funeral of Edward W. Tullidge, how very strange [p. 177] {p. 180} it seemed to be in an undertaker’s office– a man who had written history, who had been for many years associated with our people– such an ignominious death– Henry Muelin and E. L. T. [Elias L. T.] Harrison were the speakers,20 no singing, no praying; Bishop Whitney, B. S. Young, H. A. [Henry W.] Naisbett, A. [Amos] M. Musser, and many Mormons were there but none were invited to say a word. Aunt Zina and myself were the only real Mormon women except his Sister Mrs. [Jane Tullidge] Pyper– Had minutes of Executive Meeting of the National Council sent me by the Secretary Mrs. Avery–

24 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday May 24. This is the Queen’s birthday21 I was anxious to go to the meeting in the 10th. Ward but could not even though I did try hard Mrs. [Julia A.] Anderson of Washington called Miss Patterson and several others, [p. 178] {p. 181}

25 May 1894 • Friday

Friday May 25. After a day of real illness and pain I heard of Mrs. Foster [Harriet Meyer Furster]’s near approach to death and went up with Dr. Shipp to call and see her– found she was unconscious and had been such a terrible sufferer from dropsy and erysipelas– so very very sad– called in to see Ruth [Reese] Kimball who has been blind for several years. so patient and reconciled, such a Saint– came home feeling really better– John Q. had a meeting of cavalry men tonight and Annie went to Miss Winstom [Jennie Winston]’s Benefit. Emmie came over to sleep with me she had an attack of toothache. I was very restless and the night was restless; I had been looking in [p. 179] {p. 182} the telescope to see the planet Saturn; it had excited my nerves.

26 May 1894 • Saturday

Saturday May 26. Went up about ten– looked over papers most of the day, had many callers. Mrs. Furster died this morning. Annie and Louise came up to see me. The Industrials are making trouble in Ogden and along the line of March– no other special news. Came home about nine– sent off bundles of papers by mail to Verona “Hearth & Hall”– to A. L. [Alvira Lucy Coolidge] Cox Manti, to Martha [Youlton] Greenhalgh Meadow to Louissa Jones Beaver, gave a lot to Dr. Ferguson– Br. [William H.] Folsom called today with Amelia [Folsom Young]– prepared several bundles of the best for Sister Crocheron and sent her word. [p. 180] {p. 183} came home too fatigued to go to Miss Chapin’s parlor talk on Kindergarten– Slept very soon after going to bed but rather disturbed–

27 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday May 27. Sister Harriet Meyer Furster was buried today– I went up town in time to get some flowers for Sister Furster– the 18th Ward chapel was very well filled– Many of the Temple workers were there– both brethren and sisters– Bishop Whitney conducted the services– the first hymn sung was “O my Father”– Br. [George G.] Bywater offered the prayer– sung “How firm a foundation”– Bishop [Nelson A.] Empey Hamilton Park, <John Nicholson> H. J. Grant, Peter House, Andrew Jensen and Bishop Whitney each spoke of her many virtues and graces of character– Bishop [George] Romney made the closing prayer– the pall bearers were all Temple brethren– the coffin was loaded with flowers– her funeral was a testimonial [p. 181] {p. 184} of deep respect– Annie was there and we went over to see Ort and Zine after the services closed. Then I went home with Annie and had dinner. stayed until about six p.m. then called at Belle’s– afterwards came over home for awhile and Elise came to go with me to the office– we tried hard to clear up a little– had to wait a long time for a car– the night was very dark– but fine– news very depressing from the commonwealers– one man sunstruck while guarding the division line between Davis and Weber Counties. I wrote a letter of nine pages to Mell–

28 May 1894 • Monday

Monday May 28. I went up about eleven found a letter from Sister Minerva W. Snow of Manti inviting Aunt Zina or myself to their Conference– also one or two from others on business which were of course important, as everything now seems so hard to carry– the Reaper’s Club met at 2. p.m.– [p. 182] {p. 185} not so many as usual however and the papers were even better than usual Scripture Women by Nellie C. Taylor read by Ella W. Hyde and Mrs. May B. Talmage gave as Current Literature Edwin Arnold and his writings; After office hours I went up to see Aunt Zina such a long walk and no one at home– enjoyed the walk, the reverie–, the sunset, the music of the running water– the luxuriant foliage, and locust blossoms with which the air was heavily perfumed. It was after ten when I came home– read until past midnight

29 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 29. I went over to the Temple to have a talk with Aunt Zina and we sat undisturbed in a room adjoining the Recorder’s room– we spoke of a place where the Relief Society might meet for prayers and seclusion to counsel and transact necessary business. Aunt Zina seems much grieved over not being allowed a place [p. 183] {p. 186} I know however that the Society could well afford to build a house of its own if she would only say so– we could then have a public library a place for our own Records and such other purposes as were deemed fitting and desirable. A little diplomacy and some executive ability could soon accomplish the purpose.

Tuesday May 29– at five in the afternoon the Presidency of the Church and a few other guests assembled at the residence of Br. Laron Pratt to take dinner and partake of social enjoyment, the guests were President W. Woodruff– wife Emma and daughter Blanche Geo. Q. Cannon and wife Sarah Jane– Joseph F. Smith and wife Edna [Lambson Smith]– Angus M. Cannon and wife Martha– John Q. Cannon and wife– Dr. Benedict wife,22 daughter Birdie [F. Bertha Benedict] & son Chaney [Chauncey M. Benedict] Sisters Zina D. H. Young, Bathsheba W. Smith, Emmeline B. Wells, Dr. Elvira S. Barney Miss Ada Patterson, After dinner President Geo. Q. Cannon spoke for the Presidency and the guests in his usually graceful style and Aunt Zina followed relating the incident of her being present at the wedding of Orson Pratt [p. 184] {p. 187} and his bride Sarah [Marinda] Bates at her father’s house in the State of New York, Jefferson Co. town of Henderson spoke particularly of the family being musical. President Cannon remarked upon the remarkable musical talent developed in Orson Pratts family though he himself had not known one tune from another– it was quite an interesting subject, but his remarks were broken into and the subject dropped.

Afterwards we had piano music and singing by Maude [E. Pratt] & Hermia [Hermie E. Pratt]– and then President Woodruff blest Laron Geo. Q. <&> Joseph F. both placing their hands upon his head. He told him he should be the heir in his father’s house though he was not the legal heir, and promised him that his ability to talk and to make himself understood should begin to increase from that time forward. He gave us some illustrations of the work for the deaf & dumb. very entertaining–23 My daughter Annie recited “The Ferry Tale” and Watkin’s Quest– We left about nine or half past having passed a very pleasant evening [p. 185] {p. 188}

30 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 30– went over to Belle’s and had breakfast– then up to the Temple, had a long talk with Aunt Zina and Edna Smith– then went over to Mrs. Dougall’s and heard about the celebration that was to be for <a> Memorial to President Young– on the first of June– called on Dr. E. R. Shipp and talked about the U.W.P.C.24 the rain came pouring down while we sat talking but I persevered and came on home– had tea and lunch and sat down to write my letters first to Sister [Olivia Nielsen] Widerborg Box Elder Stake and then to Sister [Sarah LeDuc] Pope Uintah Stake on Relief Society business– then to Verona and Daisie– then called over to see the girls at Belle’s then home to my own dear place to go over this and that and record the day’s doings. I have tried to rest I have not exerted myself to do any sort of work, and hope I shall feel refreshed with the restfulness of the day. Yesterday morning I had a letter from Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze accompanying some manuscript that pleased [p. 186] {p. 189} me very much indeed– I think it a beautiful tribute– [p. 187] {p. 190}

31 May 1894 • Thursday

Went to the Office rather early and had the usual business routine– Aunt Zina [D. H. Young] came she looked very ill and worn, stayed an hour or two to talk with me, and opened her heart concerning many things; I went down home in the afternoon to change my dress and see if there was any news from the North, had tea over at Belle’s and went up to the Utah Woman’s Press Club. Miss [Gladys] Woodmansee gave an entertaining lecture on Psychology the Feelings illustrated on the black board. I was excused about 1/2 past nine and went down to Annie’s who had a party of young people– about twenty in all– very jolly affair, and delicious refreshments the entire affair a grand success [p. 151] {p. 31}

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May 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]The Provo Woman Suffrage Association convention of 1 May was reported by “H” and published in “Woman Suffrage Column,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1894, 23:160.

  2. [2]The Relief Society meeting of 1 May was reported by C. Daniels and published in “R.S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1894, 23:158–159.

  3. [3]Ellatheria Peria Robinson.

  4. [4]“Industrials Getting Warm,” Salt Lake Tribune, 4 May 1894, 5. On 11 April 1894, EBW mentioned the industrial army, which was moving from the West Coast toward Washington, DC, in protest of unemployment. (EBW, Diary, 11 Apr. 1894.)

  5. [5]Susa Young Gates prepared the first Guide lessons for the YLMIA in 1893, covering theology, history, and human physiology and hygiene. (Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, 181–183.) This “sociable” summarized the Young Ladies’ studies in the Guide class. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1894, 22:140–141.)

  6. [6]Circle prayers refer to prayer circles. (George S. Tate, “Prayer Circle,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 3:1120.)

  7. [7]EBW wrote about Emma Bird, then an employee of the Deseret Hospital, in her 1887 diary: “Dr. Pratt has had serious difficulty with Mrs. Bird at the Hospital and policemen have had to be called in.” (EBW, Diary, 20 Sept. 1887.) The case between Mrs. Bird and Dr. Pratt went to trial on 21 August 1888. (EBW, Diary, 21 Aug. 1888; “Before Judge Piper,” Salt Lake Herald, 22 Aug. 1888, 8.)

  8. [8]text: EBW marked the words “outside talent” to indicate a correction from lowercase to capital letters.

  9. [9]For more on illustrations in the Woman’s Exponent, see EBW, Diary, 25 Apr. 1894, note.

  10. [10]“[T]he officers of the club [met] in the room of the Ladies’ Literary club at the Industrial home.” (“The Woman’s Clubs,” Salt Lake Herald, 11 May 1894, 5.)

  11. [11]“‘How far should home talent be cultivated, and to what extent should outside talent be introduced?’ was the topic which Mrs. E. B. Wells handled in an amusing and pointed manner. An interesting discussion followed, and it seemed to be the sense of the convention that occasional lectures by outside talent added stimulus to club work.” (“The Woman’s Clubs,” Salt Lake Herald, 11 May 1894, 5.)

  12. [12]“Utah Federation of Clubs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1894, 22:132.

  13. [13]A Woman’s Exponent report identified many of these women: Mary E. Lockwood from Washington, DC, “President of the U. W. P. A. and . . . one of the Vice Presidents of the Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition,” as well as editor of the American Monthly Magazine; “Mrs. H. W. Balston, correspondent of the Woman’s Tribune, and a poet”; Mrs. A. Maynard Richardson from Boston, potter and art critic; “Mrs. Julia A. Anderson, . . . correspondent of the Philadelphia Daily News”; “Mrs. Elvira Bliss Sheldon, correspondent of [the] Washington Daily Times”; Mrs. B. W. Moses, of Washington, DC, a world traveler and aunt of Jim McKnight, a grandnephew of Brigham Young who once lived in Salt Lake City. (EBW, “Visit of Pen Women,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1894, 22:132; see also “The Women Writers,” Salt Lake Herald, 14 May 1894, 4.)

  14. [14]Probably Maria Richards Wilcox. (EBW, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Jan. 1909, 37:35.)

  15. [15]The Commonweal was another term for the Industrial Army, a movement of unemployed workers proceeding across the United States. (See EBW, Diary, 11 Apr. 1894; 3 and 27 May 1894.)

  16. [16]Alice Chapin, a philanthropist who supported early childhood education and adoption, spoke to the Manti Woman Suffrage Association on woman’s rights on 15 August 1894. In 1911, she founded the Alice Chapin Nursery in New York City. (A. A., “Woman Suf[f]rage Column,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1894, 23:179; Leonard, Woman’s Who’s Who of America: 1914–1915, 171; “Mrs. Henry D. Chapin, 84, Dead; Founder of the Adoption Service,” New York Times, 21 Feb. 1964, 27.)

  17. [17]Jacob E. Bamberger.

  18. [18]Hildah, whose last name is not known, had been hired to help around the house.

  19. [19]text: This sentence appears at the bottom of the page, below the word answered.

  20. [20]In addition to the speakers at the funeral, John P. Meakin paid tribute at the grave. (“In Memory of Edward W. Tullidge,” Salt Lake Tribune, 28 May 1894, 5.)

  21. [21]Queen Victoria of England was born on 24 May 1819 and died on 22 January 1901.

  22. [22]Sarah Ellen Pierson Benedict.

  23. [23]Laron Pratt was the second son of Orson Pratt and Sarah Marinda Bates. A printer for the Deseret News, he was active as a teacher in the deaf Sunday School. (Kinner, “Laron Pratt.”)

  24. [24]Utah Women’s Press Club.