May 1905

1 May 1905 • Monday

Went off to Provo with party to celebrate Sister Smiths birthday 83. on the 3rd, but she could not be away on that day so Sister Ida Dusenberry chose today for Provo– exercises at the Academy in the forenoon, Tabernacle afternoon. There has never been such an oration to any woman in this Church before, President Smith most of all in paying homage to her as a Mother in Israel and exemplary in life and character. Tabernacle services were mostly congratulatory, reception in the evening at Academy gymnasium, also banquet there at noon. Sister Smith and myself slept at Ida Dusenberry’s and were very happy and comfortable {p. 92}

1Alice M. Wilkn [Wilkins] 3.00 (3 years) 1.00 today Provo send Rec’t Sarah [Clayton] Partridge 1.00 send to Bishop Ernest Partridg [Ernest D. Partridge] {p. 23}

27 May 1905 • Sunday

Fast meeting in the Temple sung Glorious things are sung of Zion prayer by W. [William] B. Dougall sung Sometime We’ll understand– President Jos. F. Smith opening remarks– Jos. Mc Murrain [Joseph W. McMurrin] Sister Buching Julia [Gutke] Brixon Maude Babcock Minerva Nelson E. J. Stevenson Br. [H. Charles] Barrell Minnie Loveland Snow Hannah C. Wells God bless our prophet dear Lula G. Richards {p. 24} <Elizabeth Murphy> God moves in a mysterious way Maria Y. [Young] Dougall H. [Hamilton] G. Park– H. W. Nesbitt Quartett by Sisters [M. Elizabeth Thomas] Edward & Winder & Br. Beesley & [Charles J.] Thomas– I will praise thee with my whole heart Elizabeth [Downes] Langton prophesied of Sister Brixon and to her Br. Nelson Sister Alice K. [Kimball] Smith President John R. Winder read {p. 25} of the Celestial glory from the Book of Covenants Mary Alice Lambert Alonzo E. Hyde President Jos. F. Smith to teach our children that they may be taught the Gospel, so that they may be Latter day Saints after their parents have passed away. A lamentable thing– first that they {p. 26} were not properly taught– or that they were absolutely unworthy. so long as they continue to be pure if they have been properly instructed in their youth and an example of righteousness A dissertation on unruly and disobedient {p. 27}

21 May 1905 • Sunday

Funeral of King Young3 Ort [Orson F. Whitney] preached {p. 28}

28 May 1905 • Sunday

II Chronicles Chap. 22. & 23 Story of Athalia Queen in Judea4 {p. 29}

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May 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: The entries for 7 May–4 June 1905 come from volume 32 of the diary.

  3. [3]Lorenzo D. Young, son of Brigham Young and Emeline Free Young, died 18 May 1905. (“Lorenzo D. Young Dies,” Salt Lake Herald, 19 May 1905, 3.)

  4. [4]A few months earlier, EBW noted she heard Mrs. Birdie Freund speak on women of the Bible, including Queen Athalia. (EBW, Diary, 8 Feb. 1905.)