June 1901

5 June 1901 • Wednesday

Today is a very lovely day and we are all wishing it might be a pleasant and propitious one for Hebe, as he is to be married at seven p.m. to Miss Emily Katz. We all feel very much frustrated over it because she is not of our faith and we fear the consequences, but we must submit to the inevitable in this case after having told him the conditions which he ought to know himself. This is Daisie’s birthday too and she will doubtless keep it with some festivity. I gave Hebe & Emily a Loving Cup and really I desire with all my heart happiness and prosperity for them. I went to the reception the only one of my family, the bride was passing lovely in tulle bridal veil and elegant wedding costume. There were many friends besides relatives of the two families. {p. 174}

15 June 1901 • Saturday

Went off early and finished my mailing, worked st[e]adily all day Dr. Pratt came over to see me and others; it is the Quarterly Conference of this Stake of Zion. I was very sorry I could not attend. Sister Horne came in Sister Cobb Kate Wells and many more. Sister Pauline Peterson [Petersen] about her son in the Phillipines. Louise came and Katharine and at evening I went down to the Cannon House. Annie looked well but the confusion was something awful, for children too– no kitchen yet and cooking out of doors. Louise came home with me, we arrived at midnight, and I was very weary {p. 176}

16 June 1901 • Sunday

This morning Louise went off without breakfast and after a while I roused myself and wrote a letter to President Stephen L. Chipman of Alpine Stake. Then dressed and attended the funeral of Genevieve Whitney Talbot who died on Wednesday and left four little children two boys and two girls, she was a woman of strong character suffered terribly with heart failure and dropsy and had been more or less afflicted for years. the funeral was well attended by dear and loving relatives and friends. opening prayer was by Br. Patrick <John T. Caine> and singing was very sweet‒ George D. Pyper sang “Angels ever bright and fair,” speakers were Robert Patrick, John Nicholson & Joseph F. Smith, last hymn was [“]Unveil thy bosom faithful touch.” floral offerings very beautiful Br. Borton [Burton] offered the Benediction at the grave they sung Rest. I went home with Marian [F. Marian Whitney Dinwoody] & Harry [Henry] Dinwoody to dinner‒ {p. 177}

17 June 1901 • Monday

I went up early and worked very steadily and at 1/2 past three went to the Assembly Hall to Madam [Charlotte de Goliere] Davenports lecture‒ there were not many there but she spoke as well and shewed us her fine figure. Certainly she is well preserved and has many good ideas. One thing she said I would like to understand better, that was “I do not use my own vitality in addressing you but yours.[”] I am sure there is some principle of this kind but how to make it available I do not know. I know people draw from me and weary me. I would be glad to know how to protect myself from such a drain. Today is the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, and I presume Mell is in the midst of the celebration by the Mass. Society D.R. I hope she will make a good impression. {p. 178}

18 June 1901 • Tuesday

I worked like a trooper today all morning, told Lillian to be up here in time for me to go to Forestdale but she did not come and I had to go and leave everything. Sister Hannah C. Wells went with me and several others came on the cars. Sister Mary Campbell for one, who knew the way after we left the Car. There were many ladies present when we arrived, the day was fine and Sister [Leonora Taylor] Harrington had everything beautiful. {p. 179}

19 June 1901 • Wednesday

This is Brenton’s birthday he was sixteen today and I bought him a necktie and even then did not get home in time to present it to him. Had a hard day of it and felt very nervous over my work and to get it done so I could be spared to go to Preston [Idaho] to the Conference Letters that must be answered do seem to accumulate very rapidly, and the work in my office, today Madame Charlotte Davenport is to give her lesson in physical training in the Latter Day Saint College Hall, but I could not go as my work needs my special attention. So many calls upon my time and strength and somehow or other I must rest, and recruit. Belle went to the Salt Palace with Brent & Mr. Sears and while away about half-past eight in the evening Isabel Buchholz had a little son1 born‒ {p. 180}

20 June 1901 • Thursday

I went over this morning to Belle’s a few minutes I wanted to see the new baby but felt I must go to the office and try to do a little at my mailing and my letters. After working for some time I went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s to call upon her‒ she was not at home‒ then went over to Mrs. Bamberger’s and she also was absent, so called at Mr. Kearns and saw Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. L. Mr. Kearns sister‒2 she told me Mrs. John Kearns had a son born on the 13th, Mr. Kearns came home while I was there and he gave me a photograph of the Pope‒ I went to see the new baby at Dot’s and spent the evening, she was very nervous and seemed low-spirited even tho’ she had every comfort and attention quite unnatural for her as She is generally cheerful‒ {p. 181}

21 June 1901 • Friday

Today is my sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] birthday and she is 82‒ how strange it seems‒ but we are all growing old and must soon go hence some of us, at any rate. {p. 182}

22 June 1901 • Saturday

We had a meeting of the Board of Directors and expected Aunt Zina to be present as She had been notified but when Julina Smith came, we found out she was away in Springville and of course could not be with us Jane S. Richards presided and we transacted the necessary business, through it was a great disappointment to me not to have Aunt Zina with us at this particular time {p. 183}

23 June 1901 • Sunday

I stayed in bed late and then dressed and went to the Post office and waited around until the car came to go to the Cannon farm‒ then went down to see Annie and the children before going up to Oneida Stake. I had some lunch and a cup of tea‒ Did some writing and copied minutes of Board Meeting the day previous and read some in The Helmet of Navarre by [blank] I have finished reading Richard Yea & Nay though I do not approve of it. but this one is very good. I seem to be so poorly prepared to go tomorrow and really do not know what to do about the work, John Q. and Annie drove over at evening and told me Louise might keep the office for me, and my mind was really more at ease. {p. 184}

24 June 1901 • Monday

Went off early on the first care and caught the train all right. We had a long and rather tedious ride and found the folks waiting at the station at Whitney. Bishop George Benson with a light spring wagonette. The place is like the country usually except that the house is of logs and not very substantial, the parlor however is pretty nice and things are fairly comfortable but not so thrifty looking as I had anticipated. Sister Benson is a very able woman with many children three daughters married and one son married. She is not very well, and there has been a death in the ward that she and the Bishop are obliged to attend to. had supper and prayers and slept with Sister Cannon, wind blew cool and night not so pleasant Sister Cannon hurt her knee in getting out of the wagon {p. 185}

25 June 1901 • Tuesday

This morning Bishop Benson asked me to be mouth in prayer and I complied with his request, then we had breakfast and started for Preston. We had a fine drive over and the town was very interesting The Academy is quite up to date had a full meeting we each spoke and at noon we dined at Pres. Parkinson’s, has a handsome house and fine furniture. Afternoon meeting we each spoke again myself & Sisters Cannon and [Lydia Dunford] Alder, some local sisters, and the General & Stake officers of the Relief Society were voted in‒ I acted as the one presenting them by President Parkinson’s wish‒ his wife3 was made Second Counselor in the Stake. We went to Br. [Joseph S.] Geddes house and he took us for a ride in his surrey to show the town‒ his wife4 is very loquacious has a large family of little ones. {p. 186}

26 June 1901 • Wednesday

This morning we went out for a ride again with Mr. & Mrs. Geddes and called on Mrs. Louisa [Strickland] Sears who is living in Preston, I went in to see Mrs. Louie [M. Luacine Whittle] Merrill the Governor’s cousin, who has been nearly fourteen years married and has her first baby.5 Mary Ann Harris [Whittle] her mother was there she is a cripple with rheumatism and a sufferer for many years. We got the train in good time and were quite fortunate when we reached Richmond to be joined Martha Wells and little Mary and Emily [Harris] Bullock. We reached the City in good time and I went down home and heard Dot was going on all right. Letters from Mrs. Sewall say now that she cannot be here until July. I wish she had come in June. I feel very weary and my work lingers so Louise kept the office while I was gone‒ {p. 187}

27 June 1901 • Thursday

This is the anniversary of the Martyrdom of Joseph & Hiram Smith. The Primary have an outing at the Lake and I have promised to go and mean to do so. On the way down I saw P. [Parley] P. Christensen and he took me on his Pass. I felt quite well paid for going– lunched with the Wells crowd and enjoyed it very much. Came home rather early, & had the pleasure of visiting all the way with dear old friends. The day was delightful and the Lake was never more placid and clear and everything seemed favorable to the benefit of the Building. Certainly I feel just as anxious that the other organizations succeed in getting money as our own, for the advantages to be shared will be equal and we cannot build until all get their proportion. I am not selfish in this matter not at all I desire to be most liberal and generous {p. 188}

30 June 1901 • Sunday

Rested in the morning and went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon, fine music and a large congregation, and everything pleasant‒ President Platte D. Lyman who has just recently returned from a mission preached and he spoke in the course of his remarks of the good work done by our women missionaries. I was very glad as it is a department in which I am exceedingly interested and hope to see great good accomplished by our sisters in the Mission field. {p. 191}

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June 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1901/1901-06


  1. [1]Septimus H. Buchholz.

  2. [2]Margaret Kearns Westcott.

  3. [3]Lucy Doney Parkinson.

  4. [4]I. Dora Neeley Geddes.

  5. [5]Olonzo D. Merrill Jr.