June 1916

1 June 1916 • Thursday

This is a remarkable day the one on which very notable p[e]ople were born especially Bigham [Brigham] Young alsso Junius F. Welles Our people have generlly celebrated this day but this year the family of this great man have undrtaken Temple work and this is mo[s]t noble work and will perhaps be of great benefit to themselves as well as Salvation to those who departed long ago {p. 150}

2 June 1916 • Friday

The birrthday of one of m◊y nieces Ellen’s eldest daughter Harriet Ellen Fullerr [Fuller] who married a Laney and lives at Luna New Mxico [Mexico]. She has been very faithful to her religion and ha◊s a very good family– It is a blessing to have one’s children do well and be truee to the faith {p. 151}

3 June 1916 • Saturday

This is a very beautiful day and not too warm and roses are in bloom everywhere and all is b◊◊t◊◊s and no trusst ◊◊◊◊ding in the way of politics– the selection of a Govenor is p[e]nding and we are wondering and in doubt whethr we shall have difficulty in getting one suiitabl[e] Our p[e]ople are not in the m[a]jority in the City but in the State th[e]y are yet being divided on the political question we m[a]y not win1 {p. 152}

4 June 1916 • Sunday

Daisie Deane Dunford [Allen] was born June 5, she is now very wonanly2 & has quite a depth of [c]haracter and is diplomatic and forrtun[a]te in reading character.3 It is a beautiful time of year and all the flowers and live things and animal life are more or less joyous all Naturre seems in its best dress and mood {p. 153}

7 June 1916 • Wednesday

I cane up frm Ems th[i]s morn[i]ng and the day was quite full of events and people Some from Nephi in whom I was much interested and yet I never can feel just right unless I could see enough to recogniez my old friends nwadays I am dwelling so much on the past and th[i]nkng of m[y] sorrows {p. 154}

8 June 1916 • Thursday

This morning felt very miserable but the excit[e]mnt of the Yo[u]ng M[e]n’s Conference made thngs lively on the Streeet and a[r]ound town and I felt in a way uplifted and light hearted and having so many from afar is always cha[r]ming and the day was fine {p. 155}

9 June 1916 • Friday

Friday {p. 156}

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June 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1916/1916-06


  1. [1]Candidates for governor of Utah in 1916 included Simon Bamberger, a Democrat, competing against Nephi L. Morris, who defeated incumbent William Spry in the Republican convention. (Powell, “Elections in the State of Utah,” Utah History Encyclopedia, accessed 27 Apr. 2021, https://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/e/ELECTIONS.shtml.)

  2. [2]text: Only half the w is written here.

  3. [3]EBW elsewhere referred to her granddaughter Daisie Dunford Allen’s inclination to read horoscopes, talk on “mystic subjects,” read palms, and be “greatly interested in astrology.” (See EBW, Diary, 18 Dec. 1905; 18 and 28 Dec. 1908; 5 June 1910.)