December 1916

13 December 1916 • Wednesday

Today is Veona [Verona Dunford Betts]’s birthday I wonder what she is doing I rcall distnctly whn she was in the 1st. Ward in the Trip housse and the weather so very cold that we couuld scarcely endure it. Those were wonderful timees the Saints were not so well p[r]ovided as th[e]y are now, we cannot but feel how wonderrfully we have been blest after all in these nountain valees {p. 183}

18 December 1916 • Monday

Passed a very disagreable night and rose feeling very dsagreable, day has been pleasant, many pe[o]ple shopping and yet I have been only working I must, Luise [Louise Cannon Andrew] came to see me {p. 184}

21 December 1916 • Thursday

My mother’s1 birthday and the shortest day in the year I was quite happy in going over the past Isabel read to me and Louise came up and Richard [D. Andrew] her husband and every one is ta[l]king of Chistnas [Christmas] I went to the Convention meeeting in the Tabenacle with Ida Dusnberry and in {p. 185} the evning there was a grnd ball and I s[a]w mny old fri[e]nds wnt and watchd the dnner with Prof. Brmhall [George H. Brimhall]2

22 December 1916 • Friday

Tday Dec. 22. have been busy Isabel came and read to me, p[e]ople arre buying Xmas gifts & all very happy I had a turkey givn mee & gave it to Isabel. for her dinne[r], Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears] iss sick & I am herre alone tonight but all is well and I should be gratified {p. 186}

3Mrs. F. S. Roberts

(Lucy Davies)

W. 200 S. Bdwy.

Mrs. Geo. Harding

E. 118– 12th Ave.

(D. G. Davies) {p. 187}

visitors at Aunt Mell’s

Grace McClintock Hall

Maud Battelle Hammel

Mary C. Scott {p. 188}

Irene Harland,

Boise, Idaho

Sept. 7, 1916.

Mae Brundage

Jessie Brundage

Payette, Ida. [Idaho]

Sept. 6, 1916.

Mable Laird–

Baker [City] Oregon.

Mrs. Rob’t Myers

Cheyenne Wyo [Wyoming] {p. 189}

Mrs. James F. Manley

586 Everett St.

Portland Oregon

Miss Ida Manley

Mrs John Stuart Manley {p. 190}

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December 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Diadama Hare Woodward.

  2. [2]The Utah Educational Association opened its annual convention to the public and, to provide adequate room, situated its general sessions in the Salt Lake Tabernacle. (“Public Invited to Attend Convention,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 Dec. 1916, 5; “Teachers Open Annual Session at Tabernacle,” Salt Lake Tribune, 21 Dec. 1916, 1.)

  3. [3]text: These addresses appear to have been written by a variety of people. EBW may have had some of these people record their own addresses.